Source code for claripy.ast.bool

import logging

from ..ast.base import Base, _make_name, ASTCacheKey

l = logging.getLogger("claripy.ast.bool")

_boolv_cache = {}

# This is a hilarious hack to get around some sort of bug in z3's python bindings, where
# under some circumstances stuff gets destructed out of order
[docs]def cleanup(): global _boolv_cache # pylint:disable=global-variable-not-assigned del _boolv_cache
import atexit atexit.register(cleanup)
[docs]class Bool(Base): __slots__ = () @staticmethod def _from_bool(like, val): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return BoolV(val)
[docs] def is_true(self): """ Returns True if 'self' can be easily determined to be True. Otherwise, return False. Note that the AST *might* still be True (i.e., if it were simplified via Z3), but it's hard to quickly tell that. """ return is_true(self)
[docs] def is_false(self): """ Returns True if 'self' can be easily determined to be False. Otherwise, return False. Note that the AST *might* still be False (i.e., if it were simplified via Z3), but it's hard to quickly tell that. """ return is_false(self)
[docs]def BoolS(name, explicit_name=None) -> Bool: """ Creates a boolean symbol (i.e., a variable). :param name: The name of the symbol :param explicit_name: If False, an identifier is appended to the name to ensure uniqueness. :return: A Bool object representing this symbol. """ n = _make_name(name, -1, False if explicit_name is None else explicit_name) return Bool("BoolS", (n,), variables={n}, symbolic=True)
[docs]def BoolV(val) -> Bool: try: return _boolv_cache[(val)] except KeyError: result = Bool("BoolV", (val,)) _boolv_cache[val] = result return result
# # some standard ASTs # true = BoolV(True) false = BoolV(False) # # Bound operations # from .. import operations Bool.__eq__ = operations.op("__eq__", (Bool, Bool), Bool) Bool.__ne__ = operations.op("__ne__", (Bool, Bool), Bool) Bool.intersection = operations.op("intersection", (Bool, Bool), Bool) # # Unbound operations #
[docs]def If(*args): # the coercion here is strange enough that we'll just implement it manually if len(args) != 3: raise ClaripyOperationError("invalid number of args passed to If") args = list(args) if isinstance(args[0], bool): args[0] = BoolV(args[0]) ty = None if isinstance(args[1], Base): ty = type(args[1]) elif isinstance(args[2], Base): ty = type(args[2]) else: raise ClaripyTypeError("true/false clause of If must have bearable types") if isinstance(args[1], Bits) and isinstance(args[2], Bits) and args[1].length != args[2].length: raise ClaripyTypeError("sized arguments to If must have the same length") if not isinstance(args[1], ty): if hasattr(ty, "_from_" + type(args[1]).__name__): convert = getattr(ty, "_from_" + type(args[1]).__name__) args[1] = convert(args[2], args[1]) else: raise ClaripyTypeError(f"can't convert {type(args[1])} to {ty}") if not isinstance(args[2], ty): if hasattr(ty, "_from_" + type(args[2]).__name__): convert = getattr(ty, "_from_" + type(args[2]).__name__) args[2] = convert(args[1], args[2]) else: raise ClaripyTypeError(f"can't convert {type(args[2])} to {ty}") if is_true(args[0]): return args[1].append_annotations(args[0].annotations) elif is_false(args[0]): return args[2].append_annotations(args[0].annotations) if isinstance(args[1], Base) and args[1].op == "If" and args[1].args[0] is args[0]: return If(args[0], args[1].args[1], args[2]) if isinstance(args[1], Base) and args[1].op == "If" and args[1].args[0] is Not(args[0]): return If(args[0], args[1].args[2], args[2]) if isinstance(args[2], Base) and args[2].op == "If" and args[2].args[0] is args[0]: return If(args[0], args[1], args[2].args[2]) if isinstance(args[2], Base) and args[2].op == "If" and args[2].args[0] is Not(args[0]): return If(args[0], args[1], args[2].args[1]) if args[1] is args[2]: return args[1] if args[1] is true and args[2] is false: return args[0] if args[1] is false and args[2] is true: return ~args[0] if issubclass(ty, Bits): return ty("If", tuple(args), length=args[1].length) else: return ty("If", tuple(args))
And = operations.op("And", Bool, Bool, bound=False) Or = operations.op("Or", Bool, Bool, bound=False) Not = operations.op("Not", (Bool,), Bool, bound=False) Bool.__invert__ = Not Bool.__and__ = And Bool.__rand__ = And Bool.__or__ = Or Bool.__ror__ = Or
[docs]def is_true(e, exact=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument for b in backends._quick_backends: try: return b.is_true(e) except BackendError: pass l.debug("Unable to tell the truth-value of this expression") return False
[docs]def is_false(e, exact=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument for b in backends._quick_backends: try: return b.is_false(e) except BackendError: pass l.debug("Unable to tell the truth-value of this expression") return False
# For large tables, ite_dict that uses a binary search tree instead of a "linear" search tree. # This improves Z3 search capability (eliminating branches) and decreases recursion depth: # linear search trees make Z3 error out on tables larger than a couple hundred elements.)
[docs]def ite_dict(i, d, default): """ Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a switch tree :param i: The variable which may take on multiple values affecting the final result :param d: A dict mapping possible values for i to values which the result could be :param default: A default value that the expression should take on if `i` matches none of the keys of `d` :return: An expression encoding the result of the above """ i = i.ast if type(i) is ASTCacheKey else i # for small dicts fall back to the linear implementation if len(d) < 4: return ite_cases([(i == c, v) for c, v in d.items()], default) # otherwise, binary search. # Find the median: keys = list(d.keys()) keys.sort() split_val = keys[len(keys) // 2] # split the dictionary dictLow = {c: v for c, v in d.items() if c <= split_val} dictHigh = {c: v for c, v in d.items() if c > split_val} valLow = ite_dict(i, dictLow, default) valHigh = ite_dict(i, dictHigh, default) return If(i <= split_val, valLow, valHigh)
[docs]def ite_cases(cases, default): """ Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a series of alternatives :param cases: A list of tuples (c, v). `c` is the condition under which `v` should be the result of the expression :param default: A default value that the expression should take on if none of the `c` conditions are satisfied :return: An expression encoding the result of the above """ sofar = default for c, v in reversed(list(cases)): if is_true(v == sofar): continue sofar = If(c, v, sofar) return sofar
[docs]def reverse_ite_cases(ast): """ Given an expression created by `ite_cases`, produce the cases that generated it :param ast: :return: """ queue = [(true, ast)] while queue: condition, ast = queue.pop(0) if ast.op == "If": queue.append((And(condition, ast.args[0]), ast.args[1])) queue.append((And(condition, Not(ast.args[0])), ast.args[2])) else: yield condition, ast
[docs]def constraint_to_si(expr): """ Convert a constraint to SI if possible. :param expr: :return: """ satisfiable = True replace_list = [] satisfiable, replace_list = backends.vsa.constraint_to_si(expr) # Make sure the replace_list are all ast.bvs for i in range(len(replace_list)): # pylint:disable=consider-using-enumerate ori, new = replace_list[i] if not isinstance(new, Base): new = BVS(, new._bits, min=new._lower_bound, max=new._upper_bound, stride=new._stride, explicit_name=True ) replace_list[i] = (ori, new) return satisfiable, replace_list
from ..backend_manager import backends from ..errors import ClaripyOperationError, ClaripyTypeError, BackendError from .bits import Bits from .bv import BVS