Source code for angr.state_plugins.trace_additions

This file contains objects to track additional information during a trace or
modify symbolic variables during a trace.

The ChallRespInfo plugin tracks variables in stdin and stdout to enable handling of challenge response
It handles atoi/int2str in a special manner since path constraints will usually prevent
their values from being modified

The Zen plugin simplifies expressions created from variables in the flag page (losing some accuracy)
to avoid situations where they become to complex for z3, but the actual equation doesn't matter much.
This can happen in challenge response if all of the values in the flag page are multiplied together
before being printed.

import logging
import string

import angr
import claripy

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class FormatInfo:
[docs] def copy(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute(self, state): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_type(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FormatInfoStrToInt(FormatInfo): def __init__(self, addr, func_name, str_arg_num, base, base_arg, allows_negative): # the address of the function self.addr = addr # the name of the function self.func_name = func_name # the argument which is a string self.str_arg_num = str_arg_num # the base of the string self.base = base # the argument which represents the base self.base_arg = base_arg # whether or not negatives can be passed self.allows_negative = allows_negative # the input_val (computed at the start of function call) self.input_val = None self.input_base = None
[docs] def copy(self): out = FormatInfoStrToInt( self.addr, self.func_name, self.str_arg_num, self.base, self.base_arg, self.allows_negative ) return out
[docs] def compute(self, state): self.input_val = angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, self.str_arg_num) if self.base_arg is not None: self.input_base = state.solver.eval( angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, self.base_arg) ) if self.input_base == 0: self.input_base = 16 else: self.input_base = self.base
[docs] def get_type(self): return "StrToInt"
[docs]class FormatInfoIntToStr(FormatInfo): def __init__(self, addr, func_name, int_arg_num, str_dst_num, base, base_arg): # the address of the function self.addr = addr # the name of the function self.func_name = func_name # the argument which is a string self.int_arg_num = int_arg_num # the argument which is the dest buf self.str_dst_num = str_dst_num # the base of the string self.base = base # the argument which represents the base self.base_arg = base_arg # the input_val and str addr (computed at the start of function call) self.input_val = None self.input_base = None self.str_dst_addr = None
[docs] def copy(self): out = FormatInfoIntToStr( self.addr, self.func_name, self.int_arg_num, self.str_dst_num, self.base, self.base_arg ) return out
[docs] def compute(self, state): self.input_val = angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, self.int_arg_num) if self.base_arg is not None: self.input_base = state.solver.eval( angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, self.base_arg) ) if self.input_base == 0: self.input_base = 16 else: self.input_base = self.base self.str_dst_addr = angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, self.str_dst_num)
[docs] def get_type(self): return "IntToStr"
[docs]class FormatInfoDontConstrain(FormatInfo): def __init__(self, addr, func_name, check_symbolic_arg): self.addr = addr self.func_name = func_name self.check_symbolic_arg = check_symbolic_arg
[docs] def copy(self): out = FormatInfoDontConstrain(self.addr, self.func_name, self.check_symbolic_arg) return out
[docs] def compute(self, state): pass
[docs] def get_type(self): return "DontConstrain"
[docs]def int2base(x, base): digs = string.digits + string.ascii_letters if x < 0: sign = -1 elif x == 0: return digs[0] else: sign = 1 x *= sign digits = [] while x: digits.append(digs[x % base]) x /= base if sign < 0: digits.append("-") digits.reverse() return "".join(digits)
