List of State Options ===================== State Modes ~~~~~~~~~~~ These may be enabled by passing ``mode=xxx`` to a state constructor. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Mode name - Description * - ``symbolic`` - The default mode. Useful for most emulation and analysis tasks. * - ``symbolic_approximating`` - Symbolic mode, but enables approximations for constraint solving. * - ``static`` - A preset useful for static analysis. The memory model becomes an abstract region-mapping system, "fake return" successors skipping calls are added, and more. * - ``fastpath`` - A preset for extremely lightweight static analysis. Executing will skip all intensive processing to give a quick view of the behavior of code. * - ``tracing`` - A preset for attempting to execute concretely through a program with a given input. Enables unicorn, enables resilience options, and will attempt to emulate access violations correctly. Option Sets ~~~~~~~~~~~ These are sets of options, found as ````. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Set name - Description * - ``common_options`` - Options necessary for basic execution * - ``symbolic`` - Options necessary for basic symbolic execution * - ``resilience`` - Options that harden angr's emulation against unsupported operations, attempting to carry on by treating the result as an unconstrained symbolic value and logging the occasion to ````. * - ``refs`` - Options that cause angr to keep a log of all the memory, register, and temporary references complete with dependency information in ``history.actions``. This option consumes a lot of memory, so be careful! * - ``approximation`` - Options that enable approximations of constraint solves via value-set analysis instead of calling into z3 * - ``simplification`` - Options that cause data to be run through z3's simplifiers before it reaches memory or register storage * - ``unicorn`` - Options that enable the unicorn engine for executing on concrete data Options ~~~~~~~ These are individual option objects, found as ``angr.options.XXX``. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Option name - Description - Sets - Modes - Implicit adds * - ``ABSTRACT_MEMORY`` - Use ``SimAbstractMemory`` to model memory as discrete regions - - ``static`` - * - ``ABSTRACT_SOLVER`` - Allow splitting constraint sets during simplification - - ``static`` - * - ``ACTION_DEPS`` - Track dependencies in SimActions - - - * - ``APPROXIMATE_GUARDS`` - Use VSA when evaluating guard conditions - - - * - ``APPROXIMATE_MEMORY_INDICES`` - Use VSA when evaluating memory indices - ``approximation`` - ``symbolic_approximating`` - * - ``APPROXIMATE_MEMORY_SIZES`` - Use VSA when evaluating memory load/store sizes - ``approximation`` - ``symbolic_approximating`` - * - ``APPROXIMATE_SATISFIABILITY`` - Use VSA when evaluating state satisfiability - ``approximation`` - ``symbolic_approximating`` - * - ``AST_DEPS`` - Enables dependency tracking for all claripy ASTs - - - During execution * - ``AUTO_REFS`` - An internal option used to track dependencies in SimProcedures - - - During execution * - ``AVOID_MULTIVALUED_READS`` - Return a symbolic value without touching memory for any read that has a symbolic address - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``AVOID_MULTIVALUED_WRITES`` - Do not perform any write that has a symbolic address - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``BEST_EFFORT_MEMORY_STORING`` - Handle huge writes of symbolic size by pretending they are actually smaller - - ``static``, ``fastpath`` - * - ``BREAK_SIRSB_END`` - Debug: trigger a breakpoint at the end of each block - - - * - ``BREAK_SIRSB_START`` - Debug: trigger a breakpoint at the start of each block - - - * - ``BREAK_SIRSTMT_END`` - Debug: trigger a breakpoint at the end of each IR statement - - - * - ``BREAK_SIRSTMT_START`` - Debug: trigger a breakpoint at the start of each IR statement - - - * - ``BYPASS_ERRORED_IRCCALL`` - Treat clean helpers that fail with errors as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_ERRORED_IROP`` - Treat operations that fail with errors as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_IRCCALL`` - Treat unsupported clean helpers as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_IRDIRTY`` - Treat unsupported dirty helpers as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_IREXPR`` - Treat unsupported IR expressions as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_IROP`` - Treat unsupported operations as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_IRSTMT`` - Treat unsupported IR statements as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_UNSUPPORTED_SYSCALL`` - Treat unsupported syscalls as returning unconstrained symbolic values - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``BYPASS_VERITESTING_EXCEPTIONS`` - Discard emulation errors during veritesting - ``resilience`` - ``fastpath``, ``tracing`` - * - ``CACHELESS_SOLVER`` - enable ``SolverCacheless`` - - - * - ``CALLLESS`` - Emulate call instructions as an unconstraining of the return value register - - - * - ``CGC_ENFORCE_FD`` - CGC: make sure all reads and writes go to stdin and stdout, respectively - - - * - ``CGC_NON_BLOCKING_FDS`` - CGC: always report "data available" in fdwait - - - * - ``CGC_NO_SYMBOLIC_RECEIVE_LENGTH`` - CGC: always read the maximum amount of data requested in the receive syscall - - - * - ``COMPOSITE_SOLVER`` - Enable ``SolverComposite`` for independent constraint set optimization - ``symbolic`` - all except ``static`` - * - ``CONCRETIZE`` - Concretize all symbolic expressions encountered during emulation - - - * - ``CONCRETIZE_SYMBOLIC_FILE_READ_SIZES`` - Concreteize the sizes of file reads - - - * - ``CONCRETIZE_SYMBOLIC_WRITE_SIZES`` - Concretize the sizes of symbolic writes to memory - - - * - ``CONSERVATIVE_READ_STRATEGY`` - Do not use SimConcretizationStrategyAny for reads; in case of read address concretization failures, return an unconstrained symbolic value - - - * - ``CONSERVATIVE_WRITE_STRATEGY`` - Do not use SimConcretizationStrategyAny for writes; in case of write address concretization failures, treat the store as a no-op - - - * - ``CONSTRAINT_TRACKING_IN_SOLVER`` - Set ``track=True`` for making claripy Solvers; enable use of ``unsat_core`` - - - * - ``COW_STATES`` - Copy states instead of mutating the initial state directly - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``DOWNSIZE_Z3`` - Downsize the claripy solver whenever possible to save memory - - - * - ``DO_CCALLS`` - Perform IR clean calls - ``symbolic`` - all except ``fastpath`` - * - ``DO_GETS`` - Perform IR register reads - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``DO_LOADS`` - Perform IR memory loads - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``DO_OPS`` - Perform IR computation operations - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``DO_PUTS`` - Perform IR register writes - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``DO_RET_EMULATION`` - For each ``Ijk_Call`` successor, add a corresponding ``Ijk_FakeRet`` successor - - ``static``, ``fastpath`` - * - ``DO_STORES`` - Perform IR memory stores - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``EFFICIENT_STATE_MERGING`` - Keep in memory any state that might be a common ancestor in a merge - - - Veritesting * - ``ENABLE_NX`` - When in conjunction with ``STRICT_PAGE_ACCESS``, raise a SimSegfaultException on executing non-executable memory - - - Automatically if supported * - ``EXCEPTION_HANDLING`` - Ask all SimExceptions raised during execution to be handled by the SimOS - - ``tracing`` - * - ``FAST_MEMORY`` - Use ``SimFastMemory`` for memory storage - - - * - ``FAST_REGISTERS`` - Use ``SimFastMemory`` for register storage - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``INITIALIZE_ZERO_REGISTERS`` - Treat the initial value of registers as zero instead of unconstrained symbolic - ``unicorn`` - ``tracing`` - * - ``KEEP_IP_SYMBOLIC`` - Don't try to concretize successor states with symbolic instruction pointers - - - * - ``KEEP_MEMORY_READS_DISCRETE`` - In abstract memory, handle failed loads by returning a DCIS? - - - * - ``LAZY_SOLVES`` - Don't check satisfiability until absolutely necessary - - - * - ``MEMORY_SYMBOLIC_BYTES_MAP`` - Maintain a mapping of symbolic variable to which memory address it "really" corresponds to, at the paged memory level? - - - * - ``NO_SYMBOLIC_JUMP_RESOLUTION`` - Do not attempt to flatten symbolic-ip successors into discrete targets - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``NO_SYMBOLIC_SYSCALL_RESOLUTION`` - Do not attempt to flatten symbolic-syscall-number successors into discrete targets - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``OPTIMIZE_IR`` - Use LibVEX's optimization - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``REGION_MAPPING`` - Maintain a mapping of symbolic variable to which memory region it corresponds to, at the abstract memory level - - ``static`` - * - ``REPLACEMENT_SOLVER`` - Enable ``SolverReplacement`` - - - * - ``REVERSE_MEMORY_HASH_MAP`` - Maintain a mapping from AST hash to which addresses it is present in - - - * - ``REVERSE_MEMORY_NAME_MAP`` - Maintain a mapping from symbolic variable name to which addresses it is present in, required for ``memory.replace_all`` - - ``static`` - * - ``SIMPLIFY_CONSTRAINTS`` - Run added constraints through z3's simplifcation - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_EXIT_GUARD`` - Run branch guards through z3's simplification - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_EXIT_STATE`` - Perform simplification on all successor states generated - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_EXIT_TARGET`` - Run jump/call/branch targets through z3's simplification - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_EXPRS`` - Run the results of