Source code for angr.state_plugins.posix

import logging

from .plugin import SimStatePlugin
from .filesystem import SimMount, Stat
from import SimFile, SimPacketsStream, Flags, SimFileDescriptor, SimFileDescriptorDuplex
from .. import sim_options as options

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

max_fds = 8192

[docs]class PosixDevFS(SimMount): # this'll be mounted at /dev
[docs] def get(self, path): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if path == ["stdin"]: return self.state.posix.fd.get(0, None) elif path == ["stdout"]: return self.state.posix.fd.get(1, None) elif path == ["stderr"]: return self.state.posix.fd.get(2, None) else: return None
[docs] def insert(self, path, simfile): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def delete(self, path): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def lookup(self, _): # disable=unused-argument return False
[docs] def merge(self, others, conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return False
[docs] def copy(self, _): return self # this holds no state!
[docs]class PosixProcFS(SimMount): """ The virtual file system mounted at /proc (as of now, on Linux). """
[docs] def get(self, path): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if path == [b"uptime"]: return SimFile(b"uptime", content=b"0 0") else: return None
[docs] def insert(self, path, simfile): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def delete(self, path): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def lookup(self, _): # disable=unused-argument return False
[docs] def merge(self, others, conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, arguments-differ return False
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return False
[docs] def copy(self, _): return self # this holds no state!
[docs]class SimSystemPosix(SimStatePlugin): """ Data storage and interaction mechanisms for states with an environment conforming to posix. Available as ``state.posix``. """ # __slots__ = [ 'maximum_symbolic_syscalls', 'files', 'max_length' ] # some posix constants SIG_BLOCK = 0 SIG_UNBLOCK = 1 SIG_SETMASK = 2 EPERM = 1 # /* Operation not permitted */ ENOENT = 2 # /* No such file or directory */ ESRCH = 3 # /* No such process */ EINTR = 4 # /* Interrupted system call */ EIO = 5 # /* I/O error */ ENXIO = 6 # /* No such device or address */ E2BIG = 7 # /* Argument list too long */ ENOEXEC = 8 # /* Exec format error */ EBADF = 9 # /* Bad file number */ ECHILD = 10 # /* No child processes */ EAGAIN = 11 # /* Try again */ ENOMEM = 12 # /* Out of memory */ EACCES = 13 # /* Permission denied */ EFAULT = 14 # /* Bad address */ ENOTBLK = 15 # /* Block device required */ EBUSY = 16 # /* Device or resource busy */ EEXIST = 17 # /* File exists */ EXDEV = 18 # /* Cross-device link */ ENODEV = 19 # /* No such device */ ENOTDIR = 20 # /* Not a directory */ EISDIR = 21 # /* Is a directory */ EINVAL = 22 # /* Invalid argument */ ENFILE = 23 # /* File table overflow */ EMFILE = 24 # /* Too many open files */ ENOTTY = 25 # /* Not a typewriter */ ETXTBSY = 26 # /* Text file busy */ EFBIG = 27 # /* File too large */ ENOSPC = 28 # /* No space left on device */ ESPIPE = 29 # /* Illegal seek */ EROFS = 30 # /* Read-only file system */ EMLINK = 31 # /* Too many links */ EPIPE = 32 # /* Broken pipe */ EDOM = 33 # /* Math argument out of domain of func */ ERANGE = 34 # /* Math result not representable */
[docs] def __init__( self, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, fd=None, sockets=None, socket_queue=None, argv=None, argc=None, environ=None, auxv=None, tls_modules=None, sigmask=None, pid=None, ppid=None, uid=None, gid=None, brk=None, ): super().