Source code for angr.calling_conventions

# pylint:disable=line-too-long,missing-class-docstring,no-self-use
import logging
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Type
from collections import defaultdict

import claripy
import archinfo
from archinfo import RegisterName

from .sim_type import (

from .state_plugins.sim_action_object import SimActionObject

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
from .engines.soot.engine import SootMixin

[docs]class PointerWrapper: def __init__(self, value, buffer=False): self.value = value self.buffer = buffer
[docs]class AllocHelper: def __init__(self, ptrsize): self.base = claripy.BVS("alloc_base", ptrsize) self.ptr = self.base self.stores = {}
[docs] def alloc(self, size): out = self.ptr self.ptr += size return out
[docs] def dump(self, val, state, loc=None): if loc is None: loc = self.stack_loc(val, state.arch) self.stores[self.ptr.cache_key] = (val, loc) return self.alloc(self.calc_size(val, state.arch))
[docs] def translate(self, val, base): if type(val) is SimStructValue: return SimStructValue( val.struct, {field: self.translate(subval, base) for field, subval in val._values.items()} ) if isinstance(val, claripy.Bits): return val.replace(self.base, base) if type(val) is list: return [self.translate(subval, base) for subval in val] raise TypeError(type(val))
[docs] def apply(self, state, base): for ptr, (val, loc) in self.stores.items(): translated_val = self.translate(val, base) translated_ptr = self.translate(ptr.ast, base) loc.set_value(state, translated_val, stack_base=translated_ptr)
[docs] def size(self): val = self.translate(self.ptr, claripy.BVV(0, len(self.ptr))) assert val.op == "BVV" return abs(val.args[0])
[docs] @classmethod def calc_size(cls, val, arch): if type(val) is SimStructValue: return val.struct.size // arch.byte_width if isinstance(val, claripy.Bits): return len(val) // arch.byte_width if type(val) is list: # TODO real strides if len(val) == 0: return 0 return cls.calc_size(val[0], arch) * len(val) raise TypeError(type(val))
[docs] @classmethod def stack_loc(cls, val, arch, offset=0): if isinstance(val, claripy.Bits): return SimStackArg(offset, len(val) // arch.byte_width) if type(val) is list: # TODO real strides if len(val) == 0: return SimArrayArg([]) stride = cls.calc_size(val[0], arch) return SimArrayArg([cls.stack_loc(subval, arch, offset + i * stride) for i, subval in enumerate(val)]) if type(val) is SimStructValue: return SimStructArg( val.struct, { field: cls.stack_loc(subval, arch, offset + val.struct.offsets[field]) for field, subval in val._values.items() }, ) raise TypeError(type(val))
[docs]def refine_locs_with_struct_type( arch: archinfo.Arch, locs: List, arg_type: SimType, offset: int = 0, treat_bot_as_int=True ): # CONTRACT FOR USING THIS METHOD: locs must be a list of locs which are all wordsize # ADDITIONAL NUANCE: this will not respect the need for big-endian integers to be stored at the end of words. # that's why this is named with_struct_type, because it will blindly trust the offsets given to it. if treat_bot_as_int and isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeBottom): arg_type = SimTypeInt(label=arg_type.label).with_arch(arch) if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeReg, SimTypeNum, SimTypeFloat)): seen_bytes = 0 pieces = [] while seen_bytes < arg_type.size // arch.byte_width: start_offset = offset + seen_bytes chunk = start_offset // arch.bytes chunk_offset = start_offset % arch.bytes chunk_remaining = arch.bytes - chunk_offset type_remaining = arg_type.size // arch.byte_width - seen_bytes use_bytes = min(chunk_remaining, type_remaining) pieces.append(locs[chunk].refine(size=use_bytes, offset=chunk_offset)) seen_bytes += use_bytes if len(pieces) == 1: piece = pieces[0] else: piece = SimComboArg(pieces) if isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeFloat): piece.is_fp = True return piece if isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeFixedSizeArray): # TODO explicit stride locs = [ refine_locs_with_struct_type( arch, locs, arg_type.elem_type, offset=offset + i * arg_type.elem_type.size // arch.byte_width ) for i in range(arg_type.length) ] return SimArrayArg(locs) if isinstance(arg_type, SimStruct): locs = { field: refine_locs_with_struct_type(arch, locs, field_ty, offset=offset + arg_type.offsets[field]) for field, field_ty in arg_type.fields.items() } return SimStructArg(arg_type, locs) raise TypeError("I don't know how to lay out a %s" % arg_type)
[docs]class SerializableIterator: def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getstate(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setstate(self, state): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SerializableListIterator(SerializableIterator): def __init__(self, lst): self._lst = lst self._index = 0 def __next__(self): if self._index >= len(self._lst): raise StopIteration result = self._lst[self._index] self._index += 1 return result
[docs] def getstate(self): return self._index
[docs] def setstate(self, state): self._index = state
[docs]class SerializableCounter(SerializableIterator): def __init__(self, start, stride, mapping=lambda x: x): self._next = start self._stride = stride self._mapping = mapping def __next__(self): result = self._mapping(self._next) self._next += self._stride return result
[docs] def getstate(self): return self._next
[docs] def setstate(self, state): self._next = state
[docs]class SimFunctionArgument: """ Represent a generic function argument. :ivar int size: The size of the argument, in number of bytes. :ivar bool is_fp: Whether loads from this location should return a floating point bitvector """ def __init__(self, size, is_fp=False): self.size = size self.is_fp = is_fp def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(("function_argument", self.size))
[docs] def check_value_set(self, value, arch): if not isinstance(value, claripy.ast.Base) and self.size is None: raise TypeError("Only claripy objects may be stored through SimFunctionArgument when size is not provided") if self.size is not None and isinstance(value, claripy.ast.Base) and self.size * arch.byte_width < value.length: raise TypeError("%s doesn't fit in an argument of size %d" % (value, self.size)) if isinstance(value, int): value = claripy.BVV(value, self.size * arch.byte_width) if isinstance(value, float): if self.size not in (4, 8): raise ValueError("What do I do with a float %d bytes long" % self.size) value = claripy.FPV(value, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT if self.size == 4 else claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE) return value.raw_to_bv()
[docs] def check_value_get(self, value): if self.is_fp: return value.raw_to_fp() return value
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def refine(self, size, arch=None, offset=None, is_fp=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_footprint(self): """ Return a list of SimRegArg and SimStackArgs that are the base components used for this location """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimRegArg(SimFunctionArgument): """ Represents a function argument that has been passed in a register. :ivar string reg_name: The name of the represented register. :ivar int size: The size of the data to store, in number of bytes. :ivar reg_offset: The offset into the register to start storing data. :ivar clear_entire_reg: Whether a store to this register should zero the unused parts of the register. :ivar bool is_fp: Whether loads from this location should return a floating point bitvector """ def __init__(self, reg_name: RegisterName, size: int, reg_offset=0, is_fp=False, clear_entire_reg=False): super().__init__(size, is_fp) self.reg_name = reg_name self.reg_offset = reg_offset self.clear_entire_reg = clear_entire_reg
[docs] def get_footprint(self): yield self
def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % self.reg_name def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is SimRegArg and self.reg_name == other.reg_name and self.reg_offset == other.reg_offset def __hash__(self): return hash((self.size, self.reg_name, self.reg_offset))
[docs] def check_offset(self, arch): return arch.registers[self.reg_name][0] + self.reg_offset
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,arguments-differ value = self.check_value_set(value, state.arch) offset = self.check_offset(state.arch) if self.clear_entire_reg:, 0), value, size=self.size)
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,arguments-differ offset = self.check_offset(state.arch) return self.check_value_get(state.registers.load(offset, size=self.size))
