Source code for claripy.backends.backend_vsa

import logging
import numbers
import functools
import operator
from functools import reduce

l = logging.getLogger("claripy.backends.backend_vsa")

from . import Backend, BackendError
from ..vsa import RegionAnnotation

[docs]def arg_filter(f): @functools.wraps(f) def filter(*args): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin if isinstance(args[0], numbers.Number): # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported argument type %s" % type(args[0])) return f(*args) return filter
[docs]def normalize_arg_order(f): @functools.wraps(f) def normalizer(*args): if len(args) != 2: raise BackendError("Unsupported arguments number %d" % len(args)) if type(args[0]) not in { StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, }: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(args[1]) not in { StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, }: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported arguments") args = [args[1], args[0]] return f(*args) return normalizer
[docs]def convert_args(f): @functools.wraps(f) def converter(self, ast): raw_args = [] for i in range(len(ast.args)): # It's not reversed raw_args.append(ast.args[i]) for i in range(len(raw_args)): raw_args[i] = self.convert(raw_args[i]) normalized = ast.swap_args(raw_args) ret = f(self, normalized) return ret return converter
[docs]class BackendVSA(Backend):
[docs] def __init__(self): Backend.__init__(self) # self._make_raw_ops(set(expression_operations) - set(expression_set_operations), op_module=BackendVSA) self._make_expr_ops(set(expression_set_operations), op_class=self) self._make_raw_ops(set(backend_operations_vsa_compliant), op_module=BackendVSA) self._op_raw["Reverse"] = BackendVSA.Reverse self._op_raw["If"] = self.If self._op_expr["BVV"] = self.BVV self._op_expr["BoolV"] = self.BoolV self._op_expr["BVS"] = self.BVS # reduceable self._op_raw["__add__"] = self._op_add self._op_raw["__sub__"] = self._op_sub self._op_raw["__mul__"] = self._op_mul self._op_raw["__or__"] = self._op_or self._op_raw["__xor__"] = self._op_xor self._op_raw["__and__"] = self._op_and self._op_raw["__mod__"] = self._op_mod
@staticmethod def _op_add(*args): return reduce(operator.__add__, args) @staticmethod def _op_sub(*args): return reduce(operator.__sub__, args) @staticmethod def _op_mul(*args): return reduce(operator.__mul__, args) @staticmethod def _op_or(*args): return reduce(operator.__or__, args) @staticmethod def _op_xor(*args): return reduce(operator.__xor__, args) @staticmethod def _op_and(*args): return reduce(operator.__and__, args) @staticmethod def _op_mod(*args): return reduce(operator.__mod__, args)
[docs] def convert(self, expr): return Backend.convert(self, expr.ite_excavated if isinstance(expr, Base) else expr)
def _convert(self, a): if isinstance(a, numbers.Number): return a elif isinstance(a, bool): return TrueResult() if a else FalseResult() if isinstance(a, (StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet)): return a if isinstance(a, BoolResult): return a # Not supported raise BackendError() def _eval(self, expr, n, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if isinstance(expr, StridedInterval): return expr.eval(n) elif isinstance(expr, ValueSet): return expr.eval(n) elif isinstance(expr, BoolResult): return expr.value else: raise BackendError("Unsupported type %s" % type(expr)) def _min(self, expr, extra_constraints=(), signed=False, solver=None, model_callback=None): # TODO: signed min if isinstance(expr, StridedInterval): if expr.is_top: # TODO: Return return 0 return expr.min elif isinstance(expr, ValueSet): return expr.min else: raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) def _max(self, expr, extra_constraints=(), signed=False, solver=None, model_callback=None): # TODO: signed max if isinstance(expr, StridedInterval): if expr.is_top: # TODO: return StridedInterval.max_int(expr.bits) return expr.max elif isinstance(expr, ValueSet): return expr.max else: raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) def _solution(self, obj, v, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if isinstance(obj, BoolResult): return len(set(v.value) & set(obj.value)) > 0 if isinstance(obj, StridedInterval): return not obj.intersection(v).is_empty if isinstance(obj, ValueSet): for _, si in obj.items(): if not si.intersection(v).is_empty: return True return False raise NotImplementedError(type(obj).__name__) def _has_true(self, o, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return BoolResult.has_true(o) def _has_false(self, o, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return BoolResult.has_false(o) def _is_true(self, o, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return BoolResult.is_true(o) def _is_false(self, o, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return BoolResult.is_false(o) # # Backend Operations #
[docs] def simplify(self, e): raise BackendError("nope")
def _identical(self, a, b): if type(a) != type(b): return False return a.identical(b) def _unique(self, obj): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if isinstance(obj, StridedInterval): return obj.unique elif isinstance(obj, ValueSet): return obj.unique else: raise BackendError("Not supported type of operand %s" % type(obj)) def _cardinality(self, a): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use return a.cardinality
[docs] def name(self, a): if isinstance(a, StridedInterval): return else: return None