__init__() # some limits and constants self.sigmask_bits = 1024 self.maximum_symbolic_syscalls = 255 self.max_length = 2**16 self.argc = argc self.argv = argv self.environ = environ self.auxv = auxv self.tls_modules = tls_modules if tls_modules is not None else {} self.brk = brk if brk is not None else 0x1B00000 self._sigmask = sigmask = 1337 if pid is None else pid self.ppid = 1336 if ppid is None else ppid self.uid = 1000 if uid is None else uid self.gid = 1000 if gid is None else gid self.dev_fs = None self.proc_fs = None self.autotmp_counter = 0 self._closed_fds = [] self.sockets = sockets if sockets is not None else {} self.socket_queue = socket_queue if socket_queue is not None else [] if stdin is None: stdin = SimPacketsStream("stdin", write_mode=False, writable=False, ident="stdin") if stdout is None: stdout = SimPacketsStream("stdout", write_mode=True, writable=True, ident="stdout") if stderr is None: stderr = SimPacketsStream("stderr", write_mode=True, writable=True, ident="stderr") if fd is None: fd = {} tty = SimFileDescriptorDuplex(stdin, stdout) # the initial fd layout just looks like this: # lrwx------ 1 audrey audrey 64 Jan 17 14:21 0 -> /dev/pts/4 # lrwx------ 1 audrey audrey 64 Jan 17 14:21 1 -> /dev/pts/4 # lrwx------ 1 audrey audrey 64 Jan 17 14:21 2 -> /dev/pts/4 # but we want to distinguish the streams. we compromise by having 0 and 1 go to the "tty" # and stderr goes to a special stderr file fd[0] = tty fd[1] = tty fd[2] = SimFileDescriptor(stderr, 0) self.fd = fd # these are the storage mechanisms! self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr
@SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): o = super().copy(memo) o.sigmask_bits = self.sigmask_bits o.maximum_symbolic_syscalls = self.maximum_symbolic_syscalls o.max_length = self.max_length o.stdin = self.stdin.copy(memo) o.stdout = self.stdout.copy(memo) o.stderr = self.stderr.copy(memo) o.fd = {k: self.fd[k].copy(memo) for k in self.fd} o.sockets = {ident: tuple(x.copy(memo) for x in self.sockets[ident]) for ident in self.sockets} o.socket_queue = self.socket_queue # shouldn't need to copy this - should be copied before use. o.argv = self.argv o.argc = self.argc o.environ = self.environ o.auxv = self.auxv o.tls_modules = self.tls_modules o._sigmask = self._sigmask = o.ppid = self.ppid o.uid = self.uid o.gid = self.gid o.brk = self.brk o.autotmp_counter = self.autotmp_counter o.dev_fs = self.dev_fs.copy(memo) o.proc_fs = self.proc_fs.copy(memo) o._closed_fds = list(self._closed_fds) return o @property def closed_fds(self): for _, f in self._closed_fds: f.set_state(self.state) return self._closed_fds
[docs] def init_state(self): if self.dev_fs is None: self.dev_fs = PosixDevFS() self.state.fs.mount(b"/dev", self.dev_fs) if self.proc_fs is None: self.proc_fs = PosixProcFS() self.state.fs.mount(b"/proc", self.proc_fs)
[docs] def set_brk(self, new_brk): # arch word size is not available at init for some reason, fix that here if isinstance(self.brk, int): self.brk = self.state.solver.BVV(self.brk, self.state.arch.bits) if new_brk.symbolic: l.warning("Program is requesting a symbolic brk! This cannot be emulated cleanly!") self.brk = self.state.solver.If(new_brk < self.brk, self.brk, new_brk) else: conc_start = self.state.solver.eval(self.brk) conc_end = self.state.solver.eval(new_brk) # failure case: new brk is less than old brk if conc_end < conc_start: pass else: # set break! we might not actually need to allocate memory though... pages self.brk = new_brk # if the old and new are in different pages, map # we check the byte before each of them since the "break" is the address of the first # "unmapped" byte... if ((conc_start - 1) ^ (conc_end - 1)) & ~0xFFF: # align up if conc_start & 0xFFF: conc_start = (conc_start & ~0xFFF) + 0x1000 if conc_end & 0xFFF: conc_end = (conc_end & ~0xFFF) + 0x1000 # TODO: figure out what permissions to use try: self.state.memory.map_region(conc_start, conc_end - conc_start, 7) except SimMemoryError as e: if len(e.args) >= 2 and type(e.args[1]) is int: l.warning("The heap seems to have collided with another allocation. Be careful!") self.brk = e.args[1] else: raise return self.brk
[docs] def set_state(self, state): super().set_state(state) for fd in self.fd: self.fd[fd].set_state(state) self.stdin.set_state(state) self.stdout.set_state(state) self.stderr.set_state(state) if self.socket_queue: for sock_pair in self.socket_queue: if not sock_pair: continue sock_pair[0].set_state(state) sock_pair[1].set_state(state) if self.sockets: for sock_pair in self.sockets.values(): sock_pair[0].set_state(state) sock_pair[1].set_state(state)
def _pick_fd(self): for fd in range(0, max_fds): if fd not in self.fd: return fd raise SimPosixError("exhausted file descriptors")
