Source code for angr.state_plugins.filesystem

import os
import logging
from collections import namedtuple

from .plugin import SimStatePlugin
from import SimFile
from ..errors import SimMergeError
from ..misc.ux import once

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

Stat = namedtuple(

[docs]class SimFilesystem(SimStatePlugin): # pretends links don't exist """ angr's emulated filesystem. Available as state.fs. When constructing, all parameters are optional. :param files: A mapping from filepath to SimFile :param pathsep: The character used to separate path elements, default forward slash. :param cwd: The path of the current working directory to use :param mountpoints: A mapping from filepath to SimMountpoint :ivar pathsep: The current pathsep :ivar cwd: The current working directory :ivar unlinks: A list of unlink operations, tuples of filename and simfile. Be careful, this list is shallow-copied from successor to successor, so don't mutate anything in it without copying. """ def __init__(self, files=None, pathsep=None, cwd=None, mountpoints=None): super().__init__() if files is None: files = {} if pathsep is None: pathsep = b"/" if cwd is None: cwd = pathsep if mountpoints is None: mountpoints = {} self.pathsep = pathsep self.cwd = cwd self._unlinks = [] self._files = {} self._mountpoints = {} for fname in mountpoints: self.mount(fname, mountpoints[fname]) for fname in files: self.insert(fname, files[fname]) @SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): o = super().copy(memo) o.pathsep = self.pathsep o.cwd = self.cwd o._unlinks = list(self._unlinks) o._files = {k: v.copy(memo) for k, v in self._files.items()} o._mountpoints = {k: v.copy(memo) for k, v in self._mountpoints.items()} return o @property def unlinks(self): for _, f in self._unlinks: f.set_state(self.state) return self._unlinks
[docs] def set_state(self, state): super().set_state(state) for fname in self._files: self._files[fname].set_state(state) for fname in self._mountpoints: self._mountpoints[fname].set_state(state)
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): for o in others: if o.cwd != self.cwd: raise SimMergeError("Can't merge filesystems with disparate cwds") if len(o._mountpoints) != len(self._mountpoints): raise SimMergeError("Can't merge filesystems with disparate mountpoints") if list(map(id, o.unlinks)) != list(map(id, self.unlinks)): raise SimMergeError("Can't merge filesystems with disparate unlinks") for fname in self._mountpoints: try: subdeck = [o._mountpoints[fname] for o in others] except KeyError: raise SimMergeError( "Can't merge filesystems with disparate file sets" ) # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from if common_ancestor is not None and fname in common_ancestor._mountpoints: common_mp = common_ancestor._mountpoints[fname] else: common_mp = None self._mountpoints[fname].merge(subdeck, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_mp) # this is a little messy deck = [self] + others all_files = set.union(*(set(o._files.keys()) for o in deck)) for fname in all_files: subdeck = [o._files[fname] if fname in o._files else None for o in deck] representative = next(x for x in subdeck if x is not None) for i, v in enumerate(subdeck): if v is None: subdeck[i] = representative() if i == 0: self._files[fname] = subdeck[i] if common_ancestor is not None and fname in common_ancestor._files: common_simfile = common_ancestor._files[fname] else: common_simfile = None subdeck[0].merge(subdeck[1:], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_simfile) return True
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if once("fs_widen_warning"): l.warning("Filesystems can't be widened yet - beware unsoundness")
def _normalize_path(self, path): """ Takes a path and returns a simple absolute path as a list of directories from the root """ if type(path) is str: path = path.encode() path = path.split(b"\0")[0] if path[0:1] != self.pathsep: path = self.cwd + self.pathsep + path keys = path.split(self.pathsep) i = 0 while i < len(keys): if keys[i] == b"": keys.pop(i) elif keys[i] == b".": keys.pop(i) elif keys[i] == b"..": keys.pop(i) if i != 0: keys.pop(i - 1) i -= 1 else: i += 1 return keys def _join_chunks(self, keys): """ Takes a list of directories from the root and joins them into a string path """ return self.pathsep + self.pathsep.join(keys)
[docs] def chdir(self, path): """ Changes the current directory to the given path """ self.cwd = self._join_chunks(self._normalize_path(path))
[docs] def get(self, path): """ Get a file from the filesystem. Returns a SimFile or None. """ mountpoint, chunks = self.get_mountpoint(path) if mountpoint is None: return self._files.get(self._join_chunks(chunks)) else: return mountpoint.get(chunks)
[docs] def insert(self, path, simfile): """ Insert a file into the filesystem. Returns whether the operation was successful. """ if self.state is not None: simfile.set_state(self.state) mountpoint, chunks = self.get_mountpoint(path) if mountpoint is None: self._files[self._join_chunks(chunks)] = simfile return True else: return mountpoint.insert(chunks, simfile)
[docs] def delete(self, path): """ Remove a file from the filesystem. Returns whether the operation was successful. This will add a ``fs_unlink`` event with the path of the file and also the index into the `unlinks` list. """ mountpoint, chunks = self.get_mountpoint(path) apath = self._join_chunks(chunks) if mountpoint is None: try: simfile = self._files.pop(apath) except KeyError: return False else: self.state.history.add_event("fs_unlink", path=apath, unlink_idx=len(self.unlinks)) self.unlinks.append((apath, simfile)) return True else: return mountpoint.delete(chunks)
[docs] def mount(self, path, mount): """ Add a mountpoint to the filesystem. """ self._mountpoints[self._join_chunks(self._normalize_path(path))] = mount
[docs] def unmount(self, path): """ Remove a mountpoint from the filesystem. """ del self._mountpoints[self._join_chunks(self._normalize_path(path))]
