Source code for angr.analyses.typehoon.typevars

# pylint:disable=missing-class-docstring
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from itertools import count

    from angr.sim_variable import SimVariable

# Type variables and constraints

[docs]class TypeConstraint: __slots__ = ()
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Equivalence(TypeConstraint): __slots__ = ( "type_a", "type_b", )
[docs] def __init__(self, type_a, type_b): self.type_a = type_a self.type_b = type_b
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return f"{self.type_a.pp_str(mapping)} == {self.type_b.pp_str(mapping)}"
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.type_a} == {self.type_b}" def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Equivalence and ( self.type_a == other.type_a and self.type_b == other.type_b or self.type_b == other.type_a and self.type_a == other.type_b ) def __hash__(self): return hash((Equivalence, tuple(sorted((hash(self.type_a), hash(self.type_b))))))
[docs]class Existence(TypeConstraint): __slots__ = ("type_",)
[docs] def __init__(self, type_): self.type_ = type_
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return f"V {self.type_.pp_str(mapping)}"
def __repr__(self): return "V %s" % self.type_ def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Existence and self.type_ == other.type_ def __hash__(self): return hash((Existence, self.type_))
[docs] def replace(self, replacements): if self.type_ in replacements: return True, Existence(replacements[self.type_]) else: replaced, new_type = self.type_.replace(replacements) if replaced: return True, Existence(new_type) return False, self
[docs]class Subtype(TypeConstraint): __slots__ = ( "super_type", "sub_type", )
[docs] def __init__(self, sub_type, super_type): self.super_type = super_type self.sub_type = sub_type
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return f"{self.sub_type.pp_str(mapping)} <: {self.super_type.pp_str(mapping)}"
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.sub_type} <: {self.super_type}" def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Subtype and self.sub_type == other.sub_type and self.super_type == other.super_type def __hash__(self): return hash((Subtype, hash(self.sub_type), hash(self.super_type)))
[docs] def replace(self, replacements): subtype, supertype = None, None if self.sub_type in replacements: subtype = replacements[self.sub_type] else: if isinstance(self.sub_type, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.sub_type.replace(replacements) if r: subtype = newtype if self.super_type in replacements: supertype = replacements[self.super_type] else: if isinstance(self.super_type, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.super_type.replace(replacements) if r: supertype = newtype if subtype is not None or supertype is not None: # replacement has happened return True, Subtype( subtype if subtype is not None else self.sub_type, supertype if supertype is not None else self.super_type, ) else: return False, self
[docs]class Add(TypeConstraint): """ Describes the constraint that type_r == type0 + type1 """ __slots__ = ( "type_0", "type_1", "type_r", )
[docs] def __init__(self, type_0, type_1, type_r): self.type_0 = type_0 self.type_1 = type_1 self.type_r = type_r
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return "{} == {} + {}".format( self.type_r.pp_str(mapping), self.type_0.pp_str(mapping), self.type_1.pp_str(mapping), )
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.type_r!r} == {self.type_0!r} + {self.type_1!r}" def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(other) is Add and self.type_0 == other.type_0 and self.type_1 == other.type_1 and self.type_r == other.type_r ) def __hash__(self): return hash((Add, self.type_0, self.type_1, self.type_r))
[docs] def replace(self, replacements): t0, t1, tr = None, None, None if self.type_0 in replacements: t0 = replacements[self.type_0] elif isinstance(self.type_0, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_0.replace(replacements) if r: t0 = newtype if self.type_1 in replacements: t1 = replacements[self.type_1] elif isinstance(self.type_1, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_1.replace(replacements) if r: t1 = newtype if self.type_r in replacements: tr = replacements[self.type_r] elif isinstance(self.type_r, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_r.replace(replacements) if r: tr = newtype if t0 is not None or t1 is not None or tr is not None: # replacement has happened return True, Add( t0 if t0 is not None else self.type_0, t1 if t1 is not None else self.type_1, tr if tr is not None else self.type_r, ) else: return False, self
[docs]class Sub(TypeConstraint): """ Describes the constraint that type_r == type0 - type1 """ __slots__ = ( "type_0", "type_1", "type_r", )
[docs] def __init__(self, type_0, type_1, type_r): self.type_0 = type_0 self.type_1 = type_1 self.type_r = type_r
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return "{} == {} - {}".format( self.type_r.pp_str(mapping), self.type_0.pp_str(mapping), self.type_1.pp_str(mapping), )
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.type_r!r} == {self.type_0!r} - {self.type_1!r}" def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(other) is Sub and self.type_0 == other.type_0 and self.type_1 == other.type_1 and self.type_r == other.type_r ) def __hash__(self): return hash((Sub, self.type_0, self.type_1, self.type_r))
