Quick Start#


This package can be installed on Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms for recent (3.8+) versions of both CPython and PyPy. Wheels are provided for several configurations. You can install the latest release from PyPI using pip:

pip install pypcode

You can also install the very latest development version from this repository using pip:

pip install --user https://github.com/angr/pypcode/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

You can now invoke the pypcode module from command line to translate supported machine code to P-code from command line. Run python -m pypcode --help for usage information. See module source(__main__.py) for examples of using pypcode as a library.

Command Line Usage Example#

$ python -m pypcode -b x86:LE:64:default test-x64.bin
00000000/2: XOR EAX,EAX
  0: CF = 0x0
  1: OF = 0x0
  2: EAX = EAX ^ EAX
  3: RAX = zext(EAX)
  4: SF = EAX s< 0x0
  5: ZF = EAX == 0x0
  6: unique[0x2580:4] = EAX & 0xff
  7: unique[0x2590:1] = popcount(unique[0x2580:4])
  8: unique[0x25a0:1] = unique[0x2590:1] & 0x1
  9: PF = unique[0x25a0:1] == 0x0

00000002/2: CMP ESI,EAX
  0: CF = ESI < EAX
  1: OF = sborrow(ESI, EAX)
  2: unique[0x5180:4] = ESI - EAX
  3: SF = unique[0x5180:4] s< 0x0
  4: ZF = unique[0x5180:4] == 0x0
  5: unique[0x2580:4] = unique[0x5180:4] & 0xff
  6: unique[0x2590:1] = popcount(unique[0x2580:4])
  7: unique[0x25a0:1] = unique[0x2590:1] & 0x1
  8: PF = unique[0x25a0:1] == 0x0

00000004/2: JBE 0x17
  0: unique[0x18f0:1] = CF || ZF
  1: if (unique[0x18f0:1]) goto ram[0x17:8]