Source code for angr.engines.soot.engine

import logging

from archinfo.arch_soot import (

from ... import sim_options as o
from ...errors import SimEngineError, SimTranslationError
from cle import CLEError
from ...state_plugins.inspect import BP_AFTER, BP_BEFORE
from ...sim_type import SimTypeFunction, parse_type
from ..engine import SuccessorsMixin
from ..procedure import ProcedureMixin
from .exceptions import BlockTerminationNotice, IncorrectLocationException
from .statements import SimSootStmt_Return, SimSootStmt_ReturnVoid, translate_stmt
from .values import SimSootValue_Local, SimSootValue_ParamRef

l = logging.getLogger("angr.engines.soot.engine")

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ

[docs]class SootMixin(SuccessorsMixin, ProcedureMixin): """ Execution engine based on Soot. """
[docs] def lift_soot(self, addr=None, the_binary=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use assert isinstance(addr, SootAddressDescriptor) method, stmt_idx = addr.method, addr.stmt_idx try: method = the_binary.get_soot_method(method, params=method.params) except CLEError as ex: raise SimTranslationError(f"CLE error: {ex}") if stmt_idx is None: return method.blocks[0] if method.blocks else None else: # try: # _, block = method.block_by_label.floor_item(stmt_idx) # except KeyError: # return None # return block # TODO: Re-enable the above code once bintrees are used # FIXME: stmt_idx does not index from the start of the method but from the start # of the block therefore it always returns the block with label 0 independently # of where we are # block = method.block_by_label.get(stmt_idx, None) # if block is not None: # return block # Slow path for block_idx, block in enumerate(method.blocks): # if block.label <= stmt_idx < block.label + len(block.statements): if block_idx == addr.block_idx: return block return None
[docs] def process_successors(self, successors, **kwargs): state = self.state if not isinstance(state._ip, SootAddressDescriptor): return super().process_successors(successors, **kwargs) addr = state._ip if isinstance(addr, SootAddressTerminator): successors.processed = True return if self.project.use_sim_procedures: procedure = self._get_sim_procedure(addr) if procedure is not None: self.process_procedure(state, successors, procedure) return binary = state.regs._ip_binary method = binary.get_soot_method(addr.method, none_if_missing=True) # TODO make the skipping of code in "android.*" classes optional if addr.method.class_name.startswith("android.") or not method: # This means we are executing code that is not in CLE, typically library code. # We may want soot -> pysoot -> cle to export at least the method names of the libraries # (soot has a way to deal with this), as of now we just "simulate" a return. # Note: If we have a sim procedure, we should not reach this point. l.warning("Try to execute non-loaded code %s. Execute unconstrained SimProcedure.", addr) # STEP 1: Get unconstrained SimProcedure procedure = self.get_unconstrained_simprocedure() # STEP 2: Pass Method descriptor as Parameter # check if there are already params in the stack param_idx = 0 param_ref = state.javavm_memory.load(SimSootValue_ParamRef(param_idx, None), none_if_missing=True) while param_ref is not None: param_idx += 1 param_ref = state.javavm_memory.load(SimSootValue_ParamRef(param_idx, None), none_if_missing=True) # store all function arguments in memory, starting from the last param index, None), addr.method) # STEP 4: Execute unconstrained procedure self.process_procedure(state, successors, procedure) # self._add_return_exit(state, successors) return block = method.blocks[addr.block_idx] starting_stmt_idx = addr.stmt_idx if starting_stmt_idx == 0: l.debug("Executing new block %s \n\n%s\n", addr, block) else: # l.debug("Continue executing block %s", addr) l.debug("Continue executing block %s \n\n%s\n", addr, block) self._handle_soot_block(state, successors, block, starting_stmt_idx, method) successors.processed = True
