Source code for angr.sim_state

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import weakref
from typing import TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING

import archinfo
import claripy
from archinfo import Arch
from archinfo.arch_soot import SootAddressDescriptor

from . import sim_options as o
from .errors import SimMergeError, SimValueError, SimStateError, SimSolverModeError
from .misc.plugins import PluginHub, PluginPreset
from .sim_state_options import SimStateOptions
from .state_plugins import SimStatePlugin

    from .storage import DefaultMemory
    from .state_plugins.solver import SimSolver
    from .state_plugins.posix import SimSystemPosix
    from .state_plugins.view import SimRegNameView, SimMemView
    from .state_plugins.callstack import CallStack
    from .state_plugins.inspect import SimInspector
    from .state_plugins.jni_references import SimStateJNIReferences
    from .state_plugins.scratch import SimStateScratch

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] def arch_overridable(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped_f(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self.arch, f.__name__): arch_f = getattr(self.arch, f.__name__) return arch_f(self, *args, **kwargs) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_f
# This is a counter for the state-merging symbolic variables merge_counter = itertools.count() _complained_se = False # pylint: disable=not-callable
[docs] class SimState(PluginHub): """ The SimState represents the state of a program, including its memory, registers, and so forth. :param angr.Project project: The project instance. :param archinfo.Arch|str arch: The architecture of the state. :ivar regs: A convenient view of the state's registers, where each register is a property :ivar mem: A convenient view of the state's memory, a :class:`angr.state_plugins.view.SimMemView` :ivar registers: The state's register file as a flat memory region :ivar memory: The state's memory as a flat memory region :ivar solver: The symbolic solver and variable manager for this state :ivar inspect: The breakpoint manager, a :class:`angr.state_plugins.inspect.SimInspector` :ivar log: Information about the state's history :ivar scratch: Information about the current execution step :ivar posix: MISNOMER: information about the operating system or environment model :ivar fs: The current state of the simulated filesystem :ivar libc: Information about the standard library we are emulating :ivar cgc: Information about the cgc environment :ivar uc_manager: Control of under-constrained symbolic execution :ivar unicorn: Control of the Unicorn Engine """ # Type Annotations for default plugins to allow type inference solver: SimSolver posix: SimSystemPosix registers: DefaultMemory regs: SimRegNameView memory: DefaultMemory callstack: CallStack mem: SimMemView history: SimStateHistory inspect: SimInspector jni_references: SimStateJNIReferences scratch: SimStateScratch
[docs] def __init__( self, project=None, arch=None, plugins=None, mode=None, options=None, add_options=None, remove_options=None, special_memory_filler=None, os_name=None, plugin_preset="default", cle_memory_backer=None, dict_memory_backer=None, permissions_map=None, default_permissions=3, stack_perms=None, stack_end=None, stack_size=None, regioned_memory_cls=None, **kwargs, ): if kwargs: l.warning("Unused keyword arguments passed to SimState: %s", " ".join(kwargs)) super().__init__() self.project = project # Java & Java JNI self._is_java_project = self.project and self.project.is_java_project self._is_java_jni_project = self.project and self.project.is_java_jni_project # Arch if self._is_java_jni_project: self._arch = {"soot": project.arch, "vex": project.simos.native_simos.arch} # This flag indicates whether the current ip is a native address or # a soot address descriptor. # Note: We cannot solely rely on the ip to make that decsision, # because the registers (storing the ip) are part of the # plugins that are getting toggled (=> mutual dependence). self.ip_is_soot_addr = False else: self._arch = arch if arch is not None else project.arch.copy() if project is not None else None if type(self._arch) is str: self._arch = archinfo.arch_from_id(self._arch) # the options if options is None: if mode is None: l.warning("SimState defaulting to symbolic mode.") mode = "symbolic" options = o.modes[mode] if isinstance(options, (set, list)): options = SimStateOptions(options) if add_options is not None: options |= add_options if remove_options is not None: options -= remove_options