[docs] def open(self, name, flags, preferred_fd=None): """ Open a symbolic file. Basically open(2). :param name: Path of the symbolic file, as a string or bytes. :type name: string or bytes :param flags: File operation flags, a bitfield of constants from open(2), as an AST :param preferred_fd: Assign this fd if it's not already claimed. :return: The file descriptor number allocated (maps through posix.get_fd to a SimFileDescriptor) or -1 if the open fails. ``mode`` from open(2) is unsupported at present. """ if len(name) == 0: return -1 if type(name) is str: name = name.encode() # FIXME: HACK if self.uid != 0 and name.startswith(b"/var/run"): return -1 # TODO: speed this up (editor's note: ...really? this is fine) if preferred_fd is not None and preferred_fd not in self.fd: fd = preferred_fd else: fd = self._pick_fd() flags = self.state.solver.eval(flags) create_file = (flags & Flags.O_ACCMODE) in (Flags.O_RDWR, Flags.O_WRONLY) simfile = self.state.fs.get(name) if simfile is None: ident = SimFile.make_ident(name) if not create_file: if options.ALL_FILES_EXIST not in self.state.options: if options.ANY_FILE_MIGHT_EXIST in self.state.options: file_exists = self.state.solver.BoolS("file_exists_%s" % ident, explicit_name=True) else: return -1 else: file_exists = True l.warning( "Trying to open unknown file %s - created a symbolic file since ALL_FILES_EXIST is set", name ) simfile = SimFile( name, ident=ident, size=self.state.solver.BVS( "filesize_%s" % ident, self.state.arch.bits, key=("file", ident, "filesize"), eternal=True ), file_exists=file_exists, ) else: simfile = SimFile(name, ident=ident) if not self.state.fs.insert(name, simfile): return -1 simfd = SimFileDescriptor(simfile, flags) simfd.set_state(self.state) self.fd[fd] = simfd if self.state.solver.is_true(simfd.file_exists): return fd else: m1 = self.state.solver.BVV(-1, self.state.arch.sizeof["int"]) return self.state.solver.If(simfd.file_exists, fd, m1)
[docs] def open_socket(self, ident): fd = self._pick_fd() # we need a sockpair, or a pair of storage mechanisms that will be duplexed to form the socket # we can get them from either: # a) the socket identifier store # b) the socket queue # c) making them ourselves # in the latter two cases we need to attach them to the socket identifier store # control flow sucks. we should be doing our analysis with nothing but mov instructions sockpair = None if ident not in self.sockets: if self.socket_queue: sockpair = self.socket_queue.pop(0) if sockpair is not None: memo = {} # Since we are not copying sockpairs when the FS state plugin branches, their original SimState # instances might have long gone. Update their states before making copies. sockpair[0].set_state(self.state) sockpair[1].set_state(self.state) sockpair = sockpair[0].copy(memo), sockpair[1].copy(memo) if sockpair is None: read_file = SimPacketsStream("socket %s read" % str(ident)) write_file = SimPacketsStream("socket %s write" % str(ident)) sockpair = (read_file, write_file) self.sockets[ident] = sockpair else: sockpair = self.sockets[ident] simfd = SimFileDescriptorDuplex(sockpair[0], sockpair[1]) simfd.set_state(self.state) self.fd[fd] = simfd return fd
[docs] def get_fd(self, fd, create_file=True): """ Looks up the SimFileDescriptor associated with the given number (an AST). If the number is concrete and does not map to anything, return None. If the number is symbolic, constrain it to an open fd and create a new file for it. Set create_file to False if no write-access is planned (i.e. fd is read-only). """ concr_fd = self._get_concrete_fd(fd, create_file) if concr_fd < 0 or max_fds <= concr_fd: return None return self.fd.get(concr_fd)
[docs] def get_concrete_fd(self, fd, create_file=True): """ Same behavior as get_fd(fd), only the result is a concrete integer fd (or -1) instead of a SimFileDescriptor. """ concr_fd = self._get_concrete_fd(fd, create_file) if concr_fd < 0 or max_fds <= concr_fd: return -1 return concr_fd
