Source code for angr.state_plugins.callstack

import collections
from itertools import dropwhile
import logging
from typing import Iterator, Optional

from .plugin import SimStatePlugin
from ..errors import AngrError, SimEmptyCallStackError

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class CallStack(SimStatePlugin): """ Stores the address of the function you're in and the value of SP at the VERY BOTTOM of the stack, i.e. points to the return address. """ def __init__( self, call_site_addr=0, func_addr=0, stack_ptr=0, ret_addr=0, jumpkind="Ijk_Call", next_frame: Optional["CallStack"] = None, invoke_return_variable=None, ): super().__init__() self.state = None self.call_site_addr = call_site_addr self.func_addr = func_addr self.stack_ptr = stack_ptr self.ret_addr = ret_addr self.jumpkind = jumpkind = next_frame self.invoke_return_variable = invoke_return_variable self.block_counter = collections.Counter() self.procedure_data = None self.locals = {} # # Public methods # @SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo, with_tail=True): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,arguments-differ o = super().copy(memo) o.call_site_addr = self.call_site_addr o.func_addr = self.func_addr o.stack_ptr = self.stack_ptr o.ret_addr = self.ret_addr o.jumpkind = self.jumpkind = if with_tail else None o.invoke_return_variable = self.invoke_return_variable o.block_counter = collections.Counter(self.block_counter) o.procedure_data = self.procedure_data o.locals = dict(self.locals) return o
[docs] def set_state(self, state): super().set_state(state) # make the stack pointer as large as possible as soon as we know how large that actually is if self.stack_ptr == 0: try: bits = state.arch.registers["sp"][1] * state.arch.byte_width except KeyError: bits = state.arch.bits self.stack_ptr = 2**bits - 1
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument for o in others: if o != self: l.error("Trying to merge states with disparate callstacks!")
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument l.warning("Widening not implemented for callstacks")
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["CallStack"]: """ Iterate through the callstack, from top to bottom (most recent first). """ i = self while i is not None: yield i i = def __getitem__(self, k): """ Returns the CallStack at index k, indexing from the top of the stack. """ orig_k = k for i in self: if k == 0: return i k -= 1 raise IndexError(orig_k) def __len__(self): """ Get how many frames there are in the current call stack. :return: Number of frames :rtype: int """ o = 0 for _ in self: o += 1 return o def __repr__(self): """ Get a string representation. :return: A printable representation of the CallStack object :rtype: str """ return "<CallStack (depth %d)>" % len(self) def __str__(self): return "Backtrace:\n%s" % "\n".join( "Frame %d: %#x => %#x, sp = %#x" % (i, f.call_site_addr, f.func_addr, f.stack_ptr) for i, f in enumerate(self) ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CallStack): return False if self.func_addr != other.func_addr or self.stack_ptr != other.stack_ptr or self.ret_addr != other.ret_addr: return False return == def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple((c.func_addr, c.stack_ptr, c.ret_addr) for c in self)) # # Properties # @property def current_function_address(self): """ Address of the current function. :return: the address of the function :rtype: int """ return self.func_addr @current_function_address.setter def current_function_address(self, func_addr): """ Set the address of the current function. Note that we must make a copy of the CallStackFrame as CallStackFrame is considered to be immutable. :param int func_addr: The function address. :return: None """ self.func_addr = func_addr @property def current_stack_pointer(self): """ Get the value of the stack pointer. :return: Value of the stack pointer :rtype: int """ return self.stack_ptr @property def current_return_target(self): """ Get the return target. :return: The address of return target. :rtype: int """ return self.ret_addr # # Static methods #
[docs] @staticmethod def stack_suffix_to_string(stack_suffix): """ Convert a stack suffix to a human-readable string representation. :param tuple stack_suffix: The stack suffix. :return: A string representation :rtype: str """ s = "[" + ",".join([("0x%x" % i) if i is not None else "Unspecified" for i in stack_suffix]) + "]" return s
@staticmethod def _rfind(lst, item): """ Reverse look-up. :param list lst: The list to look up in. :param item: The item to look for. :return: Offset of the item if found. A ValueError is raised if the item is not in the list. :rtype: int """ try: return dropwhile(lambda x: lst[x] != item, next(reversed(range(len(lst))))) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("%s not in the list" % item) from e @property def top(self): """ Returns the element at the top of the callstack without removing it. :return: A CallStack. """ return self # # Public methods #