self.options = options self.mode = mode self.supports_inspect = False # OS name self.os_name = os_name # This is used in static mode as we don't have any constraints there self._satisfiable = True self.uninitialized_access_handler = None self._special_memory_filler = special_memory_filler # this is a global condition, applied to all added constraints, memory reads, etc self._global_condition = None self.ip_constraints = [] # plugins. lord help us if plugin_preset is not None: self.use_plugin_preset(plugin_preset) if plugins is not None: for n, p in plugins.items(): self.register_plugin(n, p, inhibit_init=True) if not self.has_plugin("memory"): # We don't set the memory endness because, unlike registers, it's hard to understand # which endness the data should be read. # If they didn't provide us with either a memory plugin or a plugin preset to use, # we have no choice but to use the 'default' plugin preset. if self.plugin_preset is None: self.use_plugin_preset("default") # Determine memory backend if self._is_java_project and not self._is_java_jni_project: sim_memory_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("javavm_memory") sim_memory = sim_memory_cls(memory_id="mem") elif o.ABSTRACT_MEMORY in self.options: # We use SimAbstractMemory in static mode. # Convert memory_backer into 'global' region. if cle_memory_backer is not None: cle_memory_backer = {"global": cle_memory_backer} if dict_memory_backer is not None: dict_memory_backer = {"global": dict_memory_backer} # TODO: support permissions backer in SimAbstractMemory sim_memory_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("abs_memory") sim_memory = sim_memory_cls( cle_memory_backer=cle_memory_backer, dict_memory_backer=dict_memory_backer, memory_id="mem", regioned_memory_cls=regioned_memory_cls, ) elif o.FAST_MEMORY in self.options: sim_memory_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("fast_memory") sim_memory = sim_memory_cls(memory_id="mem") else: sim_memory_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("sym_memory") sim_memory = sim_memory_cls( cle_memory_backer=cle_memory_backer, dict_memory_backer=dict_memory_backer, memory_id="mem", permissions_map=permissions_map, default_permissions=default_permissions, stack_perms=stack_perms, stack_end=stack_end, stack_size=stack_size, ) # Add memory plugin if not self._is_java_jni_project: self.register_plugin("memory", sim_memory, inhibit_init=True) else: # In case of the JavaVM with JNI support, we add two `memory` plugins; one for modeling the # native memory and another one for the JavaVM memory. native_sim_memory = sim_memory javavm_sim_memory_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("javavm_memory") javavm_sim_memory = javavm_sim_memory_cls(memory_id="mem") self.register_plugin("memory_soot", javavm_sim_memory, inhibit_init=True) self.register_plugin("memory_vex", native_sim_memory, inhibit_init=True) if not self.has_plugin("registers"): # Same as for 'memory' plugin. if self.plugin_preset is None: self.use_plugin_preset("default") # Get register endness if self._is_java_jni_project: register_endness = self._arch["vex"].register_endness else: register_endness = self.arch.register_endness # Determine register backend if self._is_java_project and not self._is_java_jni_project: sim_registers_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("keyvalue_memory") sim_registers = sim_registers_cls(memory_id="reg") elif o.FAST_REGISTERS in self.options: sim_registers_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("fast_memory") sim_registers = sim_registers_cls(memory_id="reg", endness=register_endness) else: sim_registers_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("sym_memory") sim_registers = sim_registers_cls(memory_id="reg", endness=register_endness) # Add registers plugin if not self._is_java_jni_project: self.register_plugin("registers", sim_registers, inhibit_init=True) else: # Analog to memory, we add two registers plugins native_sim_registers = sim_registers javavm_sim_registers_cls = self.plugin_preset.request_plugin("keyvalue_memory") javavm_sim_registers = javavm_sim_registers_cls(memory_id="reg") self.register_plugin("registers_soot", javavm_sim_registers, inhibit_init=True) self.register_plugin("registers_vex", native_sim_registers, inhibit_init=True) for p in list(self.plugins.values()): p.init_state()
