Source code for angr.analyses.ddg

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List

import networkx
import pyvex
from . import Analysis

from ..code_location import CodeLocation
from ..errors import SimSolverModeError, SimUnsatError, AngrDDGError
from ..sim_variable import (

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class AST: """ A mini implementation for AST """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, *operands): self.op = op self.operands = tuple(operands)
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.op, self.operands)) def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is AST and other.op == self.op and other.operands == self.operands def __repr__(self): def _short_repr(a): return a.short_repr if len(self.operands) == 1: return f"{self.op}{_short_repr(self.operands[0])}" elif len(self.operands) == 2: return f"{_short_repr(self.operands[0])} {self.op} {_short_repr(self.operands[1])}" else: return f"{self.op} ({self.operands})"
[docs]class ProgramVariable: """ Describes a variable in the program at a specific location. :ivar SimVariable variable: The variable. :ivar CodeLocation location: Location of the variable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, variable, location, initial=False, arch=None): self.variable = variable self.location = location self.initial = initial self._arch = arch # for pretty printing
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.variable, self.location)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ProgramVariable): return False return self.variable == other.variable and self.location == other.location def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): if self._arch is not None: s = f"{{{self.variable} @ {self.location}}}" else: s = f"{{{self.variable} @ {self.location}}}" return s @property def short_repr(self): if self._arch is not None: s = f"{{{self.variable}@{self.location.short_repr}}}" else: s = f"{{{self.variable}@{self.location.short_repr}}}" return s
[docs]class DDGJob:
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg_node, call_depth): self.cfg_node = cfg_node self.call_depth = call_depth
def __repr__(self): return "<DDGJob %s, call_depth %d>" % (self.cfg_node, self.call_depth)
[docs]class LiveDefinitions: """ A collection of live definitions with some handy interfaces for definition killing and lookups. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ # byte-to-byte mappings # TODO: make it copy-on-write in order to save memory. # TODO: options are either collections.ChainMap or a modified version of simuvex.SimPagedMemory self._memory_map = defaultdict(set) self._register_map = defaultdict(set) self._defs = defaultdict(set)
# # Overridden methods # def __contains__(self, variable): return variable in self._defs # # Public methods #
[docs] def branch(self): """ Create a branch of the current live definition collection. :return: A new LiveDefinition instance. :rtype: angr.analyses.ddg.LiveDefinitions """ ld = LiveDefinitions() ld._memory_map = self._memory_map.copy() ld._register_map = self._register_map.copy() ld._defs = self._defs.copy() return ld
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a hard copy of `self`. :return: A new LiveDefinition instance. :rtype: angr.analyses.ddg.LiveDefinitions """ ld = LiveDefinitions() ld._memory_map = self._memory_map.copy() ld._register_map = self._register_map.copy() ld._defs = self._defs.copy() return ld
[docs] def add_def(self, variable, location, size_threshold=32): """ Add a new definition of variable. :param SimVariable variable: The variable being defined. :param CodeLocation location: Location of the varaible being defined. :param int size_threshold: The maximum bytes to consider for the variable. :return: True if the definition was new, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ new_defs_added = False if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): if variable.reg is None: l.warning("add_def: Got a None for a SimRegisterVariable. Consider fixing.") return new_defs_added size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.reg while offset < variable.reg + size: if location not in self._register_map[offset]: new_defs_added = True self._register_map[offset].add(location) offset += 1 self._defs[variable].add(location) elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.addr while offset < variable.addr + size: if location not in self._memory_map[offset]: new_defs_added = True self._memory_map[offset].add(location) offset += 1 self._defs[variable].add(location) else: l.error('Unsupported variable type "%s".', type(variable)) return new_defs_added
[docs] def add_defs(self, variable, locations, size_threshold=32): """ Add a collection of new definitions of a variable. :param SimVariable variable: The variable being defined. :param iterable locations: A collection of locations where the variable was defined. :param int size_threshold: The maximum bytes to consider for the variable. :return: True if any of the definition was new, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ new_defs_added = False for loc in locations: new_defs_added |= self.add_def(variable, loc, size_threshold=size_threshold) return new_defs_added
[docs] def kill_def(self, variable, location, size_threshold=32): """ Add a new definition for variable and kill all previous definitions. :param SimVariable variable: The variable to kill. :param CodeLocation location: The location where this variable is defined. :param int size_threshold: The maximum bytes to consider for the variable. :return: None """ if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): if variable.reg is None: l.warning("kill_def: Got a None for a SimRegisterVariable. Consider fixing.") return None size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.reg while offset < variable.reg + size: self._register_map[offset] = {location} offset += 1 self._defs[variable] = {location} elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.addr while offset < variable.addr + size: self._memory_map[offset] = {location} offset += 1 self._defs[variable] = {location} else: l.error('Unsupported variable type "%s".', type(variable))
