Source code for angr.analyses.reaching_definitions.rd_state

from typing import Optional, Iterable, Set, Tuple, Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Union, overload, Type
import logging

import archinfo
import claripy

from angr.misc.ux import deprecated
from angr.knowledge_plugins.key_definitions.environment import Environment
from angr.knowledge_plugins.key_definitions.tag import Tag
from angr.knowledge_plugins.key_definitions.heap_address import HeapAddress
from angr.engines.light import SpOffset
from angr.code_location import CodeLocation
from import MultiValues
from import MultiValuedMemory
from ...knowledge_plugins.key_definitions import LiveDefinitions, DerefSize, Definition
from ...knowledge_plugins.key_definitions.atoms import (
from .heap_allocator import HeapAllocator
from .subject import Subject, SubjectType
from .rd_initializer import RDAStateInitializer

    from .reaching_definitions import ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

# Reaching definitions state

[docs]class ReachingDefinitionsState: """ Represents the internal state of the ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis. It contains a data class LiveDefinitions, which stores both definitions and uses for register, stack, memory, and temporary variables, uncovered during the analysis. :param subject: The subject being analyzed. :ivar arch: The architecture targeted by the program. :param track_tmps: Only tells whether or not temporary variables should be taken into consideration when representing the state of the analysis. Should be set to true when the analysis has counted uses and definitions for temporary variables, false otherwise. :param analysis: The analysis that generated the state represented by this object. :param rtoc_value: When the targeted architecture is ppc64, the initial function needs to know the `rtoc_value`. :param live_definitions: :param canonical_size: The sizes (in bytes) that objects with an UNKNOWN_SIZE are treated as for operations where sizes are necessary. :param heap_allocator: Mechanism to model the management of heap memory. :param environment: Representation of the environment of the analyzed program. """ __slots__ = ( "arch", "_subject", "_track_tmps", "analysis", "codeloc", "codeloc_uses", "live_definitions", "all_definitions", "_canonical_size", "heap_allocator", "_environment", "_track_consts", "_sp_adjusted", "exit_observed", "_element_limit", )
[docs] def __init__( self, codeloc: CodeLocation, arch: archinfo.Arch, subject: Subject, track_tmps: bool = False, track_consts: bool = False, analysis: Optional["ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis"] = None, rtoc_value=None, live_definitions: Optional[LiveDefinitions] = None, canonical_size: int = 8, heap_allocator: HeapAllocator = None, environment: Environment = None, sp_adjusted: bool = False, all_definitions: Optional[Set[Definition]] = None, initializer: Optional["RDAStateInitializer"] = None, element_limit: int = 5, ): # handy short-hands self.codeloc = codeloc self.arch: archinfo.Arch = arch self._subject = subject self._track_tmps = track_tmps self._track_consts = track_consts self.analysis = analysis self._canonical_size: int = canonical_size self._sp_adjusted: bool = sp_adjusted self._element_limit: int = element_limit self.all_definitions: Set[Definition] = set() if all_definitions is None else all_definitions self.heap_allocator = heap_allocator or HeapAllocator(canonical_size) self._environment: Environment = environment or Environment() self.codeloc_uses: Set[Definition] = set() # have we observed an exit statement or not during the analysis of the *last instruction* of a block? we should # not perform any sp updates if it is the case. this is for handling conditional returns in ARM binaries. # this variable is not copied to new states because it only tracks if an exit statement is observed in a single # block and is always set to False at the beginning of the analysis of each block. self.exit_observed: bool = False # initialize the live definitions # This must stay at the end of the __init__ method, because the _set_initialization_values method will call # the state initializer which might need to access some of the above attributes, e.g. the heap_allocator # to do its job if live_definitions is None: # the first time this state is created. initialize it self.live_definitions = LiveDefinitions( self.arch, track_tmps=self._track_tmps, canonical_size=canonical_size, element_limit=element_limit, ) if self.analysis is not None: self.live_definitions.project = self.analysis.project self._set_initialization_values( subject, rtoc_value, initializer=initializer, project=self.live_definitions.project ) else: # this state is a copy from a previous state. skip the initialization self.live_definitions = live_definitions
# # Util methods for working with the memory model #
[docs] def top(self, bits: int): return
