Source code for angr.knowledge_plugins.xrefs.xref

from typing import Optional

from ...serializable import Serializable
from ...protos import primitives_pb2
from .xref_types import XRefType

[docs]class XRef(Serializable): """ XRef describes a reference to a MemoryData instance (if a MemoryData instance is available) or just an address. """ __slots__ = ( "ins_addr", "block_addr", "stmt_idx", "insn_op_idx", "insn_op_type", "memory_data", "dst", "type", ) def __init__( self, ins_addr=None, block_addr=None, stmt_idx=None, insn_op_idx=None, memory_data=None, dst: Optional[int] = None, xref_type=None, ): if dst is not None and not isinstance(dst, int): raise TypeError("XRefs must be pointing to a constant target. Target %r is not supported." % dst) # src self.ins_addr = ins_addr self.insn_op_idx = insn_op_idx self.block_addr = block_addr self.stmt_idx = stmt_idx # dst self.memory_data = memory_data # optional self.dst = dst self.type = xref_type if memory_data is not None and dst is None: self.dst = memory_data.addr @property def type_string(self): return XRefType.to_string(self.type) def __repr__(self): return "<XRef {}: {}->{}>".format( self.type_string, "%#x" % self.ins_addr if self.ins_addr is not None else "%#x[%d]" % (self.block_addr, self.stmt_idx), "%s" % self.dst if self.dst is not None else "%#x" % (self.memory_data.addr), ) def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(other) is XRef and other.type == self.type and other.ins_addr == self.ins_addr and other.dst == self.dst ) def __hash__(self): return hash((XRef, self.type, self.ins_addr, self.dst)) @classmethod def _get_cmsg(cls): return primitives_pb2.CodeReference()
[docs] def serialize_to_cmessage(self): # pylint:disable=no-member # delayed import from ...engines.light import SpOffset # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel cmsg = self._get_cmsg() if self.memory_data is not None: # determine target_type from memory_data.sort if self.memory_data.sort == MemoryDataSort.CodeReference: cmsg.target_type = primitives_pb2.CodeReference.CodeTarget else: cmsg.target_type = primitives_pb2.CodeReference.DataTarget cmsg.location = primitives_pb2.CodeReference.Internal cmsg.data_ea = self.memory_data.addr elif self.dst is not None: if isinstance(self.dst, SpOffset): cmsg.target_type = primitives_pb2.CodeReference.StackTarget cmsg.data_ea = self.dst.offset else: cmsg.data_ea = self.dst else: # Unknown... why? cmsg.data_ea = -1 if self.insn_op_idx is None: cmsg.operand_idx = -1 else: cmsg.operand_idx = self.insn_op_idx cmsg.ea = self.ins_addr cmsg.block_ea = self.block_addr cmsg.stmt_idx = self.stmt_idx cmsg.ref_type = self.type return cmsg
[docs] @classmethod def parse_from_cmessage(cls, cmsg, bits=None, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ # Note that we cannot recover _memory_data from cmsg # delayed import from ...engines.light import SpOffset # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel if not isinstance(bits, int): raise TypeError("bits must be provided.") if cmsg.target_type == primitives_pb2.CodeReference.StackTarget: # pylint:disable=no-member dst = SpOffset(bits, cmsg.data_ea, is_base=False) else: dst = cmsg.data_ea cr = XRef( ins_addr=cmsg.ea, block_addr=cmsg.block_ea, stmt_idx=cmsg.stmt_idx, insn_op_idx=None if cmsg.operand_idx == -1 else cmsg.opearnd_idx, dst=dst, xref_type=cmsg.ref_type, ) return cr
[docs] def copy(self): cr = XRef( ins_addr=self.ins_addr, block_addr=self.block_addr, stmt_idx=self.stmt_idx, insn_op_idx=self.insn_op_idx, memory_data=self.memory_data, dst=self.dst, xref_type=self.type, ) return cr
from ..cfg.memory_data import MemoryDataSort