Source code for angr.exploration_techniques.director

import logging
from collections import defaultdict

import networkx

import claripy

from ..sim_type import SimType, SimTypePointer, SimTypeChar, SimTypeString, SimTypeReg
from ..calling_conventions import default_cc
from ..knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from ..errors import AngrDirectorError
from . import ExplorationTechnique

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class BaseGoal: REQUIRE_CFG_STATES = False
[docs] def __init__(self, sort): self.sort = sort
def __repr__(self): return "<TargetCondition %s>" % self.sort # # Public methods #
[docs] def check(self, cfg, state, peek_blocks): """ :param angr.analyses.CFGEmulated cfg: An instance of CFGEmulated. :param angr.SimState state: The state to check. :param int peek_blocks: Number of blocks to peek ahead from the current point. :return: True if we can determine that this condition is definitely satisfiable if the path is taken, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def check_state(self, state): """ Check if the current state satisfies the goal. :param angr.SimState state: The state to check. :return: True if it satisfies the goal, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
# # Private methods # @staticmethod def _get_cfg_node(cfg, state): """ Get the CFGNode object on the control flow graph given an angr state. :param angr.analyses.CFGEmulated cfg: An instance of CFGEmulated. :param angr.SimState state: The current state. :return: A CFGNode instance if the node exists, or None if the node cannot be found. :rtype: CFGNode or None """ call_stack_suffix = state.callstack.stack_suffix(cfg.context_sensitivity_level) is_syscall = state.history.jumpkind is not None and state.history.jumpkind.startswith("Ijk_Sys") block_id = cfg._generate_block_id(call_stack_suffix, state.addr, is_syscall) return cfg.get_node(block_id) @staticmethod def _dfs_edges(graph, source, max_steps=None): """ Perform a depth-first search on the given DiGraph, with a limit on maximum steps. :param networkx.DiGraph graph: The graph to traverse. :param Any source: The source to begin traversal. :param int max_steps: Maximum steps of the traversal, or None if not limiting steps. :return: An iterator of edges. """ if max_steps is None: yield networkx.dfs_edges(graph, source) else: steps_map = defaultdict(int) traversed = {source} stack = [source] while stack: src = stack.pop() for dst in graph.successors(src): if dst in traversed: continue traversed.add(dst) dst_steps = max(steps_map[src] + 1, steps_map[dst]) if dst_steps > max_steps: continue yield src, dst steps_map[dst] = dst_steps stack.append(dst)
[docs]class ExecuteAddressGoal(BaseGoal): """ A goal that prioritizes states reaching (or are likely to reach) certain address in some specific steps. """
[docs] def __init__(self, addr): super().__init__("execute_address") self.addr = addr
def __repr__(self): return "<ExecuteAddressCondition targeting %#x>" % self.addr
[docs] def check(self, cfg, state, peek_blocks): """ Check if the specified address will be executed :param cfg: :param state: :param int peek_blocks: :return: :rtype: bool """ # Get the current CFGNode from the CFG node = self._get_cfg_node(cfg, state) if node is None: # Umm it doesn't exist on the control flow graph - why? l.error("Failed to find CFGNode for state %s on the control flow graph.", state) return False # crawl the graph to see if we can reach the target address next for src, dst in self._dfs_edges(cfg.graph, node, max_steps=peek_blocks): if src.addr == self.addr or dst.addr == self.addr: l.debug("State %s will reach %#x.", state, self.addr) return True l.debug("SimState %s will not reach %#x.", state, self.addr) return False
[docs] def check_state(self, state): """ Check if the current address is the target address. :param angr.SimState state: The state to check. :return: True if the current address is the target address, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return state.addr == self.addr
[docs]class CallFunctionGoal(BaseGoal): """ A goal that prioritizes states reaching certain function, and optionally with specific arguments. Note that constraints on arguments (and on function address as well) have to be identifiable on an accurate CFG. For example, you may have a CallFunctionGoal saying "call printf with the first argument being 'Hello, world'", and CFGEmulated must be able to figure our the first argument to printf is in fact "Hello, world", not some symbolic strings that will be constrained to "Hello, world" during symbolic execution (or simulation, however you put it). """ REQUIRE_CFG_STATES = True
