Source code for angr.analyses.propagator.prop_value

from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Iterable, Generator, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import claripy
import ailment

    from ...code_location import CodeLocation

[docs]class Detail: """ A companion class used together with PropValue. It describes stored information at each offset (in bytes). :ivar def_at: Where this expression is defined, or None if it was never explicitly defined in the current block or the current function. """ __slots__ = ("size", "expr", "def_at") def __init__(self, size: int, expr: Optional[ailment.Expression], def_at: Optional["CodeLocation"]): self.size = size self.expr = expr self.def_at = def_at def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.size:x}: {self.expr}@{self.def_at}"
# The base value
[docs]class PropValue: """ Describes immutable basic value type that is used in Propagator. """ __slots__ = ( "value", "offset_and_details", ) def __init__(self, value: claripy.ast.Bits, offset_and_details: Optional[Dict[int, Detail]] = None): self.value = value self.offset_and_details = offset_and_details @property def needs_details(self): return not bool(self.offset_and_details) @property def one_expr(self) -> Optional[ailment.Expression]: """ Get the expression that starts at offset 0 and covers the entire PropValue. Returns None if there are no expressions or multiple expressions. """ if self.offset_and_details and len(self.offset_and_details) == 1: if 0 in self.offset_and_details: detail = self.offset_and_details[0] if detail.size == self.value.size() // 8: return detail.expr return None @property def one_defat(self) -> Optional["CodeLocation"]: """ Get the definition location of the expression that starts at offset 0 and covers the entire PropValue. Returns None if there are no expressions or multiple expressions. """ if self.offset_and_details and len(self.offset_and_details) == 1: if 0 in self.offset_and_details: detail = self.offset_and_details[0] if detail.size == self.value.size() // 8: return detail.def_at return None
[docs] def to_label(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def with_details(self, size: int, expr: ailment.Expression, def_at: "CodeLocation") -> "PropValue": return PropValue(self.value, offset_and_details={0: Detail(size, expr, def_at)})
[docs] def all_exprs(self) -> Generator[ailment.Expression, None, None]: if not self.offset_and_details: return for detail in self.offset_and_details.values(): yield detail.expr
[docs] def non_zero_exprs(self) -> Generator[ailment.Expression, None, None]: if not self.offset_and_details: return for detail in self.offset_and_details.values(): if isinstance(detail.expr, ailment.Expr.Const) and detail.expr.value == 0: continue yield detail.expr
[docs] @staticmethod def chop_value(value: claripy.ast.Bits, begin_offset, end_offset) -> claripy.ast.Bits: chop_start = value.size() - begin_offset * 8 - 1 chop_end = value.size() - end_offset * 8 if chop_end - chop_start + 1 == value.size(): # fast path: no chopping return value if isinstance(value, claripy.ast.FP): # converting the FP value to an AST so that we can chop value = claripy.fpToIEEEBV(value) return value[chop_start:chop_end]
[docs] def value_and_labels(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, claripy.ast.Bits, int, Optional[Dict]], None, None]: if not self.offset_and_details: return keys = list(sorted(self.offset_and_details.keys())) if keys[0] != 0: # missing details at 0 yield 0, self.chop_value(self.value, 0, keys[0]), keys[0], None end_offset = 0 for idx, offset in enumerate(keys): detail = self.offset_and_details[offset] end_offset = offset + detail.size label = {"expr": detail.expr, "def_at": detail.def_at} yield offset, self.chop_value(self.value, offset, end_offset), end_offset - offset, label # gap detection if idx != len(keys) - 1: next_offset = keys[idx + 1] if end_offset != next_offset: yield end_offset, self.chop_value( self.value, end_offset, next_offset ), next_offset - end_offset, None # final gap detection if end_offset < self.value.size() // 8: yield end_offset, self.chop_value( self.value, end_offset, self.value.size() // 8 ), self.value.size() // 8 - end_offset, None
[docs] @staticmethod def from_value_and_labels( value: claripy.ast.Bits, labels: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> "PropValue": if not labels: return PropValue(value) offset_and_details = {} for offset, offset_in_expr, size, label in labels: expr = label["expr"] if expr is not None: if offset_in_expr != 0: expr = PropValue.extract_ail_expression(offset_in_expr * 8, size * 8, expr) elif size < expr.size: expr = PropValue.extract_ail_expression(0, size * 8, expr) elif size > expr.size: expr = PropValue.extend_ail_expression((size - expr.size) * 8, expr) offset_and_details[offset] = Detail(size, expr, label["def_at"]) return PropValue(value, offset_and_details=offset_and_details)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_value_and_details(value: claripy.ast.Bits, size: int, expr: ailment.Expression, def_at: "CodeLocation"): d = Detail(size, expr, def_at) return PropValue(value, offset_and_details={0: d})
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_ail_expression( start: int, bits: int, expr: Optional[ailment.Expr.Expression] ) -> Optional[ailment.Expr.Expression]: if expr is None: return None if isinstance(expr, ailment.Expr.Const): mask = (1 << bits) - 1 return ailment.Expr.Const(expr.idx, expr.variable, (expr.value >> start) & mask, bits, **expr.tags) if start == 0: return ailment.Expr.Convert(None, expr.bits, bits, False, expr) else: a = ailment.Expr.BinaryOp(None, "Shr", (expr, ailment.Expr.Const(None, None, bits, expr.bits)), False) return ailment.Expr.Convert(None, a.bits, bits, False, a)
[docs] @staticmethod def extend_ail_expression(bits: int, expr: Optional[ailment.Expr.Expression]) -> Optional[ailment.Expr.Expression]: if expr is None: return None if isinstance(expr, ailment.Expr.Const): return ailment.Expr.Const(expr.idx, expr.variable, expr.value, bits + expr.bits, **expr.tags) elif isinstance(expr, ailment.Expr.Convert): return ailment.Expr.Convert(None, expr.from_bits, bits + expr.to_bits, False, expr.operand, **expr.tags) return ailment.Expr.Convert(None, expr.bits, bits + expr.bits, False, expr)