Source code for

from typing import Optional

import claripy

from ..errors import SimMemoryError

[docs]def obj_bit_size(o): if type(o) is bytes: return len(o) * 8 return o.size()
# TODO: get rid of is_bytes and have the bytes-backed objects be a separate class
[docs]class SimMemoryObject: """ A SimMemoryObject is a reference to a byte or several bytes in a specific object in memory. It should be used only by the bottom layer of memory. """ __slots__ = ( "is_bytes", "_byte_width", "base", "object", "length", "endness", "_concrete_bytes", )
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, base, endness, length=None, byte_width=8): if type(obj) is bytes: assert byte_width == 8 elif not isinstance(obj, claripy.ast.Base): raise SimMemoryError("memory can only store claripy Expression") self.is_bytes = type(obj) is bytes if self.is_bytes and endness != "Iend_BE": raise SimMemoryError("bytes can only be stored big-endian") self._byte_width = byte_width self.base = base self.object = obj self.length = obj_bit_size(obj) // self._byte_width if length is None else length self.endness = endness self._concrete_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None
[docs] def size(self): return self.length * self._byte_width
def __len__(self): return self.size() @property def variables(self): return self.object.variables @property def cache_key(self): return self.object.cache_key @property def symbolic(self): return self.object.symbolic @property def last_addr(self): return self.base + self.length - 1
[docs] def concrete_bytes(self, offset: int, size: int) -> Optional[bytes]: if self._concrete_bytes is None: if isinstance(self.object, claripy.ast.Bits) and self.object.op == "BVV" and not self.object.annotations: self._concrete_bytes = self.object.concrete_value.to_bytes(len(self.object) // self._byte_width, "big") if self._concrete_bytes is None: return None return self._concrete_bytes[offset : offset + size]
[docs] def includes(self, x): return 0 <= x - self.base < self.length
[docs] def bytes_at(self, addr, length, allow_concrete=False, endness="Iend_BE"): rev = endness != self.endness if allow_concrete and rev: raise Exception("allow_concrete must be used with the stored endness") if self.is_bytes: if addr == self.base and length == self.length: o = self.object else: start = addr - self.base end = start + length o = self.object[start:end] return o if allow_concrete else claripy.BVV(o) else: offset = addr - self.base try: thing = bv_slice(self.object, offset, length, self.endness == "Iend_LE", self._byte_width) except claripy.ClaripyOperationError: # hacks to handle address space wrapping if offset >= 0: raise if offset + 2**32 >= 0: offset += 2**32 elif offset + 2**64 >= 0: offset += 2**64 else: raise thing = bv_slice(self.object, offset, length, self.endness == "Iend_LE", self._byte_width) if self.endness != endness: thing = thing.reversed return thing
def _object_equals(self, other): if self.is_bytes != other.is_bytes: return False if self.is_bytes: return self.object == other.object else: return self.object.cache_key == other.object.cache_key def _length_equals(self, other): if type(self.length) is not type(other.length): # noqa: E721 return False if isinstance(self.length, int): return self.length == other.length else: return self.length.cache_key == other.length.cache_key def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if type(other) is not SimMemoryObject: return NotImplemented return self.base == other.base and self._object_equals(other) and self._length_equals(other) def __hash__(self): obj_hash = hash(self.object) if self.is_bytes else self.object.cache_key return hash((obj_hash, self.base, hash(self.length))) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __repr__(self): return "MO(%s)" % self.object
[docs]class SimLabeledMemoryObject(SimMemoryObject): __slots__ = ("label",)
[docs] def __init__(self, obj, base, endness, length=None, byte_width=8, label=None): super().__init__(obj, base, endness, length=length, byte_width=byte_width) self.label = label
[docs]def bv_slice(value: claripy.ast.BV, offset: int, size: int, rev: bool, bw: int) -> claripy.ast.BV: """ Extremely cute utility to pretend you've serialized a value to stored bytes, sliced it a la python slicing, and then deserialized those bytes to an integer again. :param value: The bitvector to slice :param offset: The byte offset from the first stored byte to slice from, or a negative offset from the end. :param size: The number of bytes to return. If None, return all bytes from the offset to the end. If larger than the number of bytes from the offset to the end, return all bytes from the offset to the end. :param rev: Whether the pretend-serialization should be little-endian :param bw: The byte width :return: The new bitvector """ vsize = len(value) // bw if offset < 0: offset = vsize + offset if size is None or offset + size > vsize: size = vsize - offset if rev: offset = vsize - (offset + size) if offset == 0 and size == vsize: return value bitstart = len(value) - offset * bw if size == 0: return claripy.BVV(b"") return value[bitstart - 1 : bitstart - size * bw]