[docs]def generic_info_hook(state): addr = state.solver.eval(state.regs.ip) chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") format_info = chall_resp_plugin.format_infos[addr].copy() if format_info.get_type() == "DontConstrain": arg_num = format_info.check_symbolic_arg arg = angr.calling_conventions.SimCCCdecl(state.arch).arg(state, arg_num) if state.mem[arg].string.resolved.symbolic: l.warning("symbolic arg not hooking") return # remove a current pending info if chall_resp_plugin.pending_info is not None: chall_resp_plugin.backup_pending_info.append( (chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook, chall_resp_plugin.pending_info) ) # undo the stops state.project.unhook(chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook) chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook = None chall_resp_plugin.pending_info = None # hook the return address ret_addr = state.solver.eval(state.memory.load(state.regs.sp, 4, endness="Iend_LE")) chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook = ret_addr state.project.hook(ret_addr, end_info_hook, length=0) format_info.compute(state) chall_resp_plugin.pending_info = format_info l.debug("starting hook for %s at %#x", format_info.func_name, format_info.addr)
[docs]def end_info_hook(state): chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") pending_info = chall_resp_plugin.pending_info # undo the stops state.project.unhook(chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook) chall_resp_plugin.ret_addr_to_unhook = None chall_resp_plugin.pending_info = None # replace the result with a symbolic variable # also add a constraint that points out what the input is if pending_info.get_type() == "StrToInt": # mark the input input_val = state.mem[pending_info.input_val].string.resolved result = state.solver.BVV(state.solver.eval(state.regs.eax, cast_to=bytes)) real_len = chall_resp_plugin.get_real_len( input_val, pending_info.input_base, result, pending_info.allows_negative ) if real_len == 0: l.debug("ending hook for %s at %#x with len 0", pending_info.func_name, pending_info.addr) chall_resp_plugin.pop_from_backup() return # result constraint new_var = state.solver.BVS(pending_info.get_type() + "_" + str(pending_info.input_base) + "_result", 32) constraint = new_var == result chall_resp_plugin.replacement_pairs.append((new_var, state.regs.eax)) state.regs.eax = new_var # finish marking the input input_val = state.memory.load(pending_info.input_val, real_len) l.debug("string len was %d, value was %d", real_len, state.solver.eval(result)) input_bvs = state.solver.BVS( pending_info.get_type() + "_" + str(pending_info.input_base) + "_input", input_val.size() ) chall_resp_plugin.str_to_int_pairs.append((input_bvs, new_var)) if pending_info.allows_negative: chall_resp_plugin.allows_negative_bvs.add(input_bvs.cache_key) chall_resp_plugin.replacement_pairs.append((input_bvs, input_val)) elif pending_info.get_type() == "IntToStr": # result constraint result = state.solver.BVV( state.solver.eval(state.mem[pending_info.str_dst_addr].string.resolved, cast_to=bytes) ) if result is None or result.size() == 0: l.warning("zero len string") chall_resp_plugin.pop_from_backup() return new_var = state.solver.BVS( pending_info.get_type() + "_" + str(pending_info.input_base) + "_result", result.size() ) chall_resp_plugin.replacement_pairs.append((new_var, state.mem[pending_info.str_dst_addr].string.resolved)), new_var) constraint = new_var == result # mark the input input_val = pending_info.input_val input_bvs = state.solver.BVS(pending_info.get_type() + "_" + str(pending_info.input_base) + "_input", 32) chall_resp_plugin.int_to_str_pairs.append((input_bvs, new_var)) chall_resp_plugin.replacement_pairs.append((input_bvs, input_val)) # here we need the constraint that the input was equal to the StrToInt_input state.add_constraints(input_bvs == input_val) else: chall_resp_plugin.backup_pending_info = [] return l.debug("ending hook for %s at %#x", pending_info.func_name, pending_info.addr) chall_resp_plugin.vars_we_added.update(new_var.variables) chall_resp_plugin.vars_we_added.update(input_bvs.variables) # don't add constraints just add replacement state.solver._solver.add_replacement(new_var, result, invalidate_cache=False) # dont add this constraint to preconstraints or we lose real constraints # chall_resp_plugin.tracer.preconstraints.append(constraint) chall_resp_plugin.state.preconstrainer.variable_map[list(new_var.variables)[0]] = constraint chall_resp_plugin.pop_from_backup()