[docs] def is_top(self, *args): return self.live_definitions.is_top(*args)
[docs] def heap_address(self, offset: Union[int, HeapAddress]) -> claripy.ast.BV: return self.live_definitions.heap_address(offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_heap_address(addr: claripy.ast.Base) -> bool: return LiveDefinitions.is_heap_address(addr)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_heap_offset(addr: claripy.ast.Base) -> Optional[int]: return LiveDefinitions.get_heap_offset(addr)
[docs] def stack_address(self, offset: int) -> claripy.ast.BV: return self.live_definitions.stack_address(offset)
[docs] def is_stack_address(self, addr: claripy.ast.Base) -> bool: return self.live_definitions.is_stack_address(addr)
[docs] def get_stack_offset(self, addr: claripy.ast.Base) -> Optional[int]: offset = self.live_definitions.get_stack_offset(addr) if offset is not None: return self._to_signed(offset) return None
def _initial_stack_pointer(self): if self.arch.bits == 32: return claripy.BVS("stack_base", 32, explicit_name=True) elif self.arch.bits == 64: return claripy.BVS("stack_base", 64, explicit_name=True) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported architecture word size %d" % self.arch.bits) def _to_signed(self, n): if n >= 2 ** (self.arch.bits - 1): # convert it to a negative number return n - 2**self.arch.bits return n
[docs] def annotate_with_def(self, symvar: claripy.ast.Base, definition: Definition) -> claripy.ast.Base: """ :param symvar: :param definition: :return: """ return self.live_definitions.annotate_with_def(symvar, definition)
[docs] def annotate_mv_with_def(self, mv: MultiValues, definition: Definition) -> MultiValues: return MultiValues( offset_to_values={ offset: {self.annotate_with_def(value, definition) for value in values} for offset, values in mv.items() } )
[docs] def extract_defs(self, symvar: claripy.ast.Base) -> Iterator[Definition]: yield from self.live_definitions.extract_defs(symvar)
# # Other methods # @property def tmps(self): return self.live_definitions.tmps @property def tmp_uses(self): return self.live_definitions.tmp_uses @property def register_uses(self): return self.live_definitions.register_uses @property def registers(self) -> MultiValuedMemory: return self.live_definitions.registers @property def stack(self) -> MultiValuedMemory: return self.live_definitions.stack @property def stack_uses(self): return self.live_definitions.stack_uses @property def heap(self) -> MultiValuedMemory: return self.live_definitions.heap @property def heap_uses(self): return self.live_definitions.heap_uses @property def memory_uses(self): return self.live_definitions.memory_uses @property def memory(self) -> MultiValuedMemory: return self.live_definitions.memory @property def uses_by_codeloc(self): return self.live_definitions.uses_by_codeloc
[docs] def get_sp(self) -> int: return self.live_definitions.get_sp()
[docs] def get_stack_address(self, offset: claripy.ast.Base) -> int: return self.live_definitions.get_stack_address(offset)
@property def environment(self): return self._environment @property def _dep_graph(self): return self.analysis._dep_graph @property def dep_graph(self): return self.analysis.dep_graph def __repr__(self): ctnt = "RDState-%r" % (self.live_definitions) return "{%s}" % ctnt def _set_initialization_values( self, subject: Subject, rtoc_value: Optional[int] = None, initializer: Optional[RDAStateInitializer] = None, project=None, ): if initializer is None: initializer = RDAStateInitializer(self.arch, project=project) if subject.type == SubjectType.Function: if isinstance(self.arch, archinfo.arch_ppc64.ArchPPC64) and not rtoc_value: raise ValueError("The architecture being ppc64, the parameter `rtoc_value` should be provided.") initializer.initialize_function_state(self,, subject.content.addr, rtoc_value) elif subject.type == SubjectType.CallTrace: if isinstance(self.arch, archinfo.arch_ppc64.ArchPPC64) and not rtoc_value: raise ValueError("The architecture being ppc64, the parameter `rtoc_value` should be provided.") initializer.initialize_function_state( self,, subject.content.current_function_address(), rtoc_value ) elif subject.type == SubjectType.Block: pass return self
[docs] def copy(self, discard_tmpdefs=False) -> "ReachingDefinitionsState": rd = ReachingDefinitionsState( self.codeloc, self.arch, self._subject, track_tmps=self._track_tmps, track_consts=self._track_consts, analysis=self.analysis, live_definitions=self.live_definitions.copy(discard_tmpdefs=discard_tmpdefs), canonical_size=self._canonical_size, heap_allocator=self.heap_allocator, environment=self._environment, sp_adjusted=self._sp_adjusted, all_definitions=self.all_definitions.copy(), element_limit=self._element_limit, ) return rd
