import logging
import re
from typing import Optional
from .const import U8, U16, U32, U64, IRConst, get_type_size
from .enums import IRCallee, IRRegArray, VEXObject, get_enum_from_int, get_int_from_enum
from .errors import PyVEXError
from .native import ffi, pvc
log = logging.getLogger("pyvex.expr")
class IRExpr(VEXObject):
IR expressions in VEX represent operations without side effects.
__slots__ = []
tag: str | None = None
tag_int = 0 # set automatically at bottom of file
def pp(self):
def __str__(self):
return self._pp_str()
def _pp_str(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def child_expressions(self) -> list["IRExpr"]:
A list of all of the expressions that this expression ends up evaluating.
expressions = []
for k in self.__slots__:
v = getattr(self, k)
if isinstance(v, IRExpr):
return expressions
def constants(self):
A list of all of the constants that this expression ends up using.
constants = []
for k in self.__slots__:
v = getattr(self, k)
if isinstance(v, IRExpr):
elif isinstance(v, IRConst):
return constants
def result_size(self, tyenv):
return get_type_size(self.result_type(tyenv))
def result_type(self, tyenv):
raise NotImplementedError()
def replace_expression(self, replacements):
Replace child expressions in-place.
:param Dict[IRExpr, IRExpr] replacements: A mapping from expression-to-find to expression-to-replace-with
:return: None
for k in self.__slots__:
v = getattr(self, k)
if isinstance(v, IRExpr) and v in replacements:
setattr(self, k, replacements.get(v))
elif isinstance(v, list):
# Replace the instance in the list
for i, expr_ in enumerate(v):
if isinstance(expr_, IRExpr) and expr_ in replacements:
v[i] = replacements.get(expr_)
elif type(v) is tuple:
# Rebuild the tuple
_lst = []
replaced = False
for i, expr_ in enumerate(v):
if isinstance(expr_, IRExpr) and expr_ in replacements:
replaced = True
if replaced:
setattr(self, k, tuple(_lst))
elif isinstance(v, IRExpr):
def _from_c(c_expr) -> Optional["IRExpr"]:
if c_expr == ffi.NULL or c_expr[0] == ffi.NULL:
return None
return enum_to_expr_class(c_expr.tag)._from_c(c_expr)
except KeyError:
raise PyVEXError("Unknown/unsupported IRExprTag %s\n" % get_enum_from_int(c_expr.tag))
_translate = _from_c
def _to_c(expr):
return tag_to_expr_class(expr.tag)._to_c(expr)
except KeyError:
raise PyVEXError("Unknown/unsupported IRExprTag %s\n" % expr.tag)
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
return self.result_type(tyenv)
class Binder(IRExpr):
Used only in pattern matching within Vex. Should not be seen outside of Vex.
__slots__ = ["binder"]
tag = "Iex_Binder"
def __init__(self, binder):
self.binder = binder
def _pp_str(self):
return "Binder"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Binder(c_expr.iex.Binder.binder)
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Binder(expr.binder)
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return "Ity_INVALID"
class VECRET(IRExpr):
tag = "Iex_VECRET"
__slots__ = []
def _pp_str(self):
return "VECRET"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return VECRET()
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_VECRET()
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return "Ity_INVALID"
class GSPTR(IRExpr):
__slots__ = []
tag = "Iex_GSPTR"
def _pp_str(self):
return "GSPTR"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return GSPTR()
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_GSPTR()
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return "Ity_INVALID"
class GetI(IRExpr):
Read a guest register at a non-fixed offset in the guest state.
__slots__ = ["descr", "ix", "bias"]
tag = "Iex_GetI"
def __init__(self, descr, ix, bias):
self.descr = descr
self.ix = ix
self.bias = bias
def description(self):
return self.descr
def index(self):
return self.ix
def _pp_str(self):
return f"GetI({self.descr})[{self.ix},{self.bias}]"
def _from_c(c_expr):
descr = IRRegArray._from_c(c_expr.Iex.GetI.descr)
ix = IRExpr._from_c(c_expr.Iex.GetI.ix)
bias = c_expr.Iex.GetI.bias
return GetI(descr, ix, bias)
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_GetI(IRRegArray._to_c(expr.descr), IRExpr._to_c(expr.ix), expr.bias)
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.descr.elemTy
class RdTmp(IRExpr):
Read the value held by a temporary.