[docs] def __init__(self, function, arguments): super().__init__("function_call") self.function = function self.arguments = arguments if self.arguments is not None: for arg in self.arguments: if arg is not None: if len(arg) != 2: raise AngrDirectorError( "Each argument must be either None or a 2-tuple contains argument " + "type and the expected value." ) arg_type, expected_value = arg if not isinstance(arg_type, SimType): raise AngrDirectorError("Each argument type must be an instance of SimType.") if isinstance(expected_value, claripy.ast.Base) and expected_value.symbolic: raise AngrDirectorError("Symbolic arguments are not supported.")
# TODO: allow user to provide an optional argument processor to process arguments def __repr__(self): return "<FunctionCallCondition over %s>" % self.function
[docs] def check(self, cfg, state, peek_blocks): """ Check if the specified function will be reached with certain arguments. :param cfg: :param state: :param peek_blocks: :return: """ # Get the current CFGNode node = self._get_cfg_node(cfg, state) if node is None: l.error("Failed to find CFGNode for state %s on the control flow graph.", state) return False # crawl the graph to see if we can reach the target function within the limited steps for src, dst in self._dfs_edges(cfg.graph, node, max_steps=peek_blocks): the_node = None if src.addr == self.function.addr: the_node = src elif dst.addr == self.function.addr: the_node = dst if the_node is not None: if self.arguments is None: # we do not care about arguments return True else: # check arguments arch = state.arch state = the_node.input_state same_arguments = self._check_arguments(arch, state) if same_arguments: # all arguments are the same! return True l.debug("SimState %s will not reach function %s.", state, self.function) return False
[docs] def check_state(self, state): """ Check if the specific function is reached with certain arguments :param angr.SimState state: The state to check :return: True if the function is reached with certain arguments, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if state.addr == self.function.addr: arch = state.arch if self._check_arguments(arch, state): return True return False
# # Private methods # def _check_arguments(self, arch, state): # TODO: add calling convention detection to individual functions, and use that instead of the # TODO: default calling convention of the platform cc = default_cc(, if state.project.simos is not None else None)(arch) real_args = cc.get_args(state, cc.guess_prototype([0] * len(self.arguments))) for i, (expected_arg, real_arg) in enumerate(zip(self.arguments, real_args)): if expected_arg is None: continue expected_arg_type, expected_arg_value = expected_arg r = self._compare_arguments(state, expected_arg_type, expected_arg_value, real_arg) if not r: return False return True @staticmethod def _compare_arguments(state, arg_type, expected_value, real_value): """ :param SimState state: :param simvuex.s_type.SimType arg_type: :param claripy.ast.Base expected_value: :param claripy.ast.Base real_value: :return: :rtype: bool """ if real_value.symbolic: # we do not support symbolic arguments yet return False if isinstance(arg_type, SimTypePointer): # resolve the pointer and compare the content points_to_type = arg_type.pts_to if isinstance(points_to_type, SimTypeChar): # char * # perform a concrete string comparison ptr = real_value return CallFunctionGoal._compare_pointer_content(state, ptr, expected_value) else: l.error("Unsupported argument type %s in _compare_arguments(). Please bug Fish to implement.", arg_type) elif isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeString): # resolve the pointer and compare the content ptr = real_value return CallFunctionGoal._compare_pointer_content(state, ptr, expected_value) elif isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeReg): # directly compare the numbers return CallFunctionGoal._compare_integer_content(state, real_value, expected_value) else: l.error("Unsupported argument type %s in _compare_arguments(). Please bug Fish to implement.", arg_type) return False @staticmethod def _compare_pointer_content(state, ptr, expected): if isinstance(expected, str): # convert it to an AST expected = state.solver.BVV(expected) length = expected.size() // 8 real_string = state.memory.load(ptr, length, endness="Iend_BE") if real_string.symbolic: # we do not support symbolic arguments return False return state.solver.eval(real_string) == state.solver.eval(expected) @staticmethod def _compare_integer_content(state, val, expected): # note that size difference does not matter - we only compare their concrete values if isinstance(val, claripy.ast.Base) and val.symbolic: # we do not support symboli arguments return False return