def __getstate__(self): # Don't pickle attributes for plugins. These will be pickled # through self._active_plugins. s = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in self._active_plugins} s["_active_plugins"] = {k: v for k, v in s["_active_plugins"].items() if k not in ("inspect", "regs", "mem")} return s def __setstate__(self, s): self.__dict__.update(s) for p in self.plugins.values(): p.set_state(self) if p.STRONGREF_STATE: p.set_strongref_state(self) def _get_weakref(self): return weakref.proxy(self) def _get_strongref(self): return self def __repr__(self): try: addr = self.addr ip_str = f"{addr:#x}" if type(addr) is int else repr(addr) except (SimValueError, SimSolverModeError): ip_str = repr(self.regs.ip) return f"<SimState @ {ip_str}>" def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == "options": # set options # this is done to both keep compatibility and make access to .options fast. self._set_options(value) return super().__setattr__(key, value) def _set_options(self, v): if isinstance(v, (set, list)): super().__setattr__("options", SimStateOptions(v)) elif isinstance(v, SimStateOptions): super().__setattr__("options", v) else: raise SimStateError(f"Unsupported type '{type(v)}' in SimState.options.setter().") # # Easier access to some properties # @property def plugins(self): # TODO: This shouldn't be access directly. return self._active_plugins @property def se(self): """ Deprecated alias for `solver` """ global _complained_se if not _complained_se: _complained_se = True l.critical("The name is deprecated; please use state.solver.") return self.get_plugin("solver") @property def ip(self): """ Get the instruction pointer expression, trigger SimInspect breakpoints, and generate SimActions. Use ``_ip`` to not trigger breakpoints or generate actions. :return: an expression """ return self.regs.ip @ip.setter def ip(self, val): self.regs.ip = val @property def _ip(self): """ Get the instruction pointer expression without triggering SimInspect breakpoints or generating SimActions. :return: an expression """ try: return self.regs._ip except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError(str(e)) from e @_ip.setter def _ip(self, val): """ Set the instruction pointer without triggering SimInspect breakpoints or generating SimActions. :param val: The new instruction pointer. :return: None """ try: self.regs._ip = val except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError(str(e)) from e @property def addr(self): """ Get the concrete address of the instruction pointer, without triggering SimInspect breakpoints or generating SimActions. An integer is returned, or an exception is raised if the instruction pointer is symbolic. :return: an int """ ip = self.regs._ip if isinstance(ip, SootAddressDescriptor): return ip return self.solver.eval_one(self.regs._ip) @property def arch(self) -> Arch: if self._is_java_jni_project: return self._arch["soot"] if self.ip_is_soot_addr else self._arch["vex"] return self._arch @arch.setter def arch(self, v): self._arch = v # # Plugin accessors # def _inspect(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.supports_inspect: self.inspect.action(*args, **kwargs) T = TypeVar("T") def _inspect_getattr(self, attr: str, default_value: T): if self.supports_inspect and hasattr(self.inspect, attr): return getattr(self.inspect, attr) return default_value # # Plugins #
[docs] def get_plugin(self, name): if self._is_java_jni_project: # In case of the JavaVM with JNI support, a state can store the same plugin # twice; one for the native and one for the java view of the state. suffix = "_soot" if self.ip_is_soot_addr else "_vex" name = name + suffix if self.has_plugin(name + suffix) else name return super().get_plugin(name)
[docs] def has_plugin(self, name): if self._is_java_jni_project: # In case of the JavaVM with JNI support, also check for toggled plugins. return super().has_plugin(name) or super().has_plugin(name + "_soot") return super().has_plugin(name)
[docs] def register_plugin(self, name, plugin, inhibit_init=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # l.debug("Adding plugin %s of type %s", name, plugin.__class__.__name__) self._set_plugin_state(plugin, inhibit_init=inhibit_init) return super().register_plugin(name, plugin)