__slots__ = ["_tmp"]
tag = "Iex_RdTmp"
def __init__(self, tmp):
self._tmp = tmp
def _pp_str(self):
return "t%d" % self.tmp
def tmp(self):
return self._tmp
def _from_c(c_expr):
tmp = c_expr.Iex.RdTmp.tmp
return RdTmp.get_instance(tmp)
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_RdTmp(expr.tmp)
def get_instance(tmp):
if tmp < 1024:
# for small tmp reads, they are cached and are only created once globally
return _RDTMP_POOL[tmp]
return RdTmp(tmp)
def replace_expression(self, replacements):
# RdTmp is one of the terminal IRExprs, which cannot be replaced.
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return tyenv.lookup(self.tmp)
def __hash__(self):
return 133700 + self._tmp
_RDTMP_POOL = list(RdTmp(i) for i in range(0, 1024))
class Get(IRExpr):
Read a guest register, at a fixed offset in the guest state.
__slots__ = ["offset", "ty_int"]
tag = "Iex_Get"
def __init__(self, offset, ty: str, ty_int: int | None = None):
self.offset = offset
if ty_int is None:
self.ty_int = get_int_from_enum(ty)
self.ty_int = ty_int
def ty(self):
return get_enum_from_int(self.ty_int)
def type(self):
return get_enum_from_int(self.ty_int)
def _pp_str(self):
return f"GET:{self.ty[4:]}(offset={self.offset})"
def pp_str_with_name(self, reg_name: str):
"""pp_str_with_name is used to print the expression with the name of the
register instead of the offset"""
return f"GET:{self.ty[4:]}({reg_name})"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Get(c_expr.Iex.Get.offset, get_enum_from_int(c_expr.Iex.Get.ty))
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Get(expr.offset, expr.ty_int)
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.ty
def __hash__(self):
return (self.offset << 8) | self.ty_int
class Qop(IRExpr):
A quaternary operation (4 arguments).
__slots__ = ["op", "args"]
tag = "Iex_Qop"
def __init__(self, op, args):
self.op = op
self.args = args
def _pp_str(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.op[4:], ",".join(str(a) for a in self.args))
def child_expressions(self):
expressions = sum((a.child_expressions for a in self.args), [])
return expressions
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Qop(
for arg in [
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Qop(get_int_from_enum(expr.op), *[IRExpr._to_c(arg) for arg in expr.args])
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return get_op_retty(self.op)
def typecheck(self, tyenv): # TODO change all this to use PyvexTypeErrorException
resty, (arg1ty, arg2ty, arg3ty, arg4ty) = op_arg_types(self.op)
arg1ty_real = self.args[0].typecheck(tyenv)
arg2ty_real = self.args[1].typecheck(tyenv)
arg3ty_real = self.args[2].typecheck(tyenv)
arg4ty_real = self.args[3].typecheck(tyenv)
if arg1ty_real is None or arg2ty_real is None or arg3ty_real is None or arg4ty_real is None:
return None
if arg1ty_real != arg1ty:
log.debug("First arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg1ty)
return None
if arg2ty_real != arg2ty:
log.debug("Second arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg2ty)
return None
if arg3ty_real != arg3ty:
log.debug("Third arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg3ty)
return None
if arg4ty_real != arg4ty:
log.debug("Fourth arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg4ty)
return None
return resty
class Triop(IRExpr):
A ternary operation (3 arguments)
__slots__ = ["op", "args"]
tag = "Iex_Triop"
def __init__(self, op, args):
self.op = op
self.args = args
def _pp_str(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.op[4:], ",".join(str(a) for a in self.args))
def child_expressions(self):
expressions = sum((a.child_expressions for a in self.args), [])
return expressions
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Triop(
for arg in [c_expr.Iex.Triop.details.arg1, c_expr.Iex.Triop.details.arg2, c_expr.Iex.Triop.details.arg3]
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Triop(get_int_from_enum(expr.op), *[IRExpr._to_c(arg) for arg in expr.args])
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return get_op_retty(self.op)
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
resty, (arg1ty, arg2ty, arg3ty) = op_arg_types(self.op)
arg1ty_real = self.args[0].typecheck(tyenv)
arg2ty_real = self.args[1].typecheck(tyenv)
arg3ty_real = self.args[2].typecheck(tyenv)
if arg1ty_real is None or arg2ty_real is None or arg3ty_real is None:
return None
if arg1ty_real != arg1ty:
log.debug("First arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg1ty)
return None
if arg2ty_real != arg2ty:
log.debug("Second arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg2ty)
return None
if arg3ty_real != arg3ty:
log.debug("Third arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg3ty)
return None
return resty
class Binop(IRExpr):
A binary operation (2 arguments).