[docs] def refine(self, size, arch=None, offset=None, is_fp=None): passed_offset_none = offset is None if offset is None: if arch is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either offset or arch in order to refine a register argument") if arch.register_endness == "Iend_LE": offset = 0 else: offset = self.size - size if is_fp is None: is_fp = self.is_fp return SimRegArg(self.reg_name, size, self.reg_offset + offset, is_fp, clear_entire_reg=passed_offset_none)
[docs] def sse_extend(self): return SimRegArg(self.reg_name, self.size, self.reg_offset + self.size, is_fp=self.is_fp)
[docs]class SimStackArg(SimFunctionArgument): """ Represents a function argument that has been passed on the stack. :var int stack_offset: The position of the argument relative to the stack pointer after the function prelude. :ivar int size: The size of the argument, in number of bytes. :ivar bool is_fp: Whether loads from this location should return a floating point bitvector """ def __init__(self, stack_offset, size, is_fp=False): SimFunctionArgument.__init__(self, size, is_fp) self.stack_offset = stack_offset
[docs] def get_footprint(self): yield self
def __repr__(self): return "[%#x]" % self.stack_offset def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is SimStackArg and self.stack_offset == other.stack_offset def __hash__(self): return hash((self.size, self.stack_offset))
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, stack_base=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ value = self.check_value_set(value, state.arch) if stack_base is None: stack_base = state.regs.sp + self.stack_offset, value, endness=state.arch.memory_endness)
[docs] def get_value(self, state, stack_base=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if stack_base is None: stack_base = state.regs.sp value = state.memory.load(stack_base + self.stack_offset, endness=state.arch.memory_endness, size=self.size) return self.check_value_get(value)
[docs] def refine(self, size, arch=None, offset=None, is_fp=None): if offset is None: if arch is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either offset or arch in order to refine a stack argument") if arch.register_endness == "Iend_LE": offset = 0 else: offset = self.size - size if is_fp is None: is_fp = self.is_fp return SimStackArg(self.stack_offset + offset, size, is_fp)
[docs]class SimComboArg(SimFunctionArgument): """ An argument which spans multiple storage locations. Locations should be given least-significant first. """ def __init__(self, locations, is_fp=False): super().__init__(sum(x.size for x in locations), is_fp=is_fp) self.locations = locations
[docs] def get_footprint(self): for x in self.locations: yield from x.get_footprint()
def __repr__(self): return "SimComboArg(%s)" % repr(self.locations) def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is SimComboArg and all(a == b for a, b in zip(self.locations, other.locations))
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ value = self.check_value_set(value, state.arch) cur = 0 for loc in self.locations: size_bits = loc.size * state.arch.byte_width loc.set_value(state, value[cur + size_bits - 1 : cur], **kwargs) cur += size_bits
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ vals = [] for loc in reversed(self.locations): vals.append(loc.get_value(state, **kwargs)) return self.check_value_get(state.solver.Concat(*vals))
[docs]class SimStructArg(SimFunctionArgument): """ An argument which de/serializes a struct from a list of storage locations :ivar struct: The simtype describing the structure :ivar locs: The storage locations to use """ def __init__(self, struct: SimStruct, locs: Dict[str, SimFunctionArgument]): super().__init__(sum(loc.size for loc in locs.values())) self.struct = struct self.locs = locs
[docs] def get_footprint(self): for x in self.locs.values(): yield from x.get_footprint()
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): return SimStructValue( self.struct, {field: getter.get_value(state, **kwargs) for field, getter in self.locs.items()} )
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): for field, setter in self.locs.items(): setter.set_value(state, value[field], **kwargs)
[docs]class SimArrayArg(SimFunctionArgument): def __init__(self, locs): super().__init__(sum(loc.size for loc in locs)) self.locs = locs
[docs] def get_footprint(self): for x in self.locs: yield from x.get_footprint()
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): return [getter.get_value(state, **kwargs) for getter in self.locs]
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): if len(value) != len(self.locs): raise TypeError("Expected %d elements, got %d" % (len(self.locs), len(value))) for subvalue, setter in zip(value, self.locs): setter.set_value(state, subvalue, **kwargs)
[docs]class SimReferenceArgument(SimFunctionArgument): """ A function argument which is passed by reference. :ivar ptr_loc: The location the reference's pointer is stored :ivar main_loc: A SimStackArgument describing how to load the argument's value as if it were stored at offset zero on the stack. It will be passed ``stack_base=ptr_loc.get_value(state)`` """ def __init__(self, ptr_loc, main_loc): super().__init__(ptr_loc.size) # ??? self.ptr_loc = ptr_loc self.main_loc = main_loc
[docs] def get_footprint(self): yield from self.ptr_loc.get_footprint()
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): ptr_val = self.ptr_loc.get_value(state, **kwargs) return self.main_loc.get_value(state, stack_base=ptr_val, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_value(self, state, value, **kwargs): ptr_val = self.ptr_loc.get_value(state, **kwargs) self.main_loc.set_value(state, value, stack_base=ptr_val, **kwargs)
[docs]class ArgSession: """ A class to keep track of the state accumulated in laying parameters out into memory """ __slots__ = ( "cc", "fp_iter", "int_iter", "both_iter", ) def __init__(self, cc): = cc self.fp_iter = cc.fp_args self.int_iter = cc.int_args self.both_iter = cc.memory_args
[docs] def getstate(self): return (self.fp_iter.getstate(), self.int_iter.getstate(), self.both_iter.getstate())
[docs] def setstate(self, state): fp, int_, both = state self.fp_iter.setstate(fp) self.int_iter.setstate(int_) self.both_iter.setstate(both)
[docs]class UsercallArgSession: """ An argsession for use with SimCCUsercall """ __slots__ = ( "cc", "real_args", ) def __init__(self, cc): = cc self.real_args = SerializableListIterator(
[docs] def getstate(self): return self.real_args.getstate()
[docs] def setstate(self, state): self.real_args.setstate(state)
[docs]class SimCC: """ A calling convention allows you to extract from a state the data passed from function to function by calls and returns. Most of the methods provided by SimCC that operate on a state assume that the program is just after a call but just before stack frame allocation, though this may be overridden with the `stack_base` parameter to each individual method. This is the base class for all calling conventions. """ def __init__(self, arch: archinfo.Arch): """ :param arch: The Archinfo arch for this CC """ self.arch = arch # # Here are all the things a subclass needs to specify! # ARG_REGS: List[str] = [] # A list of all the registers used for integral args, in order (names or offsets) FP_ARG_REGS: List[str] = [] # A list of all the registers used for floating point args, in order STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 0 # The amount of stack space reserved between the saved return address # (if applicable) and the arguments. Probably zero. STACKARG_SP_DIFF = 0 # The amount of stack space reserved for the return address CALLER_SAVED_REGS: List[str] = [] # Caller-saved registers RETURN_ADDR: SimFunctionArgument = None # The location where the return address is stored, as a SimFunctionArgument RETURN_VAL: SimFunctionArgument = None # The location where the return value is stored, as a SimFunctionArgument OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL: Optional[ SimFunctionArgument ] = None # The second half of the location where a double-length return value is stored FP_RETURN_VAL: Optional[ SimFunctionArgument ] = None # The location where floating-point argument return values are stored ARCH = None # The archinfo.Arch class that this CC must be used for, if relevant CALLEE_CLEANUP = False # Whether the callee has to deallocate the stack space for the arguments STACK_ALIGNMENT = 1 # the alignment requirement of the stack pointer at function start BEFORE call # # Here are several things you MAY want to override to change your cc's convention # @property def int_args(self): """ Iterate through all the possible arg positions that can only be used to store integer or pointer values. Returns an iterator of SimFunctionArguments """ if self.ARG_REGS is None: raise NotImplementedError() return SerializableListIterator([SimRegArg(reg, self.arch.bytes) for reg in self.ARG_REGS]) @property def memory_args(self): """ Iterate through all the possible arg positions that can be used to store any kind of argument. Returns an iterator of SimFunctionArguments """ start = self.STACKARG_SP_BUFF + self.STACKARG_SP_DIFF return SerializableCounter(start, self.arch.bytes, lambda offset: SimStackArg(offset, self.arch.bytes)) @property def fp_args(self): """ Iterate through all the possible arg positions that can only be used to store floating point values. Returns an iterator of SimFunctionArguments """ if self.FP_ARG_REGS is None: raise NotImplementedError() return SerializableListIterator([SimRegArg(reg, self.arch.bytes) for reg in self.FP_ARG_REGS])
