Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.structured_codegen.dwarf_import

import os
import re
import logging
from sortedcontainers import SortedList

from ... import Analysis, register_analysis
from .base import BaseStructuredCodeGenerator, InstructionMapping, PositionMapping
from ....knowledge_plugins.functions.function import Function

l = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ImportedLine: def __init__(self, addr): self.tags = {"ins_addr": addr}
[docs]class ImportSourceCode(BaseStructuredCodeGenerator, Analysis): def __init__(self, function, flavor="source", source_root=None, encoding="utf-8"): super().__init__(flavor=flavor) if isinstance(function, (int, str)): function = self.kb.functions[function] self.function: Function = function self._source_root = source_root self._encoding = encoding self.regenerate_text() if flavor is not None and self.text: self.kb.structured_code[(function.addr, flavor)] = self
[docs] def regenerate_text(self): cache = {} ranges = self._compute_function_ranges(cache=cache) line_to_addr = self._compute_line_to_addr(ranges) self.stmt_posmap = PositionMapping() self.insmap = InstructionMapping() pos = 0 all_lines = [] for filename, range_start, range_end in ranges: these_lines = self._open_file(filename)[range_start - 1 : range_end - 1 + 1] all_lines.extend(these_lines) for idx, line_text in enumerate(these_lines): addr = line_to_addr[(filename, range_start + idx)] if addr is not None: self.stmt_posmap.add_mapping(pos, len(line_text), ImportedLine(addr)) self.insmap.add_mapping(addr, pos + len(line_text) - len(line_text.lstrip(" \t"))) pos += len(line_text) self.text = "".join(all_lines)
def _locate_file(self, filename): if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename if self._source_root is None: return None filename = filename.strip("/\\") path_keys = re.split("[/\\\\]", filename) for i in range(len(path_keys)): maybe_path = os.path.join(self._source_root, *path_keys[i:]) if os.path.isfile(maybe_path): return maybe_path return None def _open_file(self, name, cache=None): if cache is None: cache = {} if name in cache: return cache[name] local_name = self._locate_file(name) if local_name is None: l.warning("Could not find a local copy of %s", name) cache[name] = None return None with open(local_name, encoding=self._encoding) as fp: line_data = fp.readlines() cache[name] = line_data return line_data def _compute_function_ranges(self, cache=None): if cache is None: cache = {} obj = self.project.loader.find_object_containing(self.function.addr) if obj is None: l.warning("No object contains function %s", return [] if self.function.addr not in obj.addr_to_line:"No line data for function %s", return [] lines = SortedList() for block in self.function.blocks: for insn in block.instruction_addrs: if insn in obj.addr_to_line: lines.add((*obj.addr_to_line[insn], insn)) ranges = [] for filename, line, _ in lines: if any(r[0] == filename and r[1] <= line <= r[2] for r in ranges): continue file_lines = self._open_file(filename, cache=cache) if file_lines is None: continue if line - 1 >= len(file_lines) or line - 1 < 0: # a non-existent line number is specified. skip this record l.warning( "Line number %d does not exist in file %s. It might be the wrong source code file.", line, filename ) continue range_start = line range_end = line # find the first { on the line # find the matching } # scan backwards for any lines that aren't blank and don't have {}; on them # scan forwards for any lines continued via \ col = file_lines[range_start - 1].find("{") if col != -1: col += 1 stack = 1 while range_end - 1 < len(file_lines): while col < len(file_lines[range_end - 1]): ch = file_lines[range_end - 1][col] if ch == "{": stack += 1 elif ch == "}": stack -= 1 if stack == 0: break col += 1 else: col = 0 range_end += 1 continue break maybe_prev_line = range_start - 1 while maybe_prev_line >= 0: linedata = file_lines[maybe_prev_line - 1].strip() if linedata and not any(c in linedata for c in "{};"): range_start = maybe_prev_line maybe_prev_line -= 1 else: break while range_end - 1 < len(file_lines) - 1: linedata = file_lines[range_end - 1].strip() if linedata.endswith("\\"): range_end += 1 else: break if any( r[0] == filename and (r[1] <= range_start <= r[2] or range_start <= r[1] <= range_end) for r in ranges ): l.error("Detected line ranges are overlapping?") ranges.append((filename, range_start, range_end)) return ranges def _compute_line_to_addr(self, ranges): result = {} for filename, range_start, range_end in ranges: for line in range(range_start, range_end + 1): result[(filename, line)] = None obj = self.project.loader.find_object_containing(self.function.addr) if obj is None: l.error("There is a function whose address does not correspond to any loaded object") return {} for addr, filename_line in obj.addr_to_line.items(): if filename_line in result: result[filename_line] = addr return result
register_analysis(ImportSourceCode, "ImportSourceCode")