def _handle_soot_block(self, state, successors, block, starting_stmt_idx, method=None): stmt = stmt_idx = None for tindex, stmt in enumerate(block.statements[starting_stmt_idx:]): stmt_idx = starting_stmt_idx + tindex state._inspect("statement", BP_BEFORE, statement=stmt_idx) terminate = self._handle_soot_stmt(state, successors, stmt_idx, stmt) state._inspect("statement", BP_AFTER) if terminate: break else: if stmt is None: l.warning("Executed empty bb, maybe pc is broken") return if method is not None: next_addr = self._get_next_linear_instruction(state, stmt_idx) l.debug("Advancing execution linearly to %s", next_addr) if next_addr is not None: successors.add_successor(state.copy(), next_addr, state.solver.true, "Ijk_Boring") def _handle_soot_stmt(self, state, successors, stmt_idx, stmt): # execute statement try: l.debug("Executing statement: %s", stmt) s_stmt = translate_stmt(stmt, state) except SimEngineError as e: l.error("Skipping statement: %s", e) return False # add invoke exit if s_stmt.has_invoke_target: invoke_state = state.copy() # parse invoke expression invoke_expr = s_stmt.invoke_expr method = invoke_expr.method args = invoke_expr.args ret_var = invoke_expr.ret_var if hasattr(invoke_expr, "ret_var") else None # setup callsite ret_addr = self._get_next_linear_instruction(state, stmt_idx) if "NATIVE" in method.attrs: # the target of the call is a native function # => we need to setup a native call-site l.debug("Native invoke: %r", method) addr = self.project.simos.get_addr_of_native_method(method) if not addr: # native function could not be found # => skip invocation and continue execution linearly return False invoke_state = self._setup_native_callsite(invoke_state, addr, method, args, ret_addr, ret_var) else: l.debug("Invoke: %r", method) self.setup_callsite(invoke_state, args, ret_addr, ret_var) addr = SootAddressDescriptor(method, 0, 0) # add invoke state as the successor and terminate execution # prematurely, since Soot does not guarantee that an invoke stmt # terminates a block successors.add_successor(invoke_state, addr, state.solver.true, "Ijk_Call") return True # add jmp exit elif s_stmt.has_jump_targets: for target, condition in s_stmt.jmp_targets_with_conditions: if not target: target = self._get_next_linear_instruction(state, stmt_idx) l.debug("Possible jump: %s -> %s", state._ip, target) successors.add_successor(state.copy(), target, condition, "Ijk_Boring") return True # add return exit elif isinstance(s_stmt, (SimSootStmt_Return, SimSootStmt_ReturnVoid)): l.debug("Return exit") self._add_return_exit(state, successors, s_stmt.return_value) return True # go on linearly else: return False @classmethod def _add_return_exit(cls, state, successors, return_val=None): ret_state = state.copy() cls.prepare_return_state(ret_state, return_val) successors.add_successor(ret_state, state.callstack.ret_addr, ret_state.solver.true, "Ijk_Ret") successors.processed = True def _get_sim_procedure(self, addr): # Delayed import from ...procedures import SIM_PROCEDURES if addr in self.project._sim_procedures: return self.project._sim_procedures[addr] method = addr.method class_name = method.class_name method_prototype = "{}({})".format(, ",".join(method.params)) if class_name in SIM_PROCEDURES and method_prototype in SIM_PROCEDURES[class_name]: procedure_cls = SIM_PROCEDURES[class_name][method_prototype] else: return None # Lazy-initialize it proc = procedure_cls(project=self.project) self.project._sim_procedures[addr] = proc return proc
[docs] def get_unconstrained_simprocedure(self): # Delayed import from ...procedures import SIM_PROCEDURES # TODO: fix method prototype procedure_cls = SIM_PROCEDURES["angr.unconstrained"]["unconstrained()"] # Lazy-initialize it proc = procedure_cls(project=self.project) return proc
@staticmethod def _is_method_beginning(addr): return addr.block_idx == 0 and addr.stmt_idx == 0 @staticmethod def _get_next_linear_instruction(state, stmt_idx): addr = state.addr.copy() addr.stmt_idx = stmt_idx method = state.regs._ip_binary.get_soot_method(addr.method) current_bb = method.blocks[addr.block_idx] new_stmt_idx = addr.stmt_idx + 1 if new_stmt_idx < len(current_bb.statements): return SootAddressDescriptor(addr.method, addr.block_idx, new_stmt_idx) else: new_bb_idx = addr.block_idx + 1 if new_bb_idx < len(method.blocks): return SootAddressDescriptor(addr.method, new_bb_idx, 0) else: l.warning( "falling into a non existing bb: %d in %s", new_bb_idx, SootMethodDescriptor.from_soot_method(method), ) raise IncorrectLocationException()
[docs] @classmethod def setup_callsite(cls, state, args, ret_addr, ret_var=None): # push new callstack frame state.callstack.push(state.callstack.copy()) state.callstack.ret_addr = ret_addr state.callstack.invoke_return_variable = ret_var # push new memory stack frame state.javavm_memory.push_stack_frame() # setup arguments if args: cls.setup_arguments(state, list(args))
