Welcome to angr's documentation! ================================ Welcome to angr's documentation! This documentation is intended to be a guide for learning angr, as well as a reference for the API. If you're new to angr, The angr team maintains a number of libraries that are used as part of angr. These libraries are: * `archinfo `_ - Information about CPU architectures * `pyvex `_ - Python bindings to the VEX IR * `pypcode `_ - Python bindings to the Pcode IR * `ailment `_ - angr's high-level intermediate language * `cle `_ - Many-platform binary loader * `claripy `_ - Solver abstraction layer angr also has a GUI! Check out `angr-management `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quickstart getting-started/index core-concepts/index analyses/index advanced-topics/index extending-angr/index examples faq appendix/index api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`