[docs] def is_fp_arg(self, arg): """ This should take a SimFunctionArgument instance and return whether or not that argument is a floating-point argument. Returns True for MUST be a floating point arg, False for MUST NOT be a floating point arg, None for when it can be either. """ if arg in self.int_args: return False if arg in self.fp_args or arg == self.FP_RETURN_VAL: return True return None
ArgSession = ArgSession # import this from global scope so SimCC subclasses can subclass it if they like
[docs] def arg_session(self, ret_ty: Optional[SimType]): """ Return an arg session. A session provides the control interface necessary to describe how integral and floating-point arguments are laid out into memory. The default behavior is that there are a finite list of int-only and fp-only argument slots, and an infinite number of generic slots, and when an argument of a given type is requested, the most slot available is used. If you need different behavior, subclass ArgSession. You need to provide the return type of the function in order to kick off an arg layout session. """ session = self.ArgSession(self) if self.return_in_implicit_outparam(ret_ty): self.next_arg(session, SimTypePointer(SimTypeBottom())) return session
[docs] def return_in_implicit_outparam(self, ty): return False
[docs] def stack_space(self, args): """ :param args: A list of SimFunctionArguments :returns: The number of bytes that should be allocated on the stack to store all these args, NOT INCLUDING the return address. """ out = self.STACKARG_SP_DIFF for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, SimStackArg): out = max(out, arg.stack_offset + self.arch.bytes) out += self.STACKARG_SP_BUFF return out
[docs] def return_val(self, ty, perspective_returned=False): """ The location the return value is stored, based on its type. """ if ty._arch is None: ty = ty.with_arch(self.arch) if isinstance(ty, (SimStruct, SimUnion, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): raise TypeError( f"{self} doesn't know how to return aggregate types. Consider overriding return_val to " "implement its ABI logic" ) if self.return_in_implicit_outparam(ty): if perspective_returned: ptr_loc = self.RETURN_VAL else: ptr_loc = self.next_arg(self.ArgSession(self), SimTypePointer(SimTypeBottom())) return SimReferenceArgument( ptr_loc, SimStackArg(0, ty.size // self.arch.byte_width, is_fp=isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat)) ) if isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat) and self.FP_RETURN_VAL is not None: return self.FP_RETURN_VAL.refine(size=ty.size // self.arch.byte_width, arch=self.arch, is_fp=True) if self.RETURN_VAL is None: return None if ty.size > self.RETURN_VAL.size * self.arch.byte_width: return SimComboArg([self.RETURN_VAL, self.OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL]) return self.RETURN_VAL.refine(size=ty.size // self.arch.byte_width, arch=self.arch, is_fp=False)
@property def return_addr(self): """ The location the return address is stored. """ return self.RETURN_ADDR
[docs] def next_arg(self, session: ArgSession, arg_type: SimType): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) if isinstance(arg_type, (SimStruct, SimUnion, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): raise TypeError( f"{self} doesn't know how to store aggregate types. Consider overriding next_arg to " "implement its ABI logic" ) if isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeBottom): # This is usually caused by failures or mistakes during type inference l.warning("Function argument type cannot be BOT. Treating it as a 32-bit int.") arg_type = SimTypeInt().with_arch(self.arch) is_fp = isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeFloat) size = arg_type.size // self.arch.byte_width try: if is_fp: arg = next(session.fp_iter) else: arg = next(session.int_iter) except StopIteration: try: arg = next(session.both_iter) except StopIteration: raise TypeError("Accessed too many arguments - exhausted all positions?") if size > arg.size: if isinstance(arg, SimStackArg): arg_size = arg.size locations = [arg] while arg_size < size: next_arg = next(session.both_iter) arg_size += next_arg.size locations.append(next_arg) return SimComboArg(locations, is_fp=is_fp) raise ValueError( f"{self} doesn't know how to store large types. Consider overriding" " next_arg to implement its ABI logic" ) return arg.refine(size, is_fp=is_fp, arch=self.arch)
# # Useful functions! #
[docs] @staticmethod def is_fp_value(val): return ( isinstance(val, (float, claripy.ast.FP)) or (isinstance(val, claripy.ast.Base) and val.op.startswith("fp")) or (isinstance(val, claripy.ast.Base) and val.op == "Reverse" and val.args[0].op.startswith("fp")) )
[docs] @staticmethod def guess_prototype(args, prototype=None): """ Come up with a plausible SimTypeFunction for the given args (as would be passed to e.g. setup_callsite). You can pass a variadic function prototype in the `base_type` parameter and all its arguments will be used, only guessing types for the variadic arguments. """ if type(prototype) is str: prototype = parse_signature(prototype) elif prototype is None: l.warning("Guessing call prototype. Please specify prototype.") charp = SimTypePointer(SimTypeChar()) result = prototype if prototype is not None else SimTypeFunction([], charp) for arg in args[len(result.args) :]: if type(arg) in (int, bytes, PointerWrapper): result.args.append(charp) elif type(arg) is float: result.args.append(SimTypeDouble()) elif isinstance(arg, claripy.ast.BV): result.args.append(SimTypeNum(len(arg), False)) elif isinstance(arg, claripy.ast.FP): if arg.sort == claripy.FSORT_FLOAT: result.args.append(SimTypeFloat()) elif arg.sort == claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE: result.args.append(SimTypeDouble()) else: raise TypeError("WHAT kind of floating point is this") else: raise TypeError("Cannot guess FFI type for %s" % type(arg)) return result
[docs] def arg_locs(self, prototype) -> List[SimFunctionArgument]: if prototype._arch is None: prototype = prototype.with_arch(self.arch) session = self.arg_session(prototype.returnty) return [self.next_arg(session, arg_ty) for arg_ty in prototype.args]
[docs] def get_args(self, state, prototype, stack_base=None): arg_locs = self.arg_locs(prototype) return [loc.get_value(state, stack_base=stack_base) for loc in arg_locs]
[docs] def set_return_val(self, state, val, ty, stack_base=None, perspective_returned=False): loc = self.return_val(ty, perspective_returned=perspective_returned) loc.set_value(state, val, stack_base=stack_base)
[docs] def setup_callsite(self, state, ret_addr, args, prototype, stack_base=None, alloc_base=None, grow_like_stack=True): """ This function performs the actions of the caller getting ready to jump into a function. :param state: The SimState to operate on :param ret_addr: The address to return to when the called function finishes :param args: The list of arguments that that the called function will see :param prototype: The signature of the call you're making. Should include variadic args concretely. :param stack_base: An optional pointer to use as the top of the stack, circa the function entry point :param alloc_base: An optional pointer to use as the place to put excess argument data :param grow_like_stack: When allocating data at alloc_base, whether to allocate at decreasing addresses The idea here is that you can provide almost any kind of python type in `args` and it'll be translated to a binary format to be placed into simulated memory. Lists (representing arrays) must be entirely elements of the same type and size, while tuples (representing structs) can be elements of any type and size. If you'd like there to be a pointer to a given value, wrap the value in a `PointerWrapper`. If stack_base is not provided, the current stack pointer will be used, and it will be updated. If alloc_base is not provided, the stack base will be used and grow_like_stack will implicitly be True. grow_like_stack controls the behavior of allocating data at alloc_base. When data from args needs to be wrapped in a pointer, the pointer needs to point somewhere, so that data is dumped into memory