Source code for

import logging
import numbers
import weakref

from .bits import Bits
from ..ast.base import _make_name
from .bool import If
from ..utils import deprecated

l = logging.getLogger("")

_bvv_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

# This is a hilarious hack to get around some sort of bug in z3's python bindings, where
# under some circumstances stuff gets destructed out of order
[docs]def cleanup(): global _bvv_cache # pylint:disable=global-variable-not-assigned del _bvv_cache
import atexit atexit.register(cleanup)
[docs]class BV(Bits): """ A class representing an AST of operations culminating in a bitvector. Do not instantiate this class directly, instead use BVS or BVV to construct a symbol or value, and then use operations to construct more complicated expressions. Individual sub-bits and bit-ranges can be extracted from a bitvector using index and slice notation. Bits are indexed weirdly. For a 32-bit AST: a[31] is the *LEFT* most bit, so it'd be the 0 in 01111111111111111111111111111111 a[0] is the *RIGHT* most bit, so it'd be the 0 in 11111111111111111111111111111110 a[31:30] are the two leftmost bits, so they'd be the 0s in: 00111111111111111111111111111111 a[1:0] are the two rightmost bits, so they'd be the 0s in: 11111111111111111111111111111100 """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def chop(self, bits=1): """ Chops a BV into consecutive sub-slices. Obviously, the length of this BV must be a multiple of bits. :returns: A list of smaller bitvectors, each ``bits`` in length. The first one will be the left-most (i.e. most significant) bits. """ s = len(self) if s % bits != 0: raise ValueError("expression length (%d) should be a multiple of 'bits' (%d)" % (len(self), bits)) if s == bits: return [self] else: return list(reversed([self[(n + 1) * bits - 1 : n * bits] for n in range(0, s // bits)]))
def __getitem__(self, rng): if type(rng) is slice: left = rng.start if rng.start is not None else len(self) - 1 right = rng.stop if rng.stop is not None else 0 if left < 0: left = len(self) + left if right < 0: right = len(self) + right return Extract(left, right, self) else: return Extract(int(rng), int(rng), self)
[docs] def get_byte(self, index): """ Extracts a byte from a BV, where the index refers to the byte in a big-endian order :param index: the byte to extract :return: An 8-bit BV """ pos = (self.size() + 7) // 8 - 1 - index if pos < 0: raise ValueError( "Incorrect index %d. Your index must be between %d and %d." % (index, 0, self.size() // 8 - 1) ) r = self[min(pos * 8 + 7, self.size() - 1) : pos * 8] if r.size() % 8 != 0: # pylint:disable=no-member r = r.zero_extend(8 - r.size() % 8) # pylint:disable=no-member return r
[docs] def get_bytes(self, index, size): """ Extracts several bytes from a bitvector, where the index refers to the byte in a big-endian order :param index: the byte index at which to start extracting :param size: the number of bytes to extract :return: A BV of size ``size * 8`` """ pos = (self.size() + 7) // 8 - 1 - index if pos < 0: raise ValueError( "Incorrect index %d. Your index must be between %d and %d." % (index, 0, self.size() // 8 - 1) ) if size == 0: return BVV(0, 0) r = self[min(pos * 8 + 7, self.size() - 1) : (pos - size + 1) * 8] if r.size() % 8 != 0: # pylint:disable=no-member r = r.zero_extend(8 - r.size() % 8) # pylint:disable=no-member return r
[docs] def zero_extend(self, n): """ Zero-extends the bitvector by n bits. So: a = BVV(0b1111, 4) b = a.zero_extend(4) b is BVV(0b00001111) """ return ZeroExt(n, self)
[docs] def sign_extend(self, n): """ Sign-extends the bitvector by n bits. So: a = BVV(0b1111, 4) b = a.sign_extend(4) b is BVV(0b11111111) """ return SignExt(n, self)
[docs] def concat(self, *args): """ Concatenates this bitvector with the bitvectors provided. This bitvector will be on the far-left, i.e. the most significant bits. """ return Concat(self, *args)
@staticmethod def _from_int(like, value): return BVV(value, like.length) @staticmethod def _from_Bool(like, value): return If(value, BVV(1, like.length), BVV(0, like.length)) @staticmethod def _from_bytes(like, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return BVV(value) @staticmethod def _from_str(like, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument l.warning("BVV value is being coerced from a unicode string, encoding as utf-8") value = value.encode("utf-8") return BVV(value) @staticmethod def _from_BVV(like, value): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return BVV(value.value, value.size())
[docs] def val_to_fp(self, sort, signed=True, rm=None): """ Interpret this bitvector as an integer, and return the floating-point representation of that integer. :param sort: The sort of floating point value to return :param signed: Optional: whether this value is a signed integer :param rm: Optional: the rounding mode to use :return: An FP AST whose value is the same as this BV """ if rm is None: rm = fp.fp.RM.default() if sort is None: sort = fp.fp.FSort.from_size(self.length) op = fp.fpToFP if signed else fp.fpToFPUnsigned return op(rm, self, sort)
[docs] def raw_to_fp(self): """ Interpret the bits of this bitvector as an IEEE754 floating point number. The inverse of this function is raw_to_bv. :return: An FP AST whose bit-pattern is the same as this BV """ sort = fp.fp.FSort.from_size(self.length) return fp.fpToFP(self, sort)
[docs] def raw_to_bv(self): """ A counterpart to FP.raw_to_bv - does nothing and returns itself. """ return self
[docs] def to_bv(self): return self.raw_to_bv()