[docs]def exit_hook(state): if not state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info"): return guard = state.inspect.exit_guard # track the amount of stdout we had when a constraint was first added to a byte of stdin chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") stdin_min_stdout_constraints = chall_resp_plugin.stdin_min_stdout_constraints stdout_pos = state.solver.eval(state.posix.fd[1].write_pos) for v in guard.variables: if v.startswith("aeg_input"): # TODO THIS IS SO FUCKED LMAO byte_num = ChallRespInfo.get_byte(v) if byte_num not in stdin_min_stdout_constraints: stdin_min_stdout_constraints[byte_num] = stdout_pos
[docs]def syscall_hook(state): if not state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info"): return # here we detect how much stdout we have when a byte is first read in syscall_name = state.inspect.syscall_name if syscall_name == "receive": # track the amount of stdout we had when we first read the byte stdin_min_stdout_reads = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info").stdin_min_stdout_reads stdout_pos = state.solver.eval(state.posix.fd[1].write_pos) stdin_pos = state.solver.eval(state.posix.fd[0].read_pos) for i in range(0, stdin_pos): if i not in stdin_min_stdout_reads: stdin_min_stdout_reads[i] = stdout_pos # here we make random preconstrained instead of concrete A's if syscall_name == "random": num_bytes = state.solver.eval(state.regs.ecx) buf = state.solver.eval(state.regs.ebx) if num_bytes != 0: rand_bytes = state.solver.BVS("random", num_bytes * 8) concrete_val = state.solver.BVV("A" * num_bytes) state.solver._solver.add_replacement(rand_bytes, concrete_val, invalidate_cache=False), rand_bytes)
[docs]def constraint_hook(state): if not state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info"): return # here we prevent adding constraints if there's a pending thing chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") if chall_resp_plugin.pending_info is not None and angr.options.REPLACEMENT_SOLVER in state.options: state.inspect.added_constraints = []
[docs]class ChallRespInfo(angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin): """ This state plugin keeps track of the reads and writes to symbolic addresses """ def __init__(self): angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin.__init__(self) # for each constraint we check what the max stdin it has and how much stdout we have self.stdin_min_stdout_constraints = {} self.stdin_min_stdout_reads = {} self.format_infos = {} self.pending_info = None self.str_to_int_pairs = [] self.int_to_str_pairs = [] self.ret_addr_to_unhook = None self.vars_we_added = set() self.replacement_pairs = [] self.backup_pending_info = [] self.allows_negative_bvs = set() def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d["state"] return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self.state = None @angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument s = ChallRespInfo() s.stdin_min_stdout_constraints = dict(self.stdin_min_stdout_constraints) s.stdin_min_stdout_reads = dict(self.stdin_min_stdout_reads) s.format_infos = dict(self.format_infos) s.pending_info = self.pending_info s.str_to_int_pairs = list(self.str_to_int_pairs) s.int_to_str_pairs = list(self.int_to_str_pairs) s.ret_addr_to_unhook = self.ret_addr_to_unhook s.vars_we_added = set(self.vars_we_added) s.replacement_pairs = list(self.replacement_pairs) s.backup_pending_info = list(self.backup_pending_info) s.allows_negative_bvs = set(self.allows_negative_bvs) return s
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise angr.errors.SimMergeError("Can't merge ChallRespInfo - what on earth are you doing?")
