Source code for angr.utils.graph

from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict, List
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

import networkx

[docs]def shallow_reverse(g) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ Make a shallow copy of a directional graph and reverse the edges. This is a workaround to solve the issue that one cannot easily make a shallow reversed copy of a graph in NetworkX 2, since networkx.reverse(copy=False) now returns a GraphView, and GraphViews are always read-only. :param networkx.DiGraph g: The graph to reverse. :return: A new networkx.DiGraph that has all nodes and all edges of the original graph, with edges reversed. """ new_g = networkx.DiGraph() new_g.add_nodes_from(g.nodes()) for src, dst, data in g.edges(data=True): new_g.add_edge(dst, src, **data) return new_g
[docs]def inverted_idoms(graph: networkx.DiGraph) -> Tuple[networkx.DiGraph, Optional[Dict]]: """ Invert the given graph and generate the immediate dominator tree on the inverted graph. This is useful for computing post-dominators. :param graph: The graph to invert and generate immediate dominator tree for. :return: A tuple of the inverted graph and the immediate dominator tree. """ end_nodes = {n for n in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree(n) == 0} inverted_graph: networkx.DiGraph = shallow_reverse(graph) if end_nodes: if len(end_nodes) > 1: # make sure there is only one end node dummy_node = "DUMMY_NODE" for end_node in end_nodes: inverted_graph.add_edge(dummy_node, end_node) endnode = dummy_node else: endnode = next(iter(end_nodes)) # pick the end node idoms = networkx.immediate_dominators(inverted_graph, endnode) else: idoms = None return inverted_graph, idoms
[docs]def to_acyclic_graph( graph: networkx.DiGraph, ordered_nodes: Optional[List] = None, loop_heads: Optional[List] = None ) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ Convert a given DiGraph into an acyclic graph. :param graph: The graph to convert. :param ordered_nodes: A list of nodes sorted in a topological order. :param loop_heads: A list of known loop head nodes. :return: The converted acyclic graph. """ if ordered_nodes is None: # take the quasi-topological order of the graph from angr.analyses.cfg.cfg_utils import CFGUtils # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel ordered_nodes = CFGUtils.quasi_topological_sort_nodes(graph, loop_heads=loop_heads) acyclic_graph = networkx.DiGraph() # add each node and its edge into the graph visited = set() for node in ordered_nodes: visited.add(node) acyclic_graph.add_node(node) for successor in graph.successors(node): if successor not in visited: acyclic_graph.add_edge(node, successor) return acyclic_graph
[docs]def dfs_back_edges(graph, start_node): """ Do a DFS traversal of the graph, and return with the back edges. Note: This is just a naive recursive implementation, feel free to replace it. I couldn't find anything in networkx to do this functionality. Although the name suggest it, but `dfs_labeled_edges` is doing something different. :param graph: The graph to traverse. :param start_node: The node where to start the traversal :returns: An iterator of 'backward' edges """ visited = set() finished = set() def _dfs_back_edges_core(node): visited.add(node) for child in iter(graph[node]): if child not in finished: if child in visited: yield node, child else: yield from _dfs_back_edges_core(child) finished.add(node) yield from _dfs_back_edges_core(start_node)
[docs]def subgraph_between_nodes(graph, source, frontier, include_frontier=False): """ For a directed graph, return a subgraph that includes all nodes going from a source node to a target node. :param networkx.DiGraph graph: The directed graph. :param source: The source node. :param list frontier: A collection of target nodes. :param bool include_frontier: Should nodes in frontier be included in the subgraph. :return: A subgraph. :rtype: networkx.DiGraph """ graph = networkx.DiGraph(graph) # make a copy for pred in list(graph.predecessors(source)): # make sure we cannot go from any other node to the source node graph.remove_edge(pred, source) g0 = networkx.DiGraph() if source not in graph or any(node not in graph for node in frontier): raise KeyError("Source node or frontier nodes are not in the source graph.") # BFS on graph and add new nodes to g0 queue = [source] traversed = set() frontier = set(frontier) while queue: node = queue.pop(0) traversed.add(node) for _, succ, data in graph.out_edges(node, data=True): g0.add_edge(node, succ, **data) if succ in traversed or succ in frontier: continue for frontier_node in frontier: if networkx.has_path(graph, succ, frontier_node): queue.append(succ) break # recursively remove all nodes that have less than two neighbors to_remove = [ n for n in g0.nodes() if n not in frontier and n is not source and (g0.out_degree[n] == 0 or g0.in_degree[n] == 0) ] while to_remove: g0.remove_nodes_from(to_remove) to_remove = [ n for n in g0.nodes() if n not in frontier and n is not source and (g0.out_degree[n] == 0 or g0.in_degree[n] == 0) ] if not include_frontier: # remove the frontier nodes g0.remove_nodes_from(frontier) return g0