at alloc_base. If you set alloc_base to point to somewhere other than the stack, set grow_like_stack to False so that sequential allocations happen at increasing addresses. """ # STEP 0: clerical work allocator = AllocHelper(self.arch.bits) if type(prototype) is str: prototype = parse_signature(prototype, arch=self.arch) elif prototype._arch is None: prototype = prototype.with_arch(self.arch) # # STEP 1: convert all values into serialized form # this entails creating the vals list of simple values to store and also populating the allocator's # understanding of what aux data needs to be stored # This is also where we compute arg locations (arg_locs) # vals = [self._standardize_value(arg, ty, state, allocator.dump) for arg, ty in zip(args, prototype.args)] arg_locs = self.arg_locs(prototype) # step 1.5, gotta handle the SimReferenceArguments correctly for i, (loc, val) in enumerate(zip(arg_locs, vals)): if not isinstance(loc, SimReferenceArgument): continue dumped = allocator.dump(val, state, loc=val.main_loc) vals[i] = dumped arg_locs[i] = val.ptr_loc # step 1.75 allocate implicit outparam stuff if self.return_in_implicit_outparam(prototype.returnty): loc = self.return_val(prototype.returnty) assert isinstance(loc, SimReferenceArgument) # hack: because the allocator gives us a pointer that needs to be translated, we need to shove it into # the args list so it'll be translated and stored once everything is laid out vals.append(allocator.alloc(loc.main_loc.size)) arg_locs.append(loc.ptr_loc) # # STEP 2: decide on memory storage locations # implement the contract for stack_base/alloc_base/grow_like_stack # after this, stack_base should be the final stack pointer, alloc_base should be the final aux storage location, # and the stack pointer should be updated # if stack_base is None: if alloc_base is None: alloc_size = allocator.size() state.regs.sp -= alloc_size alloc_base = state.regs.sp grow_like_stack = False state.regs.sp -= self.stack_space(arg_locs) # handle alignment alignment = (state.regs.sp + self.STACKARG_SP_DIFF) % self.STACK_ALIGNMENT state.regs.sp -= alignment else: state.regs.sp = stack_base if alloc_base is None: alloc_base = stack_base + self.stack_space(arg_locs) grow_like_stack = False if grow_like_stack: alloc_base -= allocator.size() if type(alloc_base) is int: alloc_base = claripy.BVV(alloc_base, state.arch.bits) for i, val in enumerate(vals): vals[i] = allocator.translate(val, alloc_base) # # STEP 3: store everything! # allocator.apply(state, alloc_base) for loc, val in zip(arg_locs, vals): loc.set_value(state, val, stack_base=stack_base) self.return_addr.set_value(state, ret_addr, stack_base=stack_base)
[docs] def teardown_callsite(self, state, return_val=None, prototype=None, force_callee_cleanup=False): """ This function performs the actions of the callee as it's getting ready to return. It returns the address to return to. :param state: The state to mutate :param return_val: The value to return :param prototype: The prototype of the given function :param force_callee_cleanup: If we should clean up the stack allocation for the arguments even if it's not the callee's job to do so TODO: support the stack_base parameter from setup_callsite...? Does that make sense in this context? Maybe it could make sense by saying that you pass it in as something like the "saved base pointer" value? """ if return_val is not None and not isinstance(prototype.returnty, SimTypeBottom): self.set_return_val(state, return_val, prototype.returnty) # ummmmmmmm hack loc = self.return_val(prototype.returnty) if isinstance(loc, SimReferenceArgument): self.RETURN_VAL.set_value(state, loc.ptr_loc.get_value(state)) ret_addr = self.return_addr.get_value(state) if state.arch.sp_offset is not None: if force_callee_cleanup or self.CALLEE_CLEANUP: session = self.arg_session(prototype.returnty) if self.return_in_implicit_outparam(prototype.returnty): extra = [self.return_val(prototype.returnty).ptr_loc] else: extra = [] state.regs.sp += self.stack_space(extra + [self.next_arg(session, x) for x in prototype.args]) else: state.regs.sp += self.STACKARG_SP_DIFF return ret_addr
# # Helper functions # @staticmethod def _standardize_value(arg, ty, state, alloc): if isinstance(arg, SimActionObject): return SimCC._standardize_value(arg.ast, ty, state, alloc) elif isinstance(arg, PointerWrapper): if not isinstance(ty, (SimTypePointer, SimTypeReference)): raise TypeError("Type mismatch: expected %s, got pointer-wrapper" % ty) if arg.buffer: if isinstance(arg.value, claripy.Bits): real_value = arg.value.chop(state.arch.byte_width) elif type(arg.value) in (bytes, str): real_value = claripy.BVV(arg.value).chop(8) else: raise TypeError("PointerWrapper(buffer=True) can only be used with a bitvector or a bytestring") else: child_type = SimTypeArray(ty.pts_to) if type(arg.value) in (str, bytes, list) else ty.pts_to try: real_value = SimCC._standardize_value(arg.value, child_type, state, alloc) except TypeError as e: # this is a dangerous catch... raise TypeError( f"Failed to store pointer-wrapped data ({e.args[0]}). " "Do you want a PointerWrapper(buffer=True)?" ) from None return alloc(real_value, state) elif isinstance(arg, (str, bytes)): # sanitize the argument and request standardization again with SimTypeArray if type(arg) is str: arg = arg.encode() arg += b"\0" if isinstance(ty, SimTypePointer) and isinstance(ty.pts_to, SimTypeChar): pass elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeFixedSizeArray) and isinstance(ty.elem_type, SimTypeChar): if len(arg) > ty.length: raise TypeError(f"String {repr(arg)} is too long for {ty}") arg = arg.ljust(ty.length, b"\0") elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeArray) and isinstance(ty.elem_type, SimTypeChar): if ty.length is not None: if len(arg) > ty.length: raise TypeError(f"String {repr(arg)} is too long for {ty}") arg = arg.ljust(ty.length, b"\0") elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeString): if len(arg) > ty.length + 1: raise TypeError(f"String {repr(arg)} is too long for {ty}") arg = arg.ljust(ty.length + 1, b"\0") else: raise TypeError("Type mismatch: Expected %s, got char*" % ty) val = SimCC._standardize_value(list(arg), SimTypeArray(SimTypeChar(), len(arg)), state, alloc) return val elif isinstance(arg, list): if isinstance(ty, (SimTypePointer, SimTypeReference)): ref = True subty = ty.pts_to elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeArray): ref = True subty = ty.elem_type if ty.length is not None: if len(arg) != ty.length: raise TypeError(f"Array {repr(arg)} is the wrong length for {ty}") else: raise TypeError("Type mismatch: Expected %s, got char*" % ty) val = [SimCC._standardize_value(sarg, subty, state, alloc) for sarg in arg] if ref: val = alloc(val, state) return val elif isinstance(arg, (tuple, dict, SimStructValue)): if not isinstance(ty, SimStruct): raise TypeError(f"Type mismatch: Expected {ty}, got {type(arg)} (i.e. struct)") if type(arg) is not SimStructValue: if len(arg) != len(ty.fields): raise TypeError("Wrong number of fields in struct, expected %d got %d" % (len(ty.fields), len(arg))) arg = SimStructValue(ty, arg) return SimStructValue( ty, [SimCC._standardize_value(arg[field], ty.fields[field], state, alloc) for field in ty.fields] ) elif isinstance(arg, int): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat): return SimCC._standardize_value(float(arg), ty, state, alloc) val = state.solver.BVV(arg, ty.size) return val elif isinstance(arg, float): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeDouble): sort = claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat): sort = claripy.FSORT_FLOAT else: raise TypeError("Type mismatch: expected %s, got float" % ty) return claripy.FPV(arg, sort) elif isinstance(arg, claripy.ast.FP): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat): if len(arg) != ty.size: raise TypeError(f"Type mismatch: expected {ty}, got {arg.sort}") return arg if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeReg, SimTypeNum)): return arg.val_to_bv(ty.size, ty.signed) raise TypeError(f"Type mismatch: expected {ty}, got {arg.sort}") elif isinstance(arg, claripy.ast.BV): if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeReg, SimTypeNum)): if len(arg) != ty.size: raise TypeError("Type mismatch: expected %s, got %d bits" % (ty, len(arg))) return arg if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeFloat)): raise TypeError( "It's unclear how to coerce a bitvector to %s. " "Do you want .raw_to_fp or .val_to_fp, and signed or unsigned?" ) raise TypeError("Type mismatch: expected %s, got bitvector" % ty) else: raise TypeError("I don't know how to serialize %s." % repr(arg)) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args: List, sp_delta): if cls.ARCH is not None and not isinstance(arch, cls.ARCH): return