Source code for angr.callable

import pycparser

from .calling_conventions import default_cc, SimCC

[docs]class Callable: """ Callable is a representation of a function in the binary that can be interacted with like a native python function. If you set perform_merge=True (the default), the result will be returned to you, and you can get the result state with callable.result_state. Otherwise, you can get the resulting simulation manager at callable.result_path_group. """
[docs] def __init__( self, project, addr, prototype=None, concrete_only=False, perform_merge=True, base_state=None, toc=None, cc=None, add_options=None, remove_options=None, ): """ :param project: The project to operate on :param addr: The address of the function to use The following parameters are optional: :param prototype: The signature of the calls you would like to make. This really shouldn't be optional. :param concrete_only: Throw an exception if the execution splits into multiple paths :param perform_merge: Merge all result states into one at the end (only relevant if concrete_only=False) :param base_state: The state from which to do these runs :param toc: The address of the table of contents for ppc64 :param cc: The SimCC to use for a calling convention """ self._project = project self._addr = addr self._concrete_only = concrete_only self._perform_merge = perform_merge self._base_state = base_state self._toc = toc self._cc = ( cc if cc is not None else default_cc(, if project.simos is not None else None)( project.arch ) ) self._deadend_addr = project.simos.return_deadend self._func_ty = prototype self._add_options = add_options if add_options else set() self._remove_options = remove_options if remove_options else set() self.result_path_group = None self.result_state = None
[docs] def set_base_state(self, state): """ Swap out the state you'd like to use to perform the call :param state: The state to use to perform the call """ self._base_state = state
def __call__(self, *args): prototype = SimCC.guess_prototype(args, self._func_ty).with_arch(self._project.arch) self.perform_call(*args, prototype=prototype) if self.result_state is not None and prototype.returnty is not None: loc = self._cc.return_val(prototype.returnty) val = loc.get_value(self.result_state, stack_base=self.result_state.regs.sp - self._cc.STACKARG_SP_DIFF) return self.result_state.solver.simplify(val) else: return None
[docs] def perform_call(self, *args, prototype=None): prototype = SimCC.guess_prototype(args, prototype or self._func_ty).with_arch(self._project.arch) state = self._project.factory.call_state( self._addr, *args, prototype=prototype, cc=self._cc, base_state=self._base_state, ret_addr=self._deadend_addr, toc=self._toc, add_options=self._add_options, remove_options=self._remove_options, ) def step_func(pg): pg2 = pg.prune() if len( > 1: raise AngrCallableMultistateError("Execution split on symbolic condition!") return pg2 caller = self._project.factory.simulation_manager(state) if self._concrete_only else None).unstash(from_stash="deadended") caller.prune(filter_func=lambda pt: pt.addr == self._deadend_addr) if len( == 0: raise AngrCallableError("No paths returned from function") self.result_path_group = caller.copy() if self._perform_merge: caller.merge() self.result_state =[0] elif len( == 1: self.result_state =[0]
[docs] def call_c(self, c_args): """ Call this Callable with a string of C-style arguments. :param str c_args: C-style arguments. :return: The return value from the call. :rtype: claripy.Ast """ c_args = c_args.strip() if c_args[0] != "(": c_args = "(" + c_args if c_args[-1] != ")": c_args += ")" # Parse arguments content = "int main() { func%s; }" % c_args ast = pycparser.CParser().parse(content) if not ast.ext or not isinstance(ast.ext[0], pycparser.c_ast.FuncDef): raise AngrCallableError("Error in parsing the given C-style argument string.") if not ast.ext[0].body.block_items or not isinstance(ast.ext[0].body.block_items[0], pycparser.c_ast.FuncCall): raise AngrCallableError( "Error in parsing the given C-style argument string: Cannot find the expected function call." ) arg_exprs = ast.ext[0].body.block_items[0].args.exprs args = [] for expr in arg_exprs: if isinstance(expr, pycparser.c_ast.Constant): # string if expr.type == "string": args.append(expr.value[1:-1]) elif expr.type == "int": args.append(int(expr.value)) else: raise AngrCallableError("Unsupported expression type %s." % expr.type) else: raise AngrCallableError("Unsupported expression type %s." % type(expr)) return self.__call__(*args)
from .errors import AngrCallableError, AngrCallableMultistateError