def _init_plugin(self, plugin_cls: type[SimStatePlugin]) -> SimStatePlugin: plugin = plugin_cls() self._set_plugin_state(plugin) return plugin def _set_plugin_state(self, plugin: SimStatePlugin, inhibit_init: bool = False): plugin.set_state(self) if plugin.STRONGREF_STATE: plugin.set_strongref_state(self) if not inhibit_init: plugin.init_state() # # Java support # @property def javavm_memory(self): """ In case of an JavaVM with JNI support, a state can store the memory plugin twice; one for the native and one for the java view of the state. :return: The JavaVM view of the memory plugin. """ if self._is_java_jni_project: return self.get_plugin("memory_soot") return self.get_plugin("memory") @property def javavm_registers(self): """ In case of an JavaVM with JNI support, a state can store the registers plugin twice; one for the native and one for the java view of the state. :return: The JavaVM view of the registers plugin. """ if self._is_java_jni_project: return self.get_plugin("registers_soot") return self.get_plugin("registers") # # Constraint pass-throughs #
[docs] def simplify(self, *args): """ Simplify this state's constraints. """ return self.solver.simplify(*args)
[docs] def add_constraints(self, *constraints): """ Add some constraints to the state. You may pass in any number of symbolic booleans as variadic positional arguments. """ return self.solver.add(*constraints)
[docs] def satisfiable(self, **kwargs): """ Whether the state's constraints are satisfiable """ return self.solver.satisfiable(**kwargs)
[docs] def downsize(self): """ Clean up after the solver engine. Calling this when a state no longer needs to be solved on will reduce memory usage. """ if "solver" in self.plugins: self.solver.downsize()
# # State branching operations #
[docs] def step(self, **kwargs): """ Perform a step of symbolic execution using this state. Any arguments to `AngrObjectFactory.successors` can be passed to this. :return: A SimSuccessors object categorizing the results of the step. """ return self.project.factory.successors(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def block(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Represent the basic block at this state's instruction pointer. Any arguments to `AngrObjectFactory.block` can ba passed to this. :return: A Block object describing the basic block of code at this point. """ if not args and "addr" not in kwargs: kwargs["addr"] = self.addr return self.project.factory.block(*args, backup_state=self, **kwargs)
# Returns a dict that is a copy of all the state's plugins def _copy_plugins(self): memo = {} out = {} for n, p in self._active_plugins.items(): if id(p) in memo: out[n] = memo[id(p)] else: out[n] = p.copy(memo) memo[id(p)] = out[n] return out
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the state. """ if self._global_condition is not None: raise SimStateError("global condition was not cleared before state.copy().") c_plugins = self._copy_plugins() state = SimState( project=self.project, arch=self.arch, plugins=c_plugins, options=self.options.copy(), mode=self.mode, os_name=self.os_name, ) if self._is_java_jni_project: state.ip_is_soot_addr = self.ip_is_soot_addr state.uninitialized_access_handler = self.uninitialized_access_handler state._special_memory_filler = self._special_memory_filler state.ip_constraints = self.ip_constraints return state
[docs] def merge(self, *others, **kwargs): """ Merges this state with the other states. Returns the merging result, merged state, and the merge flag. :param states: the states to merge :param merge_conditions: a tuple of the conditions under which each state holds :param common_ancestor: a state that represents the common history between the states being merged. Usually it is only available when EFFICIENT_STATE_MERGING is enabled, otherwise weak-refed states might be dropped from state history instances. :param plugin_whitelist: a list of plugin names that will be merged. If this option is given and is not None, any plugin that is not inside this list will not be merged, and will be created as a fresh instance in the new state. :param common_ancestor_history: a SimStateHistory instance that represents the common history between the states being merged. This is to allow optimal state merging when EFFICIENT_STATE_MERGING is disabled. :return: (merged state, merge flag, a bool indicating if any merging occurred) """ merge_conditions = kwargs.pop("merge_conditions", None) common_ancestor = kwargs.pop("common_ancestor", None) plugin_whitelist = kwargs.pop("plugin_whitelist", None) common_ancestor_history = kwargs.pop("common_ancestor_history", None) if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid arguments: {kwargs.keys()}") if merge_conditions is None: # TODO: maybe make the length of this smaller? Maybe: math.ceil(math.log(len(others)+1, 2)) merge_flag = claripy.BVS("state_merge_%d" % next(merge_counter), 16) merge_values = range(len(others) + 1) merge_conditions = [merge_flag == b for b in merge_values] else: merge_conditions = [ (claripy.true() if len(mc) == 0 else claripy.And(*[c.to_claripy() for c in mc])) for mc in merge_conditions ] if len({ for o in others}) != 1: raise SimMergeError("Unable to merge due to different architectures.") all_plugins = set(self.plugins.keys()) | set.union(*(set(o.plugins.keys()) for o in others)) if plugin_whitelist is not None: all_plugins = all_plugins.intersection(set(plugin_whitelist)) merged = self.copy() merging_occurred = False # fix parent merged.history.parent = self.history # plugins for p in all_plugins: our_plugin = merged.plugins.get(p, None) their_plugins = [(pl.plugins.get(p, None)) for pl in others] plugin_classes = ({our_plugin.