False if sp_delta != cls.STACKARG_SP_DIFF: return False sample_inst = cls(arch) all_fp_args = list(sample_inst.fp_args) all_int_args = list(sample_inst.int_args) both_iter = sample_inst.memory_args some_both_args = [next(both_iter) for _ in range(len(args))] new_args = [] for arg in args: if arg not in all_fp_args and arg not in all_int_args and arg not in some_both_args: if isinstance(arg, SimRegArg) and arg.reg_name in sample_inst.CALLER_SAVED_REGS: continue return False new_args.append(arg) # update args (e.g., drop caller-saved register arguments) args.clear() args.extend(new_args) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def find_cc(arch: "archinfo.Arch", args: List[SimFunctionArgument], sp_delta: int) -> Optional["SimCC"]: """ Pinpoint the best-fit calling convention and return the corresponding SimCC instance, or None if no fit is found. :param arch: An ArchX instance. Can be obtained from archinfo. :param args: A list of arguments. It may be updated by the first matched calling convention to remove non-argument arguments. :param sp_delta: The change of stack pointer before and after the call is made. :return: A calling convention instance, or None if none of the SimCC subclasses seems to fit the arguments provided. """ if not in CC: return None possible_cc_classes = CC[] for cc_cls in possible_cc_classes: if cc_cls._match(arch, args, sp_delta): return cc_cls(arch) return None
[docs] def get_arg_info(self, state, prototype): """ This is just a simple wrapper that collects the information from various locations prototype is as passed to self.arg_locs and self.get_args :param angr.SimState state: The state to evaluate and extract the values from :return: A list of tuples, where the nth tuple is (type, name, location, value) of the nth argument """ argument_locations = self.arg_locs(prototype) argument_values = self.get_args(state, prototype) argument_types = prototype.args argument_names = prototype.arg_names if prototype.arg_names else ["unknown"] * len(prototype.args) return list(zip(argument_types, argument_names, argument_locations, argument_values))
[docs]class SimLyingRegArg(SimRegArg): """ A register that LIES about the types it holds """ def __init__(self, name, size=8): super().__init__(name, 8) self._real_size = size
[docs] def get_value(self, state, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ # val = super(SimLyingRegArg, self).get_value(state, **kwargs) val = state.registers.load(self.reg_name).raw_to_fp() if self._real_size == 4: val = claripy.fpToFP(claripy.fp.RM.RM_NearestTiesEven, val.raw_to_fp(), claripy.FSORT_FLOAT) return val
[docs] def set_value(self, state, val, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ val = self.check_value_set(val, state.arch) if self._real_size == 4: val = claripy.fpToFP(claripy.fp.RM.RM_NearestTiesEven, val.raw_to_fp(), claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE), val)
# super(SimLyingRegArg, self).set_value(state, val, endness=endness, **kwargs)
[docs] def refine(self, size, arch=None, offset=None, is_fp=None): return SimLyingRegArg(self.reg_name, size)
[docs]class SimCCUsercall(SimCC): def __init__(self, arch, arg_locs, ret_loc): super().__init__(arch) self.arg_locs = arg_locs self.ret_loc = ret_loc ArgSession = UsercallArgSession
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): return next(session.real_args)
[docs] def return_val(self, ty, **kwargs): return self.ret_loc
[docs]class SimCCCdecl(SimCC): ARG_REGS = [] # All arguments are passed in stack FP_ARG_REGS = [] STACKARG_SP_DIFF = 4 # Return address is pushed on to stack by call CALLER_SAVED_REGS = ["eax", "ecx", "edx"] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("eax", 4) OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("edx", 4) FP_RETURN_VAL = SimLyingRegArg("st0") RETURN_ADDR = SimStackArg(0, 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchX86
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) locs_size = 0 byte_size = arg_type.size // self.arch.byte_width locs = [] while locs_size < byte_size: locs.append(next(session.both_iter)) locs_size += locs[-1].size return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, locs, arg_type)
[docs] def return_val(self, ty, perspective_returned=False): if ty._arch is None: ty = ty.with_arch(self.arch) if not isinstance(ty, SimStruct): return super().return_val(ty, perspective_returned) if ty.size > self.STRUCT_RETURN_THRESHOLD: # TODO this code is duplicated a ton of places. how should it be a function? byte_size = ty.size // self.arch.byte_width referenced_locs = [SimStackArg(offset, self.arch.bytes) for offset in range(0, byte_size, self.arch.bytes)] referenced_loc = refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, referenced_locs, ty) if perspective_returned: ptr_loc = self.RETURN_VAL else: ptr_loc = SimStackArg(0, 4) reference_loc = SimReferenceArgument(ptr_loc, referenced_loc) return reference_loc return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, [self.RETURN_VAL, self.OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL], ty)
[docs] def return_in_implicit_outparam(self, ty): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): return False return isinstance(ty, SimStruct) and ty.size > self.STRUCT_RETURN_THRESHOLD
[docs]class SimCCMicrosoftCdecl(SimCCCdecl): STRUCT_RETURN_THRESHOLD = 64
[docs]class SimCCStdcall(SimCCMicrosoftCdecl): CALLEE_CLEANUP = True
[docs]class SimCCMicrosoftFastcall(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["ecx", "edx"] # Remaining arguments are passed in stack STACKARG_SP_DIFF = 4 # Return address is pushed on to stack by call RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("eax", 4) RETURN_ADDR = SimStackArg(0, 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchX86
[docs]class MicrosoftAMD64ArgSession: def __init__(self, cc): = cc self.int_iter = cc.int_args self.fp_iter = cc.fp_args self.both_iter = cc.memory_args
[docs]class SimCCMicrosoftAMD64(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["rcx", "rdx", "r8", "r9"] FP_ARG_REGS = ["xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3"] STACKARG_SP_DIFF = 8 # Return address is pushed on to stack by call STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 32 # 32 bytes of shadow stack space RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rax", 8) OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rdx", 8) FP_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("xmm0", 32) RETURN_ADDR = SimStackArg(0, 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAMD64 STACK_ALIGNMENT = 16 ArgSession = MicrosoftAMD64ArgSession
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) try: int_loc = next(session.int_iter) fp_loc = next(session.fp_iter) except StopIteration: int_loc = fp_loc = next(session.both_iter) byte_size = arg_type.size // self.arch.byte_width if isinstance(arg_type, SimTypeFloat): return fp_loc.refine(size=byte_size, is_fp=True, arch=self.arch) if byte_size <= int_loc.size: return int_loc.refine(size=byte_size, is_fp=False, arch=self.arch) referenced_locs = [SimStackArg(offset, self.arch.bytes) for offset in range(0, byte_size, self.arch.bytes)] referenced_loc = refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, referenced_locs, arg_type) reference_loc = SimReferenceArgument(int_loc, referenced_loc) return reference_loc
[docs] def return_in_implicit_outparam(self, ty): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): return False return not isinstance(ty, SimTypeFloat) and ty.size > 64
[docs]class SimCCSyscall(SimCC): """ The base class of all syscall CCs. """ ERROR_REG: SimRegArg = None SYSCALL_ERRNO_START = None
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state) -> int: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def linux_syscall_update_error_reg(self, state, expr): # special handling for Linux syscalls: on some architectures (mips/a3, powerpc/cr0_0) a bool indicating success # or failure of a system call is used as an error flag (0 for success, 1 for error). we have to set this if state.project is None or state.project.simos is None or != "Linux": return expr if type(expr) is int: expr = claripy.BVV(expr, state.arch.bits) try: expr = expr.ast except AttributeError: pass nbits = self.ERROR_REG.size * state.arch.byte_width error_cond = claripy.UGE(expr, self.SYSCALL_ERRNO_START) if state.solver.is_false(error_cond): # guaranteed no error error_reg_val = claripy.BVV(0, nbits) elif state.solver.is_true(error_cond): # guaranteed error error_reg_val = claripy.BVV(-1, nbits) expr = -expr else: # both are satisfied, handle gracefully error_reg_val = claripy.If(error_cond, claripy.BVV(-1, nbits), 0) expr = claripy.If(error_cond, -expr, expr) self.ERROR_REG.set_value(state, error_reg_val) return expr
