Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.optimization_passes.x86_gcc_getpc_simplifier

from typing import Tuple, List, Any
import logging

import ailment

from .optimization_pass import OptimizationPass, OptimizationPassStage

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class X86GccGetPcSimplifier(OptimizationPass): """ Simplifies __x86.get_pc_thunk calls. """ ARCHES = ["X86"] PLATFORMS = ["linux"] STAGE = OptimizationPassStage.AFTER_SINGLE_BLOCK_SIMPLIFICATION NAME = "Simplify getpc()" DESCRIPTION = __doc__.strip() def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): super().__init__(func, **kwargs) self.analyze() def _check(self): getpc_calls = self._find_getpc_calls() return bool(getpc_calls), { "getpc_calls": getpc_calls, } def _analyze(self, cache=None): getpc_calls = None if cache is not None: getpc_calls = cache.get("getpc_calls", None) if getpc_calls is None: getpc_calls = self._find_getpc_calls() if not getpc_calls: return # update each block for block_key, stmt_idx, getpc_reg, getpc_reg_value in getpc_calls: pcreg_offset = self.project.arch.registers[getpc_reg][0] old_block = self.blocks_by_addr_and_idx[block_key] block = old_block.copy() old_stmt = block.statements[stmt_idx] block.statements[stmt_idx] = ailment.Stmt.Assignment( old_stmt.idx, ailment.Expr.Register(None, None, pcreg_offset, 32, reg_name=getpc_reg), ailment.Expr.Const(None, None, getpc_reg_value, 32), **old_stmt.tags, ) # remove the statement that pushes return address onto the stack if stmt_idx > 0 and isinstance(block.statements[stmt_idx - 1], ailment.Stmt.Store): block.statements = block.statements[: stmt_idx - 1] + block.statements[stmt_idx:] self._update_block(old_block, block) def _find_getpc_calls(self) -> List[Tuple[Any, int, str, int]]: """ Find all blocks that are calling __x86.get_pc_thunk functions. :return: A list of tuples. Each tuple is in the form of (block_key, statement ID, pc-storing register, value of the pc-storing register). """ results = [] for key, block in self._blocks_by_addr_and_idx.items(): if ( block.statements and isinstance(block.statements[-1], ailment.Stmt.Call) and isinstance(block.statements[-1].target, ailment.Expr.Const) ): call_func_addr = block.statements[-1].target.value call_func = self.kb.functions.get_by_addr(call_func_addr) if "get_pc" in results.append( (key, len(block.statements) - 1,["get_pc"], block.addr + block.original_size), ) return results