Source code for

import claripy

from . import MemoryMixin
from ...errors import SimSegfaultException

[docs]class SmartFindMixin(MemoryMixin):
[docs] def find( self, addr, needle, max_search, default=None, endness=None, chunk_size=None, max_symbolic_bytes=None, condition=None, char_size=1, **kwargs, ): if endness is None: endness = self.endness if endness is None: endness = "Iend_BE" char_num = self._calc_char_num(needle, char_size) # chunk_size is the number of bytes to cache in memory for comparison if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = min(max_search, max(0x80, char_num)) cases = [] match_indices = [] constraints = [] try: for i, (subaddr, element) in enumerate( self._find_iter_items( addr, char_num, char_size, chunk_size, max_search, endness, condition, max_symbolic_bytes, **kwargs ) ): comparison, concrete_comparison = self._find_compare(element, needle, **kwargs) if concrete_comparison is False: continue match_indices.append(i) if isinstance(subaddr, int): subaddr = claripy.BVV(subaddr, size=self.state.arch.bits) cases.append((comparison, subaddr)) if concrete_comparison is True: break else: # the loop terminated, meaning we exhausted some sort of limit instead of finding a concrete answer. if default is None: constraints.append(claripy.Or(*(c for c, _ in cases))) except SimSegfaultException: if chunk_size > 1: return self.find( addr, needle, max_search, default=default, endness=endness, chunk_size=1, max_symbolic_bytes=max_symbolic_bytes, condition=condition, **kwargs, ) raise if len(cases) == 1: return cases[0][1], constraints, match_indices return self._find_process_cases(cases, match_indices, constraints, default, **kwargs)
def _calc_char_num(self, needle, char_size): """ calculate the number of chars in needle char can be of multiple bytes here """ if type(needle) is bytes: return len(needle) bytelen = len(needle) // self.state.arch.byte_width if bytelen % char_size != 0: bytelen += char_size - (bytelen % char_size) return bytelen // char_size def _find_iter_items( self, addr, char_num, char_size, chunk_size, max_search, endness, condition, max_symbolic_bytes, **kwargs ): """ generate comparison items by iterating through the string able to handle wide characters """ if condition is None: condition = self.state.solver.true chunk = None chunk_progress = chunk_size # iterate through the string by the unit of chars for i in range(0, max_search, char_size): subaddr = addr + i if chunk_progress == chunk_size: # need to prefetch a little bit more chars chunk = self.load( subaddr, size=char_size * (chunk_size + char_num), endness=endness, condition=condition & self._find_condition(addr + i, **kwargs), **kwargs, ) chunk_progress = 0 chunk_idx = chunk_progress if endness == "Iend_BE" else chunk_size - 1 - chunk_progress chunk_progress += 1 substr = chunk.get_bytes(chunk_idx * char_size, char_num * char_size) # only check the first character or each symbolic character will be recorded many times # FIXME: this actually keeps track of "max_symbolic_chars" if self._find_are_bytes_symbolic(substr.get_bytes(0, char_size)) and max_symbolic_bytes is not None: if max_symbolic_bytes: max_symbolic_bytes -= 1 else: return yield subaddr, substr def _find_are_bytes_symbolic(self, b): if not b.symbolic: return False if b.uninitialized: return True return len(self.state.solver.eval_upto(b, 2)) > 1 def _find_condition(self, target_addr, **kwargs): # TODO: fill this in in order to make each load have the correct condition associated with it return claripy.true def _find_compare(self, element, target, **kwargs): comparison = element == target if self.state.solver.is_true(comparison): concrete_comparison = True elif self.state.solver.is_false(comparison): concrete_comparison = False else: concrete_comparison = None return comparison, concrete_comparison def _find_process_cases(self, cases, match_indices, constraints, default, **kwargs): if default is None: default = claripy.BVV(0, self.state.arch.bits) if cases and cases[-1][0].is_true(): default = cases.pop(-1)[1] result = self.state.solver.ite_cases(cases, default) return result, constraints, match_indices