[docs] def lookup_defs(self, variable, size_threshold=32): """ Find all definitions of the variable. :param SimVariable variable: The variable to lookup for. :param int size_threshold: The maximum bytes to consider for the variable. For example, if the variable is 100 byte long, only the first `size_threshold` bytes are considered. :return: A set of code locations where the variable is defined. :rtype: set """ live_def_locs = set() if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): if variable.reg is None: l.warning("lookup_defs: Got a None for a SimRegisterVariable. Consider fixing.") return live_def_locs size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.reg while offset < variable.reg + size: if offset in self._register_map: live_def_locs |= self._register_map[offset] offset += 1 elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): size = min(variable.size, size_threshold) offset = variable.addr while offset < variable.addr + size: if offset in self._memory_map: live_def_locs |= self._memory_map[offset] offset += 1 else: # umm unsupported variable type l.error('Unsupported variable type "%s".', type(variable)) return live_def_locs
[docs] def items(self): """ An iterator that returns all live definitions. :return: The iterator. :rtype: iter """ return self._defs.items()
[docs] def itervariables(self): """ An iterator that returns all live variables. :return: The iterator. :rtype: iter """ return self._defs.keys()
[docs]class DDGViewItem:
[docs] def __init__(self, ddg, variable, simplified=False): self._ddg = ddg self._variable = variable self._simplified = simplified
@property def depends_on(self): graph = self._ddg.simplified_data_graph if self._simplified else self._ddg.data_graph if self._variable in graph: return [ self._to_viewitem(n) for n, _, data in graph.in_edges(self._variable, data=True) if data.get("type", None) != "kill" ] return None @property def dependents(self): graph = self._ddg.simplified_data_graph if self._simplified else self._ddg.data_graph if self._variable in graph: return [ self._to_viewitem(n) for _, n, data in graph.in_edges(self._variable, data=True) if data.get("type", None) != "kill" ] return None def __repr__(self): s = "[%s, %d dependents, depends on %d]" % ( self._variable, len(self.dependents), len(self.depends_on), ) return s def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, DDGViewItem) and self._variable == other._variable and self._simplified == other._simplified ) def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self._ddg, self._variable, self._simplified, ) ) def _to_viewitem(self, prog_var): """ Convert a ProgramVariable instance to a DDGViewItem object. :param ProgramVariable prog_var: The ProgramVariable object to convert. :return: The converted DDGViewItem object. :rtype: DDGViewItem """ return DDGViewItem(self._ddg, prog_var, simplified=self._simplified)
[docs]class DDGViewInstruction:
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg, ddg, insn_addr, simplified=False): self._cfg = cfg self._ddg = ddg self._insn_addr = insn_addr self._simplified = simplified # shorthand self._project = self._ddg.project
def __getitem__(self, key): arch = self._project.arch if key in arch.registers: # it's a register name reg_offset, size = arch.registers[key] # obtain the CFGNode cfg_node = self._cfg.model.get_any_node(self._insn_addr, anyaddr=True) if cfg_node is None: # not found raise KeyError("CFGNode for instruction %#x is not found." % self._insn_addr) # determine the statement ID vex_block = self._project.factory.block( cfg_node.addr, size=cfg_node.size, opt_level=self._cfg._iropt_level ).vex stmt_idx = None insn_addr = cfg_node.addr for i, stmt in enumerate(vex_block.statements): if isinstance(stmt, pyvex.IRStmt.IMark): insn_addr = stmt.addr + elif insn_addr == self._insn_addr: if isinstance(stmt, pyvex.IRStmt.Put) and stmt.offset == reg_offset: stmt_idx = i break elif insn_addr > self._insn_addr: break if stmt_idx is None: raise KeyError("Cannot find the statement.") # create a program variable variable = SimRegisterVariable(reg_offset, size) location = CodeLocation(cfg_node.addr, stmt_idx, ins_addr=self._insn_addr) pv = ProgramVariable(variable, location, arch=self._project.arch) return DDGViewItem(self._ddg, pv, simplified=self._simplified) @property def definitions(self) -> List[DDGViewItem]: """ Get all definitions located at the current instruction address. :return: A list of ProgramVariable instances. """ defs = set() if self._simplified: graph = self._ddg.simplified_data_graph else: graph = self._ddg.data_graph n: ProgramVariable for n in graph.nodes(): if n.location.ins_addr == self._insn_addr: defs.add(DDGViewItem(self._ddg, n, simplified=self._simplified)) return list(defs)
[docs]class DDGView: """ A view of the data dependence graph. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg, ddg, simplified=False): self._cfg = cfg self._ddg = ddg self._simplified = simplified # shorthand self._project = self._ddg.project
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): # instruction address return DDGViewInstruction(self._cfg, self._ddg, key, simplified=self._simplified)