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise angr.errors.SimMergeError("Can't widen ChallRespInfo - what on earth are you doing?")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_byte(var_name): ## XXX TODO FIXME DO NOT DO THIS HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK ## see comments in rex idx = var_name.split("_")[3] return int(idx, 16)
[docs] def lookup_original(self, replacement): for r, o in self.replacement_pairs: if r is replacement: return o return None
[docs] def pop_from_backup(self): # pop from pending info if self.backup_pending_info: ret_addr, pending_info = self.backup_pending_info[0] self.pending_info = pending_info self.ret_addr_to_unhook = ret_addr self.state.project.hook(ret_addr, end_info_hook, length=0) self.backup_pending_info = self.backup_pending_info[1:]
[docs] def get_stdin_indices(self, variable): byte_indices = set() for str_val, int_val in self.str_to_int_pairs: if variable in int_val.variables: original_str = self.lookup_original(str_val) if original_str is None: l.warning("original_str is None") continue for v in original_str.variables: if v.startswith("aeg_input"): byte_indices.add(self.get_byte(v)) return byte_indices
[docs] def get_stdout_indices(self, variable): file_1 = self.state.posix.stdout stdout_size = self.state.solver.eval(file_1.size) stdout = file_1.load(0, stdout_size) byte_indices = set() for int_val, str_val in self.int_to_str_pairs: if variable in int_val.variables: num_bytes = str_val.size() // 8 if stdout.op != "Concat": l.warning("stdout is not concat!") continue stdout_pos = 0 for arg in stdout.args: if arg is str_val: byte_indices.update(range(stdout_pos, stdout_pos + num_bytes)) stdout_pos += arg.size() // 8 return byte_indices
[docs] def get_real_len(self, input_val, base, result_bv, allows_negative): # handle 0-length bv's and None's if input_val is None or input_val.size() == 0: return 0 result = self.state.solver.eval(result_bv) possible_len = self.get_possible_len(input_val, base, allows_negative) if possible_len == 0: return 0 input_s = self.state.solver.eval(input_val, cast_to=bytes) try: for i in range(possible_len): if input_s[: i + 1] == "-": continue if int(input_s[: i + 1], base) & ((1 << result_bv.size()) - 1) == result: return i + 1 except ValueError: return 0 l.warning("couldn't get real len returning 0") return 0
[docs] def get_possible_len(self, input_val, base, allows_negative): state = self.state input_s = state.solver.eval(input_val, cast_to=bytes) nums = "0123456789abcdef" still_whitespace = True for i, c in enumerate(input_s): if still_whitespace and c == "-" and allows_negative: still_whitespace = False continue if c not in string.whitespace: still_whitespace = False if still_whitespace and c in string.whitespace: continue if c.lower() not in nums[:base]: return i return len(input_s)
[docs] def get_same_length_constraints(self): constraints = [] for str_var, int_var in self.str_to_int_pairs: int_var_name = list(int_var.variables)[0] base = int(int_var_name.split("_")[1], 10) original_len = str_var.size() // 8 abs_max = (1 << int_var.size()) - 1 if str_var.cache_key in self.allows_negative_bvs: abs_max = (1 << (int_var.size() - 1)) - 1 max_val = base ** (original_len) - 1 min_val = 0 if str_var.cache_key in self.allows_negative_bvs and original_len > 1: min_val = -(base ** (original_len - 1) - 1) max_val = min(max_val, abs_max) min_val = max(min_val, -abs_max) constraints.append(claripy.And(int_var.SGE(min_val), int_var <= max_val)) return constraints
[docs] @staticmethod def atoi_dumps(state, require_same_length=True): try: if not state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info"): l.warning("no chall resp info, just using posix dumps(0)") return state.posix.dumps(0) chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") vars_to_solve = [] pos = state.solver.eval(state.posix.stdin.size) stdin = state.posix.stdin.load(0, pos) vars_to_solve.append(stdin) for _, int_var in chall_resp_plugin.str_to_int_pairs: vars_to_solve.append(int_var) if require_same_length: extra_constraints = chall_resp_plugin.get_same_length_constraints() else: extra_constraints = [] solns = state.solver._solver.batch_eval(vars_to_solve, 