Source code for angr.flirt

# This submodule stores and manages FLIRT signatures

from typing import Set, List, Dict, Optional
import os
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

import nampa

_l = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FlirtSignature: """ This class describes a FLIRT signature. """ def __init__( self, arch: str, platform: str, sig_name: str, sig_path: str, unique_strings: Optional[Set[str]] = None, compiler: Optional[str] = None, compiler_version: Optional[str] = None, os_name: Optional[str] = None, os_version: Optional[str] = None, ): self.arch = arch self.platform = platform self.sig_name = sig_name self.sig_path = sig_path self.unique_strings = unique_strings self.compiler = compiler self.compiler_version = compiler_version self.os_name = os_name self.os_version = os_version def __repr__(self): if self.os_name: if self.os_version: return f"<{self.sig_name}@{self.arch}-{self.os_name}-{self.os_version}>" return f"<{self.sig_name}@{self.arch}-{self.os_name}>" return f"<{self.sig_name}@{self.arch}-{self.platform}>"
FS = FlirtSignature # A dict from architecture names to FLIRT signatures under that architecture. Arch names are always in lower case. FLIRT_SIGNATURES_BY_ARCH: Dict[str, List[FlirtSignature]] = defaultdict(list) LIBRARY_TO_SIGNATURES: Dict[str, List[FlirtSignature]] = defaultdict(list) STRING_TO_LIBRARIES: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
[docs]def load_signatures(path: str) -> None: """ Recursively load all FLIRT signatures under a specific path. :param path: Location of FLIRT signatures. """ FLIRT_SIGNATURES_BY_ARCH.clear() LIBRARY_TO_SIGNATURES.clear() STRING_TO_LIBRARIES.clear() for root, _, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith(".sig"): # parse it sig_path = os.path.join(root, filename) try: with open(sig_path, "rb") as f: flirt_header = nampa.flirt.parse_header(f) except nampa.flirt.FlirtException: _l.warning("Failed to load FLIRT signature file %s.", sig_path) continue # is there a meta data file? meta_path = os.path.join(root, filename[:-4] + ".meta") if os.path.isfile(meta_path): # yes! with open(meta_path) as f: meta = json.load(f) arch = meta.get("arch", None) platform = meta.get("platform", None) os_name = meta.get("os", None) os_version = meta.get("os_version", None) compiler = meta.get("compiler", None) compiler_version = meta.get("compiler_version", None) unique_strings = meta.get("unique_strings", None) else: # nope... we need to extract information from the signature file # TODO: Convert them to angr-specific strings arch = flirt_header.arch platform = flirt_header.os_types os_name = None os_version = None unique_strings = None compiler = None compiler_version = None signature = FlirtSignature( arch, platform, flirt_header.library_name.decode("utf-8"), sig_path, unique_strings=unique_strings, compiler=compiler, compiler_version=compiler_version, os_name=os_name, os_version=os_version, ) FLIRT_SIGNATURES_BY_ARCH[arch].append(signature) # fill in LIBRARY_TO_SIGNATURES and STRING_TO_LIBRARIES for sigs in FLIRT_SIGNATURES_BY_ARCH.values(): for sig in sigs: LIBRARY_TO_SIGNATURES[sig.sig_name].append(sig) if sig.unique_strings: for us in sig.unique_strings: STRING_TO_LIBRARIES[us].add(sig.sig_name)