[docs] def replace(self, replacements): t0, t1, tr = None, None, None if self.type_0 in replacements: t0 = replacements[self.type_0] elif isinstance(self.type_0, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_0.replace(replacements) if r: t0 = newtype if self.type_1 in replacements: t1 = replacements[self.type_1] elif isinstance(self.type_1, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_1.replace(replacements) if r: t1 = newtype if self.type_r in replacements: tr = replacements[self.type_r] elif isinstance(self.type_r, DerivedTypeVariable): r, newtype = self.type_r.replace(replacements) if r: tr = newtype if t0 is not None or t1 is not None or tr is not None: # replacement has happened return True, Sub( t0 if t0 is not None else self.type_0, t1 if t1 is not None else self.type_1, tr if tr is not None else self.type_r, ) else: return False, self
_typevariable_counter = count()
[docs]class TypeVariable: __slots__ = ("idx",)
[docs] def __init__(self, idx: Optional[int] = None): if idx is None: self.idx: int = next(_typevariable_counter) else: self.idx: int = idx
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: varname = mapping.get(self, None) if varname is None: return repr(self) return f"{varname} ({repr(self)})"
def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is TypeVariable and other.idx == self.idx def __hash__(self): return hash((TypeVariable, self.idx)) def __repr__(self): return "tv_%02d" % self.idx
[docs]class DerivedTypeVariable(TypeVariable): __slots__ = ( "type_var", "label", )
[docs] def __init__(self, type_var, label, idx=None): super().__init__(idx=idx) self.type_var = type_var self.label = label
[docs] def pp_str(self, mapping: Dict["TypeVariable", Any]) -> str: return f"{self.type_var.pp_str(mapping)}.{self.label}"
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, DerivedTypeVariable) and self.type_var == other.type_var and self.label == other.label def __hash__(self): return hash((DerivedTypeVariable, self.type_var, self.label)) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.type_var!r}.{self.label!r}"
[docs] def replace(self, replacements): typevar = None if self.type_var in replacements: typevar = replacements[self.type_var] else: if isinstance(self.type_var, DerivedTypeVariable): r, t = self.type_var.replace(replacements) if r: typevar = t if typevar is not None: # replacement has happened return True, DerivedTypeVariable(typevar, self.label, idx=self.idx) else: return False, self
[docs]class TypeVariables: __slots__ = ( "_typevars", "_last_typevars", )
[docs] def __init__(self): self._typevars: Dict["SimVariable", Set[TypeVariable]] = {} self._last_typevars: Dict[SimVariable, TypeVariable] = {}
[docs] def copy(self): copied = TypeVariables() for var, typevars in self._typevars.items(): copied._typevars[var] = typevars.copy() copied._last_typevars = self._last_typevars.copy() return copied
def __repr__(self): # return "{TypeVars: %d items for %d variables}" % ( # sum(len(v) for v in self._typevars.items()), # len(self._typevars), # ) return "{TypeVars: %d items}" % len(self._typevars)
[docs] def add_type_variable(self, var: "SimVariable", codeloc, typevar: TypeVariable): # pylint:disable=unused-argument if var not in self._typevars: self._typevars[var] = set() elif typevar in self._typevars[var]: return self._typevars[var].add(typevar) self._last_typevars[var] = typevar
[docs] def get_type_variable(self, var, codeloc): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return self._last_typevars[var]
[docs] def has_type_variable_for(self, var: "SimVariable", codeloc): # pylint:disable=unused-argument return var in self._typevars
# if codeloc not in self._typevars[var]: # return False # return True def __getitem__(self, var): return self._last_typevars[var] def __contains__(self, var): return var in self._typevars
# # Labels #
[docs]class BaseLabel: __slots__ = () def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__))
[docs]class FuncIn(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ("loc",)
[docs] def __init__(self, loc): self.loc = loc
def __repr__(self): return "in<%s>" % self.loc
[docs]class FuncOut(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ("loc",)
[docs] def __init__(self, loc): self.loc = loc
def __repr__(self): return "out<%s>" % self.loc
[docs]class Load(BaseLabel): __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "load"
[docs]class Store(BaseLabel): __slots__ = () def __repr__(self): return "store"
[docs]class AddN(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ("n",)
[docs] def __init__(self, n): self.n = n
def __repr__(self): return "+%d" % self.n
[docs]class SubN(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ("n",)
[docs] def __init__(self, n): self.n = n
def __repr__(self): return "-%d" % self.n
[docs]class ConvertTo(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ("to_bits",)
[docs] def __init__(self, to_bits): self.to_bits = to_bits
def __repr__(self): return "conv(%d)" % self.to_bits
[docs]class ReinterpretAs(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ( "to_type", "to_bits", )
[docs] def __init__(self, to_type, to_bits): self.to_type = to_type self.to_bits = to_bits
def __repr__(self): return f"reinterpret({self.to_type}{self.to_bits})"
[docs]class HasField(BaseLabel): __slots__ = ( "bits", "offset", )
[docs] def __init__(self, bits, offset): self.bits = bits self.offset = offset
def __repr__(self): return "<%d>@%d" % (self.bits, self.offset)
[docs]class IsArray(BaseLabel): def __repr__(self): return "is_array"