Source code for claripy.operations

import itertools
from . import debug as _d

[docs]def op( name, arg_types, return_type, extra_check=None, calc_length=None, do_coerce=True, bound=True ): # pylint:disable=unused-argument if type(arg_types) in (tuple, list): # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck expected_num_args = len(arg_types) elif type(arg_types) is type: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck expected_num_args = None else: raise ClaripyOperationError(f"op {name} got weird arg_types") def _type_fixer(args): num_args = len(args) if expected_num_args is not None and num_args != expected_num_args: if num_args + 1 == expected_num_args and arg_types[0] is fp.RM: args = (fp.RM.default(),) + args else: raise ClaripyTypeError( "Operation {} takes exactly " "{} arguments ({} given)".format(name, len(arg_types), len(args)) ) if type(arg_types) is type: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck actual_arg_types = (arg_types,) * num_args else: actual_arg_types = arg_types matches = [isinstance(arg, argty) for arg, argty in zip(args, actual_arg_types)] # heuristically, this works! thing = args[matches.index(True, 1 if actual_arg_types[0] is fp.RM else 0)] if True in matches else None for arg, argty, matches in zip(args, actual_arg_types, matches): if not matches: if do_coerce and hasattr(argty, "_from_" + type(arg).__name__): convert = getattr(argty, "_from_" + type(arg).__name__) yield convert(thing, arg) else: yield NotImplemented return else: yield arg def _op(*args): fixed_args = tuple(_type_fixer(args)) if _d._DEBUG: for i in fixed_args: if i is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if extra_check is not None: success, msg = extra_check(*fixed_args) if not success: raise ClaripyOperationError(msg) # pylint:disable=too-many-nested-blocks simp = _handle_annotations(simplifications.simpleton.simplify(name, fixed_args), args) if simp is not None: return simp kwargs = {} if calc_length is not None: kwargs["length"] = calc_length(*fixed_args) kwargs["uninitialized"] = None # pylint:disable=isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type if any(a.uninitialized is True for a in args if isinstance(a, ast.Base)): kwargs["uninitialized"] = True if name in preprocessors: args, kwargs = preprocessors[name](*args, **kwargs) return return_type(name, fixed_args, **kwargs) _op.calc_length = calc_length return _op
def _handle_annotations(simp, args): if simp is None: return None # pylint:disable=isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type ast_args = tuple(a for a in args if isinstance(a, ast.Base)) preserved_relocatable = frozenset(simp._relocatable_annotations) relocated_annotations = set() bad_eliminated = 0 for aa in ast_args: for oa in aa._relocatable_annotations: if oa not in preserved_relocatable and oa not in relocated_annotations: relocated_annotations.add(oa) na = oa.relocate(aa, simp) if na is not None: simp = simp.append_annotation(na) bad_eliminated += len(aa._uneliminatable_annotations - simp._uneliminatable_annotations) if bad_eliminated == 0: return simp return None
[docs]def reversed_op(op_func): if type(op_func) is not type(reversed_op): op_func = op_func.im_func # unwrap instancemethod into function def _reversed_op(*args): return op_func(*args[::-1]) return _reversed_op
# # Extra processors # union_counter = itertools.count()
[docs]def preprocess_union(*args, **kwargs): # # When we union two values, we implicitly create a new symbolic, multi-valued # variable, because a union is essentially an ITE with an unconstrained # "choice" variable. # new_name = "union_%d" % next(union_counter) kwargs["add_variables"] = frozenset((new_name,)) return args, kwargs
preprocessors = { "union": preprocess_union, #'intersection': preprocess_intersect } # # Length checkers #
[docs]def length_same_check(*args): return all(a.length == args[0].length for a in args), "args' length must all be equal"
[docs]def basic_length_calc(*args): return args[0].length
