Source code for pyvex.enums

from typing import List

from .native import ffi, pvc
from .utils import stable_hash

[docs]class VEXObject: """ The base class for Vex types. """ __slots__: List[str] = [] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False # compare values in slots for slot in self.__slots__: if getattr(self, slot) != getattr(other, slot): return False return True def __hash__(self): values = [getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__] for i in range(len(values)): if isinstance(values[i], list): values[i] = tuple(values[i]) return stable_hash(tuple([type(self)] + values))
[docs]class IRCallee(VEXObject): """ Describes a helper function to call. """ __slots__ = ["regparms", "name", "mcx_mask"] def __init__(self, regparms, name, mcx_mask): VEXObject.__init__(self) self.regparms = regparms = name self.mcx_mask = mcx_mask def __str__(self): return str( @staticmethod def _from_c(c_callee): return IRCallee( c_callee.regparms, ffi.string(, # NO. #int(ffi.cast("unsigned long long", c_callee.addr)), c_callee.mcx_mask, ) @staticmethod def _to_c(callee): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise Exception( "This doesn't work! Please invent a way to get the correct address for the named function from pyvex_c." )
# c_callee = pvc.mkIRCallee(callee.regparms, #, # ffi.cast("void *", callee.addr)) # c_callee.mcx_mask = callee.mcx_mask # return c_callee
[docs]class IRRegArray(VEXObject): """ A section of the guest state that we want te be able to index at run time, so as to be able to describe indexed or rotating register files on the guest. :ivar int base: The offset into the state that this array starts :ivar str elemTy: The types of the elements in this array, as VEX enum strings :ivar int nElems: The number of elements in this array """ __slots__ = ["base", "elemTy", "nElems"] def __init__(self, base, elemTy, nElems): VEXObject.__init__(self) self.base = base self.elemTy = elemTy self.nElems = nElems def __str__(self): return "%s:%sx%d" % (self.base, self.elemTy[4:], self.nElems) @staticmethod def _from_c(c_arr): return IRRegArray(c_arr.base, ints_to_enums[c_arr.elemTy], c_arr.nElems) @staticmethod def _to_c(arr): return pvc.mkIRRegArray(arr.base, get_int_from_enum(arr.elemTy), arr.nElems)
ints_to_enums = {} enums_to_ints = {} irop_enums_to_ints = {} will_be_overwritten = ["Ircr_GT", "Ircr_LT"]
[docs]def get_enum_from_int(i): return ints_to_enums[i]
[docs]def get_int_from_enum(e): return enums_to_ints[e]
def _add_enum(s, i=None): # TODO get rid of this if i is None: while _add_enum.counter in ints_to_enums: _add_enum.counter += 1 i = _add_enum.counter _add_enum.counter += 1 # Update for the next iteration if i in ints_to_enums: if ints_to_enums[i] not in will_be_overwritten: raise ValueError("Enum with intkey %d already present" % i) enums_to_ints[s] = i ints_to_enums[i] = s if s.startswith("Iop_"): irop_enums_to_ints[s] = i _add_enum.counter = 0 for attr in dir(pvc): if attr[0] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" and hasattr(pvc, attr) and isinstance(getattr(pvc, attr), int): _add_enum(attr, getattr(pvc, attr))
[docs]def vex_endness_from_string(endness_str): return getattr(pvc, endness_str)
[docs]def default_vex_archinfo(): return { "hwcaps": 0, "endness": vex_endness_from_string("VexEndnessLE"), "ppc_icache_line_szB": 0, "ppc_dcbz_szB": 0, "ppc_dcbzl_szB": 0, "arm64_dMinLine_lg2_szB": 0, "arm64_iMinLine_lg2_szB": 0, "hwcache_info": { "num_levels": 0, "num_caches": 0, "caches": None, "icaches_maintain_coherence": True, }, "x86_cr0": 0xFFFFFFFF, }