Source code for angr.analyses.flirt

from typing import Union, List, Dict, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

import nampa
from archinfo.arch_arm import is_arm_arch

from ..analyses import AnalysesHub
from .analysis import Analysis

    from angr.knowledge_plugins.functions import Function

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)


[docs]class FlirtAnalysis(Analysis): """ FlirtAnalysis accomplishes two purposes: - If a FLIRT signature file is specified, it will match the given signature file against the current binary and rename recognized functions accordingly. - If no FLIRT signature file is specified, it will use strings to determine possible libraries embedded in the current binary, and then match all possible signatures for the architecture. """ def __init__(self, sig: Optional[Union[FlirtSignature, str]] = None): self._is_arm = is_arm_arch(self.project.arch) self._all_suggestions: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]] = {} self._suggestions: Dict[int, str] = {} self.matched_suggestions: Dict[str, Tuple[FlirtSignature, Dict[int, str]]] = {} self._temporary_sig = False if sig: if isinstance(sig, str): # this is a file path sig = FlirtSignature(,, "Temporary", sig, None ) self.signatures = [sig] self._temporary_sig = True else: if not FLIRT_SIGNATURES_BY_ARCH: raise RuntimeError( "No FLIRT signatures exist. Please load FLIRT signatures by calling " "load_signatures() before running FlirtAnalysis." ) # determine all signatures to match against strings in mapped memory regions mem_regions = [ self.project.loader.memory.load(seg.vaddr, seg.memsize) for seg in self.project.loader.main_object.segments if seg.filesize > 0 and seg.memsize > 0 ] self.signatures = list(self._find_hits_by_strings(mem_regions)) _l.debug("Identified %d signatures to apply.", len(self.signatures)) path_to_sig: Dict[str, FlirtSignature] = {} for sig_ in self.signatures: self._match_all_against_one_signature(sig_) if sig_.sig_name not in self._all_suggestions: self._all_suggestions[sig_.sig_name] = {} path_to_sig[sig_.sig_path] = sig_ self._all_suggestions[sig_.sig_name][sig_.sig_path] = self._suggestions self._suggestions = {} for lib, sig_to_suggestions in self._all_suggestions.items(): max_suggestions = None max_suggestion_sig_path = None for sig_, suggestion in sig_to_suggestions.items(): _l.debug("Signature %s has %d function name suggestions.", sig_, len(suggestion)) if max_suggestions is None or len(suggestion) > max_suggestions: max_suggestion_sig_path = sig_ max_suggestions = len(suggestion) if max_suggestion_sig_path is not None: sig_ = path_to_sig.get(max_suggestion_sig_path, None)"Applying FLIRT signature %s for library %s.", sig_, lib) self._apply_changes( sig_.sig_name if not self._temporary_sig else None, sig_to_suggestions[max_suggestion_sig_path] ) self.matched_suggestions[lib] = (sig_, sig_to_suggestions[max_suggestion_sig_path]) def _find_hits_by_strings(self, regions: List[bytes]) -> List[FlirtSignature]: library_hits: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) for s, libs in STRING_TO_LIBRARIES.items(): for region in regions: if s.encode("ascii") in region: for lib in libs: library_hits[lib] += 1 # sort libraries based on the number of hits sorted_libraries = sorted(library_hits.keys(), key=lambda lib: library_hits[lib], reverse=True) arch_lowercase = for lib in sorted_libraries: for sig in LIBRARY_TO_SIGNATURES[lib]: if sig.arch == arch_lowercase: yield sig elif sig.arch == "armel" and self._is_arm: # ARMHF may use ARMEL libraries yield sig def _match_all_against_one_signature(self, sig: FlirtSignature): # match each function self._suggestions = {} with open(sig.sig_path, "rb") as sigfile: flirt = nampa.parse_flirt_file(sigfile) for func in self.project.kb.functions.values(): func: "Function" if func.is_simprocedure or func.is_plt: continue if not func.is_default_name: # it already has a name. skip continue start = func.addr if self._is_arm: start = start & 0xFFFF_FFFE max_block_addr = max(func.block_addrs_set) end_block = func.get_block(max_block_addr) end = max_block_addr + end_block.size if self._is_arm: end = end & 0xFFFF_FFFE # load all bytes func_bytes = self.project.loader.memory.load(start, end - start + 0x100) _callback = partial(self._on_func_matched, func) nampa.match_function(flirt, func_bytes, start, _callback) def _on_func_matched(self, func: "Function", base_addr: int, flirt_func: "nampa.FlirtFunction"): func_addr = base_addr + flirt_func.offset _l.debug( "_on_func_matched() is called with func_addr %#x with a suggested name %s.", func_addr, ) if func_addr != base_addr: # get the correct function func = None try: func = self.kb.functions.get_by_addr(func_addr) except KeyError: # the function is not found. Try the THUMB version if self._is_arm: try: func = self.kb.functions.get_by_addr(func_addr + 1) except KeyError: pass if func is None: _l.debug( "FlirtAnalysis identified a function at %#x but it does not exist in function manager.", func_addr ) return if func.is_default_name: # set the function name # TODO: Make sure function names do not conflict with existing ones _l.debug("Identified %s @ %#x (%#x-%#x)",, func_addr, base_addr, flirt_func.offset) if != "?": func_name = else: func_name = f"unknown_function_{func.addr:x}" self._suggestions[func.addr] = func_name def _apply_changes(self, library_name: Optional[str], suggestion: Dict[int, str]) -> None: for func_addr, suggested_name in suggestion.items(): func = self.kb.functions.get_by_addr(func_addr) = suggested_name func.is_default_name = False func.from_signature = "flirt" func.find_declaration(ignore_binary_name=True, binary_name_hint=library_name)
AnalysesHub.register_default("Flirt", FlirtAnalysis)