1, extra_constraints=extra_constraints) if len(solns) == 0: if require_same_length: l.warning("could not satisfy with same length, falling back to different lengths") return ChallRespInfo.atoi_dumps(state, require_same_length=False) else: return state.posix.dumps(0) solns = solns[0] # now make the real stdin stdin = state.solver.eval(state.solver.BVV(solns[0], pos * 8), cast_to=bytes) stdin_replacements = [] for soln, (_, int_var) in zip(solns[1:], chall_resp_plugin.str_to_int_pairs): int_var_name = list(int_var.variables)[0] indices = chall_resp_plugin.get_stdin_indices(int_var_name) if len(indices) == 0: continue start = min(indices) length = max(indices) + 1 - start base = int(int_var_name.split("_")[1], 10) str_val = int2base(soln, base) # pad for same length requirement if require_same_length and len(str_val) < length: str_val = str_val.rjust(length, "0") if "-" in str_val: str_val = "-" + str_val.replace("-", "") stdin_replacements.append((start, length, str_val)) # filter for same start with value 0 for i in list(stdin_replacements): if any(ii[0] == i[0] and ii[2] != i[2] for ii in stdin_replacements): if int(i[2]) == 0: stdin_replacements.remove(i) # now do the replacing offset = 0 for start, length, str_val in sorted(stdin_replacements): stdin = stdin[: start + offset] + str_val + stdin[start + length + offset :] offset = len(str_val) - length return stdin except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except l.error("Exception %s during atoi_dumps!!", e) return state.posix.dumps(0)
[docs] @staticmethod def prep_tracer(state, format_infos=None): format_infos = [] if format_infos is None else format_infos state.inspect.b("exit", angr.BP_BEFORE, action=exit_hook) state.inspect.b("syscall", angr.BP_AFTER, action=syscall_hook) state.inspect.b("constraints", angr.BP_BEFORE, action=constraint_hook) if state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info"): chall_resp_plugin = state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info") else: chall_resp_plugin = ChallRespInfo() for f in format_infos: chall_resp_plugin.format_infos[f.addr] = f state.register_plugin("chall_resp_info", chall_resp_plugin) for addr in chall_resp_plugin.format_infos: state.project.hook(addr, generic_info_hook, length=0)
[docs]def zen_hook(state, expr): # don't do this if inside a hooked function if state.has_plugin("chall_resp_info") and state.get_plugin("chall_resp_info").pending_info is not None: return None if expr.op not in claripy.operations.leaf_operations and expr.op != "Concat": # if there is more than one symbolic argument we replace it and preconstrain it flag_args = ZenPlugin.get_flag_rand_args(expr) if len(flag_args) > 1: zen_plugin = state.get_plugin("zen_plugin") if expr.cache_key in zen_plugin.replacements: # we already have the replacement concrete_val = state.solver.eval(expr) replacement = zen_plugin.replacements[expr.cache_key] state.preconstrainer.preconstrain(concrete_val, replacement) zen_plugin.preconstraints.append(replacement == concrete_val) else: # we need to make a new replacement replacement = claripy.BVS("cgc-flag-zen", expr.size()) concrete_val = state.solver.eval(expr) state.solver._solver.add_replacement(replacement, concrete_val, invalidate_cache=False) # if the depth is less than the max add the constraint and get which bytes it contains depth = zen_plugin.get_expr_depth(expr) if depth < zen_plugin.max_depth: con = replacement == expr state.add_constraints(con) contained_bytes = zen_plugin.get_flag_bytes(expr) zen_plugin.byte_dict[list(replacement.variables)[0]] = contained_bytes zen_plugin.zen_constraints.append(con) # saves a ton of memory to do this here rather than later zen_plugin.zen_constraints.append(state.solver.simplify(con)) else: # otherwise don't add the constraint, just replace depth = 0 zen_plugin.byte_dict[list(replacement.variables)[0]] = set() # save and replace var = list(replacement.variables)[0] zen_plugin.depths[var] = depth constraint = replacement == concrete_val zen_plugin.state.preconstrainer.preconstraints.append(constraint) zen_plugin.preconstraints.append(replacement == concrete_val) zen_plugin.replacements[expr.cache_key] = replacement return replacement return None