def _get_concrete_fd(self, fd, create_file): if isinstance(fd, int): return fd if not self.state.satisfiable(extra_constraints=(fd < max_fds,)): return -1 try: return self.state.solver.eval_one(fd, extra_constraints=(fd < max_fds,)) except SimSolverError: pass new_filename = b"/tmp/angr_implicit_%d" % self.autotmp_counter self.autotmp_counter += 1 if create_file: flags = Flags.O_RDWR else: flags = Flags.O_RDONLY concr_fd = self._pick_fd() if not self.state.satisfiable(extra_constraints=(concr_fd == fd,)): l.error("Could not look up a partially constrained symbolic fd") return -1 opened_fd =, flags, preferred_fd=concr_fd) if not self.state.satisfiable(extra_constraints=(concr_fd == opened_fd,)): l.error("Something went wrong trying to open implicit temp") return -1 self.state.add_constraints(fd == opened_fd) l.warning("Tried to look up a symbolic fd - constrained to %d and opened %s", concr_fd, new_filename) return concr_fd
[docs] def close(self, fd): """ Closes the given file descriptor (an AST). Returns whether the operation succeeded (a concrete boolean) """ if not isinstance(fd, int): try: fd = self.state.solver.eval_one(fd, extra_constraints=(fd < max_fds,)) except SimSolverError: l.error("Trying to close a symbolic file descriptor") return False if fd not in self.fd:"Trying to close an unopened file descriptor") return False self.state.history.add_event("fs_close", fd=fd, close_idx=len(self.closed_fds)) self.closed_fds.append((fd, self.fd[fd])) del self.fd[fd] return True
[docs] def fstat(self, fd): stat, _ = self.fstat_with_result(fd) return stat
[docs] def fstat_with_result(self, sim_fd): # sizes are AMD64-specific for symbolic files for now fd = None mount = None mode = None guest_path = None # set fd to the value of sim_fd, if positive and unique try: fd = self.state.solver.eval_one(sim_fd) if fd < 0 or max_fds <= fd: fd = None except SimSolverError: pass if fd is not None: fd_desc = self.state.posix.get_fd(fd) # a fd can be SimFileDescriptorDuplex which is not backed by a file if isinstance(fd_desc, SimFileDescriptor): sim_file = fd_desc.file mount = self.state.fs.get_mountpoint([0] # TODO this is wrong. .name starts with file:// if mount: guest_path = mount.lookup(sim_file) result = 0 else: if options.ALL_FILES_EXIST not in self.state.options: if options.ANY_FILE_MIGHT_EXIST in self.state.options: m1 = self.state.solver.BVV(-1, self.state.arch.bits) result = self.state.solver.If(self.state.solver.BoolS("file_exists"), 0, m1) else: result = -1 else: result = 0 # if it is mounted, let the filesystem figure out the stat if guest_path is not None and mount is not None: stat = mount._get_stat(guest_path, dereference=True) if stat is None: raise SimPosixError(f"file {guest_path} does not exist on mount {mount}") size = stat.st_size mode = stat.st_mode ino = stat.st_ino else: # now we know it is not mounted, do the same as before if not fd: mode = self.state.solver.BVS("st_mode", 32, key=("api", "fstat", "st_mode")) else: mode = ( self.state.solver.BVS("st_mode", 32, key=("api", "fstat", "st_mode")) if fd > 2 else self.state.solver.BVV(0, 32) ) size = self.state.solver.BVS("st_size", 64, key=("api", "fstat", "st_size")) # st_size ino = 0 # return this weird bogus zero value to keep code paths in libc simple :\ return ( Stat( self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_dev self.state.solver.BVV(ino, 64), # st_ino self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_nlink mode, # st_mode self.state.solver.BVV(0, 32), # st_uid (lol root) self.state.solver.BVV(0, 32), # st_gid self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_rdev size, # st_size self.state.solver.BVV(0x400, 64), # st_blksize self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_blocks self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_atime self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_atimensec self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_mtime self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_mtimensec self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_ctime self.state.solver.BVV(0, 64), # st_ctimensec ), result, )
