Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.optimization_passes.lowered_switch_simplifier

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union, List, DefaultDict, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import logging

import networkx

from ailment import Block, AILBlockWalkerBase
from ailment.statement import ConditionalJump, Label, Assignment, Jump
from ailment.expression import Expression, BinaryOp, Const, Load

from angr.utils.graph import GraphUtils
from ..utils import first_nonlabel_statement, remove_last_statement
from ..structuring.structurer_nodes import IncompleteSwitchCaseHeadStatement, SequenceNode, MultiNode
from .optimization_pass import OptimizationPass, OptimizationPassStage, MultipleBlocksException

    from ailment.expression import UnaryOp, Convert

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class Case: """ Describes a case in a switch-case construct. """ __slots__ = ( "original_node", "node_type", "variable_hash", "expr", "value", "target", "target_idx", "next_addr", )
[docs] def __init__( self, original_node, node_type: Optional[str], variable_hash, expr, value: Union[int, str], target, target_idx: Optional[int], next_addr, ): self.original_node = original_node self.node_type = node_type self.variable_hash = variable_hash self.expr = expr self.value = value = target self.target_idx = target_idx self.next_addr = next_addr
def __repr__(self): if self.value == "default": return f"Case default@{}{'' if self.target_idx is None else '.' + str(self.target_idx)}" return ( f"Case {repr(self.original_node)}@{}" f"{'' if self.target_idx is None else '.' + str(self.target_idx)}: {self.expr} == {self.value}" ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Case): return False return ( self.original_node == other.original_node and self.node_type == other.node_type and self.variable_hash == other.variable_hash and self.value == other.value and == and self.target_idx == other.target_idx and self.next_addr == other.next_addr ) def __hash__(self): return hash( ( Case, self.original_node, self.node_type, self.variable_hash, self.value,, self.target_idx, self.next_addr, ) )
[docs]class StableVarExprHasher(AILBlockWalkerBase): """ Obtain a stable hash of an AIL expression with respect to all variables and all operations applied on variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, expr: Expression): super().__init__() self.expr = expr self._hash_lst = [] self.walk_expression(expr) self.hash = hash(tuple(self._hash_lst))
def _handle_expr(self, expr_idx: int, expr: Expression, stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): if hasattr(expr, "variable") and expr.variable is not None: self._hash_lst.append(expr.variable) else: super()._handle_expr(expr_idx, expr, stmt_idx, stmt, block) def _handle_Load(self, expr_idx: int, expr: Load, stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): self._hash_lst.append("Load") super()._handle_Load(expr_idx, expr, stmt_idx, stmt, block) def _handle_BinaryOp(self, expr_idx: int, expr: BinaryOp, stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): self._hash_lst.append(expr.op) super()._handle_BinaryOp(expr_idx, expr, stmt_idx, stmt, block) def _handle_UnaryOp(self, expr_idx: int, expr: "UnaryOp", stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): self._hash_lst.append(expr.op) super()._handle_UnaryOp(expr_idx, expr, stmt_idx, stmt, block) def _handle_Const(self, expr_idx: int, expr: Const, stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): self._hash_lst.append((expr.value, expr.bits)) def _handle_Convert(self, expr_idx: int, expr: "Convert", stmt_idx: int, stmt, block: Optional[Block]): self._hash_lst.append(expr.to_bits) super()._handle_Convert(expr_idx, expr, stmt_idx, stmt, block)
[docs]class LoweredSwitchSimplifier(OptimizationPass): """ Recognize and simplify lowered switch-case constructs. """ ARCHES = [ "AMD64", ] PLATFORMS = ["linux", "windows"] STAGE = OptimizationPassStage.DURING_REGION_IDENTIFICATION NAME = "Convert lowered switch-cases (if-else) to switch-cases" DESCRIPTION = ( "Convert lowered switch-cases (if-else) to switch-cases. Only works when the Phoenix structuring " "algorithm is in use." ) STRUCTURING = ["phoenix"]
[docs] def __init__(self, func, blocks_by_addr=None, blocks_by_addr_and_idx=None, graph=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( func, blocks_by_addr=blocks_by_addr, blocks_by_addr_and_idx=blocks_by_addr_and_idx, graph=graph, **kwargs ) self.analyze()