[docs] def get_mountpoint(self, path): """ Look up the mountpoint servicing the given path. :return: A tuple of the mount and a list of path elements traversing from the mountpoint to the specified file. """ path_chunks = self._normalize_path(path) for i in range(len(path_chunks) - 1, -1, -1): partial_path = self._join_chunks(path_chunks[:-i]) if partial_path in self._mountpoints: mountpoint = self._mountpoints[partial_path] if mountpoint is None: break return mountpoint, path_chunks[-i:] return None, path_chunks
[docs]class SimMount(SimStatePlugin): """ This is the base class for "mount points" in angr's simulated filesystem. Subclass this class and give it to the filesystem to intercept all file creations and opens below the mountpoint. Since this a SimStatePlugin you may also want to implement set_state, copy, merge, etc. """
[docs] def get(self, path_elements): """ Implement this function to instrument file lookups. :param path_elements: A list of path elements traversing from the mountpoint to the file :return: A SimFile, or None """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def insert(self, path_elements, simfile): """ Implement this function to instrument file creation. :param path_elements: A list of path elements traversing from the mountpoint to the file :param simfile: The file to insert :return: A bool indicating whether the insert occurred """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self, path_elements): """ Implement this function to instrument file deletion. :param path_elements: A list of path elements traversing from the mountpoint to the file :return: A bool indicating whether the delete occurred """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def lookup(self, sim_file): """ Look up the path of a SimFile in the mountpoint :param sim_file: A SimFile object needs to be looked up :return: A string representing the path of the file in the mountpoint Or None if the SimFile does not exist in the mountpoint """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimConcreteFilesystem(SimMount): """ Abstract SimMount allowing the user to import files from some external source into the guest :param str pathsep: The host path separator character, default os.path.sep """ def __init__(self, pathsep=os.path.sep): super().__init__() self.pathsep = pathsep self.cache = {} self.deleted_list = set()
[docs] def get(self, path_elements): path = self._join_chunks([x.decode() for x in path_elements]) if path in self.deleted_list: return None if path not in self.cache: simfile = self._load_file(path) if simfile is None: return None self.insert(path_elements, simfile) return self.cache[path]
def _load_file(self, guest_path): raise NotImplementedError def _get_stat(self, guest_path, dereference=False): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def insert(self, path_elements, simfile): path = self._join_chunks([x.decode() for x in path_elements]) simfile.set_state(self.state) self.cache[path] = simfile self.deleted_list.discard(path) return True
[docs] def delete(self, path_elements): path = self._join_chunks([x.decode() for x in path_elements]) self.deleted_list.add(path) return self.cache.pop(path, None) is not None
[docs] def lookup(self, sim_file): for key, val in self.cache.items(): if sim_file == val: return key return None
@SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): x = type(self)(pathsep=self.pathsep) x.cache = {fname: self.cache[fname].copy(memo) for fname in self.cache} x.deleted_list = set(self.deleted_list) return x
[docs] def set_state(self, state): super().set_state(state) for fname in self.cache: self.cache[fname].set_state(state)
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): merging_occured = False for o in others: if o.pathsep != self.pathsep: raise SimMergeError("Can't merge concrete filesystems with disparate pathseps") if o.deleted_list != self.deleted_list: raise SimMergeError("Can't merge concrete filesystems with disparate deleted files") deck = [self] + others all_files = set.union(*(set(o._files.keys()) for o in deck)) for fname in all_files: subdeck = [] basecase = None for o in deck: try: subdeck.append(o.cache[fname]) except KeyError: if basecase is None: basecase = self._load_file(fname) subdeck.append(basecase) if common_ancestor is not None and fname in common_ancestor.cache: common_simfile = common_ancestor.cache[fname] else: common_simfile = None merging_occured |= subdeck[0].merge(subdeck[1:], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_simfile) return merging_occured
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if once("host_fs_widen_warning"): l.warning("The host filesystem mount can't be widened yet - beware unsoundness")
def _join_chunks(self, keys): """ Takes a list of directories from the root and joins them into a string path """ return self.pathsep + self.pathsep.join(keys)
[docs]class SimHostFilesystem(SimConcreteFilesystem): """ Simulated mount that makes some piece from the host filesystem available to the guest. :param str host_path: The path on the host to mount :param str pathsep: The host path separator character, default os.path.sep """ def __init__(self, host_path=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.host_path = host_path if host_path is not None else self.pathsep @SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): o = super().copy(memo) o.host_path = self.host_path return o def _load_file(self, guest_path): guest_path = guest_path.lstrip(self.pathsep) path = os.path.join(self.host_path, guest_path) try: with open(path, "rb") as fp: content = except OSError: return None else: return SimFile(name="file://" + os.path.realpath(path), content=content, size=len(content)) def _get_stat(self, guest_path, dereference=False): guest_path = guest_path.lstrip(self.pathsep) path = os.path.join(self.host_path, guest_path) try: if dereference: path = os.path.realpath(path) s = os.stat(path) stat = Stat( s.st_dev, s.st_ino, s.st_nlink, s.st_mode, s.st_uid, s.st_gid, s.st_rdev, s.st_size, s.st_blksize, s.st_blocks, round(s.st_atime), s.st_atime_ns, round(s.st_mtime), s.st_mtime_ns, round(s.st_ctime), s.st_ctime_ns, ) return stat except OSError: return None