[docs] def set_return_val(self, state, val, ty, **kwargs): if self.ERROR_REG is not None: val = self.linux_syscall_update_error_reg(state, val) super().set_return_val(state, val, ty, **kwargs)
[docs]class SimCCX86LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): ARG_REGS = ["ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi", "ebp"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("eax", 4) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchX86 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.eax
[docs]class SimCCX86WindowsSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure the information is correct ARG_REGS = [] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("eax", 4) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchX86 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.eax
[docs]class SimCCSystemVAMD64(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["rdi", "rsi", "rdx", "rcx", "r8", "r9"] FP_ARG_REGS = ["xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7"] STACKARG_SP_DIFF = 8 # Return address is pushed on to stack by call CALLER_SAVED_REGS = [ "rdi", "rsi", "rdx", "rcx", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "rax", ] RETURN_ADDR = SimStackArg(0, 8) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rax", 8) OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rdx", 8) FP_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("xmm0", 128) OVERFLOW_FP_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("xmm1", 128) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAMD64 STACK_ALIGNMENT = 16 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): if cls.ARCH is not None and not isinstance(arch, cls.ARCH): return False # if sp_delta != cls.STACKARG_SP_DIFF: # return False sample_inst = cls(arch) all_fp_args = list(sample_inst.fp_args) all_int_args = list(sample_inst.int_args) both_iter = sample_inst.memory_args some_both_args = [next(both_iter) for _ in range(len(args))] for arg in args: ex_arg = arg # attempt to coerce the argument into a form that might show up in these lists if type(ex_arg) is SimRegArg: regfile_offset = arch.registers[ex_arg.reg_name][0] while regfile_offset not in arch.register_names: regfile_offset -= 1 ex_arg.reg_name = arch.register_names[regfile_offset] ex_arg.reg_offset = 0 if ex_arg not in all_fp_args and ex_arg not in all_int_args and ex_arg not in some_both_args: if isinstance(arg, SimStackArg) and arg.stack_offset == 0: continue # ignore return address? return False return True # # section 3.2.3
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) state = session.getstate() classification = self._classify(arg_type) try: mapped_classes = [] for cls in classification: if cls == "SSEUP": mapped_classes.append(mapped_classes[-1].sse_extend(self.arch.bytes)) elif cls == "NO_CLASS": raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") elif cls == "MEMORY": mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) elif cls == "INTEGER": mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) elif cls == "SSE": mapped_classes.append(next(session.fp_iter)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") except StopIteration: session.setstate(state) mapped_classes = [next(session.both_iter) for _ in classification] return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, mapped_classes, arg_type)
[docs] def return_val(self, ty: Optional[SimType], perspective_returned=False): if ty is None: return None if ty._arch is None: ty = ty.with_arch(self.arch) classification = self._classify(ty) if any(cls == "MEMORY" for cls in classification): assert all(cls == "MEMORY" for cls in classification) byte_size = ty.size // self.arch.byte_width referenced_locs = [SimStackArg(offset, self.arch.bytes) for offset in range(0, byte_size, self.arch.bytes)] referenced_loc = refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, referenced_locs, ty) if perspective_returned: ptr_loc = self.RETURN_VAL else: ptr_loc = SimRegArg("rdi", 8) reference_loc = SimReferenceArgument(ptr_loc, referenced_loc) return reference_loc else: mapped_classes = [] int_iter = iter([self.RETURN_VAL, self.OVERFLOW_RETURN_VAL]) fp_iter = iter([self.FP_RETURN_VAL, self.OVERFLOW_FP_RETURN_VAL]) for cls in classification: if cls == "SSEUP": mapped_classes.append(mapped_classes[-1].sse_extend(self.arch.bytes)) elif cls == "NO_CLASS": raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") elif cls == "INTEGER": mapped_classes.append(next(int_iter)) elif cls == "SSE": mapped_classes.append(next(fp_iter)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, mapped_classes, ty)
[docs] def return_in_implicit_outparam(self, ty): if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): return False # :P return isinstance(self.return_val(ty), SimReferenceArgument)
def _classify(self, ty, chunksize=None): if chunksize is None: chunksize = self.arch.bytes # treat BOT as INTEGER if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): nchunks = 1 else: nchunks = (ty.size // self.arch.byte_width + chunksize - 1) // chunksize if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeInt, SimTypeChar, SimTypePointer, SimTypeNum, SimTypeBottom, SimTypeReference)): return ["INTEGER"] * nchunks elif isinstance(ty, (SimTypeFloat,)): return ["SSE"] + ["SSEUP"] * (nchunks - 1) elif isinstance(ty, (SimStruct, SimTypeFixedSizeArray, SimUnion)): if ty.size > 512: return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks flattened = self._flatten(ty) if flattened is None: return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks result = ["NO_CLASS"] * nchunks for offset, subty_list in flattened.items(): for subty in subty_list: # is the smaller chunk size necessary? Genuinely unsure subresult = self._classify(subty, chunksize=1) idx_start = offset // chunksize idx_end = (offset + (subty.size // self.arch.byte_width) - 1) // chunksize for i, idx in enumerate(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1)): subclass = subresult[i * chunksize] result[idx] = self._combine_classes(result[idx], subclass) if any(subresult == "MEMORY" for subresult in result): return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks if nchunks > 2 and (result[0] != "SSE" or any(subresult != "SSEUP" for subresult in result[1:])): return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks for i in range(1, nchunks): if result[i] == "SSEUP" and result[i - 1] not in ("SSE", "SSEUP"): result[i] = "SSE" return result else: raise NotImplementedError("Ummmmm... not sure what goes here. report bug to @rhelmot") def _flatten(self, ty) -> Optional[Dict[int, List[SimType]]]: result: Dict[int, List[SimType]] = defaultdict(list) if isinstance(ty, SimStruct): if ty.packed: return None for field, subty in ty.fields.items(): offset = ty.offsets[field] subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[offset + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeFixedSizeArray): subresult = self._flatten(ty.elem_type) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): for idx in range(ty.length): # TODO I think we need an explicit stride field on array types result[idx * ty.elem_type.size // self.arch.byte_width + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimUnion): for field, subty in ty.members.items(): subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[suboffset] += subsubty_list else: result[0].append(ty) return result def _combine_classes(self, cls1, cls2): if cls1 == cls2: return cls1 if cls1 == "NO_CLASS": return cls2 if cls2 == "NO_CLASS": return cls1 if cls1 == "MEMORY" or cls2 == "MEMORY": return "MEMORY" if cls1 == "INTEGER" or cls2 == "INTEGER": return "INTEGER" return "SSE"
[docs]class SimCCAMD64LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): ARG_REGS = ["rdi", "rsi", "rdx", "r10", "r8", "r9"] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rax", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAMD64 @staticmethod def _match(arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # doesn't appear anywhere but syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.rax
[docs]class SimCCAMD64WindowsSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure the information is correct ARG_REGS = [] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("rax", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAMD64 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.rax
[docs]class SimCCARM(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["r0", "r1", "r2", "r3"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # regular arg regs are used as fp arg regs CALLER_SAVED_REGS = [] RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("lr", 4) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r0", 4) # TODO Return val can also include reg r1 ARCH = archinfo.ArchARM #