[docs] def apply_annotation(self, bo, annotation): """ Apply an annotation on the backend object. :param BackendObject bo: The backend object. :param Annotation annotation: The annotation to be applied :return: A new BackendObject :rtype: BackendObject """ # Currently we only support RegionAnnotation if not isinstance(annotation, RegionAnnotation): return bo if not isinstance(bo, ValueSet): # Convert it to a ValueSet first # Note that the original value is not kept at all. If you want to convert a StridedInterval to a ValueSet, # you gotta do the conversion by calling AST.annotate() from outside. bo = ValueSet.empty(bo.bits) return bo.apply_annotation(annotation)
[docs] def BVV(self, ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if ast.args[0] is None: return StridedInterval.empty(ast.args[1]) else: return CreateStridedInterval(bits=ast.args[1], stride=0, lower_bound=ast.args[0], upper_bound=ast.args[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def BoolV(ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return TrueResult() if ast.args[0] else FalseResult()
[docs] @staticmethod def And(a, *args): return reduce(operator.__and__, args, a)
[docs] @staticmethod def Not(a): return ~a
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def ULT(a, b): return a.ULT(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def ULE(a, b): return a.ULE(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def UGT(a, b): return a.UGT(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def UGE(a, b): return a.UGE(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def SLT(a, b): return a.SLT(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def SLE(a, b): return a.SLE(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def SGT(a, b): return a.SGT(b)
[docs] @staticmethod @normalize_arg_order def SGE(a, b): return a.SGE(b)
[docs] @staticmethod def BVS(ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument size = ast.size() name, mn, mx, stride, uninitialized, discrete_set, max_card = ast.args return CreateStridedInterval( name=name, bits=size, lower_bound=mn, upper_bound=mx, stride=stride, uninitialized=uninitialized, discrete_set=discrete_set, discrete_set_max_cardinality=max_card, )
[docs] def If(self, cond, t, f): if not self.has_true(cond): return f elif not self.has_false(cond): return t else: return t.union(f)
# TODO: Implement other operations!
[docs] @staticmethod def Or(*args): first = args[0] others = args[1:] for o in others: first = first.union(o) return first
@staticmethod def __rshift__(expr, shift_amount): # pylint:disable=unexpected-special-method-signature return expr.__rshift__(shift_amount)
[docs] @staticmethod def LShR(expr, shift_amount): return expr.LShR(shift_amount)
[docs] @staticmethod def Concat(*args): ret = None for expr in args: if type(expr) not in { StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, }: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) ret = ret.concat(expr) if ret is not None else expr return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def Extract(*args): low_bit = args[1] high_bit = args[0] expr = args[2] if type(expr) not in { StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, }: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) ret = expr.extract(high_bit, low_bit) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def SignExt(*args): new_bits = args[0] expr = args[1] if type(expr) not in {StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet}: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) return expr.sign_extend(new_bits + expr.bits)
[docs] @staticmethod def ZeroExt(*args): new_bits = args[0] expr = args[1] if type(expr) not in {StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet}: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(expr)) return expr.zero_extend(new_bits + expr.bits)
[docs] @staticmethod def Reverse(arg): if type(arg) not in { StridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, }: # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck raise BackendError("Unsupported expr type %s" % type(arg)) return arg.reverse()
[docs] @convert_args def union(self, ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if len(ast.args) != 2: raise BackendError("Incorrect number of arguments (%d) passed to BackendVSA.union()." % len(ast.args)) ret = ast.args[0].union(ast.args[1]) if ret is NotImplemented: ret = ast.args[1].union(ast.args[0]) return ret
[docs] @convert_args def intersection(self, ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if len(ast.args) != 2: raise BackendError( "Incorrect number of arguments (%d) passed to BackendVSA.intersection()." % len(ast.args) ) ret = None for arg in ast.args: if ret is None: ret = arg else: ret = ret.intersection(arg) return ret
[docs] @convert_args def widen(self, ast): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if len(ast.args) != 2: raise BackendError("Incorrect number of arguments (%d) passed to BackendVSA.widen()." % len(ast.args)) ret = ast.args[0].widen(ast.args[1]) if ret is NotImplemented: ret = ast.args[1].widen(ast.args[0]) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def CreateTopStridedInterval(bits, name=None, uninitialized=False): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use return, name, uninitialized=uninitialized)
[docs] def constraint_to_si(self, expr): return Balancer(self, expr).compat_ret
from ..ast.base import Base from ..operations import backend_operations_vsa_compliant, expression_set_operations from ..vsa import ( StridedInterval, CreateStridedInterval, DiscreteStridedIntervalSet, ValueSet, AbstractLocation, BoolResult, TrueResult, FalseResult, ) from ..balancer import Balancer BackendVSA.CreateStridedInterval = staticmethod(CreateStridedInterval)