Source code for angr.simos.linux

import os
import logging
import struct

import claripy
from cle import MetaELF
from cle.backends.elf.symbol import ELFSymbolType
from cle.backends.elf.elfcore import ELFCore
from cle.address_translator import AT
from cle.backends.elf.relocation.arm64 import R_AARCH64_TLSDESC
from archinfo import ArchX86, ArchAMD64, ArchARM, ArchAArch64, ArchMIPS32, ArchMIPS64, ArchPPC32, ArchPPC64

from ..tablespecs import StringTableSpec
from ..procedures import SIM_PROCEDURES as P, SIM_LIBRARIES as L
from ..state_plugins import SimFilesystem, SimHostFilesystem
from import SimFile, SimFileBase
from ..errors import AngrSyscallError
from .userland import SimUserland

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class SimLinux(SimUserland): """ OS-specific configuration for \\*nix-y OSes. """ def __init__(self, project, **kwargs): super().__init__( project, syscall_library=L["linux"], syscall_addr_alignment=project.arch.instruction_alignment, name="Linux", **kwargs, ) self._loader_addr = None self._loader_lock_addr = None self._loader_unlock_addr = None self._loader_destructor = 0 self._error_catch_tsd_addr = None self._is_core = None self.vsyscall_addr = None
[docs] def configure_project(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self._is_core = isinstance(self.project.loader.main_object, ELFCore) if not self._is_core: self._loader_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self._loader_lock_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self._loader_unlock_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self._loader_destructor = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self._error_catch_tsd_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self.vsyscall_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self.project.hook(self._loader_addr, P["linux_loader"]["LinuxLoader"]()) self.project.hook(self._loader_lock_addr, P["linux_loader"]["_dl_rtld_lock_recursive"]()) self.project.hook(self._loader_unlock_addr, P["linux_loader"]["_dl_rtld_unlock_recursive"]()) self.project.hook(self._loader_destructor, P["stubs"]["ReturnUnconstrained"](return_val=0)) self.project.hook( self._error_catch_tsd_addr, P["linux_loader"]["_dl_initial_error_catch_tsd"]( static_addr=self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() ), ) self.project.hook(self.vsyscall_addr, P["linux_kernel"]["_vsyscall"]()) # there are some functions we MUST use the simprocedures for, regardless of what the user wants self._weak_hook_symbol("__tls_get_addr", L[""].get("__tls_get_addr", self.arch)) # ld self._weak_hook_symbol("___tls_get_addr", L[""].get("___tls_get_addr", self.arch)) # ld self._weak_hook_symbol( "_dl_get_tls_static_info", L[""].get("_dl_get_tls_static_info", self.arch) ) # ld self._weak_hook_symbol("_dl_vdso_vsym", L[""].get("_dl_vdso_vsym", self.arch)) # libc # set up some static data in the loader object... _rtld_global = self.project.loader.find_symbol("_rtld_global") if _rtld_global is not None: try: if isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchAMD64): self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(_rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0xF08, self._loader_lock_addr) self.project.loader.memory.pack_word( _rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0xF10, self._loader_unlock_addr ) self.project.loader.memory.pack_word( _rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0x990, self._error_catch_tsd_addr ) elif isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchARM): self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(_rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0x7E8, self._loader_lock_addr) self.project.loader.memory.pack_word( _rtld_global.rebased_addr + 0x7EC, self._loader_unlock_addr ) except KeyError: _l.error("KeyError while trying to set up rtld_global. Libc emulation may not work.") # TODO: what the hell is this _rtld_global_ro = self.project.loader.find_symbol("_rtld_global_ro") if _rtld_global_ro is not None: if isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchAMD64): self.project.loader.memory.pack_word( _rtld_global_ro.rebased_addr + 0x0D0, 2 ) # cpu features: kind = amd tls_obj = self.project.loader.tls.new_thread() if isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchAMD64): self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x28, 0x5F43414E41525900) # _CANARY\x00 