Source code for claripy.backends.backend_smtlib

# pylint:disable=no-self-use
import logging

from pysmt.shortcuts import (

from pysmt.typing import STRING, INT, BOOL

l = logging.getLogger("claripy.backends.backend_smt")

from . import BackendError, Backend

def _expr_to_smtlib(e, daggify=True):
    Dump the symbol in its smt-format depending on its type

    :param e: symbol to dump
    :param daggify: The daggify parameter can be used to switch from a linear-size representation that uses ‘let’
                    operators to represent the formula as a dag or a simpler (but possibly exponential) representation
                    that expands the formula as a tree

    :return string: smt-lib representation of the symbol
    if e.is_symbol():
        return f"(declare-fun {e.symbol_name()} {e.symbol_type().as_smtlib()})"
        return "(assert %s)" % e.to_smtlib(daggify=daggify)

def _exprs_to_smtlib(*exprs, **kwargs):
    Dump all the variables and all the constraints in an smt-lib format

    :param exprs : List of variable declaration and constraints that have to be
             dumped in an smt-lib format

    :return string: smt-lib representation of the list of expressions
    return "\n".join(_expr_to_smtlib(e, **kwargs) for e in exprs) + "\n"

def _normalize_arguments(expr_left, expr_right):
    Since we decided to emulate integer with bitvector, this method transform their
    concrete value (if any) in the corresponding integer
    if expr_left.is_str_op() and expr_right.is_bv_constant():
        return expr_left, Int(expr_right.bv_signed_value())
    elif expr_left.is_bv_constant() and expr_right.is_str_op():
        return expr_right, Int(expr_left.bv_signed_value())
    return expr_left, expr_right

