Source code for angr.analyses.reaching_definitions.reaching_definitions

import logging
from typing import Optional, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Tuple, Set, Any, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections import defaultdict

import ailment
import pyvex
from ..forward_analysis.visitors.graph import NodeType

from ...block import Block
from ...knowledge_plugins.cfg.cfg_node import CFGNode
from ...codenode import CodeNode
from ...engines.light import SimEngineLight
from ...knowledge_plugins.functions import Function
from ...knowledge_plugins.key_definitions import ReachingDefinitionsModel, LiveDefinitions
from ...knowledge_plugins.key_definitions.constants import OP_BEFORE, OP_AFTER, ObservationPointType
from ...misc.ux import deprecated
from ..analysis import Analysis
from ..forward_analysis import ForwardAnalysis
from .engine_ail import SimEngineRDAIL
from .engine_vex import SimEngineRDVEX
from .rd_state import ReachingDefinitionsState
from .subject import Subject, SubjectType
from .function_handler import FunctionHandler

    from .dep_graph import DepGraph
    from typing import Literal, Iterable

    ObservationPoint = Tuple[Literal["insn", "node", "stmt"], Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], ObservationPointType]

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis( ForwardAnalysis[ReachingDefinitionsState, NodeType], Analysis ): # pylint:disable=abstract-method """ ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis is a text-book implementation of a static data-flow analysis that works on either a function or a block. It supports both VEX and AIL. By registering observers to observation points, users may use this analysis to generate use-def chains, def-use chains, and reaching definitions, and perform other traditional data-flow analyses such as liveness analysis. * I've always wanted to find a better name for this analysis. Now I gave up and decided to live with this name for the foreseeable future (until a better name is proposed by someone else). * Aliasing is definitely a problem, and I forgot how aliasing is resolved in this implementation. I'll leave this as a post-graduation TODO. * Some more documentation and examples would be nice. """ def __init__( self, subject: Union[Subject, ailment.Block, Block, Function] = None, func_graph=None, max_iterations=3, track_tmps=False, track_calls=None, track_consts=False, observation_points: "Iterable[ObservationPoint]" = None, init_state: ReachingDefinitionsState = None, cc=None, function_handler: "Optional[FunctionHandler]" = None, call_stack: Optional[List[int]] = None, maximum_local_call_depth=5, observe_all=False, visited_blocks=None, dep_graph: Optional["DepGraph"] = None, observe_callback=None, canonical_size=8, stack_pointer_tracker=None, ): """ :param subject: The subject of the analysis: a function, or a single basic block :param func_graph: Alternative graph for function.graph. :param int max_iterations: The maximum number of iterations before the analysis is terminated. :param bool track_tmps: Whether or not temporary variables should be taken into consideration during the analysis. :param bool track_calls: Whether or not calls will show up as elements in the def-use graph. :param iterable observation_points: A collection of tuples of ("node"|"insn", ins_addr, OP_TYPE) defining where reaching definitions should be copied and stored. OP_TYPE can be OP_BEFORE or OP_AFTER. :param init_state: An optional initialization state. The analysis creates and works on a copy. Default to None: the analysis then initialize its own abstract state, based on the given <Subject>. :param SimCC cc: Calling convention of the function. :param FunctionHandler function_handler: The function handler to update the analysis state and results on function calls. :param call_stack: An ordered list of Function addresses representing the call stack leading to the analysed subject, from older to newer calls. Setting it to None to limit the analysis to a single function and disable call stack tracking; In that case, all contexts in CodeLocation will be None, which makes CodeLocation objects contextless. :param int maximum_local_call_depth: Maximum local function recursion depth. :param Boolean observe_all: Observe every statement, both before and after. :param visited_blocks: A set of previously visited blocks. :param dep_graph: An initial dependency graph to add the result of the analysis to. Set it to None to skip dependency graph generation. :param canonical_size: The sizes (in bytes) that objects with an UNKNOWN_SIZE are treated as for operations where sizes are necessary. """ if not isinstance(subject, Subject): self._subject = Subject(subject, func_graph, cc) else: self._subject = subject self._graph_visitor = self._subject.visitor ForwardAnalysis.