Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.optimization_passes.register_save_area_simplifier

from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable, Dict
import logging

import archinfo
import ailment

from ....calling_conventions import SimRegArg
from ....code_location import CodeLocation
from .optimization_pass import OptimizationPass, OptimizationPassStage

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]def s2u(s, bits): if s > 0: return s return (1 << bits) + s
[docs]class RegisterSaveAreaSimplifier(OptimizationPass): """ Optimizes away register spilling effects, including callee-saved registers. """ ARCHES = [ "X86", "AMD64", "ARM", "ARMEL", "ARMHF", "ARMCortexM", "MIPS32", "MIPS64", ] PLATFORMS = ["cgc", "linux"] STAGE = OptimizationPassStage.AFTER_GLOBAL_SIMPLIFICATION NAME = "Simplify register save areas" DESCRIPTION = __doc__.strip() def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): super().__init__(func, **kwargs) self.analyze() def _check(self): # Check the first block to see what external registers are stored on the stack stored_info = self._find_registers_stored_on_stack() if not stored_info: return False, None # Check all return sites to see what external registers are restored to registers from the stack restored_info = self._find_registers_restored_from_stack() if not restored_info: return False, None # Find common registers and stack offsets info = self._intersect_register_info(stored_info, restored_info) return bool(info), {"info": info} def _analyze(self, cache=None): def _remove_statement(old_block, stmt_idx_: int, updated_blocks_): if old_block not in updated_blocks_: block = old_block.copy() updated_blocks[old_block] = block else: block = updated_blocks[old_block] block.statements[stmt_idx_] = None if cache is None: return info: Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, CodeLocation]]]] = cache["info"] updated_blocks = {} for data in info.values(): # remove storing statements for _, codeloc in data["stored"]: old_block = self._get_block(codeloc.block_addr, idx=codeloc.block_idx) _remove_statement(old_block, codeloc.stmt_idx, updated_blocks) for _, codeloc in data["restored"]: old_block = self._get_block(codeloc.block_addr, idx=codeloc.block_idx) _remove_statement(old_block, codeloc.stmt_idx, updated_blocks) for old_block, new_block in updated_blocks.items(): # remove all statements that are None new_block.statements = [stmt for stmt in new_block.statements if stmt is not None] # update it self._update_block(old_block, new_block) def _find_registers_stored_on_stack(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, CodeLocation]]: first_block = self._get_block(self._func.addr) if first_block is None: return [] results = [] for idx, stmt in enumerate(first_block.statements): if ( isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Store) and isinstance(stmt.addr, ailment.Expr.StackBaseOffset) and isinstance(, ailment.Expr.Register) ): # it's storing registers to the stack! stack_offset = stmt.addr.offset reg_offset = codeloc = CodeLocation(first_block.addr, idx, block_idx=first_block.idx, ins_addr=stmt.ins_addr) results.append((reg_offset, stack_offset, codeloc)) return results def _find_registers_restored_from_stack(self) -> List[List[Tuple[int, int, CodeLocation]]]: all_results = [] for ret_site in self._func.ret_sites + self._func.jumpout_sites: for block in self._get_blocks(ret_site.addr): results = [] for idx, stmt in enumerate(block.statements): if ( isinstance(stmt, ailment.Stmt.Assignment) and isinstance(stmt.dst, ailment.Expr.Register) and isinstance(stmt.src, ailment.Expr.Load) and isinstance(stmt.src.addr, ailment.Expr.StackBaseOffset) ): stack_offset = stmt.src.addr.offset reg_offset = stmt.dst.reg_offset codeloc = CodeLocation(block.addr, idx, block_idx=block.idx, ins_addr=stmt.ins_addr) results.append((reg_offset, stack_offset, codeloc)) if results: all_results.append(results) return all_results def _intersect_register_info( self, stored: List[Tuple[int, int, CodeLocation]], restored: Iterable[List[Tuple[int, int, CodeLocation]]], ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, CodeLocation]]]]: def _collect(info: List[Tuple[int, int, CodeLocation]], output, keystr: str): for reg_offset, stack_offset, codeloc in info: if reg_offset not in output: output[reg_offset] = {} if keystr not in output[reg_offset]: output[reg_offset][keystr] = [] output[reg_offset][keystr].append((stack_offset, codeloc)) result: Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, CodeLocation]]]] = {} _collect(stored, result, "stored") for item in restored: _collect(item, result, "restored") # remove registers that are # (a) stored but not restored # (b) restored but not stored # (c) from different offsets # (d) the same as the return value register cc = self._func.calling_convention if cc is not None and isinstance(cc.RETURN_VAL, SimRegArg): ret_val_reg_offset = self.project.arch.registers[cc.RETURN_VAL.reg_name][0] else: ret_val_reg_offset = None # link register if archinfo.arch_arm.is_arm_arch(self.project.arch): lr_reg_offset = self.project.arch.registers["lr"][0] elif in {"MIPS32", "MIPS64"}: lr_reg_offset = self.project.arch.registers["ra"][0] elif in {"PPC32", "PPC64"}: lr_reg_offset = self.project.arch.registers["lr"][0] else: lr_reg_offset = None for reg in list(result.keys()): # stored link register should always be removed if lr_reg_offset is not None and reg == lr_reg_offset: if "restored" not in result[reg]: # add a dummy one result[reg]["restored"] = [] continue if ret_val_reg_offset is not None and reg == ret_val_reg_offset: # (d) del result[reg] continue info = result[reg] if len(info.keys()) != 2: # (a) or (b) del result[reg] continue stack_offsets = {stack_offset for stack_offset, _ in info["stored"]} | { stack_offset for stack_offset, _ in info["restored"] } if len(stack_offsets) != 1: # (c) del result[reg] continue return result