__slots__ = ["_op", "op_int", "args"]
tag = "Iex_Binop"
def __init__(self, op, args, op_int=None):
self.op_int = op_int
self.args = args
self._op = op if op is not None else None
def _pp_str(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.op[4:], ",".join(str(a) for a in self.args))
def op(self):
if self._op is None:
self._op = get_enum_from_int(self.op_int)
return self._op
def child_expressions(self):
expressions = sum((a.child_expressions for a in self.args), [])
return expressions
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Binop(
[IRExpr._from_c(arg) for arg in [c_expr.Iex.Binop.arg1, c_expr.Iex.Binop.arg2]],
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Binop(get_int_from_enum(expr.op), *[IRExpr._to_c(arg) for arg in expr.args])
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return get_op_retty(self.op)
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
arg1ty_real = self.args[0].typecheck(tyenv)
arg2ty_real = self.args[1].typecheck(tyenv)
resty, (arg1ty, arg2ty) = op_arg_types(self.op)
if arg1ty_real is None or arg2ty_real is None:
return None
if arg1ty_real != arg1ty:
log.debug("First arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg1ty)
return None
if arg2ty_real != arg2ty:
log.debug("Second arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg2ty)
return None
return resty
class Unop(IRExpr):
A unary operation (1 argument).
__slots__ = ["op", "args"]
tag = "Iex_Unop"
def __init__(self, op, args):
self.op = op
self.args = args
def _pp_str(self):
return "{}({})".format(self.op[4:], ",".join(str(a) for a in self.args))
def child_expressions(self):
expressions = sum((a.child_expressions for a in self.args), [])
return expressions
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Unop(get_enum_from_int(c_expr.Iex.Unop.op), [IRExpr._from_c(c_expr.Iex.Unop.arg)])
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Unop(get_int_from_enum(expr.op), IRExpr._to_c(expr.args[0]))
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return get_op_retty(self.op)
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
resty, (arg1ty,) = op_arg_types(self.op)
arg1ty_real = self.args[0].typecheck(tyenv)
if arg1ty_real is None:
return None
if arg1ty_real != arg1ty:
log.debug("First arg of %s must be %s", self.op, arg1ty)
return None
return resty
class Load(IRExpr):
A load from memory.
__slots__ = ["end", "ty", "addr"]
tag = "Iex_Load"
def __init__(self, end, ty, addr):
self.end = end
self.ty = ty
self.addr = addr
def endness(self):
return self.end
def type(self):
return self.ty
def _pp_str(self):
return f"LD{self.end[-2:].lower()}:{self.ty[4:]}({self.addr})"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return Load(
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Load(get_int_from_enum(expr.end), get_int_from_enum(expr.ty), IRExpr._to_c(expr.addr))
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.ty
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
addrty = self.addr.typecheck(tyenv)
if addrty is None:
return None
if addrty != tyenv.wordty:
log.debug("Address must be word-sized")
return None
return self.ty
class Const(IRExpr):
A constant expression.