[docs]def BVS( name, size, min=None, max=None, stride=None, uninitialized=False, # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin explicit_name=None, discrete_set=False, discrete_set_max_card=None, **kwargs, ) -> BV: """ Creates a bit-vector symbol (i.e., a variable). If you want to specify the maximum or minimum value of a normal symbol that is not part of value-set analysis, you should manually add constraints to that effect. **Do not use ``min`` and ``max`` for symbolic execution.** :param name: The name of the symbol. :param size: The size (in bits) of the bit-vector. :param min: The minimum value of the symbol, used only for value-set analysis :param max: The maximum value of the symbol, used only for value-set analysis :param stride: The stride of the symbol, used only for value-set analysis :param uninitialized: Whether this value should be counted as an "uninitialized" value in the course of an analysis. :param bool explicit_name: If False, an identifier is appended to the name to ensure uniqueness. :param bool discrete_set: If True, a DiscreteStridedIntervalSet will be used instead of a normal StridedInterval. :param int discrete_set_max_card: The maximum cardinality of the discrete set. It is ignored if discrete_set is set to False or None. :returns: a BV object representing this symbol. """ if stride == 0 and max != min: raise ClaripyValueError("BVSes of stride 0 should have max == min") if type(name) is bytes: name = name.decode() if type(name) is not str: raise TypeError("Name value for BVS must be a str, got %r" % type(name)) n = _make_name(name, size, False if explicit_name is None else explicit_name) encoded_name = n.encode() if not discrete_set: discrete_set_max_card = None return BV( "BVS", (n, min, max, stride, uninitialized, discrete_set, discrete_set_max_card), variables={n}, length=size, symbolic=True, eager_backends=None, uninitialized=uninitialized, encoded_name=encoded_name, **kwargs, )
[docs]def BVV(value, size=None, **kwargs) -> BV: """ Creates a bit-vector value (i.e., a concrete value). :param value: The value. Either an integer or a bytestring. If it's the latter, it will be interpreted as the bytes of a big-endian constant. :param size: The size (in bits) of the bit-vector. Optional if you provide a string, required for an integer. :returns: A BV object representing this value. """ if type(value) in (bytes, bytearray, memoryview, str): if type(value) is str: l.warning("BVV value is a unicode string, encoding as utf-8") value = value.encode("utf-8") if size is None: size = len(value) * 8 elif type(size) is not int: raise TypeError("Bitvector size must be either absent (implicit) or an integer") elif size != len(value) * 8: raise ClaripyValueError("string/size mismatch for BVV creation") value = int.from_bytes(value, "big") elif size is None or (type(value) is not int and value is not None): raise TypeError("BVV() takes either an integer value and a size or a string of bytes") # ensure the 0 <= value < (1 << size) # FIXME hack to handle None which is used for an Empty Strided Interval (ESI) if value is not None: value &= (1 << size) - 1 if not kwargs: try: return _bvv_cache[(value, size)] except KeyError: pass result = BV("BVV", (value, size), length=size, **kwargs) _bvv_cache[(value, size)] = result return result
[docs]def SI( name=None, bits=0, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, stride=None, to_conv=None, explicit_name=None, discrete_set=False, discrete_set_max_card=None, ): name = "unnamed" if name is None else name if to_conv is not None: si = vsa.CreateStridedInterval( name=name, bits=bits, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, stride=stride, to_conv=to_conv ) return BVS( name, si._bits, min=si._lower_bound, max=si._upper_bound, stride=si._stride, explicit_name=explicit_name ) return BVS( name, bits, min=lower_bound, max=upper_bound, stride=stride, explicit_name=explicit_name, discrete_set=discrete_set, discrete_set_max_card=discrete_set_max_card, )
[docs]def TSI(bits, name=None, uninitialized=False, explicit_name=None): name = "unnamed" if name is None else name return BVS(name, bits, uninitialized=uninitialized, explicit_name=explicit_name)
[docs]def ESI(bits, **kwargs): return BVV(None, bits, **kwargs)
[docs]def ValueSet(bits, region=None, region_base_addr=None, value=None, name=None, val=None): # Backward compatibility if value is None and val is not None: value = val if region_base_addr is None: region_base_addr = 0 v = region_base_addr + value # Backward compatibility if isinstance(v, numbers.Number): min_v, max_v = v, v stride = 0 elif isinstance(v, vsa.StridedInterval): min_v, max_v = v.lower_bound, v.upper_bound stride = v.stride else: raise ClaripyValueError("ValueSet() does not take `value` of type %s" % type(value)) if name is None: name = "ValueSet" bvs = BVS(name, bits, min=region_base_addr + min_v, max=region_base_addr + max_v, stride=stride) # Annotate the bvs and return the new AST vs = bvs.annotate(vsa.RegionAnnotation(region, region_base_addr, value)) return vs
VS = ValueSet
[docs]def DSIS( name=None, bits=0, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, stride=None, explicit_name=None, to_conv=None, max_card=None ): if to_conv is not None: si = vsa.CreateStridedInterval(bits=to_conv.size(), to_conv=to_conv) return SI( name=name, bits=si._bits, lower_bound=si._lower_bound, upper_bound=si._upper_bound, stride=si._stride, explicit_name=explicit_name, discrete_set=True, discrete_set_max_card=max_card, ) else: return SI( name=name, bits=bits, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, stride=stride, explicit_name=explicit_name, discrete_set=True, discrete_set_max_card=max_card, )