IR expressions through z3's simplification - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_MEMORY_READS`` - Run the results of memory reads through z3's simplification - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_MEMORY_WRITES`` - Run values stored to memory through z3's simplification - ``simplification``, ``common_options`` - ``symbolic``, ``symbolic_approximating``, ``tracing`` - * - ``SIMPLIFY_REGISTER_READS`` - Run values read from registers through z3's simplification - - - * - ``SIMPLIFY_REGISTER_WRITES`` - Run values written to registers through z3's simplification - ``simplification``, ``common_options`` - ``symbolic``, ``symbolic_approximating``, ``tracing`` - * - ``SIMPLIFY_RETS`` - Run values returned from SimProcedures through z3's simplification - - - * - ``STRICT_PAGE_ACCESS`` - Raise a SimSegfaultException when attempting to interact with memory in a way not permitted by the current permissions - - ``tracing`` - * - ``SUPER_FASTPATH`` - Only execute the last four instructions of each block - - - * - ``SUPPORT_FLOATING_POINT`` - When disabled, throw an UnsupportedIROpError when encountering floating point operations - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``SYMBOLIC`` - Enable constraint solving? - ``symbolic`` - ``symbolic``, ``symbolic_approximating``, ``fastpath`` - * - ``SYMBOLIC_INITIAL_VALUES`` - make ``state.solver.Unconstrained`` return a symbolic value instead of zero - ``symbolic`` - all - * - ``SYMBOLIC_TEMPS`` - Treat each IR temporary as a symbolic variable; treat stores to them as constraint addition - - - * - ``SYMBOLIC_WRITE_ADDRESSES`` - Allow writes with symbolic addresses to be processed by concretization strategies; when disabled, only allow for variables annotated with the "multiwrite" annotation - - - * - ``TRACK_CONSTRAINTS`` - When disabled, don't keep any constraints added to the state - ``symbolic`` - all - * - ``TRACK_CONSTRAINT_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each constraint added - ``refs`` - - * - ``TRACK_JMP_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each jump or branch - ``refs`` - - * - ``TRACK_MEMORY_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each memory read and write - ``refs`` - - * - ``TRACK_MEMORY_MAPPING`` - Keep track of which pages are mapped into memory and which are not - ``common_options`` - all - * - ``TRACK_OP_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each IR operation - - ``fastpath`` - * - ``TRACK_REGISTER_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each register read and write - ``refs`` - - * - ``TRACK_SOLVER_VARIABLES`` - Maintain a listing of all the variables in all the constraints in the solver - - - * - ``TRACK_TMP_ACTIONS`` - Keep a SimAction for each temporary variable read and write - ``refs`` - - * - ``TRUE_RET_EMULATION_GUARD`` - With ``DO_RET_EMULATION``, add fake returns with guard condition true instead of false - - ``static`` - * - ``UNDER_CONSTRAINED_SYMEXEC`` - Enable under-constrained symbolic execution - - - * - ``UNICORN`` - Use unicorn engine to execute symbolically when data is concrete - ``unicorn`` - ``tracing`` - Oppologist * - ``UNICORN_AGGRESSIVE_CONCRETIZATION`` - Concretize any register variable unicorn tries to access - - - Oppologist * - ``UNICORN_HANDLE_TRANSMIT_SYSCALL`` - CGC: handle the transmit syscall without leaving unicorn - ``unicorn`` - ``tracing`` - * - ``UNICORN_SYM_REGS_SUPPORT`` - Attempt to stay in unicorn even in the presence of symbolic registers by checking that the tainted registers are unused at every step - ``unicorn`` - ``tracing`` - * - ``UNICORN_THRESHOLD_CONCRETIZATION`` - Concretize variables if they prevent unicorn from executing too often - - - * - ``UNICORN_TRACK_BBL_ADDRS`` - Keep ``state.history.bbl_addrs`` up to date when using unicorn - ``unicorn`` - ``tracing`` - * - ``UNICORN_TRACK_STACK_POINTERS`` - Track a list of the stack pointer's value at each block in ``state.scratch.stack_pointer_list`` - ``unicorn`` - - * - ``UNICORN_ZEROPAGE_GUARD`` - Prevent unicorn from mapping the zero page into memory - - - * - ``UNINITIALIZED_ACCESS_AWARENESS`` - Broken/unused? - - - * - ``UNSUPPORTED_BYPASS_ZERO_DEFAULT`` - When using the resilience options, return zero instead of an unconstrained symbol - - - * - ``USE_SIMPLIFIED_CCALLS`` - Use a "simplified" set of ccalls optimized for specific cases - - ``static`` - * - ``USE_SYSTEM_TIMES`` - In library functions and syscalls and hardware instructions accessing clock data, retrieve the real value from the host system. - - ``tracing`` - * - ``VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS`` - Debug: When performing approximations, ensure that the approximation is sound by calling into z3 - - - * - ``ZERO_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_MEMORY`` - Make the value of memory read from an uninitialized address zero instead of an unconstrained symbol - - ``tracing`` -