__slots__ = ["_con"]
tag = "Iex_Const"
def __init__(self, con: "IRConst"):
self._con = con
def _pp_str(self):
return str(self.con)
def con(self) -> "IRConst":
return self._con
def _from_c(c_expr):
con = IRConst._from_c(c_expr.Iex.Const.con)
return Const.get_instance(con)
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_Const(IRConst._to_c(expr.con))
def get_instance(con):
if con.value < 1024 and con.__class__ in _CONST_POOL:
return _CONST_POOL[con.__class__][con.value]
return Const(con)
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.con.type
U8: [Const(U8(i)) for i in range(0, 1024)],
U16: [Const(U16(i)) for i in range(0, 1024)],
U32: [Const(U32(i)) for i in range(0, 1024)],
U64: [Const(U64(i)) for i in range(0, 1024)],
class ITE(IRExpr):
An if-then-else expression.
__slots__ = ["cond", "iffalse", "iftrue"]
tag = "Iex_ITE"
def __init__(self, cond, iffalse, iftrue):
self.cond = cond
self.iffalse = iffalse
self.iftrue = iftrue
def _pp_str(self):
return f"ITE({self.cond},{self.iftrue},{self.iffalse})"
def _from_c(c_expr):
return ITE(
def _to_c(expr):
return pvc.IRExpr_ITE(IRExpr._to_c(expr.cond), IRExpr._to_c(expr.iftrue), IRExpr._to_c(expr.iffalse))
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.iftrue.result_type(tyenv)
def typecheck(self, tyenv):
condty = self.cond.typecheck(tyenv)
falsety = self.iffalse.typecheck(tyenv)
truety = self.iftrue.typecheck(tyenv)
if condty is None or falsety is None or truety is None:
return None
if condty != "Ity_I1":
log.debug("guard must be Ity_I1")
return None
if falsety != truety:
log.debug("false condition must be same type as true condition")
return None
return falsety
class CCall(IRExpr):
A call to a pure (no side-effects) helper C function.
__slots__ = ["retty", "cee", "args"]
tag = "Iex_CCall"
def __init__(self, retty, cee, args):
self.retty = retty
self.cee = cee
self.args = tuple(args)
def ret_type(self):
return self.retty
def callee(self):
return self.cee
def _pp_str(self):
return "{}({}):{}".format(self.cee, ",".join(str(a) for a in self.args), self.retty)
def child_expressions(self):
expressions = sum((a.child_expressions for a in self.args), [])
return expressions
def _from_c(c_expr):
i = 0
args = []
while True:
arg = c_expr.Iex.CCall.args[i]
if arg == ffi.NULL:
i += 1
return CCall(get_enum_from_int(c_expr.Iex.CCall.retty), IRCallee._from_c(c_expr.Iex.CCall.cee), tuple(args))
def _to_c(expr):
args = [IRExpr._to_c(arg) for arg in expr.args]
mkIRExprVec = getattr(pvc, "mkIRExprVec_%d" % len(args))
return pvc.IRExpr_CCall(IRCallee._to_c(expr.cee), get_int_from_enum(expr.retty), mkIRExprVec(*args))
def result_type(self, tyenv):
return self.retty
def get_op_retty(op):
return op_arg_types(op)[0]
op_signatures: dict[str, tuple[str, tuple[str, ...]]] = {}
def _request_op_type_from_cache(op):
return op_signatures[op]
def _request_op_type_from_libvex(op):
Ity_INVALID = 0x1100 # as defined in enum IRType in VEX
res_ty ="IRType *")
arg_tys = ["IRType *") for _ in range(4)]
# initialize all IRTypes to Ity_INVALID
for arg in arg_tys:
arg[0] = Ity_INVALID
pvc.typeOfPrimop(get_int_from_enum(op), res_ty, *arg_tys)
arg_ty_vals = [a[0] for a in arg_tys]
numargs = arg_ty_vals.index(Ity_INVALID)
except ValueError:
numargs = 4
args_tys_list = [get_enum_from_int(arg_ty_vals[i]) for i in range(numargs)]
op_ty_sig = (get_enum_from_int(res_ty[0]), tuple(args_tys_list))
op_signatures[op] = op_ty_sig
return op_ty_sig
class PyvexOpMatchException(Exception):
class PyvexTypeErrorException(Exception):
def int_type_for_size(size):
return "Ity_I%d" % size
# precompiled regexes
unop_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_(Not|Ctz|Clz)(?P<size>\d+)$")
binop_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_(Add|Sub|Mul|Xor|Or|And|Div[SU]|Mod)(?P<size>\d+)$")
shift_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_(Shl|Shr|Sar)(?P<size>\d+)$")