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_arguments(state, args): # if available, store the 'this' reference if len(args) > 0 and args[0].is_this_ref: this_ref = args.pop(0) local = SimSootValue_Local("this", this_ref.type), this_ref.value) # store all function arguments in memory for idx, arg in enumerate(args): param_ref = SimSootValue_ParamRef(idx, arg.type), arg.value)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_return_state(state, ret_value=None): # pop callstack ret_var = state.callstack.invoke_return_variable procedure_data = state.callstack.procedure_data state.callstack.pop() # pass procedure data to the current callstack (if available) # => this should get removed by the corresponding sim procedure state.callstack.procedure_data = procedure_data # pop memory frame state.memory.pop_stack_frame() # save return value if ret_value is not None: l.debug("Assign %r := %r", ret_var, ret_value) if ret_var is not None: # usually the return value is read from the previous stack frame, ret_value) else: # however if we call a method from outside (e.g. project.state_call), # no previous stack frame exist and the return variable is not set # => for this cases, we store the value in the registers, so it can # still be accessed state.regs.invoke_return_value = ret_value
[docs] @staticmethod def terminate_execution(statement, state, successors): l.debug("Returning with an empty stack: ending execution") # this code is coming by sim_procedure.exit() state.options.discard(o.AST_DEPS) state.options.discard(o.AUTO_REFS) exit_code = 0 if type(statement) is SimSootStmt_Return: exit_code = statement.return_value # TODO symbolic exit code? exit_code = state.solver.BVV(exit_code, state.arch.bits) state.history.add_event("terminate", exit_code=exit_code) successors.add_successor(state, state.regs.ip, state.solver.true, "Ijk_Exit") successors.processed = True raise BlockTerminationNotice()
# # JNI Native Interface #
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_native_return_state(native_state): """ Hook target for native function call returns. Recovers and stores the return value from native memory and toggles the state, s.t. execution continues in the Soot engine. """ javavm_simos = native_state.project.simos ret_state = native_state.copy() # set successor flags ret_state.regs._ip = ret_state.callstack.ret_addr ret_state.scratch.guard = ret_state.solver.true ret_state.history.jumpkind = "Ijk_Ret" # if available, lookup the return value in native memory ret_var = ret_state.callstack.invoke_return_variable if ret_var is not None: # get return symbol from native state native_cc = javavm_simos.get_native_cc() ret_symbol = ( native_cc.return_val(javavm_simos.get_native_type(ret_var.type)).get_value(native_state).to_claripy() ) # convert value to java type if ret_var.type in ArchSoot.primitive_types: # return value has a primitive type # => we need to manually cast the return value to the correct size, as this # would be usually done by the java callee ret_value = javavm_simos.cast_primitive(ret_state, ret_symbol, to_type=ret_var.type) else: # return value has a reference type # => ret_symbol is a opaque ref # => lookup corresponding java reference ret_value = ret_state.jni_references.lookup(ret_symbol) else: ret_value = None # teardown return state SootMixin.prepare_return_state(ret_state, ret_value) # finally, delete all local references ret_state.jni_references.clear_local_references() return [ret_state]
@classmethod def _setup_native_callsite(cls, state, native_addr, java_method, args, ret_addr, ret_var): # Step 1: setup java callsite, but w/o storing arguments in memory cls.setup_callsite(state, None, ret_addr, ret_var) # Step 2: add JNI specific arguments to *args list # get JNI environment pointer jni_env = SootArgument(state.project.simos.jni_env, "JNIEnv") # get reference to the current object or class if args and args[0].is_this_ref: # instance method call # => pass 'this' reference to native code ref = args.pop(0) else: # static method call # => pass 'class' reference to native code class_ = state.javavm_classloader.get_class(java_method.class_name, init_class=True) ref = SootArgument(class_, "Class") # add to args final_args = [jni_env, ref] + args # Step 3: generate C prototype from java_method voidp = parse_type("void*") arg_types = [voidp, voidp] + [state.project.simos.get_native_type(ty) for ty in java_method.params] ret_type = state.project.simos.get_native_type(java_method.ret) prototype = SimTypeFunction(args=arg_types, returnty=ret_type) # Step 3: create native invoke state return state.project.simos.state_call( native_addr, *final_args, base_state=state, prototype=prototype, ret_type=java_method.ret )