Source code for claripy.backends.backend_concrete

# pylint:disable=duplicate-value,missing-class-docstring,wrong-import-position
import logging
import numbers
import operator
from functools import reduce

from . import BackendError, Backend

l = logging.getLogger("claripy.backends.backend_concrete")

[docs]class BackendConcrete(Backend): __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __init__(self): Backend.__init__(self) self._make_raw_ops(set(backend_operations) - {"If"}, op_module=bv) self._make_raw_ops(backend_strings_operations, op_module=strings) self._make_raw_ops(backend_fp_operations, op_module=fp) self._op_raw["If"] = self._If self._op_raw["BVV"] = self.BVV self._op_raw["StringV"] = self.StringV self._op_raw["FPV"] = self.FPV # reduceable self._op_raw["__add__"] = self._op_add self._op_raw["__sub__"] = self._op_sub self._op_raw["__mul__"] = self._op_mul self._op_raw["__or__"] = self._op_or self._op_raw["__xor__"] = self._op_xor self._op_raw["__and__"] = self._op_and # unary self._op_raw["__invert__"] = self._op_not self._op_raw["__neg__"] = self._op_neg self._op_raw["fpSqrt"] = self._op_fpSqrt # boolean ops self._op_raw["And"] = self._op_and self._op_raw["Or"] = self._op_or self._op_raw["Xor"] = self._op_xor self._op_raw["Not"] = self._op_boolnot self._cache_objects = False
[docs] @staticmethod def BVV(value, size): if value is None: raise BackendError("can't handle empty BVVs") return bv.BVV(value, size)
[docs] @staticmethod def StringV(value, size): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if not value: raise BackendError("can't handle empty Strings") return strings.StringV(value)
[docs] @staticmethod def FPV(op, sort): return fp.FPV(op, sort)
@staticmethod def _op_add(*args): return reduce(operator.__add__, args) @staticmethod def _op_sub(*args): return reduce(operator.__sub__, args) @staticmethod def _op_mul(*args): return reduce(operator.__mul__, args) @staticmethod def _op_or(*args): return reduce(operator.__or__, args) @staticmethod def _op_xor(*args): return reduce(operator.__xor__, args) @staticmethod def _op_and(*args): return reduce(operator.__and__, args) @staticmethod def _op_not(arg): return ~arg @staticmethod def _op_neg(arg): return -arg @staticmethod def _op_boolnot(arg): return not arg @staticmethod def _op_fpSqrt(rm, a): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return a.fpSqrt()
[docs] def convert(self, expr): """ Override Backend.convert() to add fast paths for BVVs and BoolVs. """ if type(expr) is BV: if expr.op == "BVV": cached_obj = self._object_cache.get(expr._cache_key, None) if cached_obj is None: cached_obj = self.BVV(*expr.args) self._object_cache[expr._cache_key] = cached_obj return cached_obj if type(expr) is Bool and expr.op == "BoolV": return expr.args[0] return super().convert(expr)
def _If(self, b, t, f): # pylint:disable=no-self-use,unused-argument if not isinstance(b, bool): raise BackendError("BackendConcrete can't handle non-bool condition in If.") return t if b else f def _name(self, e): # pylint:disable=unused-argument,no-self-use return None def _identical(self, a, b): if type(a) is bv.BVV and type(b) is bv.BVV and a.size() != b.size(): return False else: return a == b def _convert(self, a): if type(a) in {int, str, bytes}: return a if isinstance(a, (numbers.Number, bv.BVV, fp.FPV, fp.RM, fp.FSort, strings.StringV)): return a raise BackendError("can't handle AST of type %s" % type(a)) def _simplify(self, e): return e def _abstract(self, e): # pylint:disable=no-self-use if isinstance(e, bv.BVV): return BVV(e.value, e.size()) elif isinstance(e, bool): return BoolV(e) elif isinstance(e, fp.FPV): return FPV(e.value, e.sort) elif isinstance(e, strings.StringV): return StringV(e.value) else: raise BackendError(f"Couldn't abstract object of type {type(e)}") def _cardinality(self, b): # if we got here, it's a cardinality of 1 return 1 # # Evaluation functions # @staticmethod def _to_primitive(expr): if isinstance(expr, bv.BVV): return expr.value elif isinstance(expr, fp.FPV): return expr.value elif isinstance(expr, strings.StringV): return expr.value elif isinstance(expr, bool): return expr elif isinstance(expr, numbers.Number): return expr else: raise BackendError("idk how to turn this into a primitive") def _eval(self, expr, n, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if not all(extra_constraints): raise UnsatError("concrete False constraint in extra_constraints") return (self._to_primitive(expr),) def _batch_eval(self, exprs, n, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if not all(extra_constraints): raise UnsatError("concrete False constraint in extra_constraints") return [tuple(self._to_primitive(ex) for ex in exprs)] def _max(self, expr, extra_constraints=(), signed=False, solver=None, model_callback=None): if not all(extra_constraints): raise UnsatError("concrete False constraint in extra_constraints") return self._to_primitive(expr) def _min(self, expr, extra_constraints=(), signed=False, solver=None, model_callback=None): if not all(extra_constraints): raise UnsatError("concrete False constraint in extra_constraints") return self._to_primitive(expr) def _solution(self, expr, v, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if not all(extra_constraints): raise UnsatError("concrete False constraint in extra_constraints") return self.convert(expr) == v # Override Backend.is_true() for a better performance
[docs] def is_true(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if e in {True, 1, 1.0}: return True if e in {False, 0, 0.0}: return False if type(e) is Base and e.op == "BoolV" and len(e.args) == 1 and e.args[0] is True: return True return super().is_true(e, extra_constraints=extra_constraints, solver=solver, model_callback=model_callback)
# Override Backend.is_false() for a better performance
[docs] def is_false(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): if e in {False, 0, 0.0}: return True if e in {True, 1, 1.0}: return False if type(e) is Base and e.op == "BoolV" and len(e.args) == 1 and e.args[0] is False: return True return super().is_false(e, extra_constraints=extra_constraints, solver=solver, model_callback=model_callback)
# pylint:disable=singleton-comparison def _is_true(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return e == True def _is_false(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return e == False def _has_true(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return e == True def _has_false(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return e == False
from ..operations import backend_operations, backend_fp_operations, backend_strings_operations from .. import bv, fp, strings from ..ast import Base from import BV, BVV from ..ast.strings import StringV from ..ast.fp import FPV from ..ast.bool import Bool, BoolV from ..errors import UnsatError