Source code for angr.exploration_techniques.slicecutor

from ..errors import AngrExitError
from . import ExplorationTechnique

import logging

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class Slicecutor(ExplorationTechnique): """ The Slicecutor is an exploration that executes provided code slices. """ def __init__(self, annotated_cfg, force_taking_exit=False, force_sat: bool = False): """ All parameters except `annotated_cfg` are optional. :param annotated_cfg: The AnnotatedCFG that provides the code slice. :param force_taking_exit: Set to True if you want to create a successor based on our slice in case of unconstrained successors. :param force_sat: If a branch specified by the slice is unsatisfiable, set this option to True if you want to force it to be satisfiable and be taken anyway. """ super().__init__() self._annotated_cfg = annotated_cfg self._force_taking_exit = force_taking_exit self._force_sat = force_sat
[docs] def setup(self, simgr): for stash in ("cut", "mysteries"): simgr.populate(stash, [])
[docs] def filter(self, simgr, state, **kwargs): l.debug("Checking state %s for filtering...", state) return simgr.filter(state, **kwargs)
[docs] def step_state(self, simgr, state, **kwargs): l.debug("%s ticking state %s at address %#x.", self, state, state.addr) stashes = simgr.step_state(state, **kwargs) new_active = [] new_cut = [] new_mystery = [] # SimulationManager returns new active states in the None stash by default. flat_successors = stashes.get(None, None) if flat_successors is None: # Did the user explicitly put them into the 'active' stash instead? flat_successors = stashes.pop("active", []) for successor in flat_successors: l.debug("... checking exit to %#x from %#x.", successor.addr, state.addr) try: taken = self._annotated_cfg.should_take_exit(state.addr, successor.addr) except AngrExitError: # TODO: which exception? l.debug("... annotated CFG did not know about it!") new_mystery.append(successor) else: if taken: l.debug("... taking the exit.") new_active.append(successor) # the else case isn't here, because the state should set errored in this # case and we'll catch it below else: l.debug("... not taking the exit.") new_cut.append(successor) unconstrained_successors = stashes.get("unconstrained", []) if not new_active and unconstrained_successors and self._force_taking_exit: stashes["unconstrained"] = [] # somehow there is no feasible state. We are forced to create a successor based on our slice if len(unconstrained_successors) != 1: raise Exception("This should absolutely never happen, what?") for target in self._annotated_cfg.get_targets(state.addr): successor = unconstrained_successors[0].copy() successor.regs._ip = target new_active.append(successor) l.debug("Got unconstrained: %d new states are created based on AnnotatedCFG.", len(new_active)) unsat_successors = stashes.get("unsat", None) if not new_active and unsat_successors and self._force_sat: stashes["unsat"] = [] # find the state targets = self._annotated_cfg.get_targets(state.addr) if targets is None: targets = [] for target in targets: try: suc = next(iter(u for u in unsat_successors if u.addr == target)) except StopIteration: continue # drop all constraints if suc.mode == "fastpath": # dropping constraints and making the state satisfiable again under fastpath mode is easy suc.solver._solver.constraints = [] suc._satisfiable = True new_active.append(suc) l.debug("Forced unsat at %#x to be sat again.", suc.addr) else: # with multiple possible solver frontends, dropping states in other state modes is not # straightforward. I'll leave it to the next person who uses this feature l.warning("force_sat is not implemented for solver mode %s.", stashes[None] = new_active stashes["mystery"] = new_mystery stashes["cut"] = new_cut return stashes
[docs] def successors(self, simgr, state, **kwargs): kwargs["whitelist"] = self._annotated_cfg.get_whitelisted_statements(state.addr) kwargs["last_stmt"] = self._annotated_cfg.get_last_statement_index(state.addr) return simgr.successors(state, **kwargs)