[docs]def extract_check(high, low, bv): if high < 0 or low < 0: return False, "Extract high and low must be nonnegative" elif low > high: return False, "Extract low must be <= high" elif high >= bv.size(): return False, "Extract bound must be less than BV size" return True, ""
[docs]def extend_check(amount, value): return amount >= 0, "Extension length must be nonnegative"
[docs]def concat_length_calc(*args): return sum(arg.length for arg in args)
[docs]def extract_length_calc(high, low, _): return high + 1 - low
[docs]def str_basic_length_calc(str_1): return str_1.length
[docs]def int_to_str_length_calc(int_val): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return 8 * ast.String.MAX_LENGTH
[docs]def str_replace_check(*args): str_1, str_2, _ = args if str_1.length < str_2.length: return False, "The pattern that has to be replaced is longer than the string itself" return True, ""
[docs]def substr_length_calc(start_idx, count, strval): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # FIXME: How can I get the value of a concrete object without a solver return strval.length if not count.concrete else 8 * count.args[0]
[docs]def ext_length_calc(ext, orig): return orig.length + ext
[docs]def str_concat_length_calc(*args): return sum(arg.length for arg in args)
[docs]def str_replace_length_calc(*args): str_1, str_2, str_3 = args # Return the maximum length that the string can assume after the replace # operation # # If the part that has to be replaced if greater than # the replacement than the we have the maximum length possible # when the part that has to be replaced is not found inside the string if str_2.length >= str_3.length: return str_1.length # Otherwise We have the maximum length when teh replacement happens return str_1.length - str_2.length + str_3.length
[docs]def strlen_bv_size_calc(s, bitlength): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return bitlength
[docs]def strindexof_bv_size_calc(s1, s2, start_idx, bitlength): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return bitlength
[docs]def strtoint_bv_size_calc(s, bitlength): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return bitlength
# # Operation lists # expression_arithmetic_operations = { # arithmetic "__add__", "__radd__", "__truediv__", "__rtruediv__", "__floordiv__", "__rfloordiv__", "__mul__", "__rmul__", "__sub__", "__rsub__", "__pow__", "__rpow__", "__mod__", "__rmod__", "SDiv", "SMod", "__neg__", "__abs__", } bin_ops = { "__add__", "__radd__", "__mul__", "__rmul__", "__or__", "__ror__", "__and__", "__rand__", "__xor__", "__rxor__", } expression_comparator_operations = { # comparisons "__eq__", "__ne__", "__ge__", "__le__", "__gt__", "__lt__", } # expression_comparator_operations = { # 'Eq', # 'Ne', # 'Ge', 'Le', # 'Gt', 'Lt', # } expression_bitwise_operations = { # bitwise "__invert__", "__or__", "__ror__", "__and__", "__rand__", "__xor__", "__rxor__", "__lshift__", "__rlshift__", "__rshift__", "__rrshift__", } expression_set_operations = { # Set operations "union", "intersection", "widen", } expression_operations = ( expression_arithmetic_operations | expression_comparator_operations | expression_bitwise_operations | expression_set_operations ) backend_comparator_operations = { "SGE", "SLE", "SGT", "SLT", "UGE", "ULE", "UGT", "ULT", } backend_bitwise_operations = { "RotateLeft", "RotateRight", "LShR", "Reverse", } backend_boolean_operations = {"And", "Or", "Not"} backend_bitmod_operations = {"Concat", "Extract", "SignExt", "ZeroExt"} backend_creation_operations = {"BoolV", "BVV", "FPV", "StringV"} backend_symbol_creation_operations = {"BoolS", "BVS", "FPS", "StringS"} backend_other_operations = {"If"} backend_arithmetic_operations = {"SDiv", "SMod"} backend_operations = ( backend_comparator_operations | backend_bitwise_operations | backend_boolean_operations | backend_bitmod_operations | backend_creation_operations | backend_other_operations | backend_arithmetic_operations ) backend_operations_vsa_compliant = ( backend_bitwise_operations | backend_comparator_operations | backend_boolean_operations | backend_bitmod_operations ) backend_operations_all = backend_operations | backend_operations_vsa_compliant backend_fp_cmp_operations = { "fpLT", "fpLEQ", "fpGT", "fpGEQ", "fpEQ", } backend_fp_operations = { "FPS", "fpToFP", "fpToFPUnsigned", "fpToIEEEBV", "fpFP", "fpToSBV", "fpToUBV", "fpNeg", "fpSub", "fpAdd", "fpMul", "fpDiv", "fpAbs", "fpIsNaN", "fpIsInf", "fpSqrt", } | backend_fp_cmp_operations backend_strings_operations = { "StrSubstr", "StrReplace", "StrConcat", "StrLen", "StrContains", "StrPrefixOf", "StrSuffixOf", "StrIndexOf", "StrToInt", "StrIsDigit", "IntToStr", } opposites = { "__add__": "__radd__", "__radd__": "__add__", "__truediv__": "__rtruediv__", "__rtruediv__": "__truediv__", "__floordiv__": "__rfloordiv__", "__rfloordiv__": "__floordiv__", "__mul__": "__rmul__", "__rmul__": "__mul__", "__sub__": "__rsub__", "__rsub__": "__sub__", "__pow__": "__rpow__", "__rpow__": "__pow__", "__mod__": "__rmod__", "__rmod__": "__mod__", "__eq__": "__eq__", "__ne__": "__ne__", "__ge__": "__le__", "__le__": "__ge__", "__gt__": "__lt__", "__lt__": "__gt__", "ULT": "UGT", "UGT": "ULT", "ULE": "UGE", "UGE": "ULE", "SLT": "SGT", "SGT": "SLT", "SLE": "SGE", "SGE": "SLE", #'__neg__': #'__abs__': #'__invert__': "__or__": "__ror__", "__ror__": "__or__", "__and__": "__rand__", "__rand__": "__and__", "__xor__": "__rxor__", "__rxor__": "__xor__", "__lshift__": "__rlshift__", "__rlshift__": "__lshift__", "__rshift__": "__rrshift__", "__rrshift__": "__rshift__", } reversed_ops = { "__radd__": "__add__", "__rand__": "__and__", "__rfloordiv__": "__floordiv__", "__rlshift__": "__lshift__", "__rmod__": "__mod__", "__rmul__": "__mul__", "__ror__": "__or__", "__rpow__": "__pow__", "__rrshift__": "__rshift__", "__rsub__": "__sub__", "__rtruediv__": "__truediv__", "__rxor__": "__xor__", } inverse_operations = { "__eq__": "__ne__", "__ne__": "__eq__", "__gt__": "__le__", "__lt__": "__ge__", "__ge__": "__lt__", "__le__": "__gt__", "ULT": "UGE", "UGE": "ULT", "UGT": "ULE", "ULE": "UGT", "SLT": "SGE", "SGE": "SLT", "SLE": "SGT", "SGT": "SLE", } leaf_operations = backend_symbol_creation_operations | backend_creation_operations leaf_operations_concrete = backend_creation_operations leaf_operations_symbolic = backend_symbol_creation_operations leaf_operations_symbolic_with_union = leaf_operations_symbolic | {"union"} # # Reversibility # not_invertible = {"union"} reverse_distributable = { "widen", "union", "intersection", "__invert__", "__or__", "__ror__", "__and__", "__rand__", "__xor__", "__rxor__", } infix = { "__add__": "+", "__sub__": "-", "__mul__": "*", "__floordiv__": "/", "__truediv__": "/", # the raw / operator should use integral semantics on bitvectors "__pow__": "**", "__mod__": "%", "__eq__": "==", "__ne__": "!=", "__ge__": ">=", "__le__": "<=", "__gt__": ">", "__lt__": "<", "UGE": ">=", "ULE": "<=", "UGT": ">", "ULT": "<", "SGE": ">=s", "SLE": "<=s", "SGT": ">s", "SLT": "<s", "SDiv": "/s", "SMod": "%s", "__or__": "|", "__and__": "&", "__xor__": "^", "__lshift__": "<<", "__rshift__": ">>", "And": "&&", "Or": "||", "Concat": "..", } prefix = { "Not": "!", "__neg__": "-", "__invert__": "~", } op_precedence = { # based on # precedence: 2 "__pow__": 2, "Not": 2, "__neg__": 2, "__invert__": 2, # precedence: 3 "__mul__": 3, "__floordiv__": 3, "__truediv__": 3, # the raw / operator should use integral semantics on bitvectors "__mod__": 3, "SDiv": 3, "SMod": 3, # precedence: 4 "__add__": 4, "__sub__": 4, # precedence: 5 "__lshift__": 5, "__rshift__": 5, # precedence: 6 "__ge__": 6, "__le__": 6, "__gt__": 6, "__lt__": 6, "UGE": 6, "ULE": 6, "UGT": 6, "ULT": 6, "SGE": 6, "SLE": 6, "SGT": 6, "SLT": 6, # precedence: 7 "__eq__": 7, "__ne__": 7, # precedence: 8 "__and__": 8, # precedence: 9 "__xor__": 9, # precedence: 10 "__or__": 10, # precedence: 11 "And": 11, # precedence: 12 "Or": 12, #'Concat': '..', } commutative_operations = { "__and__", "__or__", "__xor__", "__add__", "__mul__", "And", "Or", "Xor", } from .errors import ClaripyOperationError, ClaripyTypeError from . import simplifications from . import ast from . import fp