[docs]class DDG(Analysis): """ This is a fast data dependence graph directly generated from our CFG analysis result. The only reason for its existence is the speed. There is zero guarantee for being sound or accurate. You are supposed to use it only when you want to track the simplest data dependence, and you do not care about soundness or accuracy. For a better data dependence graph, please consider performing a better static analysis first (like Value-set Analysis), and then construct a dependence graph on top of the analysis result (for example, the VFG in angr). The DDG is based on a CFG, which should ideally be a CFGEmulated generated with the following options: - keep_state=True to keep all input states - state_add_options=angr.options.refs to store memory, register, and temporary value accesses You may want to consider a high value for context_sensitivity_level as well when generating the CFG. Also note that since we are using states from CFG, any improvement in analysis performed on CFG (like a points-to analysis) will directly benefit the DDG. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg, start=None, call_depth=None, block_addrs=None): """ :param cfg: Control flow graph. Please make sure each node has an associated `state` with it, e.g. by passing the keep_state=True and state_add_options=angr.options.refs arguments to CFGEmulated. :param start: An address, Specifies where we start the generation of this data dependence graph. :param call_depth: None or integers. A non-negative integer specifies how deep we would like to track in the call tree. None disables call_depth limit. :param iterable or None block_addrs: A collection of block addresses that the DDG analysis should be performed on. """ # Sanity check if not cfg._keep_state: raise AngrDDGError('CFG must have "keep_state" set to True.') self._cfg = cfg self._start = self.project.entry if start is None else start self._call_depth = call_depth self._block_addrs = block_addrs # analysis output self._stmt_graph = networkx.DiGraph() self._data_graph = networkx.DiGraph() self._simplified_data_graph = None self._ast_graph = networkx.DiGraph() # A mapping of ProgramVariable to ASTs self._symbolic_mem_ops = set() # Data dependency graph per function self._function_data_dependencies = None self.view = DDGView(self._cfg, self, simplified=False) self.simple_view = DDGView(self._cfg, self, simplified=True) # Local variables self._live_defs = None self._temp_variables = None self._temp_register_symbols = None self._temp_edges = None self._temp_register_symbols = None self._variables_per_statement = None self._custom_data_per_statement = None self._register_edges = None # Begin construction! self._construct()
# # Properties # @property def graph(self): """ :returns: A networkx DiGraph instance representing the dependence relations between statements. :rtype: networkx.DiGraph """ return self._stmt_graph @property def data_graph(self): """ Get the data dependence graph. :return: A networkx DiGraph instance representing data dependence. :rtype: networkx.DiGraph """ return self._data_graph @property def simplified_data_graph(self): """ :return: """ if self._simplified_data_graph is None: self._simplified_data_graph = self._simplify_data_graph(self.data_graph) return self._simplified_data_graph @property def ast_graph(self): return self._ast_graph # # Public methods #
[docs] def pp(self): """ Pretty printing. """ # TODO: make it prettier for src, dst, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): print(f"{src} <-- {dst}, {data}")
[docs] def dbg_repr(self): """ Representation for debugging. """ # TODO: return str(self.graph)
def __contains__(self, code_location): """ Returns whether `code_location` is in the graph. :param code_location: A CodeLocation instance. :returns: True/False """ return code_location in self.graph
[docs] def get_predecessors(self, code_location): """ Returns all predecessors of the code location. :param code_location: A CodeLocation instance. :returns: A list of all predecessors. """ return self.graph.predecessors(code_location)
[docs] def function_dependency_graph(self, func): """ Get a dependency graph for the function `func`. :param func: The Function object in CFG.function_manager. :returns: A networkx.DiGraph instance. """ if self._function_data_dependencies is None: self._build_function_dependency_graphs() if func in self._function_data_dependencies: return self._function_data_dependencies[func] # Not found return None
[docs] def data_sub_graph(self, pv, simplified=True, killing_edges=False, excluding_types=None): """ Get a subgraph from the data graph or the simplified data graph that starts from node pv. :param ProgramVariable pv: The starting point of the subgraph. :param bool simplified: When True, the simplified data graph is used, otherwise the data graph is used. :param bool killing_edges: Are killing edges included or not. :param iterable excluding_types: Excluding edges whose types are among those excluded types. :return: A subgraph. :rtype: networkx.MultiDiGraph """ result = networkx.MultiDiGraph() result.add_node(pv) base_graph = self.simplified_data_graph if simplified else self.data_graph if pv not in base_graph: return result # traverse all edges and add them to the result graph if needed queue = [pv] traversed = set() while queue: elem = queue[0] queue = queue[1:] if elem in traversed: continue traversed.add(elem) out_edges = base_graph.out_edges(elem, data=True) if not killing_edges: # remove killing edges out_edges = [(a, b, data) for a, b, data in out_edges if "type" not in data or data["type"] != "kill"] if excluding_types: out_edges = [ (a, b, data) for a, b, data in out_edges if "type" not in data or data["type"] not in excluding_types ] for src, dst, data in out_edges: result.add_edge(src, dst, **data) if dst not in traversed: queue.append(dst) return result