cmp_signature_re_1 = re.compile(r"Iop_Cmp(EQ|NE)(?P<size>\d+)$")
cmp_signature_re_2 = re.compile(r"Iop_Cmp(GT|GE|LT|LE)(?P<size>\d+)[SU]$")
mull_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_Mull[SU](?P<size>\d+)$")
half_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_DivMod[SU](?P<fullsize>\d+)to(?P<halfsize>\d+)$")
cast_signature_re = re.compile(r"Iop_(?P<srcsize>\d+)(U|S|HI|HL)?to(?P<dstsize>\d+)")
def unop_signature(op):
m = unop_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
size = int("size"))
size_type = int_type_for_size(size)
return size_type, (size_type,)
def binop_signature(op):
m = binop_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
size = int("size"))
size_type = int_type_for_size(size)
return (size_type, (size_type, size_type))
def shift_signature(op):
m = shift_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
size = int("size"))
if size > 255:
raise PyvexTypeErrorException("Cannot apply shift operation to %d size int because shift index is 8-bit" % size)
size_type = int_type_for_size(size)
return (size_type, (size_type, int_type_for_size(8)))
def cmp_signature(op):
m = cmp_signature_re_1.match(op)
m2 = cmp_signature_re_2.match(op)
if (m is None) == (m2 is None):
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
mfound = m if m is not None else m2
size = int("size"))
size_type = int_type_for_size(size)
return (int_type_for_size(1), (size_type, size_type))
def mull_signature(op):
m = mull_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
size = int("size"))
size_type = int_type_for_size(size)
doubled_size_type = int_type_for_size(2 * size)
return (doubled_size_type, (size_type, size_type))
def half_signature(op):
m = half_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
fullsize = int("fullsize"))
halfsize = int("halfsize"))
if halfsize * 2 != fullsize:
raise PyvexTypeErrorException("Invalid Instruction %s: Type 1 must be twice the size of type 2" % op)
fullsize_type = int_type_for_size(fullsize)
halfsize_type = int_type_for_size(halfsize)
return (fullsize_type, (fullsize_type, halfsize_type))
def cast_signature(op):
m = cast_signature_re.match(op)
if m is None:
raise PyvexOpMatchException()
src_type = int_type_for_size(int("srcsize")))
dst_type = int_type_for_size(int("dstsize")))
return (dst_type, (src_type,))
polymorphic_op_processors = [
def _request_polymorphic_op_type(op):
for polymorphic_signature in polymorphic_op_processors:
op_ty_sig = polymorphic_signature(op)
except PyvexOpMatchException:
raise PyvexOpMatchException("Op %s not recognized" % op)
return op_ty_sig
_request_funcs = [_request_op_type_from_cache, _request_op_type_from_libvex, _request_polymorphic_op_type]
def op_arg_types(op):
for _request_func in _request_funcs:
return _request_func(op)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Cannot find type of op %s" % op)
_globals = globals().copy()
# Mapping from tag strings/enums to IRExpr classes
tag_to_expr_mapping = {}
enum_to_expr_mapping = {}
tag_count = 0
cls = None
for cls in _globals.values():
if type(cls) is type and issubclass(cls, IRExpr) and cls is not IRExpr:
tag_to_expr_mapping[cls.tag] = cls
enum_to_expr_mapping[get_int_from_enum(cls.tag)] = cls
cls.tag_int = tag_count
tag_count += 1
del cls
def tag_to_expr_class(tag):
Convert a tag string to the corresponding IRExpr class type.
:param str tag: The tag string.
:return: A class.
:rtype: type
return tag_to_expr_mapping[tag]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Cannot find expression class for type %s." % tag)
def enum_to_expr_class(tag_enum):
Convert a tag enum to the corresponding IRExpr class.
:param int tag_enum: The tag enum.
:return: A class.
:rtype: type
return enum_to_expr_mapping[tag_enum]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Cannot find expression class for type %s." % get_enum_from_int(tag_enum))