[docs] def sigmask(self, sigsetsize=None): """ Gets the current sigmask. If it's blank, a new one is created (of sigsetsize). :param sigsetsize: the size (in *bytes* of the sigmask set) :return: the sigmask """ if self._sigmask is None: if sigsetsize is not None: sc = self.state.solver.eval(sigsetsize) self.state.add_constraints(sc == sigsetsize) self._sigmask = self.state.solver.BVS( "initial_sigmask", sc * self.state.arch.byte_width, key=("initial_sigmask",), eternal=True ) else: self._sigmask = self.state.solver.BVS( "initial_sigmask", self.sigmask_bits, key=("initial_sigmask",), eternal=True ) return self._sigmask
[docs] def sigprocmask(self, how, new_mask, sigsetsize, valid_ptr=True): """ Updates the signal mask. :param how: the "how" argument of sigprocmask (see manpage) :param new_mask: the mask modification to apply :param sigsetsize: the size (in *bytes* of the sigmask set) :param valid_ptr: is set if the new_mask was not NULL """ oldmask = self.sigmask(sigsetsize) self._sigmask = self.state.solver.If( valid_ptr, self.state.solver.If( how == self.SIG_BLOCK, oldmask | new_mask, self.state.solver.If( how == self.SIG_UNBLOCK, oldmask & (~new_mask), self.state.solver.If(how == self.SIG_SETMASK, new_mask, oldmask), ), ), oldmask, )
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): for o in others: if len(self.fd) != len(o.fd): raise SimMergeError("Can't merge states with disparate open file descriptors") for fd in self.fd: if fd not in o.fd: raise SimMergeError("Can't merge states with disparate open file descriptors") if len(self.sockets) != len(o.sockets): raise SimMergeError("Can't merge states with disparate sockets") for ident in self.sockets: if ident not in o.sockets: raise SimMergeError("Can't merge states with disparate sockets") if len(self.socket_queue) != len(o.socket_queue) or any( x is not y for x, y in zip(self.socket_queue, o.socket_queue) ): raise SimMergeError("Can't merge states with disparate socket queues") merging_occurred = False for fd in self.fd: try: common_fd = common_ancestor.fd[fd] except (AttributeError, KeyError): common_fd = None merging_occurred |= self.fd[fd].merge( [o.fd[fd] for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_fd ) for ident in self.sockets: try: common_sock = common_ancestor.sockets[ident] except (AttributeError, KeyError): common_sock = None merging_occurred |= self.sockets[ident][0].merge( [o.sockets[ident][0] for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_sock[0] ) merging_occurred |= self.sockets[ident][1].merge( [o.sockets[ident][1] for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_sock[1] ) # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint seems to be seriously flipping out here for reasons I'm unsure of # it thinks others is a list of bools somehow merging_occurred |= self.stdin.merge( [o.stdin for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_ancestor.stdin if common_ancestor is not None else None, ) merging_occurred |= self.stdout.merge( [o.stdout for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_ancestor.stdout if common_ancestor is not None else None, ) merging_occurred |= self.stderr.merge( [o.stderr for o in others], merge_conditions, common_ancestor=common_ancestor.stderr if common_ancestor is not None else None, ) return merging_occurred
[docs] def widen(self, _): raise SimMergeError("Widening the system state is unsupported")
[docs] def dump_file_by_path(self, path, **kwargs): """ Returns the concrete content for a file by path. :param path: file path as string :param kwargs: passed to state.solver.eval :return: file contents as string """ file = self.state.fs.get(path) if file is None: return None return file.concretize(**kwargs)
[docs] def dumps(self, fd, **kwargs): """ Returns the concrete content for a file descriptor. BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: if you ask for file descriptors 0 1 or 2, it will return the data from stdin, stdout, or stderr as a flat string. :param fd: A file descriptor. :return: The concrete content. :rtype: str """ if 0 <= fd <= 2: data = [self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr][fd].concretize(**kwargs) if type(data) is list: data = b"".join(data) return data return self.get_fd(fd).concretize(**kwargs)
from angr.sim_state import SimState SimState.register_default("posix", SimSystemPosix) from ..errors import SimPosixError, SimSolverError, SimMergeError, SimMemoryError