# # Private methods # def _construct(self): """ Construct the data dependence graph. We track the following types of dependence: - (Intra-IRSB) temporary variable dependencies - Register dependencies - Memory dependencies, although it's very limited. See below. We track the following types of memory access: - (Intra-functional) Stack read/write. Trace changes of stack pointers inside a function, and the dereferences of stack pointers. - (Inter-functional) Stack read/write. - (Global) Static memory positions. Keep a map of all accessible memory positions to their source statements per function. After that, we traverse the CFG and link each pair of reads/writes together in the order of control-flow. We do not track the following types of memory access - Symbolic memory access Well, they cannot be tracked under fastpath mode (which is the mode we are generating the CTF) anyways. """ worklist = [] worklist_set = set() # Initialize the worklist if self._start is None: # initial nodes are those nodes in CFG that has no in-degrees for n in self._cfg.graph.nodes(): if self._cfg.graph.in_degree(n) == 0: # Put it into the worklist job = DDGJob(n, 0) self._worklist_append(job, worklist, worklist_set) else: for n in self._cfg.model.get_all_nodes(self._start): job = DDGJob(n, 0) self._worklist_append(job, worklist, worklist_set) # A dict storing defs set # DDGJob -> LiveDefinition live_defs_per_node = {} while worklist: # Pop out a node ddg_job = worklist[0] l.debug("Processing %s.", ddg_job) node, call_depth = ddg_job.cfg_node, ddg_job.call_depth worklist = worklist[1:] worklist_set.remove(node) # Grab all final states. There are usually more than one (one state for each successor), and we gotta # process all of them final_states = node.final_states if node in live_defs_per_node: live_defs = live_defs_per_node[node] else: live_defs = LiveDefinitions() live_defs_per_node[node] = live_defs successing_nodes = list(self._cfg.graph.successors(node)) # try to assign every final state to a successor and vice versa match_suc = defaultdict(bool) match_state = defaultdict(set) for suc in successing_nodes: matched = False for state in final_states: try: if state.solver.eval(state.ip) == suc.addr: match_suc[suc.addr] = True match_state[state].add(suc) matched = True except (SimUnsatError, SimSolverModeError, ZeroDivisionError): # ignore matched = matched if not matched: break # whether all final states could be matched to a successor and vice versa matches = len(match_suc) == len(successing_nodes) and len(match_state) == len(final_states) for state in final_states: if state.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_FakeRet" and len(final_states) > 1: # Skip fakerets if there are other control flow transitions available continue new_call_depth = call_depth if state.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_Call": new_call_depth += 1 elif state.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_Ret": new_call_depth -= 1 if self._call_depth is not None and call_depth > self._call_depth: l.debug("Do not trace into %s due to the call depth limit", state.ip) continue new_defs = self._track(state, live_defs, node.irsb.statements if node.irsb is not None else None) # corresponding_successors = [n for n in successing_nodes if # not state.ip.symbolic and n.addr == state.solver.eval(state.ip)] # if not corresponding_successors: # continue changed = False # if every successor can be matched with one or more final states (by IP address), # only take over the LiveDefinition of matching states if matches: add_state_to_sucs = match_state[state] else: add_state_to_sucs = successing_nodes for successing_node in add_state_to_sucs: if (state.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_Call" or state.history.jumpkind.startswith("Ijk_Sys")) and ( state.ip.symbolic or successing_node.addr != state.solver.eval(state.ip) ): suc_new_defs = self._filter_defs_at_call_sites(new_defs) else: suc_new_defs = new_defs if successing_node in live_defs_per_node: defs_for_next_node = live_defs_per_node[successing_node] else: defs_for_next_node = LiveDefinitions() live_defs_per_node[successing_node] = defs_for_next_node for var, code_loc_set in suc_new_defs.items(): # l.debug("Adding %d new definitions for variable %s.", len(code_loc_set), var) changed |= defs_for_next_node.add_defs(var, code_loc_set) if changed: if (self._call_depth is None) or ( self._call_depth is not None and 0 <= new_call_depth <= self._call_depth ): # Put all reachable successors back to our work-list again for successor in self._cfg.model.get_all_successors(node): nw = DDGJob(successor, new_call_depth) self._worklist_append(nw, worklist, worklist_set) def _track(self, state, live_defs, statements): """ Given all live definitions prior to this program point, track the changes, and return a new list of live definitions. We scan through the action list of the new state to track the changes. :param state: The input state at that program point. :param live_defs: All live definitions prior to reaching this program point. :param list statements: A list of VEX statements. :returns: A list of new live definitions. :rtype: angr.analyses.ddg.LiveDefinitions """ # Make a copy of live_defs self._live_defs = live_defs.copy() action_list = list(state.history.recent_actions) # Since all temporary variables are local, we simply track them in a dict self._temp_variables = {} self._temp_register_symbols = {} # All dependence edges are added to the graph either at the end of this method, or when they are going to be # overwritten by a new edge. This is because we sometimes have to modify a previous edge (e.g. add new labels # to the edge) self._temp_edges = defaultdict(list) self._register_edges = defaultdict(list) last_statement_id = None self._variables_per_statement = ( None # program variables read out in the same statement. we keep a copy of those variables here so ) # we can link it to the tmp_write action right afterwards self._custom_data_per_statement = None for a in action_list: if last_statement_id is None or last_statement_id != a.stmt_idx: # update statement ID last_statement_id = a.stmt_idx statement = ( statements[last_statement_id] if statements and last_statement_id < len(statements) else None ) # initialize all per-statement data structures self._variables_per_statement = [] self._custom_data_per_statement = None if a.sim_procedure is None: current_code_location = CodeLocation(a.bbl_addr, a.stmt_idx, ins_addr=a.ins_addr) else: current_code_location = CodeLocation(None, None, sim_procedure=a.sim_procedure) if a.type == "exit": self._handle_exit(a, current_code_location, state, statement) elif a.type == "operation": self._handle_operation(a, current_code_location, state, statement) elif a.type == "constraint": pass else: handler_name = f"_handle_{a.type}_{a.action}" if hasattr(self, handler_name): getattr(self, handler_name)(a, current_code_location, state, statement) else: l.debug("Skip an unsupported action %s.", a) return self._live_defs def _def_lookup(self, variable): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ This is a backward lookup in the previous defs. Note that, as we are using VSA, it is possible that `variable` is affected by several definitions. :param angr.analyses.ddg.LiveDefinitions live_defs: The collection of live definitions. :param SimVariable: The variable to lookup for definitions. :returns: A dict {stmt:labels} where label is the number of individual addresses of `addr_list` (or the actual set of addresses depending on the keep_addrs flag) that are definted by stmt. """ prevdefs = {} for code_loc in self._live_defs.lookup_defs(variable): # Label edges with cardinality or actual sets of addresses if isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): type_ = "mem" elif isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): type_ = "reg" else: raise AngrDDGError("Unknown variable type %s" % type(variable)) prevdefs[code_loc] = {"type": type_, "data": variable} return prevdefs def _kill(self, variable, code_loc): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ Kill previous defs. addr_list is a list of normalized addresses. """ # Case 1: address perfectly match, we kill # Case 2: a is a subset of the original address # Case 3: a is a superset of the original address # the previous definition is killed. mark it in data graph. if variable in self._live_defs: for loc in self._live_defs.lookup_defs(variable): pv = ProgramVariable(variable, loc, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_edge(pv, ProgramVariable(variable, code_loc, arch=self.project.arch), type="kill") self._live_defs.kill_def(variable, code_loc) def _get_register_size(self, reg_offset): """ Get the size of a register. :param int reg_offset: Offset of the register. :return: Size in bytes. :rtype: int """ # TODO: support registers that are not aligned if reg_offset in self.project.arch.register_names: reg_name = self.project.arch.register_names[reg_offset] reg_size = self.project.arch.registers[reg_name][1] return reg_size l.warning( "_get_register_size(): unsupported register offset %d. Assum size 1. " "More register name mappings should be implemented in archinfo.", reg_offset, ) return 1 # # Action handling # @staticmethod def _get_actual_addrs(action, state): """ For memory actions, get a list of addresses it operates on. :param SimAction action: The action object to work with. :return: A list of addresses that are accessed with that action. :rtype: list """ if action.actual_addrs is None: # For now, mem reads don't necessarily have actual_addrs set properly try: addr_list = {state.solver.eval(action.addr.ast)} except (SimSolverModeError, SimUnsatError, ZeroDivisionError): # FIXME: ZeroDivisionError should have been caught by claripy and simuvex. # FIXME: see claripy issue #75. this is just a temporary workaround. # it's symbolic... just continue addr_list = {0x60000000} # TODO: this is a random address that I pick. Fix it. else: addr_list = set(action.actual_addrs) return addr_list def _create_memory_variable(self, action, addr, addrs): """ Create a SimStackVariable or SimMemoryVariable based on action objects and its address. :param SimAction action: The action to work with. :param int addr: The address of the memory variable in creation. :param list addrs: A list of all addresses that the action was effective on. :return: """ variable = None if len(addrs) == 1 and len(action.addr.tmp_deps) == 1: addr_tmp = list(action.addr.tmp_deps)[0] if addr_tmp in self._temp_register_symbols: # it must be a stack variable sort, offset = self._temp_register_symbols[addr_tmp] base_addr = addr - offset if base_addr < 0: base_addr += 1 << self.project.arch.bits variable = SimStackVariable(offset, action.size.ast // 8, base=sort, base_addr=base_addr) if variable is None: variable = SimMemoryVariable(addr, action.size.ast // 8) return variable def _make_edges(self, action, prog_var): """ :param SimAction action: :param ProgramVariable prog_var: :return: """ # For each of its register dependency and data dependency, we annotate the corresponding edge for reg_offset in action.addr.reg_deps: self._stmt_graph_annotate_edges(self._register_edges[reg_offset], subtype="mem_addr") reg_variable = SimRegisterVariable(reg_offset, self._get_register_size(reg_offset)) prev_defs = self._def_lookup(reg_variable) for loc, _ in prev_defs.items(): v = ProgramVariable(reg_variable, loc, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_edge(v, prog_var, type="mem_addr") for tmp in action.addr.tmp_deps: self._stmt_graph_annotate_edges(self._temp_edges[tmp], subtype="mem_addr") if tmp in self._temp_variables: self._data_graph_add_edge(self._temp_variables[tmp], prog_var, type="mem_addr") if not and not # might be a constant assignment v = if not v.symbolic: const_var = SimConstantVariable(v.concrete_value) const_progvar = ProgramVariable(const_var, prog_var.location) self._data_graph_add_edge(const_progvar, prog_var, type="mem_data") else: for reg_offset in self._stmt_graph_annotate_edges(self._register_edges[reg_offset], subtype="mem_data") reg_variable = SimRegisterVariable(reg_offset, self._get_register_size(reg_offset)) prev_defs = self._def_lookup(reg_variable) for loc, _ in prev_defs.items(): v = ProgramVariable(reg_variable, loc, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_edge(v, prog_var, type="mem_data") for tmp in self._stmt_graph_annotate_edges(self._temp_edges[tmp], subtype="mem_data") if tmp in self._temp_variables: self._data_graph_add_edge(self._temp_variables[tmp], prog_var, type="mem_data") def _handle_mem_read(self, action, code_location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument addrs = self._get_actual_addrs(action, state) for addr in addrs: variable = self._create_memory_variable(action, addr, addrs) variables = [] # get all definitions defs = self._def_lookup(variable) if defs: # for each definition, create an edge on the graph for definition_location, labels in