[docs]def zen_memory_write(state): mem_write_expr = state.inspect.mem_write_expr new_expr = zen_hook(state, mem_write_expr) if new_expr is not None: state.inspect.mem_write_expr = new_expr
[docs]def zen_register_write(state): reg_write_expr = state.inspect.reg_write_expr new_expr = zen_hook(state, reg_write_expr) if new_expr is not None: state.inspect.reg_write_expr = new_expr
[docs]class ZenPlugin(angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin): def __init__(self, max_depth=13): angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin.__init__(self) # dict from cache key to asts self.replacements = {} # dict from zen vars to the depth self.depths = {} # dict from zen vars to the bytes contained self.byte_dict = {} # the max depth an object can have before it is replaced with a zen object with no constraint self.max_depth = max_depth # the zen replacement constraints (the ones that don't preconstrain input) # ie (flagA + flagB == zen1234) self.zen_constraints = [] self.preconstraints = [] self.controlled_transmits = [] def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d["state"] return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self.state = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_flag_rand_args(expr): symbolic_args = tuple(a for a in expr.args if isinstance(a, claripy.ast.Base) and a.symbolic) flag_args = [] for a in symbolic_args: if any(v.startswith("cgc-flag") or v.startswith("random") for v in a.variables): flag_args.append(a) return flag_args
[docs] def get_expr_depth(self, expr): flag_args = self.get_flag_rand_args(expr) flag_arg_vars = set.union(*[set(v.variables) for v in flag_args]) flag_arg_vars = {v for v in flag_arg_vars if v.startswith("cgc-flag") or v.startswith("random")} if len(flag_arg_vars) == 0: return 0 depth = max(self.depths.get(v, 0) for v in flag_arg_vars) + 1 return depth
@angr.state_plugins.SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument z = ZenPlugin() # we explicitly don't copy the dict since it only is a mapping from var to replacement z.replacements = self.replacements # we explicitly don't copy the dict since it only is a mapping form var to depth z.depths = self.depths # explicitly don't copy z.byte_dict = self.byte_dict z.max_depth = self.max_depth z.zen_constraints = self.zen_constraints z.preconstraints = self.preconstraints z.controlled_transmits = self.controlled_transmits return z
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise angr.errors.SimMergeError("Can't merge ZenPlugin - what on earth are you doing?")
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise angr.errors.SimMergeError("Can't widen ZenPlugin - what on earth are you doing?")
[docs] def get_flag_bytes(self, ast): flag_args = self.get_flag_rand_args(ast) flag_arg_vars = set.union(*[set(v.variables) for v in flag_args]) flag_arg_vars = {v for v in flag_arg_vars if v.startswith("cgc-flag")} contained_bytes = set() for v in flag_arg_vars: if v in self.byte_dict: contained_bytes.update(self.byte_dict[v]) return contained_bytes
[docs] def filter_constraints(self, constraints): zen_cache_keys = {x.cache_key for x in self.zen_constraints} new_cons = [] for con in constraints: if ( con.cache_key in zen_cache_keys or not all(v.startswith("cgc-flag") or v.startswith("random") for v in con.variables) or len(con.variables) == 0 ): new_cons.append(con) return new_cons
[docs] def analyze_transmit(self, state, buf): fd = state.solver.eval(state.regs.ebx) try: state.memory.permissions(state.solver.eval(buf)) except angr.SimMemoryError: l.warning("detected possible arbitary transmit to fd %d", fd) if fd == 0 or fd == 1: self.controlled_transmits.append((state.copy(), buf))
[docs] @staticmethod def prep_tracer(state): if state.has_plugin("zen_plugin"): zen_plugin = state.get_plugin("zen_plugin") else: zen_plugin = ZenPlugin() state.register_plugin("zen_plugin", zen_plugin) state.inspect.b("reg_write", angr.BP_BEFORE, action=zen_register_write) state.inspect.b("mem_write", angr.BP_BEFORE, action=zen_memory_write) # setup the byte dict byte_dict = zen_plugin.byte_dict for i, b in enumerate(state.cgc.flag_bytes): var = list(b.variables)[0] byte_dict[var] = {i} state.preconstrainer.preconstraints.extend(zen_plugin.preconstraints)