__class__} | {pl.__class__ for pl in their_plugins}) - {None.__class__} if len(plugin_classes) != 1: raise SimMergeError(f"There are differing plugin classes ({plugin_classes}) for plugin {p}") plugin_class = plugin_classes.pop() our_filled_plugin = our_plugin if our_plugin is not None else merged.register_plugin(p, plugin_class()) their_filled_plugins = [ (tp if tp is not None else t.register_plugin(p, plugin_class())) for t, tp in zip(others, their_plugins) ] plugin_common_ancestor = ( common_ancestor.plugins[p] if (common_ancestor is not None and p in common_ancestor.plugins) else None ) if ( plugin_common_ancestor is None and plugin_class is SimStateHistory and common_ancestor_history is not None ): plugin_common_ancestor = common_ancestor_history plugin_state_merged = our_filled_plugin.merge( their_filled_plugins, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=plugin_common_ancestor, ) if plugin_state_merged: l.debug("Merging occurred in %s", p) merging_occurred = True merged.add_constraints(claripy.Or(*merge_conditions)) return merged, merge_conditions, merging_occurred
[docs] def widen(self, *others): """ Perform a widening between self and other states :param others: :return: """ if len({frozenset(o.plugins.keys()) for o in others}) != 1: raise SimMergeError("Unable to widen due to different sets of plugins.") if len({ for o in others}) != 1: raise SimMergeError("Unable to widen due to different architectures.") widened = self.copy() widening_occurred = False # plugins for p in self.plugins: if p in ("solver", "unicorn"): continue plugin_state_widened = widened.plugins[p].widen([_.plugins[p] for _ in others]) if plugin_state_widened: l.debug("Widening occurred in %s", p) widening_occurred = True return widened, widening_occurred
############################################# ### Accessors for tmps, registers, memory ### #############################################
[docs] def reg_concrete(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the contents of a register but, if that register is symbolic, raises a SimValueError. """ e = self.registers.load(*args, **kwargs) if self.solver.symbolic(e): raise SimValueError("target of reg_concrete is symbolic!") return self.solver.eval(e)
[docs] def mem_concrete(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the contents of a memory but, if the contents are symbolic, raises a SimValueError. """ e = self.memory.load(*args, **kwargs) if self.solver.symbolic(e): raise SimValueError("target of mem_concrete is symbolic!") return self.solver.eval(e)
############################### ### Stack operation helpers ### ###############################
[docs] @arch_overridable def stack_push(self, thing): """ Push 'thing' to the stack, writing the thing to memory and adjusting the stack pointer. """ # increment sp sp = self.regs.sp + self.arch.stack_change self.regs.sp = sp return, thing, endness=self.arch.memory_endness, size=self.arch.bytes)
[docs] @arch_overridable def stack_pop(self): """ Pops from the stack and returns the popped thing. The length will be the architecture word size. """ sp = self.regs.sp self.regs.sp = sp - self.arch.stack_change return self.memory.load(sp, self.arch.bytes, endness=self.arch.memory_endness)
[docs] @arch_overridable def stack_read(self, offset, length, bp=False): """ Reads length bytes, at an offset into the stack. :param offset: The offset from the stack pointer. :param length: The number of bytes to read. :param bp: If True, offset from the BP instead of the SP. Default: False. """ sp = self.regs.bp if bp else self.regs.sp return self.memory.load(sp + offset, length, endness=self.arch.memory_endness)
############################### ### Other helpful functions ### ###############################
[docs] def make_concrete_int(self, expr): if isinstance(expr, int): return expr if not self.solver.symbolic(expr): return self.solver.eval(expr) v = self.solver.eval(expr) self.add_constraints(expr == v) return v