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) state = session.getstate() classification = self._classify(arg_type) try: mapped_classes = [] for idx, cls in enumerate(classification): if cls == "DOUBLEP": if session.getstate()[1] % 2 == 1: # doubles must start on an even register next(session.int_iter) if session.getstate()[1] == len(self.ARG_REGS) - 2: mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) else: try: mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) except StopIteration: mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) elif cls == "NO_CLASS": raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") elif cls == "MEMORY": mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) elif cls == "INTEGER": try: mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) except StopIteration: mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) elif cls == "SINGLEP": try: mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) except StopIteration: mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") except StopIteration: session.setstate(state) mapped_classes = [next(session.both_iter) for _ in classification] return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, mapped_classes, arg_type)
def _classify(self, ty, chunksize=None): if chunksize is None: chunksize = self.arch.bytes # treat BOT as INTEGER if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): nchunks = 1 else: nchunks = (ty.size // self.arch.byte_width + chunksize - 1) // chunksize if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeInt, SimTypeChar, SimTypePointer, SimTypeNum, SimTypeBottom, SimTypeReference)): return ["INTEGER"] * nchunks elif isinstance(ty, (SimTypeFloat,)): if ty.size == 64: return ["DOUBLEP"] elif ty.size == 32: return ["SINGLEP"] return ["NO_CLASS"] elif isinstance(ty, (SimStruct, SimTypeFixedSizeArray, SimUnion)): flattened = self._flatten(ty) if flattened is None: return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks result = ["NO_CLASS"] * nchunks for offset, subty_list in flattened.items(): for subty in subty_list: # is the smaller chunk size necessary? Genuinely unsure subresult = self._classify(subty, chunksize=1) idx_start = offset // chunksize idx_end = (offset + (subty.size // self.arch.byte_width) - 1) // chunksize for i, idx in enumerate(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1)): subclass = subresult[i * chunksize] result[idx] = self._combine_classes(result[idx], subclass) return result else: raise NotImplementedError("Ummmmm... not sure what goes here. report bug to @rhelmot") def _combine_classes(self, cls1, cls2): if cls1 == cls2: return cls1 if cls1 == "NO_CLASS": return cls2 if cls2 == "NO_CLASS": return cls1 if cls1 == "MEMORY" or cls2 == "MEMORY": return "MEMORY" if cls1 == "INTEGER" or cls2 == "INTEGER": return "INTEGER" return "SSE" def _flatten(self, ty) -> Optional[Dict[int, List[SimType]]]: result: Dict[int, List[SimType]] = defaultdict(list) if isinstance(ty, SimStruct): if ty.packed: return None for field, subty in ty.fields.items(): offset = ty.offsets[field] subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[offset + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeFixedSizeArray): subresult = self._flatten(ty.elem_type) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): for idx in range(ty.length): # TODO I think we need an explicit stride field on array types result[idx * ty.elem_type.size // self.arch.byte_width + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimUnion): for field, subty in ty.members.items(): subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[suboffset] += subsubty_list else: result[0].append(ty) return result
[docs]class SimCCARMHF(SimCCARM): ARG_REGS = ["r0", "r1", "r2", "r3"] FP_ARG_REGS = [f"s{i}" for i in range(16)] # regular arg regs are used as fp arg regs FP_RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("s0", 32) CALLER_SAVED_REGS = [] RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("lr", 4) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r0", 4) # TODO Return val can also include reg r1 ARCH = archinfo.ArchARMHF
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): return SimCC.next_arg(self, session, arg_type)
[docs]class SimCCARMLinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct ARG_REGS = ["r0", "r1", "r2", "r3"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 4) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r0", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchARM @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): if ((state.regs.ip_at_syscall & 1) == 1).is_true(): insn = state.mem[state.regs.ip_at_syscall - 3].short.resolved is_svc = ((insn & 0xFF00) == 0xDF00).is_true() svc_num = insn & 0xFF else: insn = state.mem[state.regs.ip_at_syscall - 4].dword.resolved is_svc = ((insn & 0x0F000000) == 0x0F000000).is_true() svc_num = insn & 0xFFFFFF if not is_svc: l.error("ARM syscall number being queried at an address which is not an SVC") return claripy.BVV(0, 32) if len(svc_num) == 32 and (svc_num > 0x900000).is_true() and (svc_num < 0x90FFFF).is_true(): return svc_num - 0x900000 else: return state.regs.r7
[docs]class SimCCAArch64(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("lr", 8) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("x0", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAArch64
[docs]class SimCCAArch64LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct ARG_REGS = ["x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("x0", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchAArch64 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.x8
[docs]class SimCCO32(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["a0", "a1", "a2", "a3"] FP_ARG_REGS = [ "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15", ] # Note double precision args are split between f12-f13, f14-f15 and single precision only use f12 and f14 STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 16 CALLER_SAVED_REGS = ["t9", "gp"] RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ra", 4) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("v0", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchMIPS32 # Section 3-17
[docs] def next_arg(self, session, arg_type): if isinstance(arg_type, (SimTypeArray, SimTypeFixedSizeArray)): # hack arg_type = SimTypePointer(arg_type.elem_type).with_arch(self.arch) state = session.getstate() classification = self._classify(arg_type) try: mapped_classes = [] can_use_fp = True for idx, cls in enumerate(classification): if cls == "DOUBLEP": mapped_classes.append(next(session.fp_iter)) mapped_classes.append(next(session.fp_iter)) if isinstance(arg_type, SimStruct) and idx < 2 and can_use_fp: next(session.fp_iter) # consume next two fp regs since it's double precision next(session.fp_iter) elif cls == "NO_CLASS": raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") elif cls == "MEMORY": mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) can_use_fp = False elif cls == "INTEGER": mapped_classes.append(next(session.int_iter)) can_use_fp = False elif cls == "SINGLEP": if isinstance(arg_type, SimStruct): if idx < 2 and can_use_fp: mapped_classes.append(next(session.fp_iter)) next(session.int_iter) # Need to take up the arg slot else: mapped_classes.append(next(session.both_iter)) else: mapped_classes.append(next(session.fp_iter)) next(session.fp_iter) # consume f13 or f15 since it's single precision else: raise NotImplementedError("Bug. Report to @rhelmot") except StopIteration: session.setstate(state) mapped_classes = [next(session.both_iter) for _ in classification] return refine_locs_with_struct_type(self.arch, mapped_classes, arg_type)