defs.items(): self._stmt_graph_add_edge(definition_location, code_location, **labels) pv = ProgramVariable(variable, definition_location, arch=self.project.arch) variables.append(pv) self._make_edges(action, pv) else: # if no definition is found, then this is the first time this variable is accessed # mark it as "initial" pv = ProgramVariable(variable, code_location, initial=True, arch=self.project.arch) variables.append(pv) self._make_edges(action, pv) # make sure to put it into the killing set self._kill(variable, code_location) for var in variables: # record accessed variables in var_per_stmt self._variables_per_statement.append(var) def _handle_mem_write(self, action, location, state, statement): addrs = self._get_actual_addrs(action, state) for addr in addrs: variable = self._create_memory_variable(action, addr, addrs) # kill all previous variables self._kill(variable, location) # create a new variable at current location pv = ProgramVariable(variable, location, arch=self.project.arch) # make edges self._make_edges(action, pv) if isinstance(statement, pyvex.IRStmt.Store) and self._variables_per_statement: if isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.RdTmp): # assignment src_tmp_idx = src_tmp_def = next( s for s in self._variables_per_statement if isinstance(s.variable, SimTemporaryVariable) and s.variable.tmp_id == src_tmp_idx ) self._ast_graph.add_edge(src_tmp_def, pv) elif isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.Const): # assignment const = self._ast_graph.add_edge(ProgramVariable(SimConstantVariable(const), location), pv) def _handle_reg_read(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument reg_offset = action.offset variable = SimRegisterVariable(reg_offset, // 8) # What do we want to do? definitions = self._def_lookup(variable) # add edges to the statement dependence graph for definition_location, labels in definitions.items(): self._stmt_graph_add_edge(definition_location, location, **labels) # record the edge self._register_edges[reg_offset].append((definition_location, location)) self._variables_per_statement.append(ProgramVariable(variable, definition_location, arch=self.project.arch)) if not definitions: # the register was never defined before - it must be passed in as an argument self._variables_per_statement.append( ProgramVariable(variable, location, initial=True, arch=self.project.arch) ) # make sure to put it into the killing set self._kill(variable, location) if reg_offset == self.project.arch.sp_offset: self._custom_data_per_statement = ("sp", 0) elif reg_offset == self.project.arch.bp_offset: self._custom_data_per_statement = ("bp", 0) def _handle_reg_write(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument reg_offset = action.offset variable = SimRegisterVariable(reg_offset, // 8) self._kill(variable, location) if reg_offset in self._register_edges: # clear the recoreded edge, since we don't need to alter that edge anymore del self._register_edges[reg_offset] # add a node on the data dependence graph pv = ProgramVariable(variable, location, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_node(pv) if not action.reg_deps and not action.tmp_deps: # moving a constant into the register # try to parse out the constant from statement const_variable = SimConstantVariable() if statement is not None: if isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.Const): const_variable = SimConstantVariable( const_pv = ProgramVariable(const_variable, location, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_edge(const_pv, pv) for tmp in action.tmp_deps: if tmp in self._temp_variables: self._data_graph_add_edge(self._temp_variables[tmp], pv) def _handle_tmp_read(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument tmp = action.tmp tmp_var = self._temp_variables[tmp] def_loc = tmp_var.location self._stmt_graph_add_edge(def_loc, location, type="tmp", data=action.tmp) # record the edge edge_tuple = (def_loc, location) self._temp_edges[action.tmp].append(edge_tuple) if tmp in self._temp_register_symbols: self._custom_data_per_statement = self._temp_register_symbols[tmp] self._variables_per_statement.append(tmp_var) def _handle_tmp_write(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument ast = None tmp = action.tmp pv = ProgramVariable(SimTemporaryVariable(tmp), location, arch=self.project.arch) if ast is not None: for operand in ast.operands: self._ast_graph.add_edge(operand, ast) self._ast_graph.add_edge(ast, pv) self._temp_variables[tmp] = pv # clear existing edges if tmp in self._temp_edges: del self._temp_edges[tmp] for tmp_dep in action.tmp_deps: if tmp_dep in self._temp_variables: self._data_graph_add_edge(self._temp_variables[tmp_dep], pv) if self._custom_data_per_statement is not None: self._temp_register_symbols[tmp] = self._custom_data_per_statement for data in self._variables_per_statement: self._data_graph_add_edge(data, pv) if isinstance(statement, pyvex.IRStmt.WrTmp) and self._variables_per_statement: if isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.RdTmp): # assignment: dst_tmp = src_tmp for s in filter( lambda x: isinstance(x.variable, SimTemporaryVariable) and x.variable.tmp_id != tmp, self._variables_per_statement, ): self._ast_graph.add_edge(s, pv) elif isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.Get): # assignment: dst_tmp = src_reg for s in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.variable, SimRegisterVariable), self._variables_per_statement): self._ast_graph.add_edge(s, pv) elif isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.Load): # assignment: dst_tmp = [ src_mem ] for s in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x.variable, SimMemoryVariable), self._variables_per_statement): self._ast_graph.add_edge(s, pv) if not action.tmp_deps and not self._variables_per_statement and not ast: # read in a constant # try to parse out the constant from statement const_variable = SimConstantVariable() if statement is not None: if isinstance(statement, pyvex.IRStmt.Dirty): l.warning("Dirty