Source code for angr.annocfg

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import logging

import networkx

from .utils.constants import DEFAULT_STATEMENT
from .errors import AngrAnnotatedCFGError, AngrExitError
from .knowledge_plugins.cfg import CFGNode

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class AnnotatedCFG: """ AnnotatedCFG is a control flow graph with statement whitelists and exit whitelists to describe a slice of the program. """ def __init__(self, project, cfg=None, detect_loops=False): """ Constructor. :param project: The angr Project instance :param cfg: Control flow graph. :param detect_loops: """ self._project = project self._cfg = None self._target = None self._run_statement_whitelist: Dict[int, Union[List[int], bool]] = defaultdict(list) self._exit_taken = defaultdict(list) self._addr_to_run = {} self._addr_to_last_stmt_id = {} self._loops = [] self._path_merge_points = [] if cfg is not None: self._cfg = cfg if self._cfg is not None: for run in self._cfg.model.nodes(): self._addr_to_run[self.get_addr(run)] = run # # Public methods #
[docs] def from_digraph(self, digraph): """ Initialize this AnnotatedCFG object with a networkx.DiGraph consisting of the following form of nodes: Tuples like (block address, statement ID) Those nodes are connected by edges indicating the execution flow. :param networkx.DiGraph digraph: A networkx.DiGraph object """ for n1 in digraph.nodes(): addr1, stmt_idx1 = n1 self.add_statements_to_whitelist(addr1, (stmt_idx1,)) successors = digraph[n1] for n2 in successors: addr2, stmt_idx2 = n2 if addr1 != addr2: # There is a control flow transition from block `addr1` to block `addr2` self.add_exit_to_whitelist(addr1, addr2) self.add_statements_to_whitelist(addr2, (stmt_idx2,))
[docs] def get_addr(self, run): if isinstance(run, CFGNode): return run.addr elif type(run) is int: return run else: raise AngrAnnotatedCFGError("Unknown type '%s' of the 'run' argument" % type(run))
[docs] def add_block_to_whitelist(self, block): addr = self.get_addr(block) self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] = True
[docs] def add_statements_to_whitelist(self, block, stmt_ids): addr = self.get_addr(block) if type(stmt_ids) is bool: if type(self._run_statement_whitelist[addr]) is list and self._run_statement_whitelist[addr]: raise Exception("WTF") self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] = stmt_ids elif -1 in stmt_ids: self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] = True else: self._run_statement_whitelist[addr].extend(stmt_ids) self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] = sorted( set(self._run_statement_whitelist[addr]), key=lambda v: v if type(v) is int else float("inf") )
[docs] def add_exit_to_whitelist(self, run_from, run_to): addr_from = self.get_addr(run_from) addr_to = self.get_addr(run_to) self._exit_taken[addr_from].append(addr_to)
[docs] def set_last_statement(self, block_addr, stmt_id): self._addr_to_last_stmt_id[block_addr] = stmt_id
[docs] def add_loop(self, loop_tuple): """ A loop tuple contains a series of IRSB addresses that form a loop. Ideally it always starts with the first IRSB that we meet during the execution. """ self._loops.append(loop_tuple)
[docs] def should_take_exit(self, addr_from, addr_to): if addr_from in self._exit_taken: return addr_to in self._exit_taken[addr_from] return False
[docs] def should_execute_statement(self, addr, stmt_id): if self._run_statement_whitelist is None: return True elif addr in self._run_statement_whitelist: r = self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] if isinstance(r, bool): return r else: return stmt_id in self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] return False
[docs] def get_run(self, addr): if addr in self._addr_to_run: return self._addr_to_run[addr] return None
[docs] def get_whitelisted_statements(self, addr): """ :returns: True if all statements are whitelisted """ if addr in self._run_statement_whitelist: if self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] is True: return None # This is the default value used to say # we execute all statements in this basic block. A # little weird... else: return self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] else: return []