state.solver.eval(val) == state.solver.eval(expected)
[docs]class Director(ExplorationTechnique): """ An exploration technique for directed symbolic execution. A control flow graph (using CFGEmulated) is built and refined during symbolic execution. Each time the execution reaches a block that is outside of the CFG, the CFG recovery will be triggered with that state, with a maximum recovery depth (100 by default). If we see a basic block during state stepping that is not yet in the control flow graph, we go back to control flow graph recovery and "peek" more blocks forward. When stepping a simulation manager, all states are categorized into three different categories: - Might reach the destination within the peek depth. Those states are prioritized. - Will not reach the destination within the peek depth. Those states are de-prioritized. However, there is a little chance for those states to be explored as well in order to prevent over-fitting. """
[docs] def __init__( self, peek_blocks=100, peek_functions=5, goals=None, cfg_keep_states=False, goal_satisfied_callback=None, num_fallback_states=5, ): """ Constructor. """ super().__init__() self._peek_blocks = peek_blocks self._peek_functions = peek_functions self._goals = goals if goals is not None else [] self._cfg_keep_states = cfg_keep_states self._goal_satisfied_callback = goal_satisfied_callback self._num_fallback_states = num_fallback_states self._cfg = None self._cfg_kb = None
[docs] def step(self, simgr, stash="active", **kwargs): """ :param simgr: :param stash: :param kwargs: :return: """ # make sure all current blocks are in the CFG self._peek_forward(simgr) # categorize all states in the simulation manager self._categorize_states(simgr) if not # active states are empty - none of our existing states will reach the target for sure self._load_fallback_states(simgr) if # step all active states forward simgr = simgr.step(stash=stash) if not self._load_fallback_states(simgr) return simgr
[docs] def add_goal(self, goal): """ Add a goal. :param BaseGoal goal: The goal to add. :return: None """ self._goals.append(goal)
# # Private methods # def _peek_forward(self, simgr): """ Make sure all current basic block on each state shows up in the CFG. For blocks that are not in the CFG, start CFG recovery from them with a maximum basic block depth of 100. :param simgr: :return: """ if self._cfg is None: starts = list( self._cfg_kb = KnowledgeBase(self.project) self._cfg = self.project.analyses.CFGEmulated( kb=self._cfg_kb, starts=starts, max_steps=self._peek_blocks, keep_state=self._cfg_keep_states ) else: starts = list( self._cfg.resume(starts=starts, max_steps=self._peek_blocks) def _load_fallback_states(self, pg): """ Load the last N deprioritized states will be extracted from the "deprioritized" stash and put to "active" stash. N is controlled by 'num_fallback_states'. :param SimulationManager pg: The simulation manager. :return: None """ # take back some of the deprioritized states l.debug("No more active states. Load some deprioritized states to 'active' stash.") if "deprioritized" in pg.stashes and pg.deprioritized:[-self._num_fallback_states :]) pg.stashes["deprioritized"] = pg.deprioritized[: -self._num_fallback_states] def _categorize_states(self, simgr): """ Categorize all states into two different groups: reaching the destination within the peek depth, and not reaching the destination within the peek depth. :param SimulationManager simgr: The simulation manager that contains states. All active states (state belonging to "active" stash) are subjected to categorization. :return: The categorized simulation manager. :rtype: angr.SimulationManager """ past_active_states = len( # past_deprioritized_states = len(simgr.deprioritized) for goal in self._goals: for p in if self._check_goals(goal, p): if self._goal_satisfied_callback is not None: self._goal_satisfied_callback(goal, p, simgr) simgr.stash( filter_func=lambda p: all( not goal.check(self._cfg, p, peek_blocks=self._peek_blocks) for goal in self._goals ), from_stash="active", to_stash="deprioritized", ) if # TODO: pick some states from depriorized stash to active stash to avoid overfitting pass active_states = len( # deprioritized_states = len(simgr.deprioritized) l.debug("%d/%d active states are deprioritized.", past_active_states - active_states, past_active_states) return simgr def _check_goals(self, goal, state): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ Check if the state is satisfying the goal. :param BaseGoal goal: The goal to check against. :param angr.SimState state: The state to check. :return: True if the state satisfies the goal currently, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return goal.check_state(state)