def _check(self): # TODO: More filtering return True, None def _analyze(self, cache=None): variablehash_to_cases = self._find_cascading_switch_variable_comparisons() if not variablehash_to_cases: return graph_copy = networkx.DiGraph(self._graph) self.out_graph = graph_copy node_to_heads = defaultdict(set) for _, caselists in variablehash_to_cases.items(): for cases, redundant_nodes in caselists: original_nodes = [case.original_node for case in cases if case.value != "default"] original_head: Block = original_nodes[0] original_nodes = original_nodes[1:] existing_nodes_by_addr_and_idx = {(nn.addr, nn.idx): nn for nn in graph_copy} case_addrs: List[Tuple[Block, Union[int, str], int, Optional[int], int]] = [] delayed_edges = [] for idx, case in enumerate(cases): if idx == 0 or all( isinstance(stmt, (Label, ConditionalJump)) for stmt in case.original_node.statements ): case_addrs.append( (case.original_node, case.value,, case.target_idx, case.next_addr) ) else: statements: List = [ stmt for stmt in case.original_node.statements if isinstance(stmt, (Label, Assignment)) ] statements.append( Jump( None, Const(None, None,, self.project.arch.bits), ins_addr=case.original_node.addr, ) ) case_node_copy = case.original_node.copy(statements=statements) case_addrs.append( (case_node_copy, case.value, case_node_copy.addr, case_node_copy.idx, case.next_addr) ) # add this copied node into the graph delayed_edges.append((None, case_node_copy)) target_node = existing_nodes_by_addr_and_idx[, case.target_idx] delayed_edges.append((case_node_copy, target_node)) expr = cases[0].expr # create a fake switch-case head node switch_stmt = IncompleteSwitchCaseHeadStatement( original_head.statements[-1].idx, expr, case_addrs, ins_addr=original_head.statements[-1].ins_addr ) new_head = original_head.copy() # replace the last instruction of the head node with switch_node new_head.statements[-1] = switch_stmt # update the block self._update_block(original_head, new_head) # sanity check that no switch head points to either itself # or to any if-head that was merged into the new switch head; this # would result in a successor node no longer being present in the graph if any(onode not in graph_copy for onode in original_nodes): self.out_graph = None return # add edges between the head and case nodes for onode in original_nodes: successors = list(graph_copy.successors(onode)) for succ in successors: if succ not in original_nodes: graph_copy.add_edge(new_head, succ) node_to_heads[succ].add(new_head) graph_copy.remove_node(onode) for onode in redundant_nodes: # ensure all nodes that are only reachable from onode are also removed # FIXME: Remove the entire path of nodes instead of only the immediate successors successors = list(graph_copy.successors(onode)) graph_copy.remove_node(onode) for succ in successors: in_edges = [(src, dst) for src, dst in graph_copy.in_edges(succ) if src is not succ] if not in_edges: graph_copy.remove_node(succ) # apply delayed edges for src, dst in delayed_edges: if src is None: graph_copy.add_edge(new_head, dst) else: graph_copy.add_edge(src, dst) # find shared case nodes and make copies of them # note that this only solves cases where *one* node is shared between switch-cases. a more general solution # requires jump threading reverter. for succ_node, heads in node_to_heads.items(): if len(heads) > 1: # each head gets a copy of the node! node_successors = list(graph_copy.successors(succ_node)) next_id = 0 if succ_node.idx is None else succ_node.idx + 1 graph_copy.remove_node(succ_node) for head in heads: node_copy = succ_node.copy() node_copy.idx = next_id next_id += 1 # update the block ID in case_addrs last_stmt: IncompleteSwitchCaseHeadStatement = head.statements[-1] for idx, items in list(enumerate(last_stmt.case_addrs)): cmp_node, case_value, target_addr, target_idx, next_addr = items if target_addr == succ_node.addr and target_idx == succ_node.idx: # update the block ID last_stmt.case_addrs[idx] = cmp_node, case_value, target_addr, node_copy.idx, next_addr # update the graph graph_copy.add_edge(head, node_copy) for succ in node_successors: if succ is succ_node: graph_copy.add_edge(node_copy, node_copy) else: graph_copy.add_edge(node_copy, succ) def _find_cascading_switch_variable_comparisons(self): sorted_nodes = GraphUtils.quasi_topological_sort_nodes(self._graph) variable_comparisons = OrderedDict() for node in sorted_nodes: r = self._find_switch_variable_comparison_type_a(node) if r is not None: variable_comparisons[node] = ("a",) + r continue r = self._find_switch_variable_comparison_type_b(node) if r is not None: variable_comparisons[node] = ("b",) + r continue r = self._find_switch_variable_comparison_type_c(node) if r is not None: variable_comparisons[node] = ("c",) + r continue varhash_to_caselists: DefaultDict[int, List[Tuple[List[Case], List]]] = defaultdict(list) used_nodes = set() for head in variable_comparisons: if head in used_nodes: continue cases = [] extra_cmp_nodes = [] default_case_candidates = {} last_comp = None stack = [(head, 0, 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)] while stack: comp, min_, max_ = stack.pop(0) ( comp_type, variable_hash, op, expr, value, target, target_idx, next_addr, next_addr_idx, ) = variable_comparisons[comp] if cases: last_varhash = cases[-1].variable_hash else: last_varhash = None if op == "eq": # eq always indicates a new case if last_varhash is None or last_varhash == variable_hash: if target == comp.addr and target_idx == comp.idx: # invalid break # common case: # if ((a = func(...)) == -1) break; # switch (a) if value in {0xFFFF_FFFF, 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF}: break if comp is not head: # non-head node has at most one predecessor if self._graph.in_degree[comp] > 1: break cases.append(Case(comp, comp_type, variable_hash, expr, value, target, target_idx, next_addr)) used_nodes.add(comp) else: # new variable! if last_comp is not None: if comp.addr not in default_case_candidates: default_case_candidates[comp.addr] = Case( last_comp, None, last_varhash, None, "default", comp.addr, comp.idx, None ) break successors = [succ for succ in self._graph.successors(comp) if succ is not comp] succ_addrs = {(succ.addr, succ.idx) for succ in successors} if (target, target_idx) in succ_addrs: next_comp_addr, next_comp_idx = next( iter( (succ_addr, succ_idx) for succ_addr, succ_idx in succ_addrs if (succ_addr, succ_idx) != (target, target_idx) ), (None, None), ) if next_comp_addr is None: break try: next_comp = self._get_block(next_comp_addr, idx=next_comp_idx) except MultipleBlocksException: # multiple blocks :/ it's possible that other optimization passes have duplicated the # default node. check it. next_comp_many = list(self._get_blocks(next_comp_addr)) next_comp_candidates = [succ for succ in successors if succ in next_comp_many] if len(next_comp_candidates) == 1: next_comp = next_comp_candidates[0] else: default_node_candidates = [ succ for succ in next_comp_many if succ not in variable_comparisons ] if len(default_node_candidates) == 1: cases.append( Case( comp, None, variable_hash, expr, "default", next_comp_addr, next_comp_idx, None, ) ) used_nodes.add(comp) # otherwise we don't support it break assert next_comp is not None if next_comp in variable_comparisons: last_comp = comp stack.append((next_comp, min_, max_)) used_nodes.add(comp) else: if next_comp_addr not in default_case_candidates: default_case_candidates[next_comp_addr] = Case( comp, None, variable_hash, expr, "default", next_comp_addr, next_comp_idx, None ) used_nodes.add(comp) elif op == "gt": # gt always indicates new subtrees gt_addr, gt_idx, le_addr, le_idx = target, target_idx, next_addr, next_addr_idx # TODO: We don't yet support gt nodes acting as the head of a switch if last_varhash is not None and last_varhash == variable_hash: successors = [succ for succ in self._graph.successors(comp) if succ is not comp] succ_addrs = {(succ.addr, succ.idx) for succ in successors} if succ_addrs != {(gt_addr, gt_idx), (le_addr, le_idx)}: break gt_comp = next(iter(succ for succ in successors if succ.addr == gt_addr and succ.idx == gt_idx)) le_comp = next(iter(succ for succ in successors if succ.addr == le_addr and succ.idx == le_idx)) # all successors of this node must satisfy the following criteria # - another comp node in the lowered switch-case tree # - the default case node of the switch-case gt_added, le_added = False, False if gt_comp in variable_comparisons: stack.append((gt_comp, value, max_)) gt_added = True if le_comp in variable_comparisons: stack.append((le_comp, min_, value - 1)) le_added = True if gt_added or le_added: if not le_added: if le_addr not in default_case_candidates: default_case_candidates[le_addr] = Case( comp, None, variable_hash, expr, "default", le_addr, le_idx, None ) elif not gt_added: if gt_addr not in default_case_candidates: default_case_candidates[gt_addr] = Case( comp, None, variable_hash, expr, "default", gt_addr, gt_idx, None ) extra_cmp_nodes.append(comp) used_nodes.add(comp) else: break else: # checking on a