# # Unbound operations # from .bool import Bool from .. import operations # comparisons ULT = operations.op("__lt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) ULE = operations.op("__le__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) UGT = operations.op("__gt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) UGE = operations.op("__ge__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) SLT = operations.op("SLT", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) SLE = operations.op("SLE", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) SGT = operations.op("SGT", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) SGE = operations.op("SGE", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False) # division SDiv = operations.op( "SDiv", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, ) SMod = operations.op( "SMod", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, ) # bit stuff LShR = operations.op( "LShR", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) SignExt = operations.op( "SignExt", (int, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.extend_check, calc_length=operations.ext_length_calc, bound=False ) ZeroExt = operations.op( "ZeroExt", (int, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.extend_check, calc_length=operations.ext_length_calc, bound=False ) Extract = operations.op( "Extract", (int, int, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.extract_check, calc_length=operations.extract_length_calc, bound=False, ) Concat = operations.op("Concat", BV, BV, calc_length=operations.concat_length_calc, bound=False) RotateLeft = operations.op( "RotateLeft", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) RotateRight = operations.op( "RotateRight", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) Reverse = operations.op("Reverse", (BV,), BV, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False) union = operations.op( "union", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) widen = operations.op( "widen", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) intersection = operations.op( "intersection", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, bound=False, ) # # Bound operations # BV.__add__ = operations.op( "__add__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__radd__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__add__) BV.__floordiv__ = operations.op( "__floordiv__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rfloordiv__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__floordiv__) BV.__truediv__ = deprecated("BV.__floordiv__", "BV.__truediv__")(BV.__floordiv__) BV.__rtruediv__ = deprecated("BV.__rfloordiv__", "BV.__rtruediv__")(BV.__rfloordiv__) BV.__mul__ = operations.op( "__mul__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rmul__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__mul__) BV.__sub__ = operations.op( "__sub__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rsub__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__sub__) BV.__pow__ = operations.op( "__pow__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rpow__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__pow__) BV.__mod__ = operations.op( "__mod__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rmod__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__mod__) BV.SDiv = operations.op( "SDiv", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, ) BV.SMod = operations.op( "SMod", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, bound=False, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc, ) BV.__neg__ = operations.op("__neg__", (BV,), BV, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc) BV.__pos__ = lambda x: x BV.__abs__ = operations.op("__abs__", (BV,), BV, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc) BV.__eq__ = operations.op("__eq__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__ne__ = operations.op("__ne__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__ge__ = operations.op("__ge__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__le__ = operations.op("__le__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__gt__ = operations.op("__gt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__lt__ = operations.op("__lt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.SLT = operations.op("SLT", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.SGT = operations.op("SGT", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.SLE = operations.op("SLE", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.SGE = operations.op("SGE", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.ULT = operations.op("__lt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.UGT = operations.op("__gt__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.ULE = operations.op("__le__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.UGE = operations.op("__ge__", (BV, BV), Bool, extra_check=operations.length_same_check) BV.__invert__ = operations.op("__invert__", (BV,), BV, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc) BV.__or__ = operations.op( "__or__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__ror__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__or__) BV.__and__ = operations.op( "__and__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rand__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__and__) BV.__xor__ = operations.op( "__xor__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rxor__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__xor__) BV.__lshift__ = operations.op( "__lshift__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rlshift__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__lshift__) BV.__rshift__ = operations.op( "__rshift__", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.__rrshift__ = operations.reversed_op(BV.__rshift__) BV.LShR = operations.op( "LShR", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.Extract = staticmethod( operations.op( "Extract", (int, int, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.extract_check, calc_length=operations.extract_length_calc, bound=False, ) ) BV.Concat = staticmethod(operations.op("Concat", BV, BV, calc_length=operations.concat_length_calc, bound=False)) BV.reversed = property(operations.op("Reverse", (BV,), BV, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc)) BV.union = operations.op( "union", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.widen = operations.op( "widen", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) BV.intersection = operations.op( "intersection", (BV, BV), BV, extra_check=operations.length_same_check, calc_length=operations.basic_length_calc ) from . import fp from .. import vsa from ..errors import ClaripyValueError