[docs] def push(self, cf): """ Push the frame cf onto the stack. Return the new stack. """ = self if self.state is not None: self.state.register_plugin("callstack", cf) self.state.history.recent_stack_actions.append( CallStackAction(hash(cf), len(cf), "push", callframe=cf.copy({}, with_tail=False)) ) return cf
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pop the top frame from the stack. Return the new stack. """ if is None: raise SimEmptyCallStackError("Cannot pop a frame from an empty call stack.") new_list ={}) if self.state is not None: self.state.register_plugin("callstack", new_list) self.state.history.recent_stack_actions.append( CallStackAction(hash(new_list), len(new_list), "pop", ret_site_addr=self.ret_addr) ) return new_list
[docs] def call(self, callsite_addr, addr, retn_target=None, stack_pointer=None): """ Push a stack frame into the call stack. This method is called when calling a function in CFG recovery. :param int callsite_addr: Address of the call site :param int addr: Address of the call target :param int or None retn_target: Address of the return target :param int stack_pointer: Value of the stack pointer :return: None """ frame = CallStack(call_site_addr=callsite_addr, func_addr=addr, ret_addr=retn_target, stack_ptr=stack_pointer) return self.push(frame)
[docs] def ret(self, retn_target=None): """ Pop one or many call frames from the stack. This method is called when returning from a function in CFG recovery. :param int retn_target: The target to return to. :return: None """ if retn_target is None: return self.pop() # We may want to return to several levels up there, not only a # single stack frame return_target_index = self._find_return_target(retn_target) if return_target_index is not None: o = self while return_target_index >= 0: o = o.pop() return_target_index -= 1 return o l.warning("Returning to an unexpected address %#x", retn_target) return self
# For Debugging # raise Exception() # There are cases especially in ARM where return is used as a jump # So we don't pop anything out
[docs] def dbg_repr(self): """ Debugging representation of this CallStack object. :return: Details of this CalLStack :rtype: str """ stack = [] for i, frame in enumerate(self): s = "%d | %s -> %s, returning to %s" % ( i, "None" if frame.call_site_addr is None else "%#x" % frame.call_site_addr, "None" if frame.func_addr is None else "%#x" % frame.func_addr, "None" if frame.current_return_target is None else "%#x" % frame.current_return_target, ) stack.append(s) return "\n".join(stack)
[docs] def stack_suffix(self, context_sensitivity_level): """ Generate the stack suffix. A stack suffix can be used as the key to a SimRun in CFG recovery. :param int context_sensitivity_level: Level of context sensitivity. :return: A tuple of stack suffix. :rtype: tuple """ ret = () for frame in self: if len(ret) >= context_sensitivity_level * 2: break ret = (frame.call_site_addr, frame.func_addr) + ret while len(ret) < context_sensitivity_level * 2: ret = (None, None) + ret return ret
# # Private methods # def _find_return_target(self, target): """ Check if the return target exists in the stack, and return the index if exists. We always search from the most recent call stack frame since the most recent frame has a higher chance to be hit in normal CFG recovery. :param int target: Target of the return. :return: The index of the object :rtype: int """ for i, frame in enumerate(self): if frame.ret_addr == target: return i return None
[docs]class CallStackAction: """ Used in callstack backtrace, which is a history of callstacks along a path, to record individual actions occurred each time the callstack is changed. """ def __init__(self, callstack_hash, callstack_depth, action, callframe=None, ret_site_addr=None): self.callstack_hash = callstack_hash self.callstack_depth = callstack_depth self.action = action if action not in ("push", "pop"): raise AngrError('Unsupported action string "%s".' % action) self.callframe = callframe self.ret_site_addr = ret_site_addr if action == "push" and self.callframe is None: raise AngrError('callframe must be specified when action is "push".') if action == "pop" and self.callframe is not None: raise AngrError('callframe must not be specified when action is "pop".') def __repr__(self): if self.action == "push": return "<CallStackAction push with %s>" % self.callframe else: # pop return "<CallStackAction pop, ret site %#x>" % self.ret_site_addr
from angr.sim_state import SimState SimState.register_default("callstack", CallStack)