[docs] def get_last_statement_index(self, addr): """ Get the statement index of the last statement to execute in the basic block specified by `addr`. :param int addr: Address of the basic block. :return: The statement index of the last statement to be executed in the block. Usually if the default exit is taken, it will be the last statement to execute. If the block is not in the slice or we should never take any exit going to this block, None is returned. :rtype: int or None """ if addr in self._exit_taken: return None if addr in self._addr_to_last_stmt_id: return self._addr_to_last_stmt_id[addr] elif addr in self._run_statement_whitelist: # is the default exit there? it equals to a negative number (-2 by default) so `max()` won't work. if self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] is True or ( isinstance(self._run_statement_whitelist[addr], list) and DEFAULT_STATEMENT in self._run_statement_whitelist[addr] ): return DEFAULT_STATEMENT return max(self._run_statement_whitelist[addr], key=lambda v: v if type(v) is int else float("inf")) return None
[docs] def get_loops(self): return self._loops
[docs] def get_targets(self, source_addr): if source_addr in self._exit_taken: return self._exit_taken[source_addr] return None
# # Debugging helpers #
[docs] def dbg_repr(self): ret_str = "" ret_str += "IRSBs:\n" for addr, run in self._addr_to_run.items(): if addr is None: continue ret_str += f"{addr:#x} => {run}\n" l.debug("statements: ") for addr, stmts in self._run_statement_whitelist.items(): if addr is None: continue ret_str += "Address 0x%08x:\n" % addr l.debug(stmts) l.debug("Loops: ") for loop in self._loops: s = "" for addr in loop: s += "0x%08x -> " % addr ret_str += s + "\n" return ret_str
[docs] def dbg_print_irsb(self, irsb_addr, project=None): """ Pretty-print an IRSB with whitelist information """ if project is None: project = self._project if project is None: raise Exception("Dict addr_to_run is empty. " + "Give me a project, and I'll recreate the IRSBs for you.") vex_block = project.factory.block(irsb_addr).vex statements = vex_block.statements whitelist = self.get_whitelisted_statements(irsb_addr) for i in range(0, len(statements)): if whitelist is True or i in whitelist: line = "+" else: line = "-" line += "[% 3d] " % i # We cannot get data returned by pp(). WTF? print(line, end="") statements[i].pp()
# # Helper methods for path priorization #
[docs] def keep_path(self, path): """ Given a path, returns True if the path should be kept, False if it should be cut. """ if len(path.addr_trace) < 2: return True return self.should_take_exit(path.addr_trace[-2], path.addr_trace[-1])
[docs] def merge_points(self, path): addr = path.addr if addr in self._path_merge_points: return {self._path_merge_points[addr]} else: return set()
[docs] def successor_func(self, path): """ Callback routine that takes in a path, and returns all feasible successors to path group. This callback routine should be passed to the keyword argument "successor_func" of PathGroup.step(). :param path: A Path instance. :return: A list of all feasible Path successors. """ whitelist = self.get_whitelisted_statements(path.addr) self.get_last_statement_index(path.addr) # pass in those arguments successors = path.step(stmt_whitelist=whitelist, last_stmt=None) # further filter successors based on the annotated CFG taken_successors = [] for suc in successors: try: taken = self.should_take_exit(path.addr, suc.addr) except AngrExitError: l.debug("Got an unknown exit that AnnotatedCFG does not know about: %#x -> %#x", path.addr, suc.addr) continue if taken: taken_successors.append(suc) return taken_successors
# # Overridden methods # def __getstate__(self): state = {} state["_run_statement_whitelist"] = self._run_statement_whitelist state["_exit_taken"] = self._exit_taken # state['_addr_to_run'] = self._addr_to_run state["_addr_to_last_stmt_id"] = self._addr_to_last_stmt_id state["_loops"] = self._loops state["_path_merge_points"] = self._path_merge_points state["_cfg"] = None state["_project"] = None state["_addr_to_run"] = None return state # # Private methods # def _detect_loops(self): temp_graph = networkx.DiGraph() for source, target_list in self._cfg._edge_map.items(): for target in target_list: temp_graph.add_edge(source, target) ctr = 0 for loop_lst in networkx.simple_cycles(temp_graph): l.debug("A loop is found. %d", ctr) ctr += 1 loop = tuple(x[-1] for x in loop_lst) print(" => ".join(["0x%08x" % x for x in loop])) self.add_loop(loop)