[docs]class BackendSMTLibBase(Backend):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.daggify = kwargs.pop("daggify", True) self.reuse_z3_solver = False Backend.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # ------------------- LEAF OPERATIONS ------------------- self._op_expr["StringV"] = self.StringV self._op_expr["StringS"] = self.StringS self._op_expr["BoolV"] = self.BoolV self._op_expr["BoolS"] = self.BoolS self._op_expr["BVV"] = self.BVV self._op_expr["BVS"] = self.BVS # ------------------- BITVECTOR OPERATIONS ------------------- # self._op_raw['Extract'] = self._op_raw_extract # self._op_raw['Concat'] = self._op_raw_concat self._op_raw["__add__"] = self._op_raw_add self._op_raw["__sub__"] = self._op_raw_sub # ------------------- GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATIONS ------------------- self._op_raw["__eq__"] = self._op_raw_eq self._op_raw["__ne__"] = self._op_raw_ne self._op_raw["__lt__"] = self._op_raw_lt self._op_raw["__le__"] = self._op_raw_le self._op_raw["__gt__"] = self._op_raw_gt self._op_raw["__ge__"] = self._op_raw_ge self._op_raw["Or"] = self._op_raw_or self._op_raw["If"] = self._op_raw_if self._op_raw["Not"] = self._op_raw_not self._op_raw["And"] = self._op_raw_and # ------------------- STRINGS OPERATIONS ------------------- self._op_raw["StrConcat"] = self._op_raw_str_concat self._op_raw["StrSubstr"] = self._op_raw_str_substr self._op_raw["StrLen"] = self._op_raw_str_strlen self._op_raw["StrReplace"] = self._op_raw_str_replace self._op_raw["StrContains"] = self._op_raw_str_contains self._op_raw["StrPrefixOf"] = self._op_raw_str_prefixof self._op_raw["StrSuffixOf"] = self._op_raw_str_suffixof self._op_raw["StrIndexOf"] = self._op_raw_str_indexof self._op_raw["StrToInt"] = self._op_raw_str_strtoint self._op_raw["StrIsDigit"] = self._op_raw_isdigit self._op_raw["IntToStr"] = self._op_raw_inttostr
@property def is_smt_backend(self): return True def _smtlib_exprs(self, exprs): return _exprs_to_smtlib(*exprs, daggify=self.daggify) def _get_satisfiability_smt_script(self, constraints=(), variables=()): """ Returns a SMT script that declare all the symbols and constraint and checks their satisfiability (check-sat) :param extra-constraints: list of extra constraints that we want to evaluate only in the scope of this call :return string: smt-lib representation of the script that checks the satisfiability """ smt_script = "(set-logic ALL)\n" smt_script += self._smtlib_exprs(variables) smt_script += self._smtlib_exprs(constraints) smt_script += "(check-sat)\n" return smt_script def _get_full_model_smt_script(self, constraints=(), variables=()): """ Returns a SMT script that declare all the symbols and constraint and checks their satisfiability (check-sat) :param extra-constraints: list of extra constraints that we want to evaluate only in the scope of this call :return string: smt-lib representation of the script that checks the satisfiability """ smt_script = "(set-logic ALL)\n" smt_script += "(set-option :produce-models true)\n" smt_script += self._smtlib_exprs(variables) smt_script += self._smtlib_exprs(constraints) smt_script += "(check-sat)\n" smt_script += "(get-model)\n" return smt_script def _get_all_vars_and_constraints(self, solver=None, e_c=(), e_v=()): all_csts = tuple(e_c) + (tuple(solver.constraints) if solver is not None else ()) free_variables = set(e_v).union(*[c.get_free_variables() for c in all_csts]) sorted_vars = sorted(free_variables, key=lambda s: s.symbol_name()) return sorted_vars, all_csts def _check_satisfiability(self, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): raise BackendError("Use a specialized backend for solving SMTLIB formatted constraints!") def _satisfiable(self, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): raise BackendError("Use a specialized backend for solving SMTLIB formatted constraints!") # ------------------- LEAF OPERATIONS -------------------
[docs] def StringV(self, ast): content, _ = ast.args return String(content)
[docs] def StringS(self, ast): # TODO: check correct format # if format not correct throw exception BackError() name, _ = ast.args return Symbol(name, STRING)
[docs] def BoolV(self, ast): return Bool(ast.args[0])
[docs] def BoolS(self, ast): return Symbol(ast.args[0], BOOL)
[docs] def BVV(self, ast): val, _ = ast.args if val & (1 << (ast.length - 1)): # negative val = -((1 << ast.length) - val) return Int(val)
[docs] def BVS(self, ast): return Symbol(ast.args[0], INT) # BVType(ast.length))
# ------------------- BITVECTOR OPERATIONS ------------------- def _op_raw_add(self, *args): return Plus(*args) def _op_raw_sub(self, *args): return Minus(*args) # ------------------- GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATIONS ------------------- def _op_raw_eq(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return EqualsOrIff(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_ne(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return NotEquals(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_lt(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return LT(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_le(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return LE(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_gt(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return GT(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_ge(self, *args): # We emulate the integer through a bitvector but # since a constraint with the form (assert (= (str.len Symb_str) bit_vect)) # is not valid we need to tranform the concrete vqalue of the bitvector in an integer # # TODO: implement logic for integer return GE(*_normalize_arguments(*args)) def _op_raw_or(self, *args): return Or(*args) def _op_raw_if(self, *args): return Ite(*args) def _op_raw_not(self, *args): return Not(*args) def _op_raw_and(self, *args): return And(*args) # ------------------- STRINGS OPERATIONS ------------------- def _op_raw_str_concat(self, *args): return StrConcat(*args) def _op_raw_str_substr(self, *args): start_idx, count, symb = args start_idx_operand = start_idx count_operand = count # start_idx_operand = BVToNatural(start_idx) if start_idx.get_type().is_bv_type() else start_idx # count_operand = BVToNatural(count) if count.get_type().is_bv_type() else count return StrSubstr(symb, start_idx_operand, count_operand) def _op_raw_str_strlen(self, *args): return StrLength(args[0]) def _op_raw_str_replace(self, *args): initial_str, pattern_to_replace, replacement_pattern = args return StrReplace(initial_str, pattern_to_replace, replacement_pattern) def _op_raw_str_contains(self, *args): input_string, substring = args return StrContains(input_string, substring) def _op_raw_str_prefixof(self, *args): prefix, input_string = args return StrPrefixOf(prefix, input_string) def _op_raw_str_suffixof(self, *args): suffix, input_string = args return StrSuffixOf(suffix, input_string) def _op_raw_str_indexof(self, *args): input_string, substring, start, bitlength = args # pylint:disable=unused-variable return StrIndexOf(input_string, substring, start) def _op_raw_str_strtoint(self, *args): input_string, _ = args return StrToInt(input_string) def _op_raw_isdigit(self, input_string): return NotEquals(StrToInt(input_string), Int(-1)) def _op_raw_inttostr(self, input_bv): return IntToStr(input_bv)