# This handles the preparation of concrete function launches from abstract functions.
[docs] @arch_overridable def prepare_callsite(self, retval, args, cc="wtf"): # TODO pass
def _stack_values_to_string(self, stack_values): """ Convert each stack value to a string :param stack_values: A list of values :return: The converted string """ strings = [] for stack_value in stack_values: if self.solver.symbolic(stack_value): concretized_value = f"SYMBOLIC - {stack_value!r}" else: if len(self.solver.eval_upto(stack_value, 2)) == 2: concretized_value = repr(stack_value) else: concretized_value = repr(stack_value) strings.append(concretized_value) return " .. ".join(strings)
[docs] def dbg_print_stack(self, depth=None, sp=None): """ Only used for debugging purposes. Return the current stack info in formatted string. If depth is None, the current stack frame (from sp to bp) will be printed out. """ var_size = self.arch.bytes sp_sim = self.regs._sp bp_sim = self.regs._bp if self.solver.symbolic(sp_sim) and sp is None: result = "SP is SYMBOLIC" elif self.solver.symbolic(bp_sim) and depth is None: result = "BP is SYMBOLIC" else: sp_value = sp if sp is not None else self.solver.eval(sp_sim) if self.solver.symbolic(bp_sim): result = f"SP = 0x{sp_value:08x}, BP is symbolic\n" bp_value = None else: bp_value = self.solver.eval(bp_sim) result = f"SP = 0x{sp_value:08x}, BP = 0x{bp_value:08x}\n" if depth is None: # bp_value cannot be None here depth = (bp_value - sp_value) // var_size + 1 # Print one more value pointer_value = sp_value for i in range(depth): # For AbstractMemory, we wanna utilize more information from VSA stack_values = [] if o.ABSTRACT_MEMORY in self.options: sp = self.regs._sp segment_sizes = self.memory.get_segments(sp + i * var_size, var_size) pos = i * var_size for segment_size in segment_sizes: stack_values.append(self.stack_read(pos, segment_size, bp=False)) pos += segment_size else: stack_values.append(self.stack_read(i * var_size, var_size, bp=False)) # Convert it into a big string! val = self._stack_values_to_string(stack_values) if pointer_value == sp_value: line = f"(sp){pointer_value: 16x} | {val}" elif pointer_value == bp_value: line = f"(bp){pointer_value: 16x} | {val}" else: line = f"{pointer_value: 20x} | {val}" pointer_value += var_size result += line + "\n" return result
# # Other helper methods #
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode self.options = SimStateOptions(o.modes[mode])
@property def thumb(self): if not"ARM"): return False if self.regs.ip.symbolic: # return True when IP can *only* be odd new_state = self.copy() new_state.add_constraints(new_state.regs.ip % 2 == 1, new_state.regs.ip % 2 != 0) return new_state.satisfiable() concrete_ip = self.solver.eval(self.regs.ip) return concrete_ip % 2 == 1 # # Some pretty fancy global condition stuff! # @property def with_condition(self): @contextlib.contextmanager def ctx(c): old_condition = self._global_condition try: new_condition = c if old_condition is None else claripy.And(old_condition, c) self._global_condition = new_condition yield finally: self._global_condition = old_condition return ctx def _adjust_condition(self, c): if self._global_condition is None: return c if c is None: return self._global_condition return claripy.And(self._global_condition, c) def _adjust_condition_list(self, conditions): if self._global_condition is None: return conditions if len(conditions) == 0: return conditions.__class__((self._global_condition,)) return conditions.__class__((self._adjust_condition(claripy.And(*conditions)),))
default_state_plugin_preset = PluginPreset() SimState.register_preset("default", default_state_plugin_preset) from .state_plugins.history import SimStateHistory