__init__( self, order_jobs=True, allow_merging=True, allow_widening=False, graph_visitor=self._graph_visitor ) self._track_tmps = track_tmps self._track_calls = track_calls self._track_consts = track_consts self._max_iterations = max_iterations self._observation_points = observation_points self._init_state = init_state self._maximum_local_call_depth = maximum_local_call_depth self._canonical_size = canonical_size self._dep_graph = dep_graph if function_handler is None: self._function_handler = FunctionHandler().hook(self) else: self._function_handler = function_handler.hook(self) self._call_stack: Optional[List[int]] = None if call_stack is not None: self._call_stack = self._init_call_stack(call_stack, subject) if self._init_state is not None: self._init_state = self._init_state.copy() self._init_state.analysis = self self._observe_all = observe_all self._observe_callback = observe_callback # sanity check if self._observation_points and any(type(op) is not tuple for op in self._observation_points): raise ValueError('"observation_points" must be tuples.') self._node_iterations: DefaultDict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) self._engine_vex = SimEngineRDVEX( self.project, self._call_stack, self._maximum_local_call_depth, functions=self.kb.functions, function_handler=self._function_handler, ) self._engine_ail = SimEngineRDAIL( self.project, self._call_stack, self._maximum_local_call_depth, function_handler=self._function_handler, stack_pointer_tracker=stack_pointer_tracker, ) self._visited_blocks: Set[Any] = visited_blocks or set() self.model: ReachingDefinitionsModel = ReachingDefinitionsModel( func_addr=self.subject.content.addr if isinstance(self.subject.content, Function) else None ) self._analyze() def _init_call_stack(self, call_stack: List[int], subject) -> List[int]: if self._subject.type == SubjectType.Function: return call_stack + [subject.addr] elif self._subject.type == SubjectType.Block: cfg = self.kb.cfgs.get_most_accurate() if cfg is None: # no CFG exists return call_stack cfg_node = cfg.get_any_node(subject.addr) if cfg_node is None: # we don't know which function this node belongs to return call_stack function_address = cfg_node.function_address function = self.kb.functions.function(function_address) if len(call_stack) > 0 and call_stack[-1] == function.addr: return call_stack else: return call_stack + [function.addr] elif self._subject.type == SubjectType.CallTrace: return call_stack + [self._subject.content.current_function_address()] else: raise ValueError("Unexpected subject type %s." % self._subject.type) @property def observed_results(self) -> Dict[Tuple[str, int, int], LiveDefinitions]: return self.model.observed_results @property def all_definitions(self): return self.model.all_definitions @all_definitions.setter def all_definitions(self, v): self.model.all_definitions = v @property def all_uses(self): return self.model.all_uses @property def one_result(self): if not self.observed_results: raise ValueError("No result is available.") if len(self.observed_results) != 1: raise ValueError("More than one results are available.") return next(iter(self.observed_results.values())) @property def dep_graph(self): return self._dep_graph @property def visited_blocks(self): return self._visited_blocks def _current_local_call_depth(self): return len(self._call_stack) @deprecated(replacement="get_reaching_definitions_by_insn") def get_reaching_definitions(self, ins_addr, op_type): return self.get_reaching_definitions_by_insn(ins_addr, op_type)
[docs] def get_reaching_definitions_by_insn(self, ins_addr, op_type): key = "insn", ins_addr, op_type if key not in self.observed_results: raise KeyError( ( "Reaching definitions are not available at observation point %s. " "Did you specify that observation point?" ) % key ) return self.observed_results[key]
[docs] def get_reaching_definitions_by_node(self, node_addr, op_type): key = "node", node_addr, op_type if key not in self.observed_results: raise KeyError( "Reaching definitions are not available at observation point %s. " "Did you specify that observation point?" % str(key) ) return self.observed_results[key]
[docs] def node_observe(self, node_addr: int, state: ReachingDefinitionsState, op_type: ObservationPointType) -> None: """ :param node_addr: Address of the node. :param state: The analysis state. :param op_type: Type of the bbservation point. Must be one of the following: OP_BEFORE, OP_AFTER. """ key = None observe = False if self._observe_all: observe = True key: ObservationPoint = ("node", node_addr, op_type) elif self._observation_points is not None: key: ObservationPoint = ("node", node_addr, op_type) if key in self._observation_points: observe = True elif self._observe_callback is not None: observe = self._observe_callback("node", addr=node_addr, state=state, op_type=op_type) if observe: key: ObservationPoint = ("node", node_addr, op_type) if observe: self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions
[docs] def insn_observe( self, insn_addr: int, stmt: Union[ailment.Stmt.Statement, pyvex.stmt.IRStmt], block: Union[Block, ailment.Block], state: ReachingDefinitionsState, op_type: ObservationPointType, ) -> None: """ :param insn_addr: Address of the instruction. :param stmt: The statement. :param block: The current block. :param state: The abstract analysis state. :param op_type: Type of the observation point. Must be one of the following: OP_BEORE, OP_AFTER. """ key = None observe = False if self._observe_all: observe = True key: ObservationPoint = ("insn", insn_addr, op_type) elif self._observation_points is not None: key: ObservationPoint = ("insn", insn_addr, op_type) if key in self._observation_points: observe = True elif self._observe_callback is not None: observe = self._observe_callback( "insn", addr=insn_addr, stmt=stmt, block=block, state=state, op_type=op_type ) if observe: key: ObservationPoint = ("insn", insn_addr, op_type) if not observe: return if isinstance(stmt, pyvex.stmt.IRStmt): # it's an angr block vex_block = block.vex # OP_BEFORE: stmt has to be IMark if op_type == OP_BEFORE and type(stmt) is pyvex.stmt.IMark: self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions.copy() # OP_AFTER: stmt has to be last stmt of block or next stmt has to be IMark elif op_type == OP_AFTER: idx = vex_block.statements.index(stmt) if idx == len(vex_block.statements) - 1 or type(vex_block.statements[idx + 1]) is pyvex.IRStmt.IMark: self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions.copy() elif isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Statement): # it's an AIL block self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions.copy()
[docs] def stmt_observe( self, stmt_idx: int, stmt: Union[ailment.Stmt.Statement, pyvex.stmt.IRStmt], block: Union[Block, ailment.Block], state: ReachingDefinitionsState, op_type: ObservationPointType, ) -> None: """ :param stmt_idx: :param stmt: :param block: :param state: :param op_type: :return: """ key = None observe = False if self._observe_all: observe = True key: ObservationPoint = ("stmt", (block.addr, stmt_idx), op_type) elif self._observation_points is not None: key: ObservationPoint = ("stmt", (block.addr, stmt_idx), op_type) if key in self._observation_points: observe = True elif self._observe_callback is not None: observe = self._observe_callback( "stmt", stmt_idx=stmt_idx, stmt=stmt, block=block, state=state, op_type=op_type ) if observe: key: ObservationPoint = ("stmt", (block.addr, stmt_idx), op_type) if not observe: return if isinstance(stmt, pyvex.stmt.IRStmt): # it's an angr block self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions.copy() elif isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Statement): # it's an AIL block self.observed_results[key] = state.live_definitions.copy()
@property def subject(self): return self._subject # # Main analysis routines # def _pre_analysis(self): pass def _initial_abstract_state(self, _node) -> ReachingDefinitionsState: if self._init_state is not None: return self._init_state else: return ReachingDefinitionsState( self.project.arch, self.subject, track_tmps=self._track_tmps, track_calls=self._track_calls, track_consts=self._track_consts, analysis=self, canonical_size=self._canonical_size, ) # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _merge_states(self, _node, *states: ReachingDefinitionsState): merged_state, merge_occurred = states[0].merge(*states[1:]) return merged_state, not merge_occurred def _run_on_node(self, node, state: ReachingDefinitionsState): """ :param node: The current node. :param state: The analysis state. :return: A tuple: (reached fix-point, successor state) """ self._visited_blocks.add(node) engine: SimEngineLight if isinstance(node, ailment.Block): block = node engine = self._engine_ail elif isinstance(node, (Block, CodeNode)): block = self.project.factory.block(node.addr, node.size, opt_level=1, cross_insn_opt=False) engine = self._engine_vex elif isinstance(node, CFGNode): if node.is_simprocedure or node.is_syscall: return False, state.copy() block = node.block engine = self._engine_vex else: l.warning("Unsupported node type %s.", node.__class__) return False, state.copy() self.node_observe(node.addr, state, OP_BEFORE) state = state.copy() state, self._visited_blocks, self._dep_graph = engine.process( state, block=block, fail_fast=self._fail_fast, visited_blocks=self._visited_blocks, dep_graph=self._dep_graph, ) block_key = node.addr self._node_iterations[block_key] += 1 self.node_observe(node.addr, state, OP_AFTER) # update all definitions and all uses self.all_definitions |= state.all_definitions for use in [state.stack_uses, state.heap_uses, state.register_uses, state.memory_uses]: self.all_uses.merge(use) if self._node_iterations[block_key] < self._max_iterations: return True, state else: return False, state def _intra_analysis(self): pass def _post_analysis(self): pass