self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x30, 0x5054524755415244) elif isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchX86): self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(tls_obj.thread_pointer + 0x10, self.vsyscall_addr) if isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchARM): # for func_name in P["linux_kernel"]: if not func_name.startswith("_kuser_"): continue func = P["linux_kernel"][func_name] self.project.hook(func.kuser_addr, func()) elif isinstance(self.project.arch, ArchAArch64): self.project.hook(R_AARCH64_TLSDESC.RESOLVER_ADDR, P["linux_loader"]["tlsdesc_resolver"]()) # maybe move this into archinfo? if == "X86": syscall_abis = ["i386"] elif == "AMD64": syscall_abis = ["i386", "amd64"] elif"ARM"): syscall_abis = ["arm"] if == "ARMHF": syscall_abis.append("armhf") elif == "AARCH64": syscall_abis = ["aarch64"] # elif == "MIPS32": syscall_abis = ["mips-o32"] elif == "MIPS64": syscall_abis = ["mips-n32", "mips-n64"] elif == "PPC32": syscall_abis = ["ppc"] elif == "PPC64": syscall_abis = ["ppc64"] elif == "RISCV": syscall_abis = ["riscv32"] else: syscall_abis = [] # ? super().configure_project(syscall_abis) if not self._is_core: # Only set up ifunc resolution if we are using the ELF backend on AMD64 if isinstance(self.project.loader.main_object, MetaELF): if isinstance(self.project.arch, (ArchAMD64, ArchX86)): for binary in self.project.loader.all_objects: if not isinstance(binary, MetaELF): continue for reloc in binary.relocs: if reloc.symbol is None or reloc.resolvedby is None: continue try: if reloc.resolvedby.subtype != ELFSymbolType.STT_GNU_IFUNC: continue except ValueError: # base class Symbol throws this, meaning we don't have an ELFSymbol, etc continue gotaddr = reloc.rebased_addr gotvalue = self.project.loader.memory.unpack_word(gotaddr) if self.project.is_hooked(gotvalue): continue if self.project._eager_ifunc_resolution: # Resolve it! resolver = self.project.factory.callable(gotvalue, "void *x()", concrete_only=True) result = resolver()._model_concrete.value self.project.loader.memory.pack_word(gotaddr, result) else: # Replace it with an ifunc-resolve simprocedure! proc = P["linux_loader"]["IFuncResolver"]( display_name="IFuncResolver." +, funcaddr=gotvalue, ) self.project.hook(gotvalue, proc, replace=True)
[docs] def syscall_abi(self, state): if != "AMD64": return None jk = state.history.jumpkind if jk is None: # we are being invoked in the middle of a step jk = state.history.parent.jumpkind if jk == "Ijk_Sys_int128": return "i386" elif jk == "Ijk_Sys_syscall": return "amd64" else: raise AngrSyscallError("Unknown syscall jumpkind %s" % jk)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def state_blank( self, fs=None, concrete_fs=False, chroot=None, cwd=None, pathsep=b"/", thread_idx=None, init_libc=False, **kwargs, ): state = super().state_blank(thread_idx=thread_idx, **kwargs) # pre-grow the stack by 0x20 pages. unsure if this is strictly required or just a hack around a compiler bug if not self._is_core and hasattr(state.memory, "allocate_stack_pages"): state.memory.allocate_stack_pages(state.solver.eval(state.regs.sp) - 1, 0x20 * 0x1000) tls_obj = self.project.loader.tls.threads[thread_idx if thread_idx is not None else 0] if isinstance(state.arch, ArchAMD64): state.regs.fs = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer elif isinstance(state.arch, ArchX86): = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer >> 16 elif isinstance(state.arch, (ArchMIPS32, ArchMIPS64)): state.regs.ulr = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer elif isinstance(state.arch, ArchPPC32): state.regs.r2 = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer elif isinstance(state.arch, ArchPPC64): state.regs.r13 = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer elif isinstance(state.arch, ArchAArch64): state.regs.tpidr_el0 = tls_obj.user_thread_pointer if fs is None: fs = {} for name in fs: if type(fs[name]) is str: fs[name] = fs[name].encode("utf-8") if type(fs[name]) is bytes: fs[name] = claripy.BVV(fs[name]) if isinstance(fs[name], claripy.Bits): fs[name] = SimFile(name, content=fs[name]) if not isinstance(fs[name], SimFileBase): raise TypeError("Provided fs initializer with unusable type %r" % type(fs[name])) mounts = {} if concrete_fs: if fs: raise TypeError("Providing both fs and concrete_fs doesn't make sense") if chroot is not None: chroot = os.path.abspath(chroot) else: chroot = os.path.sep mounts[pathsep] = SimHostFilesystem(chroot) if cwd is None: cwd = os.getcwd() if chroot != os.path.sep: # try to translate the cwd into the chroot if cwd.startswith(chroot): cwd = cwd[len(chroot) :] else: cwd = os.path.sep cwd = cwd.encode() else: if cwd is None: cwd = b"/home/user" state.register_plugin("fs", SimFilesystem(files=fs, pathsep=pathsep, cwd=cwd, mountpoints=mounts)) if isinstance(self.project.loader.main_object, MetaELF) and self.project.loader.main_object.is_ppc64_abiv1: state.libc.ppc64_abiv = "ppc64_1" if init_libc: libc_start_main = P["glibc"]["__libc_start_main"]() libc_start_main.state = state libc_start_main._initialize_ctype_table() libc_start_main._initialize_errno() return state
[docs] def state_entry(self, args=None, env=None, argc=None, **kwargs): state = super().state_entry(**kwargs) # Handle default values filename = self.project.filename or "dummy_filename" if args is None: args = [filename] if env is None: env = {} # Prepare argc if argc is None: argc = claripy.BVV(len(args), 32) elif type(argc) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck argc = claripy.BVV(argc, 32) # Make string table for args/env/auxv table = StringTableSpec() # Add args to string table table.append_args(args) # Add environment to string table table.append_env(env) # Prepare the auxiliary vector and add it to the end of the string table # TODO: Actually construct a real auxiliary vector # current vector is an AT_RANDOM entry where the "random" value is 0xaec0aec0aec0... aux = [(25, b"\xAE\xC0" * 8)] for a, b in aux: table.add_pointer(a) if isinstance(b, bytes): table.add_string(b) else: table.add_pointer(b) table.add_null() table.add_null() # Dump the table onto the stack, calculate pointers to args, env, and auxv - 16, claripy.BVV(0, 8 * 16)) argv = table.dump(state, state.regs.sp - 16) envp = argv + ((len(args) + 1) * state.arch.bytes) auxv = argv + ((len(args) + len(env) + 2) * state.arch.bytes) # Put argc on stack and fix the stack pointer newsp = argv - state.arch.bytes if len(argc) < state.arch.bits: argc_bvv = claripy.ZeroExt(state.arch.bits - len(argc), argc) else: argc_bvv = argc, argc_bvv, endness=state.arch.memory_endness) state.regs.sp = newsp if in ("PPC32",): state.stack_push(claripy.BVV(0, 32)) state.stack_push(claripy.BVV(0, 32)) state.stack_push(claripy.BVV(0, 32)) state.stack_push(claripy.BVV(0, 32)) # store argc argv envp auxv in the posix plugin state.posix.argv = argv state.posix.argc = argc state.posix.environ = envp state.posix.auxv = auxv self.set_entry_register_values(state) # set __progname progname_full = 0 progname = 0 if args: progname_full = state.mem[argv].long.concrete progname_cur = progname_full progname = progname_full while True: byte = state.mem[progname_cur].byte.resolved if byte.symbolic: break else: if state.solver.eval(byte) == ord("/"): progname = progname_cur + 1 elif state.solver.eval(byte) == 0: break progname_cur += 1 # there will be multiple copies of these symbol but the canonical ones (in the main binary, # or elsewhere if the main binary didn't have one) should get picked up here for name, val in [ ("__progname_full", progname_full), ("__progname", progname), ("__environ", envp), ("environ", envp), ("__libc_stack_end", state.regs.sp), ]: sym = self.project.loader.find_symbol(name) if sym is not None: if sym.size != self.arch.bytes: _l.warning("Something is wrong with %s - bad size", name) else: sym.rebased_addr, val, size=state.arch.bytes, endness=state.arch.memory_endness, priv=True ) return state
[docs] def set_entry_register_values(self, state): for reg, val in state.arch.entry_register_values.items(): if isinstance(val, int):, val) elif isinstance(val, (str,)): if val == "argc":, state.posix.argc, size=state.arch.bytes) elif val == "argv":, state.posix.argv) elif val == "envp":, state.posix.environ) elif val == "auxv":, state.posix.auxv) elif val == "ld_destructor": # a pointer to the dynamic linker's destructor routine, to be called at exit, self._loader_destructor) elif val == "toc": if self.project.loader.main_object.is_ppc64_abiv1:, self.project.loader.main_object.ppc64_initial_rtoc) elif val == "entry":, state.registers.load("pc")) elif val == "thread_pointer":, self.project.loader.tls.threads[0].user_thread_pointer) else: _l.warning('Unknown entry point register value indicator "%s"', val) else: _l.error("What the ass kind of default value is %s?", val) if == "PPC64": # store argc at the top of the stack if the program is statically linked, otherwise 0 # see sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/dl-machine.h, _dl_start_user # stack_top = state.posix.argc.sign_extend(32) if state.project.loader.linux_loader_object is None else 0 # UMMMMMM actually nvm we're going to lie about it stack_top = state.posix.argc.sign_extend(32) state.mem[state.regs.sp].qword = stack_top