[docs] def merge(self, *others) -> Tuple["ReachingDefinitionsState", bool]: state = self.copy() others: Iterable["ReachingDefinitionsState"] state.live_definitions, merged_0 = state.live_definitions.merge(*[other.live_definitions for other in others]) state._environment, merged_1 = state.environment.merge(*[other.environment for other in others]) return state, merged_0 or merged_1
[docs] def compare(self, other: "ReachingDefinitionsState") -> bool: r0 = r1 = return r0 and r1
[docs] def move_codelocs(self, new_codeloc: CodeLocation) -> None: if self.codeloc != new_codeloc: self.codeloc = new_codeloc self.codeloc_uses = set()
[docs] def kill_definitions(self, atom: Atom) -> None: """ Overwrite existing definitions w.r.t 'atom' with a dummy definition instance. A dummy definition will not be removed during simplification. """ existing_defs = self.live_definitions.get_definitions(atom) self.live_definitions.kill_definitions(atom) for def_ in existing_defs: self.analysis.model.kill_def(def_)
[docs] def kill_and_add_definition( self, atom: Atom, data: MultiValues, dummy=False, tags: Set[Tag] = None, endness=None, # XXX destroy annotated: bool = False, uses: Optional[Set[Definition]] = None, override_codeloc: Optional[CodeLocation] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[MultiValues], Set[Definition]]: codeloc = override_codeloc or self.codeloc existing_defs = self.live_definitions.get_definitions(atom) mv = self.live_definitions.kill_and_add_definition( atom, codeloc, data, dummy=dummy, tags=tags, endness=endness, annotated=annotated ) if mv is not None: defs = set(LiveDefinitions.extract_defs_from_mv(mv)) self.all_definitions |= defs if self._dep_graph is not None: stack_use = {u for u in self.codeloc_uses if isinstance(u.atom, MemoryLocation) and u.atom.is_on_stack} sp_offset = self.arch.sp_offset bp_offset = self.arch.bp_offset values = set() for vs in mv.values(): for v in vs: values.add(v) if uses is None: uses = self.codeloc_uses for used in uses: # sp is always used as a stack pointer, and we do not track dependencies against stack pointers. # bp is sometimes used as a base pointer. we recognize such cases by checking if there is a use to # the stack variable. # # There are two cases for which it is superfluous to report a dependency on (a use of) stack/base # pointers: # - The `Definition` *uses* a `MemoryLocation` pointing to the stack; # - The `Definition` *is* a `MemoryLocation` pointing to the stack. is_using_spbp_while_memory_address_on_stack_is_used = ( isinstance(used.atom, Register) and used.atom.reg_offset in (sp_offset, bp_offset) and len(stack_use) > 0 ) is_using_spbp_to_define_memory_location_on_stack = ( isinstance(atom, MemoryLocation) and ( atom.is_on_stack or (isinstance(atom.addr, claripy.ast.Base) and self.is_stack_address(atom.addr)) ) and isinstance(used.atom, Register) and used.atom.reg_offset in (sp_offset, bp_offset) ) if not ( is_using_spbp_while_memory_address_on_stack_is_used or is_using_spbp_to_define_memory_location_on_stack ): # Moderately confusing misnomers. This is an edge from a def to a use, since the # "uses" are actually the definitions that we're using and the "definition" is the # new definition; i.e. The def that the old def is used to construct so this is # really a graph where nodes are defs and edges are uses. self._dep_graph.add_node(used) for def_ in defs: if not def_.dummy: self._dep_graph.add_edge(used, def_) self._dep_graph.add_dependencies_for_concrete_pointers_of( values, used, self.analysis.project.kb.cfgs.get_most_accurate(), self.analysis.project.loader, ) else: defs = set() for def_ in existing_defs: self.analysis.model.kill_def(def_) for def_ in defs: self.analysis.model.add_def(def_) return mv, defs
[docs] def add_use(self, atom: Atom, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: self.codeloc_uses.update(self.get_definitions(atom)) self.live_definitions.add_use(atom, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_use_by_def(self, definition: Definition, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_tmp_use(self, tmp: int, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: defs = self.live_definitions.get_tmp_definitions(tmp) self.add_tmp_use_by_defs(defs, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_tmp_use_by_defs( self, defs: Iterable[Definition], expr: Optional[Any] = None ) -> None: # pylint:disable=unused-argument for definition in defs: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) # if track_tmps is False, definitions may not be Tmp definitions self.live_definitions.add_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_register_use(self, reg_offset: int, size: int, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: defs = self.live_definitions.get_register_definitions(reg_offset, size) self.add_register_use_by_defs(defs, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_register_use_by_defs(self, defs: Iterable[Definition], expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: for definition in defs: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_register_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_stack_use(self, stack_offset: int, size: int, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: defs = self.live_definitions.get_stack_definitions(stack_offset, size) self.add_stack_use_by_defs(defs, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_stack_use_by_defs(self, defs: Iterable[Definition], expr: Optional[Any] = None): for definition in defs: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_stack_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_heap_use(self, heap_offset: int, size: int, expr: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: defs = self.live_definitions.get_heap_definitions(heap_offset, size) self.add_heap_use_by_defs(defs, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_heap_use_by_defs(self, defs: Iterable[Definition], expr: Optional[Any] = None): for definition in defs: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_heap_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_memory_use_by_def(self, definition: Definition, expr: Optional[Any] = None): self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_memory_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def add_memory_use_by_defs(self, defs: Iterable[Definition], expr: Optional[Any] = None): for definition in defs: self.codeloc_uses.add(definition) self.live_definitions.add_memory_use_by_def(definition, self.codeloc, expr=expr)
[docs] def get_definitions(self, atom: Union[Atom, Definition, Iterable[Atom], Iterable[Definition]]) -> Set[Definition]: return self.live_definitions.get_definitions(atom)
[docs] def get_values(self, spec: Union[Atom, Definition, Iterable[Atom]]) -> Optional[MultiValues]: return self.live_definitions.get_values(spec)
[docs] def get_one_value( self, spec: Union[Atom, Definition], strip_annotations: bool = False ) -> Optional[]: return self.live_definitions.get_one_value(spec, strip_annotations=strip_annotations)
@overload def get_concrete_value( self, spec: Union[Atom, Definition[Atom], Iterable[Atom]], cast_to: Type[int] = ... ) -> Optional[int]: ... @overload def get_concrete_value( self, spec: Union[Atom, Definition[Atom], Iterable[Atom]], cast_to: Type[bytes] = ... ) -> Optional[bytes]: ...
[docs] def get_concrete_value( self, spec: Union[Atom, Definition[Atom], Iterable[Atom]], cast_to: Union[Type[int], Type[bytes]] = int ) -> Union[int, bytes, None]: return self.live_definitions.get_concrete_value(spec, cast_to)
[docs] def mark_guard(self, target): atom = GuardUse(target) kinda_definition = Definition(atom, self.codeloc) if self._dep_graph is not None: self._dep_graph.add_node(kinda_definition) for used in self.codeloc_uses: self._dep_graph.add_edge(used, kinda_definition)
[docs] def mark_const(self, value: int, size: int): atom = ConstantSrc(value, size) kinda_definition = Definition(atom, self.codeloc) if self._dep_graph is not None and self._track_consts: self._dep_graph.add_node(kinda_definition) self.codeloc_uses.add(kinda_definition) self.live_definitions.uses_by_codeloc[self.codeloc].add(kinda_definition)
[docs] def downsize(self): self.all_definitions = set() self.live_definitions.reset_uses()
@deprecated("deref") def pointer_to_atoms(self, pointer: MultiValues, size: int, endness: str) -> Set[MemoryLocation]: """ Given a MultiValues, return the set of atoms that loading or storing to the pointer with that value could define or use. """ result = set() for vs in pointer.values(): for value in vs: atom = self.pointer_to_atom(value, size, endness) if atom is not None: result.add(atom) return result @deprecated("deref") def pointer_to_atom(self, value: claripy.ast.base.Base, size: int, endness: str) -> Optional[MemoryLocation]: if self.is_top(value): return None # TODO this can be simplified with the walrus operator stack_offset = self.get_stack_offset(value) if stack_offset is not None: addr = SpOffset(len(value), stack_offset) else: heap_offset = self.get_heap_offset(value) if heap_offset is not None: addr = HeapAddress(heap_offset) elif value.op == "BVV": addr = value.args[0] else: # cannot resolve return None return MemoryLocation(addr, size, endness) @overload def deref( self, pointer: Union[int,, HeapAddress, SpOffset], size: Union[int, DerefSize], endness: str = ..., ) -> Optional[MemoryLocation]: ... @overload def deref( self, pointer: Union[MultiValues, Atom, Definition, Iterable[Atom], Iterable[Definition]], size: Union[int, DerefSize], endness: str = ..., ) -> Set[MemoryLocation]: ...
[docs] def deref( self, pointer: Union[ MultiValues, Atom, Definition, Iterable[Atom], Iterable[Definition], int, claripy.ast.BV, HeapAddress, SpOffset, ], size: Union[int, DerefSize], endness: str = archinfo.Endness.BE, ): return self.live_definitions.deref(pointer, size, endness)