def _classify(self, ty, chunksize=None): if chunksize is None: chunksize = self.arch.bytes # treat BOT as INTEGER if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom): nchunks = 1 else: nchunks = (ty.size // self.arch.byte_width + chunksize - 1) // chunksize if isinstance(ty, (SimTypeInt, SimTypeChar, SimTypePointer, SimTypeNum, SimTypeBottom, SimTypeReference)): return ["INTEGER"] * nchunks elif isinstance(ty, (SimTypeFloat,)): if ty.size == 64: return ["DOUBLEP"] elif ty.size == 32: return ["SINGLEP"] return ["NO_CLASS"] elif isinstance(ty, (SimStruct, SimTypeFixedSizeArray, SimUnion)): flattened = self._flatten(ty) if flattened is None: return ["MEMORY"] * nchunks result = ["NO_CLASS"] * nchunks for offset, subty_list in flattened.items(): for subty in subty_list: # is the smaller chunk size necessary? Genuinely unsure subresult = self._classify(subty, chunksize=1) idx_start = offset // chunksize idx_end = (offset + (subty.size // self.arch.byte_width) - 1) // chunksize for i, idx in enumerate(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1)): subclass = subresult[i * chunksize] result[idx] = self._combine_classes(result[idx], subclass) return result else: raise NotImplementedError("Ummmmm... not sure what goes here. report bug to @rhelmot") def _combine_classes(self, cls1, cls2): if cls1 == cls2: return cls1 if cls1 == "NO_CLASS": return cls2 if cls2 == "NO_CLASS": return cls1 if cls1 == "MEMORY" or cls2 == "MEMORY": return "MEMORY" if cls1 == "INTEGER" or cls2 == "INTEGER": return "INTEGER" return "SSE" def _flatten(self, ty) -> Optional[Dict[int, List[SimType]]]: result: Dict[int, List[SimType]] = defaultdict(list) if isinstance(ty, SimStruct): if ty.packed: return None for field, subty in ty.fields.items(): offset = ty.offsets[field] subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[offset + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimTypeFixedSizeArray): subresult = self._flatten(ty.elem_type) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): for idx in range(ty.length): # TODO I think we need an explicit stride field on array types result[idx * ty.elem_type.size // self.arch.byte_width + suboffset] += subsubty_list elif isinstance(ty, SimUnion): for field, subty in ty.members.items(): subresult = self._flatten(subty) if subresult is None: return None for suboffset, subsubty_list in subresult.items(): result[suboffset] += subsubty_list else: result[0].append(ty) return result
[docs]class SimCCO32LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct ARG_REGS = ["a0", "a1", "a2", "a3"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("v0", 4) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchMIPS32 ERROR_REG = SimRegArg("a3", 4) SYSCALL_ERRNO_START = -1133 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.v0
[docs]class SimCCO64(SimCC): # TODO: add n32 and n64 ARG_REGS = ["a0", "a1", "a2", "a3"] CALLER_SAVED_REGS = ["t9", "gp"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 32 RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ra", 8) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("v0", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchMIPS64
[docs]class SimCCO64LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): ARG_REGS = ["a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("v0", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchMIPS64 ERROR_REG = SimRegArg("a3", 8) SYSCALL_ERRNO_START = -1133 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.v0
[docs]class SimCCPowerPC(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 8 RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("lr", 4) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r3", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchPPC32
[docs]class SimCCPowerPCLinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct ARG_REGS = ["r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r3", 4) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 4) ARCH = archinfo.ArchPPC32 ERROR_REG = SimRegArg("cr0_0", 1) SYSCALL_ERRNO_START = -515 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.r0
[docs]class SimCCPowerPC64(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] # TODO: ??? STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 0x70 RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("lr", 8) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r3", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchPPC64
[docs]class SimCCPowerPC64LinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): # TODO: Make sure all the information is correct ARG_REGS = ["r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r3", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchPPC64 ERROR_REG = SimRegArg("cr0_0", 1) SYSCALL_ERRNO_START = -515 @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.r0
[docs]class SimCCSoot(SimCC): ARCH = archinfo.ArchSoot ARG_REGS = []
[docs] def setup_callsite(self, state, ret_addr, args, prototype, stack_base=None, alloc_base=None, grow_like_stack=True): SootMixin.setup_callsite(state, args, ret_addr)
[docs] @staticmethod def guess_prototype(args, prototype=None): # uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh return None
[docs]class SimCCUnknown(SimCC): """ Represent an unknown calling convention. """ @staticmethod def _match(arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # It always returns True return True def __repr__(self): return f"<SimCCUnknown - {}>"
[docs]class SimCCS390X(SimCC): ARG_REGS = ["r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6"] FP_ARG_REGS = ["f0", "f2", "f4", "f6"] STACKARG_SP_BUFF = 0xA0 RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("r14", 8) RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r2", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchS390X
[docs]class SimCCS390XLinuxSyscall(SimCCSyscall): ARG_REGS = ["r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7"] FP_ARG_REGS = [] RETURN_VAL = SimRegArg("r2", 8) RETURN_ADDR = SimRegArg("ip_at_syscall", 8) ARCH = archinfo.ArchS390X @classmethod def _match(cls, arch, args, sp_delta): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # never appears anywhere except syscalls return False
[docs] @staticmethod def syscall_num(state): return state.regs.r1
CC = { "AMD64": [ SimCCSystemVAMD64, ], "X86": [ SimCCCdecl, ], "ARMEL": [ SimCCARM, ], "ARMHF": [ SimCCARMHF, SimCCARM, ], "ARMCortexM": [ SimCCARMHF, SimCCARM, ], "MIPS32": [ SimCCO32, ], "MIPS64": [ SimCCO64, ], "PPC32": [ SimCCPowerPC, ], "PPC64": [ SimCCPowerPC64, ], "AARCH64": [ SimCCAArch64, ], "S390X": [ SimCCS390X, ], } DEFAULT_CC: Dict[str, Type[SimCC]] = { "AMD64": SimCCSystemVAMD64, "X86": SimCCCdecl, "ARMEL": SimCCARM, "ARMHF": SimCCARMHF, "ARMCortexM": SimCCARM, "MIPS32": SimCCO32, "MIPS64": SimCCO64, "PPC32": SimCCPowerPC, "PPC64": SimCCPowerPC64, "AARCH64": SimCCAArch64, "Soot": SimCCSoot, "AVR8": SimCCUnknown, "MSP": SimCCUnknown, "S390X": SimCCS390X, }
[docs]def register_default_cc(arch: str, cc: Type[SimCC]): DEFAULT_CC[arch] = cc
ARCH_NAME_ALIASES = { "X86": ["x8632"], "AMD64": ["x86-64", "x86_64", "x8664"], "ARMEL": [], "ARMHF": [], "ARMCortexM": [], "AARCH64": ["arm64"], "MIPS32": [], "MIPS64": [], "PPC32": ["powerpc32"], "PPC64": ["powerpc64"], "Soot": [], "AVR8": [], "MSP": [], "S390X": [], } ALIAS_TO_ARCH_NAME = {} for k, vs in ARCH_NAME_ALIASES.items(): for v in vs: ALIAS_TO_ARCH_NAME[v] = k
[docs]def default_cc( # pylint:disable=unused-argument arch: str, platform: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[Type[SimCC]]: """ Return the default calling convention for a given architecture, platform, and language combination. :param arch: The architecture name. :param platform: The platform name (e.g., "linux"). :param language: The programming language name (e.g., "go"). :return: A default calling convention class if we can find one for the architecture, platform, and language combination, or None if nothing fits. """ if arch in DEFAULT_CC: return DEFAULT_CC[arch] alias = unify_arch_name(arch) return DEFAULT_CC.get(alias)
[docs]def unify_arch_name(arch: str) -> str: """ Return the unified architecture name. :param arch: The architecture name. :return: A unified architecture name. """ if ":" in arch: # Sleigh architecture names chunks = arch.lower().split(":") if len(chunks) >= 3: arch_base, endianness, bits = chunks[:3] arch = f"{arch_base}{bits}" return ALIAS_TO_ARCH_NAME.get(arch, arch)
SYSCALL_CC: Dict[str, Dict[str, Type[SimCCSyscall]]] = { "X86": { "default": SimCCX86LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCX86LinuxSyscall, "Windows": SimCCX86WindowsSyscall, "CGC": SimCCX86LinuxSyscall, }, "AMD64": { "default": SimCCAMD64LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCAMD64LinuxSyscall, "Windows": SimCCAMD64WindowsSyscall, }, "ARMEL": { "default": SimCCARMLinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCARMLinuxSyscall, }, "ARMCortexM": { # FIXME: TODO: This is wrong. Fill in with a real CC when we support CM syscalls "default": SimCCARMLinuxSyscall, }, "ARMHF": { "default": SimCCARMLinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCARMLinuxSyscall, }, "AARCH64": { "default": SimCCAArch64LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCAArch64LinuxSyscall, }, "MIPS32": { "default": SimCCO32LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCO32LinuxSyscall, }, "MIPS64": { "default": SimCCO64LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCO64LinuxSyscall, }, "PPC32": { "default": SimCCPowerPCLinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCPowerPCLinuxSyscall, }, "PPC64": { "default": SimCCPowerPC64LinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCPowerPC64LinuxSyscall, }, "S390X": { "default": SimCCS390XLinuxSyscall, "Linux": SimCCS390XLinuxSyscall, }, }
[docs]def register_syscall_cc(arch, os, cc): if arch not in SYSCALL_CC: SYSCALL_CC[arch] = {} SYSCALL_CC[arch][os] = cc