new variable... it probably was not a switch-case break if cases and len(default_case_candidates) <= 1: if default_case_candidates: cases.append(next(iter(default_case_candidates.values()))) v = cases[-1].variable_hash for idx, (existing_cases, existing_redundant_nodes) in list(enumerate(varhash_to_caselists[v])): if self.cases_issubset(existing_cases, cases): redundant_nodes = list(set(existing_redundant_nodes + extra_cmp_nodes)) varhash_to_caselists[v][idx] = cases, redundant_nodes break if self.cases_issubset(cases, existing_cases): break else: varhash_to_caselists[v].append((cases, extra_cmp_nodes)) for v, caselists in list(varhash_to_caselists.items()): for idx, (cases, redundant_nodes) in list(enumerate(caselists)): # filter: each case value should only appear once if len({case.value for case in cases}) != len(cases): caselists[idx] = None continue # filter: there should be at least two non-default cases if len([case for case in cases if case.value != "default"]) < 2: caselists[idx] = None continue # filter: there should be at least three cases if len(cases) < 3: caselists[idx] = None continue # filter: type-a nodes after the first case node can only have assignments for case in cases[1:]: if case.value != "default" and case.node_type == "a": for stmt in case.original_node.statements: if not isinstance(stmt, (ConditionalJump, Label, Assignment)): caselists[idx] = None continue # filter: each case is only reachable from a case node all_case_nodes = {case.original_node for case in cases} skipped = False for case in cases: target_nodes = [ succ for succ in self._graph.successors(case.original_node) if succ.addr == ] if len(target_nodes) != 1: caselists[idx] = None skipped = True break target_node = target_nodes[0] nonself_preds = {pred for pred in self._graph.predecessors(target_node) if pred.addr ==} if not nonself_preds.issubset(all_case_nodes): caselists[idx] = None skipped = True break if skipped: continue varhash_to_caselists[v] = [item for item in caselists if item is not None] return varhash_to_caselists @staticmethod def _find_switch_variable_comparison_type_a( node, ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, str, Expression, int, int, Optional[int], int, Optional[int]]]: # the type a is the last statement is a var == constant comparison, but # there is more than one non-label statement in the block if isinstance(node, Block) and node.statements: stmt = node.statements[-1] if stmt is not None and stmt is not first_nonlabel_statement(node): if ( isinstance(stmt, ConditionalJump) and isinstance(stmt.true_target, Const) and isinstance(stmt.false_target, Const) ): cond = stmt.condition if isinstance(cond, BinaryOp): if isinstance(cond.operands[1], Const): variable_hash = StableVarExprHasher(cond.operands[0]).hash value = cond.operands[1].value if cond.op == "CmpEQ": target = stmt.true_target.value target_idx = stmt.true_target_idx next_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value next_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx elif cond.op == "CmpNE": target = stmt.false_target.value target_idx = stmt.false_target_idx next_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value next_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx else: return None return ( variable_hash, "eq", cond.operands[0], value, target, target_idx, next_node_addr, next_node_idx, ) return None @staticmethod def _find_switch_variable_comparison_type_b( node, ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, str, Expression, int, int, Optional[int], int, Optional[int]]]: # the type b is the last statement is a var == constant comparison, and # there is only one non-label statement if isinstance(node, Block): stmt = first_nonlabel_statement(node) if stmt is not None and stmt is node.statements[-1]: if ( isinstance(stmt, ConditionalJump) and isinstance(stmt.true_target, Const) and isinstance(stmt.false_target, Const) ): cond = stmt.condition if isinstance(cond, BinaryOp): if isinstance(cond.operands[1], Const): variable_hash = StableVarExprHasher(cond.operands[0]).hash value = cond.operands[1].value if cond.op == "CmpEQ": target = stmt.true_target.value target_idx = stmt.true_target_idx next_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value next_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx elif cond.op == "CmpNE": target = stmt.false_target.value target_idx = stmt.false_target_idx next_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value next_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx else: return None return ( variable_hash, "eq", cond.operands[0], value, target, target_idx, next_node_addr, next_node_idx, ) return None @staticmethod def _find_switch_variable_comparison_type_c( node, ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, str, Expression, int, int, Optional[int], int, Optional[int]]]: # the type c is where the last statement is a var < or > constant comparison, and # there is only one non-label statement if isinstance(node, Block): stmt = first_nonlabel_statement(node) if stmt is not None and stmt is node.statements[-1]: if ( isinstance(stmt, ConditionalJump) and isinstance(stmt.true_target, Const) and isinstance(stmt.false_target, Const) ): cond = stmt.condition if isinstance(cond, BinaryOp): if isinstance(cond.operands[1], Const): variable_hash = StableVarExprHasher(cond.operands[0]).hash value = cond.operands[1].value op = cond.op if stmt.true_target.value == stmt.false_target.value: return None if op == "CmpGT": op_str = "gt" gt_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value gt_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx le_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value le_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx elif op == "CmpGE": op_str = "gt" value += 1 gt_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value gt_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx le_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value le_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx elif op == "CmpLT": op_str = "gt" value -= 1 gt_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value gt_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx le_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value le_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx elif op == "CmpLE": op_str = "gt" gt_node_addr = stmt.false_target.value gt_node_idx = stmt.false_target_idx le_node_addr = stmt.true_target.value le_node_idx = stmt.true_target_idx else: return None return ( variable_hash, op_str, cond.operands[0], value, gt_node_addr, gt_node_idx, le_node_addr, le_node_idx, ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def restore_graph( node, last_stmt: IncompleteSwitchCaseHeadStatement, graph: networkx.DiGraph, full_graph: networkx.DiGraph ): last_node = node ca_default = [ (onode, value, target, target_idx, a) for onode, value, target, target_idx, a in last_stmt.case_addrs if value == "default" ] ca_others = [ (onode, value, target, target_idx, a) for onode, value, target, target_idx, a in last_stmt.case_addrs if value != "default" ] # non-default nodes ca_others = {ca[0].addr: ca for ca in ca_others} # extract the AIL block from last_node last_block = last_node if isinstance(last_block, SequenceNode): last_block = last_block.nodes[-1] if isinstance(last_block, MultiNode): last_block = last_block.nodes[-1] assert isinstance(last_block, Block) next_node_addr = last_block.addr while next_node_addr is not None and next_node_addr in ca_others: onode, value, target, target_idx, next_node_addr = ca_others[next_node_addr] onode: Block if first_nonlabel_statement(onode) is not onode.statements[-1]: onode = onode.copy(statements=[onode.statements[-1]]) graph.add_edge(last_node, onode) full_graph.add_edge(last_node, onode) target_node = next( iter( nn for nn in full_graph if nn.addr == target and (not isinstance(nn, (Block, MultiNode)) or nn.idx == target_idx) ) ) graph.add_edge(onode, target_node) full_graph.add_edge(onode, target_node) if graph.has_edge(node, target_node): graph.remove_edge(node, target_node) if full_graph.has_edge(node, target_node): full_graph.remove_edge(node, target_node) # update last_node last_node = onode # default nodes if ca_default: onode, value, target, target_idx, _ = ca_default[0] default_target = next( iter( nn for nn in full_graph if nn.addr == target and (not isinstance(nn, (Block, MultiNode)) or nn.idx == target_idx) ) ) graph.add_edge(last_node, default_target) full_graph.add_edge(last_node, default_target) if graph.has_edge(node, default_target): graph.remove_edge(node, default_target) if full_graph.has_edge(node, default_target): full_graph.remove_edge(node, default_target) # all good - remove the last statement in node remove_last_statement(node)
[docs] @staticmethod def cases_issubset(cases_0: List[Case], cases_1: List[Case]) -> bool: """ Test if cases_0 is a subset of cases_1. """ if len(cases_0) > len(cases_1): return False for case in cases_0: if case not in cases_1: return False return True