Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.utils

# pylint:disable=wrong-import-position
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, Union

import networkx

import ailment

[docs]def remove_last_statement(node): stmt = None if type(node) is CodeNode: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.node) elif type(node) is ailment.Block: stmt = node.statements[-1] node.statements = node.statements[:-1] elif type(node) is MultiNode: if node.nodes: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.nodes[-1]) if BaseNode.test_empty_node(node.nodes[-1]): node.nodes = node.nodes[:-1] elif type(node) is SequenceNode: if node.nodes: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.nodes[-1]) if BaseNode.test_empty_node(node.nodes[-1]): node.nodes = node.nodes[:-1] elif type(node) is ConditionNode: if node.true_node is None and node.false_node is not None: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.false_node) elif node.true_node is not None and node.false_node is None: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.true_node) else: raise NotImplementedError("More than one last statement exist") elif type(node) is LoopNode: stmt = remove_last_statement(node.sequence_node) else: raise NotImplementedError() return stmt
[docs]def append_statement(node, stmt): if type(node) is CodeNode: append_statement(node.node, stmt) return if type(node) is ailment.Block: node.statements.append(stmt) return if type(node) is MultiNode: if node.nodes: append_statement(node.nodes[-1], stmt) else: raise NotImplementedError() return if type(node) is SequenceNode: if node.nodes: append_statement(node.nodes[-1], stmt) else: raise NotImplementedError() return raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def replace_last_statement(node, old_stmt, new_stmt): if type(node) is CodeNode: replace_last_statement(node.node, old_stmt, new_stmt) return if type(node) is ailment.Block: if node.statements[-1] is old_stmt: node.statements[-1] = new_stmt return if type(node) is MultiNode: if node.nodes: replace_last_statement(node.nodes[-1], old_stmt, new_stmt) return if type(node) is SequenceNode: if node.nodes: replace_last_statement(node.nodes[-1], old_stmt, new_stmt) return if type(node) is ConditionNode: if node.true_node is not None: replace_last_statement(node.true_node, old_stmt, new_stmt) if node.false_node is not None: replace_last_statement(node.false_node, old_stmt, new_stmt) return raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def extract_jump_targets(stmt): """ Extract concrete goto targets from a Jump or a ConditionalJump statement. :param stmt: The statement to analyze. :return: A list of known concrete jump targets. :rtype: list """ targets = [] if isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Jump): if isinstance(, ailment.Expr.Const): targets.append( elif isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.ConditionalJump): if isinstance(stmt.true_target, ailment.Expr.Const): targets.append(stmt.true_target.value) if isinstance(stmt.false_target, ailment.Expr.Const): targets.append(stmt.false_target.value) return targets
[docs]def switch_extract_cmp_bounds(last_stmt: ailment.Stmt.ConditionalJump) -> Optional[Tuple[Any, int, int]]: """ Check the last statement of the switch-case header node, and extract lower+upper bounds for the comparison. :param last_stmt: The last statement of the switch-case header node. :return: A tuple of (comparison expression, lower bound, upper bound), or None """ if not isinstance(last_stmt, ailment.Stmt.ConditionalJump): return None # TODO: Add more operations if isinstance(last_stmt.condition, ailment.Expr.BinaryOp) and last_stmt.condition.op == "CmpLE": if not isinstance(last_stmt.condition.operands[1], ailment.Expr.Const): return None cmp_ub = last_stmt.condition.operands[1].value cmp_lb = 0 cmp = last_stmt.condition.operands[0] if ( isinstance(cmp, ailment.Expr.BinaryOp) and cmp.op == "Sub" and isinstance(cmp.operands[1], ailment.Expr.Const) ): cmp_ub += cmp.operands[1].value cmp_lb += cmp.operands[1].value cmp = cmp.operands[0] return cmp, cmp_lb, cmp_ub return None
[docs]def get_ast_subexprs(claripy_ast): queue = [claripy_ast] while queue: ast = queue.pop(0) if ast.op == "And": queue += ast.args[1:] yield ast.args[0] else: yield ast
[docs]def insert_node(parent, insert_location: str, node, node_idx: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]], label=None): if insert_location not in {"before", "after"}: raise ValueError('"insert_location" must be either "before" or "after"') if isinstance(parent, SequenceNode): if insert_location == "before": parent.nodes.insert(node_idx, node) else: # if insert_location == "after": parent.nodes.insert(node_idx + 1, node) elif isinstance(parent, CodeNode): # Make a new sequence node if insert_location == "before": seq = SequenceNode(parent.addr, nodes=[node, parent.node]) else: # if insert_location == "after": seq = SequenceNode(parent.addr, nodes=[parent.node, node]) parent.node = seq elif isinstance(parent, MultiNode): if insert_location == "before": parent.nodes.insert(node_idx, node) else: parent.nodes.insert(node_idx + 1, node) elif isinstance(parent, ConditionNode): if node_idx == 0: # true node if not isinstance(parent.true_node, SequenceNode): if parent.true_node is None: parent.true_node = SequenceNode(parent.addr, nodes=[]) else: parent.true_node = SequenceNode(parent.true_node.addr, nodes=[parent.true_node]) insert_node(parent.true_node, insert_location, node, 0) else: # false node if not isinstance(parent.false_node, SequenceNode): if parent.false_node is None: parent.false_node = SequenceNode(parent.addr, nodes=[]) else: parent.false_node = SequenceNode(parent.false_node.addr, nodes=[parent.false_node]) insert_node(parent.false_node, insert_location, node, 0) elif isinstance(parent, CascadingConditionNode): cond, child_node = parent.condition_and_nodes[node_idx] if not isinstance(child_node, SequenceNode): child_node = SequenceNode(child_node.addr, nodes=[child_node]) parent.condition_and_nodes[node_idx] = (cond, child_node) insert_node(child_node, insert_location, node, 0) elif isinstance(parent, SwitchCaseNode): # note that this case will be hit only when the parent node is not a container, such as SequenceNode or # MultiNode. we always need to create a new SequenceNode and replace the original node in place. if label == "switch_expr": raise TypeError("You cannot insert a node after an expression.") if label == "case": # node_idx is the case number. if insert_location == "after": new_nodes = [parent.cases[node_idx], node] elif insert_location == "before": new_nodes = [node, parent.cases[node_idx]] else: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported insert_location value "{insert_location}".') seq = SequenceNode(new_nodes[0].addr, nodes=new_nodes) parent.cases[node_idx] = seq elif label == "default": if insert_location == "after": new_nodes = [parent.default_node, node] elif insert_location == "before": new_nodes = [node, parent.default_node] else: raise TypeError("Unsupported 'insert_location' value %r." % insert_location) seq = SequenceNode(new_nodes[0].addr, nodes=new_nodes) parent.default_node = seq else: raise TypeError( f'Unsupported label value "{label}". Must be one of the following: switch_expr, case, ' f"default." ) else: raise NotImplementedError()
def _merge_ail_nodes(graph, node_a: ailment.Block, node_b: ailment.Block) -> ailment.Block: in_edges = list(graph.in_edges(node_a, data=True)) out_edges = list(graph.out_edges(node_b, data=True)) new_node = node_a.copy() if node_a.addr <= node_b.addr else node_b.copy() old_node = node_b if new_node == node_a else node_a # remove jumps in the middle of nodes when merging if new_node.statements and isinstance(new_node.statements[-1], ailment.Stmt.Jump): new_node.statements = new_node.statements[:-1] new_node.statements += old_node.statements new_node.original_size += old_node.original_size graph.remove_node(node_a) graph.remove_node(node_b) if new_node is not None: graph.add_node(new_node) for src, _, data in in_edges: if src is node_b: src = new_node graph.add_edge(src, new_node, **data) for _, dst, data in out_edges: if dst is node_a: dst = new_node graph.add_edge(new_node, dst, **data) return new_node
[docs]def to_ail_supergraph(transition_graph: networkx.DiGraph) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ Takes an AIL graph and converts it into a AIL graph that treats calls and redundant jumps as parts of a bigger block instead of transitions. Calls to returning functions do not terminate basic blocks. Based on region_identifier super_graph :return: A converted super transition graph """ # make a copy of the graph transition_graph = networkx.DiGraph(transition_graph) while True: for src, dst, data in transition_graph.edges(data=True): type_ = data.get("type", None) if len(list(transition_graph.successors(src))) == 1 and len(list(transition_graph.predecessors(dst))) == 1: # calls in the middle of blocks OR boring jumps if (type_ == "fake_return") or (src.addr + src.original_size == dst.addr): _merge_ail_nodes(transition_graph, src, dst) break # calls to functions with no return elif type_ == "call": transition_graph.remove_node(dst) break else: break return transition_graph
[docs]def is_empty_node(node) -> bool: if isinstance(node, ailment.Block): return not node.statements if isinstance(node, MultiNode): return all(is_empty_node(n) for n in node.nodes) if isinstance(node, SequenceNode): return all(is_empty_node(n) for n in node.nodes) return False
[docs]def is_empty_or_label_only_node(node) -> bool: if isinstance(node, ailment.Block): return not has_nonlabel_statements(node) if isinstance(node, MultiNode): return all(is_empty_or_label_only_node(n) for n in node.nodes) if isinstance(node, SequenceNode): return all(is_empty_or_label_only_node(n) for n in node.nodes) return False
[docs]def has_nonlabel_statements(block: ailment.Block) -> bool: return block.statements and any(not isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Label) for stmt in block.statements)
[docs]def first_nonlabel_statement(block: ailment.Block) -> Optional[ailment.Stmt.Statement]: for stmt in block.statements: if not isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Label): return stmt return None
[docs]def last_nonlabel_statement(block: ailment.Block) -> Optional[ailment.Stmt.Statement]: for stmt in reversed(block.statements): if not isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Label): return stmt return None
[docs]def first_nonlabel_node(seq: "SequenceNode") -> Optional[Union["BaseNode", ailment.Block]]: for node in seq.nodes: if isinstance(node, CodeNode): inner_node = node.node else: inner_node = node if isinstance(inner_node, ailment.Block) and not has_nonlabel_statements(inner_node): continue return node return None
[docs]def remove_labels(graph: networkx.DiGraph): new_graph = networkx.DiGraph() nodes_map = {} for node in graph: node_copy = node.copy() node_copy.statements = [stmt for stmt in node_copy.statements if not isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Label)] nodes_map[node] = node_copy new_graph.add_nodes_from(nodes_map.values()) for src, dst in graph.edges: new_graph.add_edge(nodes_map[src], nodes_map[dst]) return new_graph
# delayed import from .structuring.structurer_nodes import ( MultiNode, BaseNode, CodeNode, SequenceNode, ConditionNode, SwitchCaseNode, CascadingConditionNode, LoopNode, )