statements are not supported in DDG for now.") elif isinstance(, pyvex.IRExpr.Const): const_variable = SimConstantVariable( const_pv = ProgramVariable(const_variable, location, arch=self.project.arch) self._data_graph_add_edge(const_pv, pv) def _handle_exit(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument # exits should only depend on tmps for tmp in action.tmp_deps: prev_code_loc = self._temp_variables[tmp].location # add the edge to the graph self._stmt_graph_add_edge(prev_code_loc, location, type="exit", data="tmp") # log the edge edge_tuple = (prev_code_loc, location) self._temp_edges[tmp].append(edge_tuple) def _handle_operation(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument if action.op.endswith("Sub32") or action.op.endswith("Sub64"): # subtract expr_0, expr_1 = action.exprs if expr_0.tmp_deps and (not expr_1.tmp_deps and not expr_1.reg_deps): # tmp - const const_value = expr_1.ast.args[0] tmp = next(iter(expr_0.tmp_deps)) if tmp in self._temp_register_symbols: sort, offset = self._temp_register_symbols[tmp] offset -= const_value if offset < 0: offset += 1 << self.project.arch.bits self._custom_data_per_statement = (sort, offset) elif action.op.endswith("Add32") or action.op.endswith("Add64"): # add expr_0, expr_1 = action.exprs if expr_0.tmp_deps and (not expr_1.tmp_deps and not expr_1.reg_deps): # tmp + const const_value = expr_1.ast.args[0] tmp = next(iter(expr_0.tmp_deps)) if tmp in self._temp_register_symbols: sort, offset = self._temp_register_symbols[tmp] offset += const_value if offset >= (1 << self.project.arch.bits): offset -= 1 << self.project.arch.bits self._custom_data_per_statement = (sort, offset) def _process_operation(self, action, location, state, statement): # pylint:disable=unused-argument if action.op.endswith("Sub32") or action.op.endswith("Sub64"): # subtract expr_0, expr_1 = action.exprs if expr_0.tmp_deps and (not expr_1.tmp_deps and not expr_1.reg_deps): # tmp - const const_value = expr_1.ast.args[0] tmp = next(iter(expr_0.tmp_deps)) const_def = ProgramVariable(SimConstantVariable(const_value), location) tmp_def = self._temp_variables[tmp] ast = AST("-", tmp_def, const_def) return ast elif action.op.endswith("Add32") or action.op.endswith("Add64"): # add expr_0, expr_1 = action.exprs if expr_0.tmp_deps and (not expr_1.tmp_deps and not expr_1.reg_deps): # tmp + const const_value = expr_1.ast.args[0] tmp = next(iter(expr_0.tmp_deps)) const_def = ProgramVariable(SimConstantVariable(const_value), location) tmp_def = self._temp_variables[tmp] ast = AST("+", tmp_def, const_def) return ast return None # # Graph operations # def _data_graph_add_node(self, node): """ Add a noe in the data dependence graph. :param ProgramVariable node: The node to add. :return: None """ self._data_graph.add_node(node) self._simplified_data_graph = None def _data_graph_add_edge(self, src, dst, **edge_labels): """ Add an edge in the data dependence graph. :param ProgramVariable src: Source node. :param ProgramVariable dst: Destination node. :param edge_labels: All labels associated with the edge. :return: None """ if src in self._data_graph and dst in self._data_graph[src]: return self._data_graph.add_edge(src, dst, **edge_labels) self._simplified_data_graph = None def _stmt_graph_add_edge(self, src, dst, **edge_labels): """ Add an edge in the statement dependence graph from a program location `src` to another program location `dst`. :param CodeLocation src: Source node. :param CodeLocation dst: Destination node. :param edge_labels: All labels associated with the edge. :returns: None """ # Is that edge already in the graph ? # If at least one is new, then we are not redoing the same path again if src in self._stmt_graph and dst in self._stmt_graph[src]: return self._stmt_graph.add_edge(src, dst, **edge_labels) def _stmt_graph_annotate_edges(self, edges_to_annotate, **new_labels): """ Add new annotations to edges in the statement dependence graph. :param list edges_to_annotate: A list of edges to annotate. :param new_labels: New labels to be added to those edges. :returns: None """ graph = self.graph for src, dst in edges_to_annotate: if src not in graph: continue if dst not in graph[src]: continue data = graph[src][dst] for k, v in new_labels.items(): if k in data: if v not in data[k]: data[k] = data[k] + (v,) else: # Construct a tuple data[k] = (v,) def _simplify_data_graph(self, data_graph): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ Simplify a data graph by removing all temp variable nodes on the graph. :param networkx.DiGraph data_graph: The data dependence graph to simplify. :return: The simplified graph. :rtype: networkx.MultiDiGraph """ graph = networkx.MultiDiGraph(data_graph) all_nodes = [n for n in graph.nodes() if isinstance(n.variable, SimTemporaryVariable)] for tmp_node in all_nodes: # remove each tmp node by linking their successors and predecessors directly in_edges = graph.in_edges(tmp_node, data=True) out_edges = graph.out_edges(tmp_node, data=True) for pred, _, _ in in_edges: graph.remove_edge(pred, tmp_node) for _, suc, _ in out_edges: graph.remove_edge(tmp_node, suc) for pred, _, data_in in in_edges: for _, suc, data_out in out_edges: if pred is not tmp_node and suc is not tmp_node: if suc not in graph[pred]: data = data_in.copy() data.update(data_out) graph.add_edge(pred, suc, **data) graph.remove_node(tmp_node) return graph def _worklist_append(self, node_wrapper, worklist, worklist_set): """ Append a CFGNode and its successors into the work-list, and respect the call-depth limit :param node_wrapper: The NodeWrapper instance to insert. :param worklist: The work-list, which is a list. :param worklist_set: A set of all CFGNodes that are inside the work-list, just for the sake of fast look-up. It will be updated as well. :returns: A set of newly-inserted CFGNodes (not NodeWrapper instances). """ if node_wrapper.cfg_node in worklist_set: # It's already in the work-list return worklist.append(node_wrapper) worklist_set.add(node_wrapper.cfg_node) stack = [node_wrapper] traversed_nodes = {node_wrapper.cfg_node} inserted = {node_wrapper.cfg_node} while stack: nw = stack.pop() n, call_depth = nw.cfg_node, nw.call_depth # Get successors edges = self._cfg.graph.out_edges(n, data=True) for _, dst, data in edges: if ( dst not in traversed_nodes # which means we haven't touch this node in this appending procedure and dst not in worklist_set ): # which means this node is not in the work-list # We see a new node! traversed_nodes.add(dst) if data["jumpkind"] == "Ijk_Call": if self._call_depth is None or call_depth < self._call_depth: inserted.add(dst) new_nw = DDGJob(dst, call_depth + 1) worklist.append(new_nw) worklist_set.add(dst) stack.append(new_nw) elif data["jumpkind"] == "Ijk_Ret": if call_depth > 0: inserted.add(dst) new_nw = DDGJob(dst, call_depth - 1) worklist.append(new_nw) worklist_set.add(dst) stack.append(new_nw) else: new_nw = DDGJob(dst, call_depth) inserted.add(dst) worklist_set.add(dst) worklist.append(new_nw) stack.append(new_nw) return inserted def _build_function_dependency_graphs(self): """ Build dependency graphs for each function, and save them in self._function_data_dependencies. """ # This is a map between functions and its corresponding dependencies self._function_data_dependencies = defaultdict(networkx.DiGraph) # Group all dependencies first block_addr_to_func = {} for _, func in self.kb.functions.items(): for block in func.blocks: block_addr_to_func[block.addr] = func for src, dst, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): src_target_func = None if src.block_addr in block_addr_to_func: src_target_func = block_addr_to_func[src.block_addr] self._function_data_dependencies[src_target_func].add_edge(src, dst, **data) if dst.block_addr in block_addr_to_func: dst_target_func = block_addr_to_func[dst.block_addr] if dst_target_func is not src_target_func: self._function_data_dependencies[dst_target_func].add_edge(src, dst, **data) # # Other private methods # def _filter_defs_at_call_sites(self, defs): """ If we are not tracing into the function that are called in a real execution, we should properly filter the defs to account for the behavior of the skipped function at this call site. This function is a WIP. See TODOs inside. :param defs: :return: """ # TODO: make definition killing architecture independent and calling convention independent # TODO: use information from a calling convention analysis filtered_defs = LiveDefinitions() for variable, locs in defs.items(): if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): if == "X86": if variable.reg in ( self.project.arch.registers["eax"][0], self.project.arch.registers["ecx"][0], self.project.arch.registers["edx"][0], ): continue filtered_defs.add_defs(variable, locs) return filtered_defs
[docs] def find_definitions(self, variable, location=None, simplified_graph=True): """ Find all definitions of the given variable. :param SimVariable variable: :param bool simplified_graph: True if you just want to search in the simplified graph instead of the normal graph. Usually the simplified graph suffices for finding definitions of register or memory variables. :return: A collection of all variable definitions to the specific variable. :rtype: list """ if simplified_graph: graph = self.simplified_data_graph else: graph = self.data_graph defs = [] n: ProgramVariable for n in graph.nodes(): if n.variable == variable: if location is None: defs.append(n) else: # TODO: finish this part if n.location.block_addr == location.block_addr: defs.append(n) return defs
[docs] def find_consumers(self, var_def, simplified_graph=True): """ Find all consumers to the specified variable definition. :param ProgramVariable var_def: The variable definition. :param bool simplified_graph: True if we want to search in the simplified graph, False otherwise. :return: A collection of all consumers to the specified variable definition. :rtype: list """ if simplified_graph: graph = self.simplified_data_graph else: graph = self.data_graph if var_def not in graph: return [] consumers = [] srcs = [var_def] traversed = set() while srcs: src = srcs.pop() out_edges = graph.out_edges(src, data=True) for _, dst, data in out_edges: if "type" in data and data["type"] == "kill": # skip killing edges continue if isinstance(dst.variable, SimTemporaryVariable): if dst not in traversed: srcs.append(dst) traversed.add(dst) else: if dst not in consumers: consumers.append(dst) return consumers
[docs] def find_killers(self, var_def, simplified_graph=True): """ Find all killers to the specified variable definition. :param ProgramVariable var_def: The variable definition. :param bool simplified_graph: True if we want to search in the simplified graph, False otherwise. :return: A collection of all killers to the specified variable definition. :rtype: list """ if simplified_graph: graph = self.simplified_data_graph else: graph = self.data_graph if var_def not in graph: return [] killers = [] out_edges = graph.out_edges(var_def, data=True) for _, dst, data in out_edges: if "type" in data and data["type"] == "kill": killers.append(dst) return killers
[docs] def find_sources(self, var_def, simplified_graph=True): """ Find all sources to the specified variable definition. :param ProgramVariable var_def: The variable definition. :param bool simplified_graph: True if we want to search in the simplified graph, False otherwise. :return: A collection of all sources to the specified variable definition. :rtype: list """ if simplified_graph: graph = self.simplified_data_graph else: graph = self.data_graph if var_def not in graph: return [] sources = [] defs = [var_def] traversed = set() while defs: definition = defs.pop() in_edges = graph.in_edges(definition, data=True) for src, _, data in in_edges: if "type" in data and data["type"] == "kill": continue if isinstance(src.variable, SimTemporaryVariable): if src not in traversed: defs.append(src) traversed.add(src) else: if src not in sources: sources.append(src) return sources
from angr.analyses import AnalysesHub AnalysesHub.register_default("DDG", DDG)