[docs]def dominates(idom, dominator_node, node): n = node while n: if n == dominator_node: return True if n in idom and n != idom[n]: n = idom[n] else: n = None return False
# # Dominance frontier #
[docs]def compute_dominance_frontier(graph, domtree): """ Compute a dominance frontier based on the given post-dominator tree. This implementation is based on figure 2 of paper An Efficient Method of Computing Static Single Assignment Form by Ron Cytron, etc. :param graph: The graph where we want to compute the dominance frontier. :param domtree: The dominator tree :returns: A dict of dominance frontier """ df = {} # Perform a post-order search on the dominator tree for x in networkx.dfs_postorder_nodes(domtree): if x not in graph: # Skip nodes that are not in the graph continue df[x] = set() # local set for y in graph.successors(x): if x not in domtree.predecessors(y): df[x].add(y) # up set if x is None: continue for z in domtree.successors(x): if z is x: continue if z not in df: continue for y in df[z]: if x not in list(domtree.predecessors(y)): df[x].add(y) return df
# # Dominators and post-dominators #
[docs]class TemporaryNode: """ A temporary node. Used as the start node and end node in post-dominator tree generation. Also used in some test cases. """ __slots__ = ["_label"] def __init__(self, label): self._label = label def __repr__(self): return "TN[%s]" % self._label def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, TemporaryNode) and other._label == self._label: return True return False def __hash__(self): return hash(("TemporaryNode", self._label))
[docs]class ContainerNode: """ A container node. Only used in dominator tree generation. We did this so we can set the index property without modifying the original object. """ __slots__ = ["_obj", "index"] def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj self.index = None @property def obj(self): return self._obj def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ContainerNode): return self._obj is other._obj return False def __hash__(self): return hash(("CN", self._obj)) def __repr__(self): return "CN[%s]" % repr(self._obj)
[docs]class Dominators: dom: networkx.DiGraph def __init__(self, graph, entry_node, successors_func=None, reverse=False): self._l = logging.getLogger("utils.graph.dominators") self._graph_successors_func = successors_func self._reverse = reverse # Set it to True to generate a post-dominator tree. # Temporary variables self._ancestor = None self._semi = None self._label = None # Output self.dom = None # type: ignore # this is guaranteed to be not null after the __init__ returns self.prepared_graph = None self._construct(graph, entry_node) def _graph_successors(self, graph, node): """ Return the successors of a node in the graph. This method can be overriden in case there are special requirements with the graph and the successors. For example, when we are dealing with a control flow graph, we may not want to get the FakeRet successors. :param graph: The graph. :param node: The node of which we want to get the successors. :return: An iterator of successors. :rtype: iter """ if self._graph_successors_func is not None: return self._graph_successors_func(graph, node) return graph.successors(node) def _construct(self, graph, entry_node): """ Find post-dominators for each node in the graph. This implementation is based on paper A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flow Graph by Thomas Lengauer and Robert E. Tarjan from Stanford University, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1979 """ # Step 1 _prepared_graph, vertices, parent = self._prepare_graph(graph, entry_node) # vertices is a list of ContainerNode instances # parent is a dict storing the mapping from ContainerNode to ContainerNode # Each node in prepared_graph is a ContainerNode instance bucket = defaultdict(set) dom = [None] * (len(vertices)) self._ancestor = [None] * (len(vertices) + 1) for i in range(len(vertices) - 1, 0, -1): w = vertices[i] # Step 2 if w not in parent: # It's one of the start nodes continue predecessors = _prepared_graph.predecessors(w) for v in predecessors: u = self._pd_eval(v) if self._semi[u.index].index < self._semi[w.index].index: self._semi[w.index] = self._semi[u.index] bucket[vertices[self._semi[w.index].index].index].add(w) self._pd_link(parent[w], w) # Step 3 for v in bucket[parent[w].index]: u = self._pd_eval(v) if self._semi[u.index].index < self._semi[v.index].index: dom[v.index] = u else: dom[v.index] = parent[w] bucket[parent[w].index].clear() for i in range(1, len(vertices)): w = vertices[i] if w not in parent: continue if dom[w.index].index != vertices[self._semi[w.index].index].index: dom[w.index] = dom[dom[w.index].index] self.dom = networkx.DiGraph() # The post-dom tree described in a directional graph for i in range(1, len(vertices)): if dom[i] is not None and vertices[i] is not None: self.dom.add_edge(dom[i].obj, vertices[i].obj) # Output self.prepared_graph = _prepared_graph def _prepare_graph(self, graph, entry): # We want to reverse the graph, and label each node according to its order in a DFS new_graph = networkx.DiGraph() n = entry queue = [n] start_node = TemporaryNode("start_node") # Put the start_node into a Container as well start_node = ContainerNode(start_node) # Create the end_node, too end_node = ContainerNode(TemporaryNode("end_node")) container_nodes = {} traversed_nodes = set() while queue: node = queue.pop() successors = list(self._graph_successors(graph, node)) # Put it into a container if node in container_nodes: container_node = container_nodes[node] else: container_node = ContainerNode(node) container_nodes[node] = container_node traversed_nodes.add(container_node) if len(successors) == 0: # Note that this condition may never be satisfied if there is no real "end node" in the graph: the graph # may end with a loop. if self._reverse: # Add an edge between the start node and this node new_graph.add_edge(start_node, container_node) else: # Add an edge between our this node and end node new_graph.add_edge(container_node, end_node) for s in successors: if s in container_nodes: container_s = container_nodes[s] else: container_s = ContainerNode(s) container_nodes[s] = container_s if self._reverse: new_graph.add_edge(container_s, container_node) # Reversed else: new_graph.add_edge(container_node, container_s) # Reversed if container_s not in traversed_nodes: queue.append(s) if self._reverse: # Add the end node new_graph.add_edge(container_nodes[n], end_node) else: # Add the start node new_graph.add_edge(start_node, container_nodes[n]) all_nodes_count = new_graph.number_of_nodes() self._l.debug("There should be %d nodes in all", all_nodes_count) counter = 0 vertices = [ContainerNode("placeholder")] scanned_nodes = set() parent = {} while True: # DFS from the current start node stack = [start_node] while len(stack) > 0: node = stack.pop() counter += 1 # Mark it as scanned scanned_nodes.add(node) # Put the container node into vertices list vertices.append(node) # Put each successors into the stack successors = new_graph.successors(node) # Set the index property of it node.index = counter for s in successors: if s not in scanned_nodes: stack.append(s) parent[s] = node scanned_nodes.add(s) if counter >= all_nodes_count: break self._l.debug( "%d nodes are left out during the DFS. They must formed a cycle themselves.", all_nodes_count - counter ) # Find those nodes leftovers = [s for s in traversed_nodes if s not in scanned_nodes] new_graph.add_edge(start_node, leftovers[0]) # We have to start over... counter = 0 parent = {} scanned_nodes = set() vertices = [ContainerNode("placeholder")] self._semi = vertices[::] self._label = vertices[::] return new_graph, vertices, parent def _pd_link(self, v, w): self._ancestor[w.index] = v def _pd_eval(self, v): if self._ancestor[v.index] is None: return v else: self._pd_compress(v) return self._label[v.index] def _pd_compress(self, v): if self._ancestor[self._ancestor[v.index].index] is not None: self._pd_compress(self._ancestor[v.index]) if ( self._semi[self._label[self._ancestor[v.index].index].index].index < self._semi[self._label[v.index].index].index ): self._label[v.index] = self._label[self._ancestor[v.index].index] self._ancestor[v.index] = self._ancestor[self._ancestor[v.index].index]
[docs]class PostDominators(Dominators): def __init__(self, graph, entry_node, successors_func=None): super().__init__(graph, entry_node, successors_func=successors_func, reverse=True) @property def post_dom(self) -> networkx.DiGraph: return self.dom