[docs] def state_full_init(self, **kwargs): kwargs["addr"] = self._loader_addr return super().state_full_init(**kwargs)
[docs] def prepare_function_symbol(self, symbol_name, basic_addr=None): """ Prepare the address space with the data necessary to perform relocations pointing to the given symbol. Returns a 2-tuple. The first item is the address of the function code, the second is the address of the relocation target. """ if self.project.loader.main_object.is_ppc64_abiv1: if basic_addr is not None: pointer = self.project.loader.memory.unpack_word(basic_addr) return pointer, basic_addr pseudo_hookaddr = self.project.loader.extern_object.get_pseudo_addr(symbol_name) pseudo_toc = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate(size=0x18) self.project.loader.extern_object.memory.pack_word( AT.from_mva(pseudo_toc, self.project.loader.extern_object).to_rva(), pseudo_hookaddr ) return pseudo_hookaddr, pseudo_toc else: if basic_addr is None: basic_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.get_pseudo_addr(symbol_name) return basic_addr, basic_addr
[docs] def initialize_segment_register_x64(self, state, concrete_target): """ Set the fs register in the angr to the value of the fs register in the concrete process :param state: state which will be modified :param concrete_target: concrete target that will be used to read the fs register :return: None """ _l.debug("Synchronizing fs segment register") state.regs.fs = self._read_fs_register_x64(concrete_target)
[docs] def initialize_gdt_x86(self, state, concrete_target): """ Create a GDT in the state memory and populate the segment registers. Rehook the vsyscall address using the real value in the concrete process memory :param state: state which will be modified :param concrete_target: concrete target that will be used to read the fs register :return: """ _l.debug("Creating fake Global Descriptor Table and synchronizing gs segment register") gs = self._read_gs_register_x86(concrete_target) gdt = self.generate_gdt(0x0, gs) self.setup_gdt(state, gdt) # Synchronize the address of vsyscall in simprocedures dictionary with the concrete value _vsyscall_address = concrete_target.read_memory(gs + 0x10, state.project.arch.bits / 8) _vsyscall_address = struct.unpack(state.project.arch.struct_fmt(), _vsyscall_address)[0] state.project.rehook_symbol(_vsyscall_address, "_vsyscall", True) return gdt
@staticmethod def _read_fs_register_x64(concrete_target): """ Injects a small shellcode to leak the fs segment register address. In Linux x64 this address is pointed by fs[0] :param concrete_target: ConcreteTarget which will be used to get the fs register address :return: fs register address :rtype string """ # register used to read the value of the segment register exfiltration_reg = "rax" # instruction to inject for reading the value at segment value = offset read_fs0_x64 = b"\x64\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x00\x00\x00\x00\x90\x90\x90\x90" # mov rax, fs:[0] return concrete_target.execute_shellcode(read_fs0_x64, exfiltration_reg) @staticmethod def _read_gs_register_x86(concrete_target): """ Injects a small shellcode to leak the gs segment register address. In Linux x86 this address is pointed by gs[0] :param concrete_target: ConcreteTarget which will be used to get the gs register address :return: gs register address :rtype :str """ # register used to read the value of the segment register exfiltration_reg = "eax" # instruction to inject for reading the value at segment value = offset read_gs0_x64 = b"\x65\xA1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x90\x90\x90\x90" # mov eax, gs:[0] return concrete_target.execute_shellcode(read_gs0_x64, exfiltration_reg)
[docs] def get_segment_register_name(self): if isinstance(self.arch, ArchAMD64): for register in self.arch.register_list: if == "fs": return register.vex_offset elif isinstance(self.arch, ArchX86): for register in self.arch.register_list: if == "gs": return register.vex_offset return None